PAGE FOUR THL MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, bECEMBER 13, 1924 ___. _ Published every morning except Monday Auring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Membersof Western Conference Editorial ,Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann !arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by' carrier, $3.50; by mail, 4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi- ness, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Volephones 2414 and 176-M AANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor.......... ,,,... John G. Garlinghouse .ews Editor............Robert G. Ramsav City Editor............Manning Houseworth Night Editors Geerge W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. rha r Sports Editor........ William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield Wowen's Editor.............Verena Moran Music and Drama.. Robert B. Henderson Telegraph Editor. William J. Walthour Assistants Louise Barley helen S. Ramsav Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S. B~ennets Marie Reed Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder Willard B. Crosby Frederick 1. Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens Janes W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet toseh O. Gartner Herman Wise Manning Houseworth Eugene I. Gutekunst Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Flizabeth Liebermann Stanley C. Ctizhton Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall Carl E. Ohimacher Thomas V. Koykka William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner In the past few weeks The Daily r has suggested several times possible s revision of rushing rules, and would t welcome a discussion of the subject a in its Campus Opinion column. There i is this much of which anyone musts be certain: a new system must beI based on pledging deferred at leastc until the second semester. Second f year pledging would be even better, but it would hardly be possible toY make such an extreme change imme-1 diately. The defects of first semesterk pledging are obvious to Lnyone. An editorial in The Dartmouth, printed in an adjoining column, points then out in a concise manner much as theyt have been discussed previously in our columns. It is the moral duty of everyj fraternity man at Michigan who val- ues the future of the organizations in the University to consider the rush- ing problem carefully and to initiate agitation in his individual house which will lead to immediate action by the present Interiraternity Coun- cil or any other such body which might be created for the purpose. A change must be made before the present year is over. MORE DISARMAMENT With the passage of the cruiser and battleship rehabilitation bill by thel Senate, only the President's signature is needed to make possible the mod- ernization of the United States navy. The necessity for this step as a meansI of maintaining our national existence cannot be doubted ,since the improve- ments will only serve to bring the navy up to the 5-5-3 ratio established by the Washington naval disarmament conference. The fact that it is neces- sary, however, would seem to indicate that the international race for naval supremacy -"has not been stopped in spirit, only in volume. A failure to maintain a sufficient national defense such as is providedI in the new bill would be nothing less than suicide. The position of the ! United States as a colonial and world Dower. and our enormous coast line. oles played by the men. It is impos- sible, except in a very few exceptions, o make beautiful girls out of an aver- agely good looking man. The Mich- gan operas owe a large part of their success outside of Ann Arbor to the humor to be derived from the mus- cular "feminine" figures, the mannish faces, and the bass voices. Most of us would be indeed proud if we could make up and look as well as this r, MUSIC AND DRAMA 1 Books Make the Best Gifts TO-DAY: "Tickled To Death" by Donald E. L. Snyder at 2:15 and 8:14 o'clock In the Whitney theatre. Our stores are convenient. Our service includes helpful co-operation in the selection ard delivery of your needs T I. year's feminine cast. All in all, an A* * * evening at the opera is an evening "TICKLED TO DEATH" well spent. Having seen the opera in A review, by John Garlinghouse. Ann Arbor we mean to take the folks j This year's Michigan Union opera loh Ends of the Diagonal Walk and our "best girls" to see it in De- isn't as bad as some critics would troit. have us think. Nor is it as superbI_ __ _ R. H. H., '25E as the members of the far-fanmed pub- I L. M. L., '25A ! licity committee, mentioned in a re- E E E 4 illliilliiilillllilllilli S. K. M., '25E cent review, have told the world. In S M T W T F S P. S. T., Grad. some respects the production can be 1 2 3 4 5 6B1= 1T F. T. Y., '25 considered a distinct improvement 7 9 10 11 ]2 13 - R. N. D., '25. over Lionel Ames' vehicle of last 14 16 17 18 19 20 year. Certainly most of the profes- 14 -2 A JUSTiFICATiON OF THE sional