SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1924 I'HE MICHIGAN DAILY - ------- I YATAVAM MWAM KING'S DAUGHTERS MEET MAKE CHRISTMAS PLANSI, Send Warnings I i Read The -Daily "Classified" Columns TO C1ATtN1E LEAUE C AVX''GN AITHE W EEIK lJohn D's Niece College Teacher mI~ 'Tetin captains , i~ workers in the it.hi i flZ campaign for the University x I o Michigan League Building and iil 13 .(downicnt fund will continue their ef- torIts an~d concentrate lbheir attention upon: local alumnae who have not 1,lepdge(1 their quota of $207, during , the coming week. <::?' >?2 > .n thoeiall camnpaign which ended : ::..... Dec.8, the Ann Arbor alumnae raised -between .$1,000 and $2,000. This how- .. ever, does not bring the 10ca amount M.up to the Ann Arbor quota for the.. . '*' fundl which is $85.000. Up to this Cale approximately $45,122.33 has......i..~ been raised toward the quota ... ** . Ann Arbor will be combed for j 4::.:l '"n t pledges and special gifts for the build- :~:. ing fund this week and the committee h!:. '' *. ... ihop eful that every alumna whoc,. Has not pledgedi her word to "Give or Get" $207 will do so before the.. : finl closing of the campaign. Iar Mris.ayX. Hawley is genera . chiaiirman of the campaign an rs. G. W. Pattrsn ihairm~an Of the 1....* sbpecal gift coimnittee. The cam-' :...... pauiovi will close with a luncheon at ":::.":::_.. o1 o'clock next Saturday at the Lan- * Ienshop. Team workers will make thir repoirt at this time a{y.::.;ak; Miunmers' Play ______ .iss IsAewl Rockefeller l' cature Of P~arty' Miss IsaLel Rockefeller, a grand- iece .(of John D. Rockcefeller has be- Ab,,)ut;2,)70xwonien atl ended,,ti e Wo- co(e, ateacher of biology at the{'s League party given, in Barboiur Teachers' College, Columbia univer- gymnasi rtFrda ft e"ooT ~ -were anl ienthus'iastic audience for sit.. Sh is t~he daughter of Percy A. S"The Crims~on Cocoanut," a charming Rockefeller, financier, and a grand-i comedy presented by miemb~ers of (daughter of the late Janie, Stillman, ,,,Miummers dramiatic society. 'Immed- long, presidlent of the. National City, la~tely after the play an orchestra Baink of New York.- rr furnished imusic for dancing, and re- Sfreshments were served. Members of Iota Sigma Pi held a e This was the third League paarty tea fromi4 :30 to 5 o'clock rrhursday this year and the women on campus Iafternoon at th:e home of Mrs. Roy '~exhibit great interest, as the pro- j N. McAlpine, 9)26 Sylvan avenue. '~grams are varied and unusual every _____ _____ = SKansas W .A A. Beg in' - BLUE BIRD ~He aIth Campaign -HAIR SHOPPE SCampaigning for good health is one' IIV!"4lti~l~ttiFltstIIIiil11{IliIIIII1 of the features which is prominent in = illiiI{Ild!{{IIIIli11i11ttIII1i1tII the December, prograini of the Ka'n- I =-: sas W. A. A., according to a letter re J=Shampooing, hair Dressing,. cently received here from the o aiiti'ig Sap n Fca Snization. _I SThe program will open MAonday Swith a women's cofl vcnation, will Treatmecuts, Expert Marellinig Scontinue through the week with , rrspeeches a.nd a tag day, andl end's= el~iii igR ,mmtliliiwm1i~itII - a=- Friday with a party for university I E !{{111&{{{i{{{{1iltItIl{1{I{1{{{Ii~ swomen, at whichr the health awards N(l~Acd Swill he made. A conte~st is to be car-: Phn3(; 5NiklArae. .r~ed on among the various houses for 1 ' the best posters and health charts. {{~1111~{!{{1!111t1111lll LEAGE M MBERHIPMembers of the University hospital HIVETO EGI IN JAN monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon 1 BRIY TO IGIN IN A i t the home of Mrs. A. D. Parker, West Liberty street. Mrs. J. J. Kelly was in charge of the Active work of the campaign com-- program and introduced Mrs. Norman miittee for life membership subscrip- IA. Wood who talked on China.. Missj tions to the University of Michigan; Dorothy Ketchum, director of the so- League building will begin the second cial service department of the Univer- week after Christmas vacation. This sity hospital, outlined the plans; for will be the fifth annual drive. The Christmas, stating that 150 children. work was formerly carried on under and 400 adults are to be given boxes alumnae auspices and 200 memberships with candy, nuts and gifts. Miss! were secured last January.; Ketchum expressed the wish that the Constance Clark, '26, with the as- sororities, fraternities, dormitories, sistance of the following committee is and clubs contribute the Christmas in charge of the campaign this year: trees as they did last year. Doris Slingluff, '26, Margaret Nichols, ! M- Albort. R. Christtenden. county{ 127, Marjorie Miller, '27, and MargaretI president, took charge of the Initla-i Sherman, '27. Team captains will be tion of the following new members. appointed next week and the cam- j Mrs. H-. 