I -IE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVR I& IWAVA mw an=& .................. .... . Hlonor Council Organizes League Houses On Campus' i : ;. r';; 'i. i f. i;. A.. 4 :'. r i :S"i . i. Y'.. 11," . C j BAS KTBALL ATTRACTS IHospital Kiddies MIC Make Gifts For SUPPORT OP'STUDENTS Family AtlHome AT HOME IN PORTLAND Greater enthusiasm than ever 1e- Christmas presents for mother' Lise Boy '28M died Dec 5, at fore has been displayed this year in father, sister and brother are being her home in Portland, Oregon of basketball, according to Miss Elsie made by the children in the Univer- streptococcus. Before entering the Erley and Miss Germaine Guiot, of sity hospital under the direction of University of Michigan Miss Boyd re- the department of physical education, the social service workers in the de- ceived an A. B. degree at the Univer- Miss Guiot, who has charge of the partment of occupational theraupy. sity of Washington where she was a interclass practices, reports an ex- For the past few weeks the little member of Delta Gamma sorority. ceedingly large enrollment, which invalids have been kept busy and Miss Boyd is survived by a sister, makes it necessary to have th'e var- happy making Christmas bells, bright Mrs. Frank L. Beach, and two broth- ious groups practice for only a period red paper rings and poinsettas to ers, John Boyd, Jr., and Henry Boyd, of 40 minutes instead of an hour, as decorate the wards for the holidays. all of Portland. was the custom last year. No woman Paper Santas and highly colored rein- 1 has been permitted to come out for deers and sleds are hung or pasted SIGMA DELTA PHI MEETS practices who is not in good scholas- to the children's beds and the whole } tic standing, which means that all atmosphere begins to be festive. Sigma Delta Phi, national orator- those who come out will have the op- Before Christmas day the parentsSc a drmti siety, metoWe- portunity to compete for a place on a fe c i e art cal and dramatic society, met Wed- class team of each child will receive a Christ- nesday afternoon at the Alpha Xi Del- Immediately after the Christmas m s s here will Ie a raffia ta house to select new members. holidays the elimination for class picue fame containing a small Initiation will take place at a ban- teams will begin. The classes will pioto of the child for the iother's quet which will be held after the holi- be divided into "color teams" who eive candle day vacation. Members are chosen by ~ be divided into "color feams" who made of sand-paper and useful asaSim Det Ph on hebssf will hold intra-class competitions so- Sigma Delta Phi on the basis of- wihod indtalayss cmpeitionss match-scratcher. For sister or broth- ability in oratory and dramatics and that individual players may be judged. er there will be a paper toy, a "Ring- active participation in activities on SThe final team for each class will Me" clown. Besides these articles theacieprcpton natvtesn consist of 10 to 12 players.M lw.Bsdsteeatce h campus. package will contain a Christmas Accordnig to Miss Erley, who has greeting card made by the child. Lady Hermione Robert, daughter of charge o the intehouse basketbll At the annual Christmas party to the Earl and Countess of Powiss, there are now 31 teams who will be be given on Dec. 22, a real Santa entered in the tournament, arlarger Claus will distribute from a lar England, recently married Count number than any previous- year. Un- Christmas tree a present for each'Hbr IchsiPli der the supervision of Miss Erley the "kiddie." These gifts will probably teams are receivings eellent coach- e candy or fruit. On Christmas eve mt has appo priated $563,000efor ing by professional students in phys- each child will hang a stocking on promotion of air traffic. An airplane ical education.IprmtoofartafcAniple After Christmas the managers of the foot of his bed and during the factory will be built at Malmoe. night the old saint will visit each one , the various teams will draw for op- and put in the empty stocking some- ponetsdates, and complete arrange-) ponents, dthing for which the sleeping child ments for the interhouse tournament. has at- one time expressed a wish. NEW VICTOR. REC On Christmas morning no one will be RED SEA «.ndisappointed. Each child will have at IT 1L leastone gift from Santa. 