flavor about which there as 21 12 23 24 25 1627 UNION OPERA been so much talk is lost in "Tickled 28-29-30 31 a .t d els to Death," in some parts too far gone(--- Feeling quite keenly that an injus- In attempting to produce a realNti tfce under the supposed guise of musical comedy instead of a fashion Notice N oetterCandiesM a e= humor was attempted against this revue Mr. Shuter has undertaken a __ difficult thing. He has been given an atAny Price original plot, some good music, some We clean and reblock hats and caps and realizing also that I happened to terrible actors, and one good vamp- and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate be one who attempted to write a plot the lines are negligibly poor. He has having your hat done over in a clean for this year's show, I feel that per- retained from past productions such and sanitary manner, free from odor haps I may be able to undertake a embellishments as gorgeous costumes d dy cr ticism of the column which appear- and exceptional scenic effects. The ed in The Daily, Wednesday morn- commixture of these elements is a FACTORY HAT STORE oxed - rappe-aie ing. paradox. There is much to praise 617 Packard St. hone 1792 There is nothing more desirable and a great deal to blame. The opera (Where D U R. Stos at State) than constructive criticism, but when is quite musical, but in few senses a - C and $1.00 the Pound an attempt is made for none too subtle comedy. Indeed in this last factor is reasons to wage a destructive cam- found the fundamental fault of the R A paign, I feel that something should be produecan be no doubt that the at-et done. Last year the Opera was crit- Te at he a t- - iczdfristempts at humor are "vulgar." Not- mcmzed for its professionalism and this that the reviewer was shocked or par-- year a valiant attempt has been made ticularly disgusted, but-neither was G A R R I C to restore college atmosphere to the he particularly amused. The injection sTr T WALKER PresentsSS production. Its success as yet has of campus atmosphere is an admira- Ss not be ascertained. ble thing in itself, it is that for which The Romantic Comedy Mr. Shuter has been criticized for we have all been crying. 9flut the 'jTh eProud irincess'i IN THE ARCADE changinK the lines in "Tickled to humor is not even cleverly risque- Death" but let me say here, as a reg- it will fail absolutely to give to its 1McKAY MORRIS i111111111111i11111i tiii 1111111111111111 HliI ll11 i 11111111111112 Ill1i 11111111U111i y ular attendant at every rehearsal, he vacation auditors any impression ex- - - has changed of his own accord, but cept that Michigan humor is insepr- one line. We have been accused of ably bound up with "necking" and dealing in lines filled with "smut," Philcsophy 1-all of which may be but knowing the show as well as I true. do, it seems to me that a person who Very obviously the only accomplish- You AillIrish to make THAT GIFTsomethin views the pesent lines in the light edactor of the production is Roberteng persona double' meaning, has either a mind Barton Henderson, a convincing and slightly degenerated or is much, much devlishly beautiful Countess Valeri y Mischkinoff. He is the one person in "wiser". than we who have worked I the cast who injects real personalityI7 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BtJSINESS MANAGER WM., D. ROESSER Advertising..................E. L. Dunne Advertising, ...................3. J. Finn Advertising.,.......}. A. Marks Adv-grtising...............I. M. Rockwell Accounts. .........Byron Parker Circulation..".,............. .R. C. Winter Publication...............John W. Conlin .Assistants P. W, Arnold A W. L. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K F. Mast Gordon Burris H-. L. Newmann F. Dentz 'r" Thomas Olmstead Philip Deitz 3. D. Ryan David Fox lN. Rosenzweig Norman ireehling Margaret Sandburg W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld F. Johnson S. IF. Sinclair L. H. Kramer F. Taylor Louis W Kramer, jl YG , a u VL 011VU ka!L 110, predestine our policy in this respect. The fact that our navy is kept up to date, however, should signify nothing! more than a measure of protection. There is a danger in any utterances by naval authorities which might lead the world to think sinister motives were the basis of this policy. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1924 Night Editor-HARODD A. MOORE- "RINTSPG" AT AN END AT ARTMOUT I Dartmouth has an Interfraternity{ Council, one ihat has been in active{ being a long time. It has, in succes- sive years, attempted to solve the problem of freshman pledging. Each school year 'has brought its innova- tions-short and long periods of rush- ing have 'ien tried, second, semester pledging 'has ;been attempted, there, have been -.specifled calling hours, fraternity unday entertainments, in fact nearly every imaginable device has been erpployed to eliminate "grab- them-off-the-train" tactics which are prevalent, at Mieligan. Although none of these means of pledging freshmen has been com- pletely successful, Dartmouth fra- ternity men ;are convinced that. de- ferred plsdigng is the only fair sys- tem. As , instance of this feelingI there has been unanimous approval of a recent ruling by the administra-! tion of the eoPge which stated that "after the. close of the present acad-' emic yea,4 'no fraternity will be per- mitted either to initiate or to pledge a man tomqembership until he .shall have attaifi sophomore standing and only after.the. beginning of the man's sophomote' year within the college." Imagine the howl which would be set up at Michigan if President Burton were to issue such an edict. There would be endless'assertion of frater-J nity rights, a harking back to theI sacred cause of independence. Yet fraternities, by their refusal to recog- nize a most crucial problem are en- couraging a similar action by the University administration. Something! must be done immediately. The pres- ent intolerable situation if not reme- died by concerted action among the fraternities through their official or- gan of expression, the Interfraternity Council, will surely necessitate official regulation. Although it is certain that condi-j tions at Michigan and Dartmouth are greatly different, there is much in this for our fraternities, and their Coun- cil. At Dartmouth every effort has been made to devise a system whichI would be fair to both freshmen and houses. At Michigan no real attempt at improvement has been made in sev- eral years, despite the fact that the number of organizations has increased America must lead the world to wt e lines so constantly. iThhe ies hs no taenht by. hi peace. There is no other nation with The Opera has not been hurt by this such a background as ours, no group criticism and I sometimes wonder if hewh delinhrhciiimi of nations who will undertake the who deals in harsh criticism is crusade unless we are included. For really trying to help the sale of seats. that reason our increasing cooperation It does cause curiosity, has already with the League is welcomed by increased the line of purchasers at Europe. There be those who would the box office, but that is not the kind accuse most of the great powers of theof advertising the Opera wants to put accse ostof he rea poersof'theIts shows across. It stands on its own world of militaristic designs and who isw crss Itcts ontstrown would urge upon this country the meritsand welcomes constructive necessity for preparing for a new criticism. To my way of thinking struggle. It is evident to the close subtle slander does not hurt the show observer, nevertheless, that the ma-n.u .l jority of the world's people sincerely fleets to the decided discredit upon the desire peace and an increased inter- one who writes it. nationalism. It is for the Unite'l -A Cast Member. States to crystalize this feeling by --.-- ..__ -_. forwarding everY move toward world D peace, such as the League and its Pro- EDTORIAL COMMENT tocol, and eliminating from its foreignI and domestic policies everything that STEPPING INWISELY might smack of offensive tactics. 1 The Dartmouth, The Xacko, The A measure of naval disarmament Bema, and The Tower were all plan- has been accomplished. The Wash- in n o-.o' ington government is right in main- taining our position as established byE that pact. It should not stop there,' however. It should work toward fur- ther naval and land disarmniament, the only guarantee of permanent peace., CAMPUS OPINION I A nonymnuc, cnlmnications will he disregrded. The name's of comninuni- cants will, however, be reearded as confidential upon request. ning an in ense campaign to put over a second year rushing season for Darmouth. The Forensic Union was arranging an open forum for the com- plete discussion of the need for second year rushing. Now, however, definite' and final action has come from the Administration, so that any possibility of the failure of the campaign is cov- ered. The Administration has studiedh the problem over a series of years and has made the only decision possible ta alleviate the situation at Dart- mouth. into his role-by next year he should be leading lady. To use his favorite critical expression, he has that "verve" which was so noticeably lack- ing in other interpretations of the evening. A word should be said about the dancing. The specialty dances of Peaches and George were the most artistically and skillfully rendered of any in our short experience with Union operas. Their part in the pro- r duction alone is sufficient to justify it. The chorus, however, exhibited a sort of daze which was qgot becoming, only laughable-at any rate, a whole-j some laugh. The opera as a whole will be a success on the road. It will not dazzle as have other operas, but it will please. They always do, these college boys. The production has excellent music, a very little comedy, a good actor, two fine voices-oh, yes, and the above-mentioned plot, that's all! * * * "ARMS AND THE MAN" As the third program in the Play Production series, Professor Hollister is presenting "Arms and the Man" by George Bernard Shaw