SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE WEN PAESEE TIrSLF l TI I ILUM El COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING ATI3 P.M. NE THGDOIIO~lState Legislatures Will Consider y HS I M Child Labor Amendment Next MonthPN FSNEXT MONTH FoRFUNS 91H FGURE SCO NEXT -d I'OR SALE ChRISTMAS TrIJEFFS! Get your tree from Rhead. Cone and see our line. This is the "home of natural trees" for the church, home, and school. Rhead's trees are the best. RHEAD PACKING CO. 525 Detroit St. FOR SALE Ford coupe. Late 22 model. 409 Camden Ct. 3056-J. RUSSIAN WOLFHOUND Pups and grown dogs for sale. Inquire at 1306 Olivia Ave., Ann Arbor. Phone 2757-J. iYOR SALE Close to South State Street. an excellent building lot with eight or ten maples growing on it. Can be had very reasonable. (ill 2438 or 661-W,. WANTED -OUNG LADY To taie room after holidays. Very reasonable rate. Small League house. Call 681-J. NANTED Ambitious college man to. Represent firm with exclusive line of FINEST ENGLISII FOOTWEAR.1 Apply by letter, address to Mr. J. biffee, care Footgloves, 21 .John 'St., New York city. STUDENTS' Washing. Work guar- anteed. 1741-1t. WANTI Three men to work vaca-I I ion, 19th to 25th. Ten to twenty dollars daily. Transportation paid. Call at lane hall this evening, 6:30t to 8:00l NOTICE Dispensary Cases Lower, Respiratory Ills Increase, Health Service Report States CHRISTMAS FOUNTAIN PENS 5,547 CALLS REPORTED Make Dad happy. Buy him a Rider Masterpen. It may be the first sat- isfactory Fountain Pen he has ever Student health for the month of had. Just bring a sample of his November and the first week of Dec- writing, we can fit him exactly. ember has been of an average grade, RIDER'S PEN SHOP according to Health service officials 302 S. State St. ( ,r--N, Simultaneou :drve3 among s- dents will be carried on this ycahr h the various churches beginning Tiue: - day, Jan. 13, and lasting unil Jn. I i This concerted drive of all the church es of the city to secure money fro:- students will take the place of many drives by the individual churches. Each church, however, will make i own drive independent of the other;, securing money for its own purnoses George Hacker, '26E, is president of the Interchurch council which Se!: the date and other details for the cni- hined church drive. John Elliott, '21 C. A. Stevens, '26, Carlton Linstrom Harry Mitchell, '25, Robert Waterman, '26, and Rensis Likert, '26, are in charge of the drives organized by their respective churches. and exhibitions in jn jutsu will be included in the entertainment. 1:int, Dec. 12.--*'he first arrests un- der 1be Flint smoke ordinance were made today. i/Ica of Michigan will meet at Van's L Lun c h tonight after the basket ball game to dis- cuss the team. Be one of them. Van's LuInch IIW Soulh IiUniversity Ave. who have issued the monthly report. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES! While the number of dispensary -calls A fine selection of bead necklaces, has been running slightly below the chokers, and new barettes and !-average of 150, which is ordinarily other novelties. PALAIS ROYAL, maintained, officials state that there' 109 W. Liberty. has been an unusual run of respiratory __cases of the nature of la grippe or in- NOTICE fiuenza with much milder symptoms Before going home see our line of during the past week. beautiful presentation' Fountain The total dispensary calls includes Pens and Eversharp Pencils. For 1,831 calls made by freshmen during lady or gentleman, hand painted the health lecture series for the pur- sets, green gold, yellow gold and pose of acquainting them with the fac- silver. All purchases sent out in ilities offered by the Health service ornate Christmas attire, at and the methods used in connection RIDER'S PEN SHOP with care and treatment of the pati- Pen Specialists ents. This accounts for the fact that the total for the month was 5.547 as THE NEW CLEVELAND Electric compared with 3,471 last year and vacuum cleaner fully guaranteed. 