THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER I2, 1924 "' 7 I -. . U....a _ _ _ _i ..;; D MATHER SHIfTS BASKETBALL FIVE FOR AGGIE TILT TOMORRO NIGHT Visitor Here FgMR OR O!SigmaChi ead 48 FRATERNITIH MES FARMERS WORKM CA E TO FINAS IN IENTER TAN ETMCIA OTS Sigma (hihovwlers arIeeadiiig thnwWRESTLING TOURNAMENT k INTERFRATERNITY SWIM- MING NO'I('E Special practice this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Get your entries in today, stating definitely in which events each swimmer will compete. Learn rules for your event. Coach Barnes will help athletic repre- sentatives pick their teams at the special practices. Varsity swinmers will not be allowed to enter. aAnnual T 'Iouirney to 'l'ake Plat~e 3199i. day and lWediiSE4liay atl, "Y1 iPool Viclory Over Adrianii ritig ( Si renIati2 of 'hell hobI", Fi ve "It iN LOSS oF GrAHAM HEAI BLOW '10_PURLEHPES Northwestern, Michigan's first Con- ference opponent in basketball has been hard hit by the ineligibility of Captain "Bo" Graham, and Coach Maury Kent has been driving his basketeers hard in a series of stren- uous scrimmages to discover a man to take over the running guard left vacant by his star and captain. Harold White, a football halfback,' has been filling in at running guard and locks good. "Moon" Baker put in an appearance the first time yes- terday. The all conference star is still bothered with an injured should-j er, received in the Notre Dame game, but is taking his regular turn at scrimmage. The coach is also giving considerable attention to Barney Mathews, George Kershaw, Bill Chris- tian, Jaclk Karstens, and Andreen. The Purple quintet plans on elect- 3 1 RULE~S ARE ANINOU1NCE SEVERAL MEN SHINE Forty-eight fraternities have enter- (Special to The Daily) ed the Michigan interfraternity swim Fast Lansing, Dee. 1 .-Coach Koh 1iinig meet wciicillteplcexvo- Smill take place Men- sent his Varsity hasketballers through dt an d Wed nesd cay afternoons, IDec 17atn hes Y.M.C A.rnools, Te a hard workout this afternoon in spite 15 and 17 at the Y. M. C. A. poo.Th1 of the fact that last night they won meet gives promise of being the larg- their first encounter wii Adrian, 41 est sponsored by the Intramural de- to 1Gf. partment. Preliminaries will coin MacMillan lived up to advance pre- >mence at 3:30 o'clock Monday after- (ictions and played a speedy game at noon. the forward position besides ringing; Four men must be entered fromnI five field baskets and tossing in Ave each house if the fraternity is to se- out of five free throws. Captain Nt- cu entrance lpoints. In order that tilla was only a shade behind his part- t..,e.wllbinutvaid onenr with three field goals and two free petition, no man will be permitted to throws out of two tries. Marx pirov- enter more than three events. But !eit easnaina h ur Harry Kipke two men from each housenmaysparticed to b aith our sht st othe guard The former Michigan three sport ipate in any single event. Ibesides playing a sterling defensive All entries for the meet must be star has been spending the last few turned in at the Intramural offices by game. days in Ann Arbor enroute to Lans- Saturday noon, when the schedule of Kobs was fairly well satisfied ing, where he will be married to Miss events and competitors will be prepar- with th general style of play uts ' el. wimersandtheevets n wichnot think that eiher the offense or, Florence Hackbart tomorrow. The e. Swimmers and the events i which guarding is as polished as is needed coupe wil . they will compete must be included couple will go to Caliiornta for the yif the Aggies expect to hang up a vic-t Missouri-U. S. C. game Christmas day. ate er a iations, tory against Michigan on Saturday. Practice sessions will be held this Heis still undecided as to whom he Phi Beta Delta and Theta Delta Chi interfraternity bowling tournament, (entered the finals in the interfraternity the second round of which was coin- wrestling tournament Wednesdaynight pleted Thursday. Rolling a total of by virtue of their victories in the 4,735 in their first two attempts, the semi-finals of the contests. Phi Beta Sigma Chis are 142 points ahead of Delta defeated Beta Theta Pi two out the Phi Gamma Deltas whose low of three matches and Theta Delta Chi scoring in the second iound kept them wen over Phi Chi in two straight from holding the leadership acuired I bouts. in the first round. B(th of the Theta Delta Chi victor- Of the 69 teams entered, a record ies were hard fought, going into over- for fraternity teams participating, l time to determine the winners. Ed- Sigma Chi was first, Phi Gamma Delta ward Solomon, '28, defeated Hicks, Gamma was second, and Delta Alpha '27M, of Phi Chi house, and W, R, Sha- Epsilon third. fer, '27, of the Theta Delta Chi team, Delta Phi's score of 2.421 in t'he see- won over Robert Cooper, '25M. end round has been protested because T. Bromberg, of the Phi Beta Delta of alleged violation of regulations house, dyfeated Lawrence, '26A, of the governing the matches. The score was Beta Theta Pi team, throwing his op- th highest of the day and should it ponent in 1 minute, 20 seconds. Gold- be held valid, it will place the fra- stein, '25, winner of the interfraternity ternity from 14th to 4th place,(championship last year, won over Gabel, '25, throwing him in 1 minute, 1 40 scns a tlan RiceFinals will be held at 8 o'cloek Mon- Yarn Wins Prizel day, Dec. 15, at Watermafl gymnas- Iium i i a 's i C i f. a 3 , i New York, Dec. 11.