Wednesday evening, December 17, in University hall. All of Shaw's plays are very great, but there are four that are his great- est: "Caesar and Cleopatra," "Saint Joan," "Captain Brassbound's Con- Ivers on," and "Arms and the Man." The first is a towering epic of woman's living libidonousness, the second an invective against Romanism, the third ,a thumb-nail variation on the comedy i of manners, and the fourth an impos- sible canto of sheer nonsense. Since "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "Through the Looking- Glass" all literature has produced no more galloping burlesque of reason - and romance than "Arms and the Man." The scene is laid in Roumania., and the curtain opens on a lady's chamber with the essential lady quiet- ly in bed and asleep. Suddenly there is firing in the street below and a breathless, dirty soldier dashes Is now the daily companion and pride of many a man who says it is the first satisfactory fountain pen he has ever owned. Bring in a sample of handwriting. Mr. Rider, who is a handwriting expert, can select and fit the point so it is sure to please. 302 State St. Where Shopping .'s A Tleasu, e New, Evening Gowns 4 $39 5 $.5 .00 S blithesome and gay as the strains of music to which they will dance. Straight, slender robes of crepes,encrustedwith glisten- ing beads. Bouffant types of chiffon or tulle, tinted like a- ) rainbow. Stately gowns of jewel-toned velvets, further enriched with fur or metal lace. Exquisite in coloring and conception --yet pleasantly matter-of-fact in price. 0o i£ 0 iiOIE OPER Each year the Interfraternity Coun- To the Editor: cil 'has called the rushing situation a It seems to us that, aside from the i "mess," quite accurately. And each c iticism by Norma fBicknell, there year it has shifted the time- of bidding, has appeared no cool-headed, un- the method of bidding, or the manner prejudiced review of this year's opera. of calling, with no noticeable improve- Two other attempts at criticism nient. All the first year seasons have turned out to be but two vehicles for proved unsatisfactory. The counts weak and anmateurship sarcasm against the first-year season are num- punctuated with a few personal slams. erous. First, it is entirely artificial. True, this year's opera is not quite Every fraternity man wears his best as good as "Cotton Stockings" but face until the rushing is over, then he "Cotton Stockings" was so far in the becomes natural. lead of its class that this year's prod- Second, the first-year season denies uct is still better than an average I freshmen complete intelligence re- success. ! garding the group they would join. The plot is uique and, for that The word "rush" is taken literally, reason, interest:ng. The scenery and and the younger men, who are in the costumes are colorful and yet tasteful. major:ty in the freshman class, fail to The cast was somewhat hindered by grasp the real purpose and signifi- the smallness of the Whitney stage, cance of a fraternity. Surely they will some of the chorus number; being a find themselves by the end of the first bit too crowded for the bWst ,effect. year and be able to choose intel- The music is well arranged and of the ligently. The arguments they heed to catchy variety that should make it as freshmen will not be the deciding popular. "Peaches" and "Love is facturs in their choice as sophomores. through the French window, hotly pursued-off-stage-by a dashing bri- gade of Roumanian sergeantry. The lady, as is to be expected, jumps from her bed, very horrified and very negligee. Gradually it develops that he is one of the enemy, hardly a serious enemy but a Swiss soldier of fortune, exceedingly hungry, tired and abused. In the end he finds a box of I chocolates, and as the curtain falls' he lies on the lady's bed munching one, two, three of them all at once. This is only the first act; there are two more as ridiculous, all fusing to a series of situations both shocking, farcical, and plainly startling. From "Arms and the Man" came "The Chocolate Soldier," so-called the be- ginning and end nf musical orndmpv by leaps and bounds. Men of Dart- Fate" do not deserve to retire with the Third, a first-year season creates a mouth have long, sinfce discarded the opera at the end of the run. I harmful check on the natural inter- hit and miss, unorganized rushing Tu Yung, Marceline, and Nyan-Tay course between freshmen and upper- during the first few weeks. Michigan are the parts best acted while Barre) classmen. When a freshman is seen men continue in a state of mental Hill is to be congratulated for having' with a fraternity man there are lethargy to believe that this is the an excellent voice and using it to such whispers of his being "sunk" or of only way to pledge freshmen. It is good advantage. the fraternity man's "playing up" to true that nearly every year a few The local color of the opera is ex- freshmen. Such talk is naturall chosen souls have discussed the nos- cellent and gives it the air of being ennngh, hut tho ituation thnt crentoe i t l I yl ;I