PAGE SIX T!IE MICHIGAN DAILY TITr R 1A , DECEMBER.Jl11 ii, 192 .. ..... . ~ f ,, V 1 , ,. ., , ., .., . e.. VARSITY FIVE GOES THRUHTWO SCRIMMAGES PIREPARINGFOR MIA.C. FOR 'WOLVRfiNE ONTE TI~ DUPATC Last Lansing, Mich., Do- 10.--V: . Skipper Drives Alen in Effort to De- . cide on Startingj Lineup i = CHAMBERS INELIGIBLE ; AlIn dulring Michigan's Varsity basketball squad qt(Iieste will 'go into the M. A. C. basketballI house game minus the services of Eddie; to be Chambers, counted upon to fill one of I ers. the forward positions in the opening game of they year. Chambers was de- clared ineligible for participation tho first semester at a meeting of the f l Board in Control of Athletics, Tues- day night. The lineup is more indefinite than n ever as the result of the scrimmage last night. Skipper Mather put his U squad through two games, one withI the Coach school five and the otlier with a team of Re.serves. Captain H-ag- r IreKIlJ EacR gerty, 'Doyle, aid Cherry played for the entire period of scrimmage but the other men who were being tested as' possible choices, for positions Saturday M ACN night were shifted around continually. Kuenzel was given a try at one Ve of the forward positions for most of the contest and showed signs of Var- prsdn sity calibre. Kressbach, member of: will find the reserves last year was worked at club ow:a one of the guard positions early in the when Ire game but was replaced by Reason in meeting the first contest. Reason gave a good I The me exhibition, of basket shooting and hisj sa wLang NE)EIIAI. SIN'NERS en who have won aMa's orj rve numerals in football .g the past season are re- ed to report at the fieldf cduring the next few dlays mheasure~d for their sweat- JOHNSOIN OGUM at of 13rihcr~ (ase is i'.OIIC Contentiiion in New York iMeet!ing 4ATES BACK LANDIS York, Dec. 10.-Ban Johnsoni, it of the American League, d little sympathy amkong the ers in the junior circuit estarts his fireworks at the of the magnates. ioeting, at which Judlge Kane- ndis, head coltmiissioner of seven veterans back from thei. :amo that last year was 1)8 rely ibeat ( >i Michigan, Coach Kobs of 1M. A. C. i; confident that his tea ni this year xv ,ill be able to Ipanel -the \Xoiveriiec (iit-t a defeat, in their first game of t he season. captain Nuttila, o mm eCithllcaste-t. forwards to -ippear on the \'xolv : Te court last season, hla s lbeen =ging bet- ter ilhan ever this year ad -mould cause the Wolverine guank;l no >>r of worry. Hie has Pu Iprovcd b; ibaslket shooting which coupled w.i 11i his nat - ural speedl make himnaia uLt a a against any team. lP cliiian, h is Va ra- ning hate, has been a Varsity for- \Vard for two() y a'r" 0)an(,'iranks ('1lY a noetch below his leader. Kitto, Blkcy, ,to takec ilk) CC lbefore the openl- }.n o their Conference schedlule. 'The Maroons are working hard to Ir 1their teamr oda yin t ime or r 0 on 5] g gn? agist 11i- Mich- ,.x_ .....:, ]ACC. 2{}. t looks as ehim7' li(_'on ech Ncrgren will lave to deC- ' wo Uis I\Ogliai's at the sanme time, P11 t A'c:se has to kee^) out of prac- ml";l nil;; s foot ball iijur:y r 1 ad.s. 0,111a a L rks, 'liner'Barta, NL die . 'yabing'er and Austin Mc( 'arthy are P r c('El o';e guardls, the latter two be- ing onalified to fill in for tihe captain ;:1OUd it; be necessary. ,' gro'n is putting; his men through a, J11 tscrimmage every (lay uinig Barnte,, Sackett, and Gordon effective- l; at tihe forwvards with Alyca far out in front as a center. Don't delay-Pay your Subscription toda.. Workmen Prepare Yost Field House For Court Season Workinen have been busy on- the field house for the past two weeks preparing the buildiing for the basket- i),all season which will open Saturday nighit in a game with M\. A. C. TPhe seating capacity has been brought up to its full quota by the; erection of the bleachers on the floor, of tihe building oil all sides of the bas- ketball court. It is estina~ed that more than 8,000 people can easily he accommoda ted at'tihe ])isgoiiiies of the season. ON1 MYTHICALITEAM liii i l,tl ]Second Only flo Horrxl zii-d Walh n 'dilly E-wis' ROCKNE PLACES TWO "Butch'' Slaughter, guard oil theO M'ichigani Varsity football team for the last three ye ars, has been select COI by Billy Evans, lproziiient short crit ic, as left guard on his second All-Amer- icaon eleven. !According to Evans in his choice for the pivot position thlere were t hree plrominent candidates, Walsh of Notre Damne, H-orrell