-Grantland Rice has been named as the winner of the contest for the best baseballstory of the year, held under the auspices of the Baseball Writers' Association of America. Mr. Rice was presented with a goldl watch as a trophy. His story on the. last game of the World's series won the award for him. Pay your Daily subscription. Sydney, N, S. W. Dec. 11.-Andrew ("Boy") Charlton, famous Australian swimmer at the age of 17, is retiring, it is annuonced. SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbow Street me ;r State and Packard ts. ~i afternoon and Saturday morning at the "Y" pool. Ignorance of rules wil be inexcusable, Intramural officials say. will use at the ce the Aggies and th up in their annua ev and Robinson 1 Officials for the meet follow:p Referee-- Barnes, clerk- Yeakey, Rion gas scorer- McCobb, assistants- diving reason of insngs reason of hus bask Entries for independents, societies, uidges, Wittingham and Pepenguth, but Bilkey has he churches, classes, a n d boarding plunge-Barnes, turns-Johnson, tim- may get his eye b houses in the intramural basketball s-Barnes, Langton, Francisco, Far- test at Ann Arbor. -roil Kerr. Time clerk-Dunakin, leagues must be turned in at once -rlel Hultman and Ri at the department offices. The Board- Staeter-Gow. ly stay at the l ing house league h-as just been or- ;-playing back whi ganized and gives pnromise of becom- Gibbons Seeks To floor. The \Varsit ing one of the more important Cscrimmage at Lan leagues. Battle Champ ons ernoon or night, enter position when e Micaigan five lineI l battle. Both Bilk- had a chance at the night's encounter, a little on Bilkey by ket throwing ability, eight and speed andj ack before the con- [chards will probab- eft guard positions, le Marx covers the .y will hold a light nsing tomorrow aft- leaving for Ann Ar- urday morning. Want Ads' hIl i r Iliaggerty was one of the leading point, getters in the Conference last year and can be counted upon at the one for- ward position. The other forward will be an experiment Saturday night. Bothj Gregory and Kuenzel are fast. Greg- cry is the better shot of the two but Kuenzel shows better on the floor. Both are fairly good defensive men. Yesterday afternoon's practice was devoted to further work on defense, although the absence of Haggerty and Reason, who were unable to attend the practice session, prevented the team from working as a whole. Consider- able time was also spent on new, formations. Tonight the team willI wind up its training season with al light workout in preparation for to-' morrow's game with the Farmers. ! JUST THI To Giv for Chi ing another leader to fill Graham's shos oeter eore the re s Individual entries for swimming Trm Gibbons, who decisively de- shoes, somet before the Notre must be placed today at intramural feated K'id Norfolk Tuesday night at Dame game a week from today. department. New York, has issued challenges Delaware, Ohio, Dec. 11.-Ohio Wes- Finals hthe Gotham commission to Icyn illmet Srauseinan ntr- Finals in the interfraternity wrest- i odi Cene Tunney, world's light- ling tournament between Phi Beta hEavyweight champion, and Mike Mc- sectional gridiron game at Syracuse Delta and Theta Delta Chi at 8 o'clock Tigue, American king. on November 7, next fall, it was an- IjMonday night, Dec. 15, in Waterman lie also stated that lie wished a nounced today by Coach' George I Gauthier, of Ohio Wesleyan. gymnasiumkatch with Heavyweight Champion .Taal; IDempsey, with whom lie foughstI Don't delay-Pay your Subscription ii1 5 rounds in the famous Shelby bat- Miami, Fla., Dec. 11.-Tommy Gib-ttle. bons, of St. Paul, and Sailor Maxted, today. of New York, will box 10 rounds in:{9 1 Miami February 16, Promoter Ed. Douglass announced last night. What'll I get for ? ? E THING 1= Mother ie Your Chum ister Sister- ristna s- rt as Friend Sue $AFETY PIPE s will "bite," no matter how good =- ion of the Safety Pipe eliminates oSl a cigar, is lit like a cigar and ly as one. oneResplendent In satinl boxes, who wouidn't appreciate W -can be carried in your pocket or one of these toilet sets? They are packed in satin-lined gift while lit. boxes and combine the best efforts of American and French ashes to fly-simply great while perfumers. Single pieces, too, compacts, etc., are very ch tobacco as the ordinary pjipC. I= appropriate. aner. nd we will forward one Safety r Italian briar, in an attractive )le for- yourself also. A guarantee - fM y pipe. Tee art-acy TY PIPE, INC. "The Drug Store Beautiful" New York, N. Y. i= 1038-J 7 Nickels Arcade 1038-J ,iiuuuuanunennnnunnuuiuiunnn bor sometime Sate Read the Flowers for All Occasions Cousins & Hall 605 Church Phone 115 G ifts for Ladies Silk Hose tmbrellas Raincoats Hat Cases Toilet Sets Toga Towels Overnight Cases Traveling l1ags A complete men's store service to assist gentle- men in the selection of gifts for ladies. WAGMERI&COMPANY eforTeen itnce 1e4 & I .....r.,. . a THE: Ordinary pipe the tobacco. The construct th(I "bite." It looks like smokes as smooth It's fireproof- placed anywhere No sparks or motoring. Holds as mu( Needs no pipe cle Send $1.00 a: Pipe in Frenchc Holly Box. Buy o lacked with ever; SAFEr 296 Broadway Thomases The "Doubting I Two Stores State=Street at Nickels' Arcade 1107 S. Univ. Are Sweep Aside IMMEDIATE and overwhelming h a s been the acceptance 'of the second store of VanBoven, Cress & Thompson by Michigan men. The merchant who offers distinctive mer- chandise coupled with considerate service does not have to wait long for recognition. SVhnioior Cinthoc 11 I