4,097 in November, 1922. Extra large motor $25.00 at Koch and The four students who were afflicted Henne. with trichinosis, cared for by the ser- vice and included in the report, are LANDLADIES- STUDENTS practically well now according to Dr. DON'T Overlook the opportunity to Emory W. Sink, director. save on many household necessi- The following list shows the number ties at The Economy Second Hand of cases handled by the various mem- Store, 209 N. Main St., Phone 789-M. bers of the service: Dr. John Sund- We sell what you do want and buy wall, 324; Dr. Emory W. Sink, 1,617; what you don't want. Dr. Floyd P. Allen, 2,411; Dr. D. Clyde Reynolds, 2,840; Dr. Ralph B. Fast, GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES 651; Dr. Newton W. Bourne, 849; Dr. Ready to Mail William L. Bettison, 860; Dr. William All Sizes S. O'Donnell, 411; Dr. William I1. Mc- ARCADE PHARMACY Cracken, 725; Dr. Fred, A. O'Brock, 7 Nickels' Arcade 135; and 1,334 dressings by the ser- vice nurse. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS ENGRAVED or PRINTEDj :Proper engraving takes time. Select one of our many attractive, exclu- sive designs and place your order now. O. D. .MORRILL 14 & 17 Nickels' Arcade, a LET YOUR GIFTS be blooming plants or cut flowers this Christtias. We will not raise our prices. Ann Arbor Floral Co. 122 E. Liberty, Phone 1630. BANQUETS, DINNERS, & Luncheons at reasonable prices served by the Aid society of the CHURCH OF CHRIST. New Church, new equip- ment. Call 2025-J. Above are sponsors of the proposed constitutional amendment and one of its opponents. Upper row, Senators George Wharton Pepper, (left) anti Samuel M1. Shortridge. Center, Senator Thomas J. Walsh. Below, (left), Representative M. Foster of Ohio, (who is the fourth member of the group that framed the amendment,) and James A. Emery, association head who argues against the amendment. By Johi '. Lewming, Jr. olher believes that it is a matter for Washington, Dec. 12.-Eight years the state and not the national gov- ago the congress of the United States ernment. enacted a federal child labor statute. i "Scealstic," One Cry This law provided that products of ome members of both- these fac- the labor of children should not be Lions call the proposed measur, a transported in interestate commerce. I socialistic and even communistic Two years later the Supreme Court wedge in the constitution under the declared that law unconstitutional. subterfuge of being an effort to "save A year later a federal law imposing j the children." a prohibitive tax on the products of One big organization fighting it is child labor was written on the books. the National Association of Manufac- Two years ago the Supreme Court turers. James A. Emery, general nullified this act by declaring that counsel of the association says of law unconstitutional. 'the amendment: Now the legislatures of thirty-eight "The pending proposal, through its states, when those bodies convene designation as the 'Child Labor' January, will be called upon to act i Amendment, makes a peculiarly sym- on the newest effort to establish a pathetic and disarming appeal. Those child labor law which cannot be as- who analyze and reflect will find sailed. This is a proposed amend- lurking beneath a touching sentiment ment to the constitution. a determined endeavor to obtain a The proposed amendment reads: grant of power -from the people, rev- Section 1. The Congress shall have olutionary in its effect upon their pri- power to limit, regulate and prohibit vate life and government and entire- the labor of persons under eighteen ly unnecessary to accomplish an ob- years of age. ject which all desire." Section 2. The power of the several - UIIIIIluLIs I ILLIJIL IlUU ! .Z-.- - f TOCOMPOITAN UFRAT HO Student and faculty m m ber of the Cosmopolitan club of the University The adm will be entertained by the Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon held next; ling this esta Tuesday noon in the Chamber of Com- the exclusiv merce inn. Last year the custom of this excellent allowing the foreign students to be- come better acquainted with business ocated t anl professional men through person- cmI a! contact, was started by the Cham- tue (' r 1pt ber. The affair was so successful that COlIlioti,. 