1 05 0 own the Petersky Price (Arr. Chzaliapin) A I $1.50 M eushket n(R ussia VR CONTRI INS Schedule .Meeting ,10 4 Sr Stimmiung (An Imnp Of Representatives Price " a itz (in D Major) Many and varied were t'emanu- 1 4 9 10eI r Tnenbaum (7 scripts read at the meeting of Black Thie board of representatives of the Price li, du liegst mir it Quill held Wednesday evening in Woman's League will meet at 10 $1.59 . L German South wing of University hall. Miss o'clock tomorrow morning in Barbour DANCE Lucille Walsh acted as chairman. gymnasium. Discussion will cover Two one act plays were read: "The various definite topics and it is nec- 1 9 1 9 6 'ra'ttcling Blues-F4 Lonely Road," an eternal triangle sar typeandRadi"alec teplaya"otrinfessary that cch representative be Price If You Don't Want tpematitled"And detop W ot.d onh prepared with definite opinions as 75c poem An Ode to Wordsworth" I well as criticisms and questions. 1 9 4 9 71 The Slave of Love- was given. The only short story read Firs: thee will be a definite ex-, was about an old-fashioned wedding Price ~ 'he lll esald a ssi ld Wed- planation of the points which qualify re Because They All dress called "Jessica Willard's Wed- ahuefrelcintfheHnr70 . All league houses will be organized for competition by the Honor Coun- cil. Honor points are being awarded for participation in various campus activities, and all houses are out to win as many points as possible. Each house is keeping a record of the activities of its members and checks them by the honor point chart which is posted in each house. The Spurposeof this honor point system, i toget every woman who lives in a league house interested in some cam- pus activity. It is also to maintain high scholarship and better co-opera- tion with the Women's League and the Women's Athletic association. The number of points that each wo- man cnn win is limited to 12 so that the work will not be done by a few people. There are six houses in Honor Council at the present time. They are as follows: Caughy house, Form- hals, Hall, McClinton, Reagh, Rea. Any house can become a member of .e Council if it has sufficiently high scholarship and enough honor points. Besides the honor point system there is a zoning system. The league houses are divided up into zones with one house at the head of each, according to this system. There is an athletic manager in each zone who is to organize athletics. Basketball teams are being formed now anid the interzone games will start soon. Mexico City, Dec. 11.-The Pan- American Federation of Labor re- elected Samuel Gompers president. ORDS--DEC. 12, 1924 L RECORDS (Moscow Street Song) ) Chaliapin an Laborer's Song) Chaliapin ression) (Achron) Jascha Heifetz ) (Godowsky) Jascha Heifetz The Christmas Tree) German Schuma nn-Heink in flerzen (You Live in My Heart) Schumann-Heink RECORDS ox Trot Ted Weems and His Orchestra Me-Fox Trot Jan Garber and His Orchestra -Fox Trot George Olsen and His Music rove You-_r ox Trot Barney Happ and His Orchestra League EntertainsFWe o For Women Today~ OTL NOTICE S "The Crimson Cocoanut," a one-act I j play which will be presented by Mum mers dramatic society, music and danc ing will make up the program for the Class basketball practices will be: next party in the series of Women's held as follows: Today, 3:20 o'clock, League affairs which are being held for seniors; 3:50 o'clock, juniors. a1l women on the campus. The party - will be given from 4 to 6 o'clock Fri- Kappa Phi Christmas party will be } day afternoon in Barbour gymnasium, held at 8 o'clock Tuesday, Dec. 16, at' The play will be presented at 4 o'- Wesley hall, instead of Dec. 12. clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. i The members of the cast include: The board of representatives of the Dorothy Pudrith, '26, Genevieve Good- Women's League will meet at 10 o'- man, '2k Rowena Benson, '25, Dor- clock tomorrow in Barbour gymnas- othy Sessions, '25, and Virginia Cron- Ium.' in, '25. It will be directed by Florence Nelson, '25. The Women's League will entertain' Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Amy Ho- all the women on the campus at a bart, Miss Grace Richards, and Miss i party from 4 to 6 o'clock today in Bar- Ethel McCormick are patronesses for bour gymnasium. the party. Mrs. Lalla Block Arnstein, wife of a I wealthy merchant of Knoxville, Tenn., was recently elected a member of the Knox county court and thereby cloth- ed with the powers of a magistrate. She was the first woman magistrate to perform a wedding ceremony in Ten- nessee., \ -2 - ---- -- --- ------- 3] I "u"" , " ""s ""i ~a es "e "ru s s, n t I I } J Read the