0. Haynes, Mrs. D. E. Seeley, paign conducted, in much the same Mrs. Frank Stevens, Mrs. Ned RI. manner as last year. Smith, Mrs. Mary E. White, Mrs. W.J Life membership to the University 1H. Butler, Mrs. Omar Harrison, Mrs. of Michigan Llrague is $50, andI the Ruth Buchanan, Mrs. R. S. Perrine, suggestion is made by the chairman ndl Mrs. Paul Welch. that the women use nart of their A social half hour followed when tea Christmas money, to obtain this mom- was served. Each member of the so- bershi p. ciety took boxes to fill with candies Don't delay-Pay your SubscriptionjannusfrCitm. today. Patronie Dailv Advertisers.--Adv. To Women Today- One hundred and two letters will! be sent to those freshman, sophomore,j and junior women who failed to attend the required number of lectures given1 by Dean Jean Hamilton this fall. They will be required to attend the lectures in September. 1925, unless they have!I presentedl explanations which are ac-I ceptable to the department. The ex- planations made so far show errors in the registration cards due to careless- ness on the part of the students. In addition, 20 freshmen and 24 up- perclass women whose bolts exceeded a reasonable number will receive let- ters from the office' of the dean of wo- men. NOJTICESI The board of representatives of the Women's League will meet at 10 o'- clock today in Barbour gymnasium. ium. Pi Lambda Theta. and the Women's Educational club will hold 'a joint Christmas party at 7:30 o'clock Tues- (lay in the playroom of Betsy :Barbour. A Gft fromĀ£ 4- t Goodyear 's Ileans Il1ore 1T HE luxurious beauty of silk underwear will thrill any woman at Christmas time. Such gifts are practical, too, for silk underwear gives re- markable service. Garments are $2 to $16.50. .I-. I For Christmas THE QUALITY SHOP See our latest arrivals in BRASSIER ES ;strapless and other styles for evening in dainty satins and laces. SILK LINGERIE In all the pretty new shades, the114' hflfer q u.- ity, at ionderateo prices. SILK LINED BATH ROBES Coral, Blue, D uschia, Purple. II F'"ER SILK BLOOMERS ' In Black and T1an, only $'4.Z,9 Better be Fitt: d in a new corset or girdletore the Christmas parties. ~ HITVN ESYr T rdY, Dec. 18 at 8:15 TH TE The Season,)l's Oulstanding Tfl E Mus~c Ii heatrhcal tttraction 57Aurak.presdits )crr~zud~mercaA l~uIRECT FROM t PAJUS ,LONDON AND NEW)R( TRIUMPHS 11i LAURENT NOVIKOFF t'ietseet Ceand and (~ALEXANDRE VOJLININE kf 7 6), s1ca~rde P, aR Mat Qa OarNsE1RS At- I, -I SYMPHONY ~ HtDABT AORCHESTRA ~ J~i~membrjje ' o wiiVjf' f~ n~ Her Chrismas remembrance,' if it's to please her,' deserves a great deal o thought on your part.' Just bear in mind that she's most susceptible to beauty,; and that there are many alluring bits of. beauty here, if you would simplify your task a hundred-fold. Here's everything a woman wants, from dainty "hankies" in rainbow tints' to- winsome tunic blouses. There ave been asseobled many gifts small but distinctive which any woman would appreciate. Comne in and let these countless lovely things :be your inspiration! Gift Lingerie ClkdHsI: Perfume for Pleases Gauntlet Gloves, si FragranceĀ° Exqusite Underthings, silky Silver Compact, ,$2.50 her'ssbteflttr-i soft, strike a responsive Gay llhlic'ie, b. gift of Perfume. Its elusive - chord in feminine hearts. Scrfs, $.Oti fragrance bespeaks exquisite \This Christmas delightful Step-ini Sets, .$1o daintiness, so essentially fem- new ouchs suh asa lcy Slk 1C~ts'$l 0 iine. Carefully selected to/ yoke on one dainty nightie, 'ikre5, .' it_ acompwimt hperonalivy- i ~~~~~~~~~~andl insets of net in an ador- Mncr t ." tcmlmns-e iii able cheimse, render them 'runic Blouse, $10.70 rduaity. H-ere are exotic esp~ecially charming to con- Envelope Bag, $1.98i Perfumes, fresh spicy ones, !vey Christmas wishes. Silk Unbre~a, $5 and others youthfully 'naive to choose from. Olstrich Ran, $ Vanity Case, $ P earls,,, Pear Rhiestone fCoji,, Silk Grters, .'i.luJJ /iUIA So Smart!rih Pearls, creamy white; cloud- J~e ~,$.0I '~b (re i e Sed Pearls of silver gray;JeeBo,$00Imabeasrltgdna tinted Pearls rosy as the Lace Head Bands, $2 to wer upon he slim houl- (awn, or of tawny sunset Wide Sid Belt, 2t der aenl own; ord po er, hues; transformed by Fash- Ligerie CapW hercevaceni fgow;oring ion's edict into frivolousClp, O chneaaneiaogowg complements of the costume Slrer Bandeau, $1.0 rose to match pink 'cheeks. cd ,ar utd t h oe C la n of,$ .5 w ae e h l s o ; :iii odesarengsuitedrtothros-Leclar df, $. bring Christmas very near of ayisMry hit ae cr,." to her. Tiny Gifts of M'ueh 'Dantiness Easily Sent Through the Mail If she lives far away, it will pay you when selecting her gift to get something : 10 ,. small which may be tucked into an envelope and sent on its way. , And here;I "a are wee gifts galore of infinite charm, which may be safely entrusted to Uncle ti Sam. Smart gloves with quaintly 'broidered cuffs, gay hankies with lacy borders, sheer silk hose or sportsy wool ones, dainty garters of ribbon and j lace. " Any of these make delightful gifts, and are sure to arrive on time 'and {in excellent condition. If desired, we are very. glad to mail gifts bought .' I ) here, direct to their destinations. ! x . u~' iI'