1he Cosmopolitan day will be a regn- large (nugl lar event in the future, according to Chamber fficials.; lRensi.s Likcrt, '26, president of the T Co!Zmlopolitan club, will act as chair- man of the program. Old folk songs rooms is diiung roori ~II~!IEIarnply large. w Underwood Standard2 Ti sprop, y pe'al stroi'o-4' IPorable Typewriterss younger ora can be finan The Machine you will Even- able size do tually Carry. Sol on easy the purchase terms to suit every student s priced. po.Aketbook. ' ror mor call MR. KO A. C. STIMSON Second Floor C. LOUIS )o8 SOUTH STATE ST. 512 Nat I Phone ofN M " 3064 ! U 1GlI C1i1ilE LlFIuFul ttll I FHi 6Et ' ,,. ERNITY )USE Iinistrator hand- ate has given us e handling of property. two blocks from In excellent )lteha heat and ;I to take care C ifCH. .ranigement of ideal and the and kitchen is perty should ap- y to one of the amfzations, as it ced on a reason- wn payment and price is soundly re information, DNOLD. Andrews Bank Bldg. 3064 "MYSTIKUM" Perfume, powder, tale. ARCADE PHARMACY 7 Nickels' Arcade TYPE WRITE3RS BOUGHT, Sold, rented, exchanged. cleaned and repaired. We have; nearly all makes. We suggest that! you buy Corona Four and saver about $40.00. Time payments if de- sired. nn T TORILLTT T ST iENTS ATTENTION! We will be open evenings starting Dec. 15. Special attention will be given to all Christmas orders. Arnold State Street Jewelry Store 102 S. State Street SCTI'rS MA 1E TO YOUR MEASI'RE $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 hERMAN THE 'TAILOR 8U2 S. Stote St. CHRISTiMAS SUITGESTIONS CIGARS BOX CANDY W. D. C. PIPES DUNHILL PIPES SMOKING TOBACCO CIGARETTES IN CARTONS HUMIDOR CANS OF TOBACCO Come Here For Magazines, Candy- bars Ice Cream, Billiards ,JOilNSTON BROS. 514 E. William St. EDITORIAL COMMENT (Continued from Page Five) bare mention of "fraternity" or the name of any fraternity taboo. ObYserving the failure of the past first-year seasons even to approach the ideal, knowing the effects of the first-year season to be detrimental to the College, and realizing the innate advantages of the second-year season ;the Administration has acted wisely in adopting the second-year rule, and in not waiting for student opinion to crystallize. Paris, Dec. 12.-France's 4,000,000, 000 franc internal loan has been over- subesribed. i l states is unimpaired by this article except that the operation of state Lansing, Dec. 12.-Restoration of the forest is the one outstanding solution rIr laws shall he suspended to the ex- i + of the problem of making Michigan's 10,000,000 unproductive acres lrocluc - tive. V.. I JILIlL i 17 Nickels' Arcade. Ann Arbor's Oldest Typewriter Store. ,. 3 j X } y } j }} f { E LOST PHI KAPPA TAU Fraternity pin. Ini-, tials E. B. B. on back. Finder call 392-J, ask for Mac. Reward. j LOST Blue Corduroy reefer coat, Size 42. Finder please call Shawak- er, Phone 2034-R. LOST Long key and small keys on ring. Between Medical bldg. and University hospital. Reward. M. M. Harrington, Tel. 2692-W or Univ. Hospital, Univ. 203-J. SHOESf HARGIS BOOTERY Wuerth Arcade, first floor Ladies' Dress Slippers, Choice $6.50 in stock. Made-to-M easure Shoes $9.50 Men's Collegiate Shoes $8.50 Exclusive Agency for Educator Shoes. Open 11 A. 3T. to 9 P. 3. Phone 2240-.J BEAUTY SHOPPES MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. Permanent Waving and Marcelling WILL GIVE Rain proof Marcells. Have your old hair made up into switches at a small cost. DIMATTIA'S BEAUTY SHOP 340 S. State St. Phone 2939-M. FOUNTAIN PEN INK WHY Experiment with viscuous ink when you can always buy good ink from RIDER'S PEN SHOP. TO STUDENT A warm clean room in good location. 429 S. Division. FOR RENT~ FOR RENT Apartments, lighth9use- keeping rooms, single rooms. Phone 158, Ralph T. Swezey. LARGE FRONT Room second floor over College Inn 308 5. State Street. Inquire Edwards Brothers. FOR RENT Rooms for men. Room- mate wanted to share suite of south1 and east exposure. Steam heat. Plenty of hot water. 422 E. Wash- ington. Phone 1194-M. FOUNTAIN PENS SEE OUR SPLENDID Line of foun- tain pens for Christmas gifts. $1 to $8. Room 2, 711 N. Univ. 2nd floor. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING IF YOUR Pen fails, have it repaired by penmakers at RIDER'S PEN SHOP It costs you no more. 24 Hour ser- vice or better. WHY Experiment. Buy your fountain pens of Rider where you can get adjustments by pen specialists. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State Street! Read the Want Ad s i tent necessary to give effect to legi CALL FOR INORALlation enacted by Congress. Most of the 38 states now ha SNAP-SHOTS OF WOMEN (i some kind of a ch:ld labor law. The: is no uniformity, however, and t A call has been' sent out by the laws in operation have been assail Michiganensian for informal ko- repeatedly as being inadequate. j dak pictures showing the ac- j The proponents of the feder j tivities of women on the campus, amendment find themselves now coi particularly athletics. They j!fronted with the task of convincin should be brought to the Mich- Itwo distinct factions that the pr iganensian office as soon as pos- j posed addition to the constitution sible. Any expenses incurred i needed to supplant these laws. Oi will be met with. faction is against child labor legi lation as such is known now. TI LV OV" 1* I s- .AR vR NA S H HA NKECHI&FS ,t t .A1 J f :. ..' a f Thd "Every Occasion" Gift Imported handkerchiefs with novel embroideries and ini- tials" Linens with the finest hem- sti tuingi. Lace-in all colors. The finish- ing touch to a charming cos- tume. Cottons, softened by edges of filmy lace. Silk handkies that one tucks in a wrist band or purse. Children's handkerchiefs bor- (ered with kiddie designs. arately, Ranging in Price ve ( re Pekin, Dec. 12.-Feng Yu-IHsiang, the he Christian general, has resigned his ed army command and has been given a months' sick leave. 'al g -ere' double - oy in itiefood is s- I - ~ Best home e ooke d meals aind pleasant surroundings for ladies . and gents at The Walworth E Corner State, Packard and Arbor Phone 1117 One-half Block South of Packard Street COMPLETE EQUIPMENT, BRAKE LINING, WRECKIN ST RAIddI TENING FRAMES ANI)'AXLES AND REPAIRING 521 South Main St. N E W PhONE 1927 A* C. MAIQU ARDT S ALES ER VICE H /_ LOCATIO N In Box Assortments and Sep from 15c to $2.50v THE EXQUISITE CORSET SHOP 109 W. Liberty St. ../' avrrii ecoc-00.0,040cm -. - Buy Gifts For Him Where He Would Choose Them For Himself Wadh ms &Company These are just a few of, the hundreds of articles that men would appreciate as Christmas Gifts. If you select something from our large, complete stock you may be certain that the gift will delight him for it's a gift from his store. All articles selected as gifts packed in holly boxes if desired. BELTS AND BUCKLES 1 HS GIFT-NECKWEAR $1 TO $3.00 $1 TO' $3 Something ; that a man very Here's a selection that will sat- seldom buys for himself, but isfy every variety of taste for welcomes as a gift. every man. WARM SOTK'S On SILK HANDKERCHIEFS OF FANCY AND WOOL, 75c TO $2 I)ESIGN, 25c AND UP This winter the men are wearing Woven colored borders, fancy fancy socks, especially stripes colored silks, initial monogram and plaids. he'll be thankful --everything that maze could for as many pairs as you can desire in handkerchiefs. give. FINE SHIRTS DRESSING GOWNS ' $1.50 TO $7.0) $6 TO$2; Few men are known to have too and bathrobes in blanket ma- many shirts! That's why they terials or patterned silk. Noth- make fine gifts-and here s a mug like these for luxurious selection that'll please every comfort, holiday purchaser. FANCY WOOL HOUSE COATS $6 TO $15PA J tAAS, $2 TO $8 or smoking jackets are a great Just what he needs in pajamas manorllana geci that every outing flannel. Made with or without frogs. i GL0AVES 4ALWAVS WAN'TED. 'lill~lil[ l illf i i i i I i1t it 10111ti1 lli ilNitllllilllll li li tl t1i 1 Uil t l The "Honey De 1115 South University Serving the incomparable "Velvet Brand" Ice Cream' in a Variety of Choice Flavors $2 To $10 Men who appreciate fine mer- chandise will be pleased to accept a pair of these. All leathers, all trimmings and all styles. SMARTL.Y STYLED STETSON HATS $7; OTHERS $4, $5, $6 Smooth finishes and rough mix- HE'LL WANT SWEATERS $5 TO $8 For the man who likes the open spaces there's nothing like a sweater to strike his fancy. here's a generous assortment at likeable prices. MUFFLERS AND SCARFS $2 TO $5 II i1 II