of California;, and Brown of 'Michiganl. I\alsii's play wvarranted1 a first teami herth, but his injuries kept him out of so mnany games that lie was necessar'ilv dis- sua lified for that ei lven, but his bril- liant platy assuire'dhimn that])pos ion on the second tocm. lorrl'Cl 1ha(1ua slight edlge o,,er Brown who rates third among Amyerica's pivot men. The firs;, teami is as follows: Wake- field, Vanderbilt, aild. Lawson, Stan- fol~d, ends; l\cGinlcv, IPenn, and F'Var. lie~, Prins' -'ton. tackles ; Diehl, Dart- nioiith, andl Fvrwick, Army, guards; with HEcrreli. Caltif., at center. In the ba,:ckfield: Stuhidreher, Notre Dle;, is at quarter; Crowley, Notre 1)atnie, and. Grange, II.. aree at the halves; with Pond of Yale, at full. On the secondl eleven : Mahoney, II olyJ Cross, and( Luman, Vale, are the endls; Weir, Nebraska, and Hancock, Iowa, tackles; Slaughter, Michigan, anid M'vahan, West Virginia, at guard(s; while W1alsh of Notre Demoe, is chosen as center. In '~he backfield1: Dooley. Dart mouth, is quiarterback; Ilaker, ;northlwestern, and Koppich, Columbia, are his hialfback selections;~ while M Ac~ride of Syr'acuse, is chosmn full- back. F[ROSH BRE4 LACK fl ~ ~ f~ M mn capable of doing 11 feet 10 inches T0 C T I ! rlte in tile pole vault and three mmi i the high jump who have clear- edl the bar at 5 feet 11 inches. ~ D IIWith all ,f the good men from time SDScross country teanin reporting, the (lis',- 175 Yearlin-'s Rlott .wryn the coach. Very few have ro- ll1oyl After Firs'. portced for the shot put or discus , andi Cualt as weight mTen have been very scarce on the Varsity the last two yearn P", V WEIGIH'I, MEN coaches are anxious to see more m(c'i out for thmis event. More than '175 freslhmen~ have re-j portedl to tCoacrh Hoyt, y: arinm:; iracoc net en,, for indoor I rack practice, foirming the lar ge st freshman trackc sqtlmlii Mi chigan track Ihistory. 1"or- tified ini all denartients exceplt the wveights amid withl a host o(f lprel)schlool stars onltile squad, prospects are bright for anothier yearling t eamn that will be able to (in icate tile recorol of lacst year's team wv.hen Coach Hoyt's I {iie-i took the mneasure of Illinois, Ohio State, and Iowa freslmian teams in telegraphic illeetS. M i n a o i , M n . e . 1 . .th o u g h t h e G o p h e r c ro s s c o i u i t' r i'y te a r. did not winl the confere'nce meet Coach Ices has announced thatthe pbysical education department is very satisfiedl with the season's results,. In addition to the men whm oml~rnosedl the Varsity over 80 nien were (develop)- ed who cold cover the requiredl five miles in less than thirty minutes. ij Although the first offitial1 pi~adice> was hleld on the cinders ilt the Yost field house yesterday a ntmiber of tile men have been wor king out for sev-. eral weeks, and are already shlowing goodl form. Especially in the pole vault amid high jumIY is Coach H-oyt', team well fortified. There are four t. I I' ,I, i Practice sessions for teamns en- tered in time interfraternity swimming mneet, will be hield Thursday, 3:34-4:30 at time Y. Al. C. A. 1p0ol. i I (k I iiuur VUI'iiwas goo. L-ater Line was:' baseball, is supposed to be present, put in at tile guard post. The big m iay still be moved to Chicago dueEc ;ophiomore has shown catpability all; to time iillness of Mr. Landis, which season but lhe has slowed up in t ;makes it impos~sible for the grand t last few practices. He is an almostI mogul to comle here. The actual tiro-I sure bet to get into the Aggie gamze, cedure in the matter had not been't however. Gregory was another man ,decide(d tonight.t who was worked at a forward posi- Joihnson has expressed in forcible tion later in the game. . trm his desire to meet with thate t The Coaching schxdol five showed; up nmerus law in he ar~ty e-Fudge in order to' tell himl of a num-1 up nmerus law intheVarityde-ber of things which lhe thinks are c fense but the regular shooting outae.Aogthsfr h a G eor e I agg rty and Red C he rytept w ich Judge L andis handled the ; the Varsity ahead. Inthe seodtm rbrycs f.imn 'onl n the Varsity showed signs of weaken- ;Cozby Doaneof in hichtileynere ax- ing and the shots of Landre and Rea- pezyeDofron baseball foryattempting son, who had been transferred to the petdfonbsbllfratmtn to bribe Heinie Sands, of the Phillies;" Reserve lineup, kept the score fairly theso gambling se ituation wvhich lhe says even. The regular five showed a lack of accuracy, under