Want Ads DAILY TRYOUTS I A midsemester call for tryouts to The Michigan Daily is issued. There is a limited number of po- sitions open in the editorial de- partment which will be filled by | competition among tryouts. The | positions are open to any men on the campus, not freshmen. or in their first semester of residence. Those who desire to try out will I call at the office in the Press Building between 2 and 4 o'clock any afternoon this week and see the City Editor. the ~or Girls Waving i This process of perman- ent waving is without af doubt the premieri method. I; Stodd ard Hair Shoppe 707 North University Phone 2652 R ~ Read the Want .Ads; Mr. H. L. Corbin, of Milady's Boot Shop, 232 Book Building, Detroit, will be at the Vogue Shoppe, 308 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Saturdays and Wednes- days with a complete line of the latest Fifth Avenue creations for formal evening wear. The Honor of Your Prcsence Is Rcquested. { cing;Dress." Among the other manu- Council; then an exllanation of the scripts were a sketch on "CharactersICoilsytem for ln tionaos. the-. in the Library," which depicted the - - tSy.>tem for individuals. The re- iny," ehech the pert of the bazaar committee will fol- variste o go : , low and this committee is anxious for a review of "kimon Called Peter," a ny criticism of the management of take off on Emily Post's "Book of the bazaar that will help in improv- J+tiquette," and a criticism on the ing it next year. Flnally the prob- painting "Mona Lisa." lems confronting individual houses These manuscripts were criticized will be discussed. both adversely and favorably. The Representatives are requested to best works that are handed in during bring pen nd paper to the meeting. the year will be collected and pub- lished next spring in the form of a' book. -SPEIAL I~iNCIu 1 9 , 0 0 All Alone With You in a Little Rendezvous--Fox Trot International Novelty Orchestra Price The Pal That I hoivetl Stole the Gal That I Loved- 75cI Waltz Charles Dornberger and His Orchestra VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS 1 9 4 6 4 ( Silent N ight (Gruber) Mark Andrews Price Oh Come. All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) 7Te (Portugal) Mark Andrews 4 5 4 7 7 ) Sleepy lfoow rliTie (Fosdick-Kountz) Elsie Baker Price $1.00 When Love l)ics (Edgar Leopoldi) Elsie Baker 1 9 5 0 1 It Ain't Gonna min No Mo'---2nd Installment Hall Price 75ct We're Gonn have Yte« ther Wendell Hall SCHAEBERLE & SON, Music 1! House 10o When Mrs. Donald Clark ran for secretary of state in West Virginia in J the recent elections she supplemented A her speeches with a few of the folk -.-. songs of rugged mountaineers whose ways she had learned. Mrs. Clark lost' the general election but we'll venture Read to say the mountaineers voted for her. AND ) MUSIC At E PARKER'S TER UNION OPERA ,,, P j[ i A 'U ~ the Want AdsI .:, I.l1j ..----' ., .. . . Where Shopping !s A Pleasure f- - Mr- 0 tewt Eveni ng Gowns f $ 9.75 -$ 0.0 0 0 4 S blithesome and' C~gay as the strains of musicto ve which they will crepes, encrustedwith glisten- ing beads. Bouffant types of. chiffon or tulle, tinted like 'a" rainbow. Stately gowns of ? - jewel-toned velvets, further enriched with fur or metal Exquisite in coloring and conception - yet pleasantly matter-of-fact in price. 61261. L Lberty }- . A Gift from Goodyear's Peans Nor e j , i L AMPS are gifts that will transform any rooms in which they are placed. Desk, table, boudoir, bridge and floor styles, all artistically made. $2.25 to $31.50. Will be packed for shipment any- where. THIRD FLOOR GOODYEAR'S 124 SOUTH MAIN Flowering Plants The Appreciated Gifts The delicately colored Cyclamen and Bego- nia, the Poinsettia with its long, slender flowers of vivid ;ed or the bright colored berries of the Jeruselem Cherry are the gift de luxe indeed. They will last for a long time as the token of your thoughtfulness. We Do Not Raise Prices at Christmas Flowers of Quality Without Overcharge Send flower greetings by wire to friends out of town. We can telegraph your flower orders anywhere and guarantee satisfactory delivery in a few hours. Ann Arbor Floral Co. "The Home of Fresh Flowers" Store, 122 E. Liberty St.-Phone 1630 Greenhouse, 1021 Maiden Line--Phone 2190 I 'p w ... ..... __---- ----- ...r.. .,. { d ti f a. ., ,,, a s; y Il Detroit rnphony d .. %. 4 Nearly 100 Players in a Bril- liantt Program of Spasirkling Melodious Nutbers Hill A'udi~nrkxum I U. U .. Jill