the basket in both exsso;tePcfi os;Ih ad ganis ad mst f teirscoes ereling of the World's Series; and num- made from near the foul line. Reason =erous other matters which have conict trotl Landre scored consistently under to his attention. the net.! The owners of. a. the clubs in the With Chamnbers out of the lineup for ;American league are not in sympathyl the first few games at least the for-'" with their head in his intentions. ward post opposite George Haggerty Most of tlieni have expressed them- is in the air. In Saturday's game it, selves as being heartily in support ofI is likely that Kdlenzel, Reason, Greg- Judge Landis in his actions. Furth- ory, and 'probably Hutzol will be giv-! ermuore they will probably tell John- en a chance to show their wares, son of their opinions and ask that hie One of the interested spectators at lbe a little more careful in the future last night's scrimmage was Harry as to his rash statements With me- Kipke, All-American football player Bard to the corruption existing. They and star on both the basketball and! feel that such statements as his are baseball teams for his three years of damaging to thle general reputation competition, enroute to L.ansing where4 of the game, and that hie should be his wedding bells will tinkle Saturday.; more guarded in what lie says until ]Following the wedding lhe and his 'lhe has p~roof positive that lie is night.I brhide will traivel 4to the Coast where The unqualified backing given to the Missouri teani, of which Kipke is Judge Landis by the National League one of the coaches, will play New magnates yesterday will fiecessarily Year's day.I rob the American League leader of - --- ----- ' some of his power. Without the sup- Prof. J. C. Brier' of the chemical port of the senior' loop or the club; cngineering departument gave a short owners in his own circuit, Ban is talk on the mentor system at tile reg- without m-uch help. The National. ular freshm'an engineering assembly j Leaguers were expected to pass a yesterday, resolution denouncing th'e actions of' Johnson, but this failed to materialize amid the session's resolutions Were 1.A. ('. AM) ('%)LUATE , limiited to one conimending Judge FOtl' (dli) GAME 'IN192) Landis on his entire conduct through- out is career to date, and backed I Another game was adIded to himi up strongly on the very points Stihe list of intersectional con- I that Johnson emphasizes in his' ar-j Itests slated for the 192'0 football I raignnient of the commissioner. season when it was announced] Nothing in the way of a statement yesterdlay afternoon at Hamilton,I has been obtained from Judge Lan- IN. Y., that the Colgate team dis in c~tnnection with any feature wouhlnmeet M. A. C. Oct. 31I at ! ot' the situation. He has been held up j East Lansing.' in Rochester, Minn., for several days _________________________________ Iwhile his wife has been under exani- Ac]FLORS]HIE IAM SHOEF THE type of men I 1who wear Flor- sheim Shoes: speaks - more for the shoes than anything we could say. They wear Florsheim Shoes as a matter of good taste. The Stadium $10 CAMPUS BOOTERY, 304 S. St'ate St. A I / ABLEND OF FXVORS\ SSUPX TO P rASEYou \, -THIS WEEK, AT YOUR. VNN Ot JP RK R AFTER, I4'A OPERAI ""- so!V nv"a ,r- w 'n -r. - ro ".' rxr r .m ^*.nar," rn:.'ow^.. Z= mm AUTO ROBES and COUCH SH-AWL-S-WhyT shivYer and freeze when we arc offer- ing such a fine assortminent of wool blankets which xwill serve your every need,. They are to he had in the doable block plaids, fringed shawls or in the single heavy army blankets. Priced up from $4.38. A full size heavy wool double blan~ket, size 66 x89, at special sale price only $7.89 a pair. cuarduroy Coats Blanket or sheep lined, with fur or Mackinaws, Overcoats and "Fish Brand plain collars, Slickers." iI, . ..- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.,,.,x 0 e For ladies and men ni many styles : Suede Leatheir with fur collar and wool lined for cold weather. Horsehide,. Reindeer or Napa Leather with blanket or lamb lining are essential these days. In V-neck or the big, warm shawl collar, both Slip-Over or Coat style in all wool, only $6.98. Light sweaters at $2.98 and up. Shlrts All Wool Blanket Pat- terns, Corduroy, Mole- skin, etc. Breeches All kinds. Golf Hose and Heavy Wool Sox. Underwear Caps and Helmets Skating Shoes For Ladies and lMen. ) Munson Army Hiking Shoes, rShoes, High-Tops, Mocassin Packs, Leather Puttees, Canvas and Wrap} 11 . 1.