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December 11, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-11-1924

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P'ueiistd ever y morning exaept Monday
turing the Untversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Pubiications.
Mesibers of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
iispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in tnis paper and the local news pub-
ished therein.


Entered at the postoffice at Ann Nrbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate3
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-1
master (General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street. .
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176M
Editor.............John G. Garlinghouse
T..ews.-ditor...........--.-Robert G. Ramsay
City sditor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
Gecrge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. That
Snorts Editor........William H. Stoneman
lunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Wo n's Editor.............Verena Moran
Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph iditor. sWilliam J. Walthour
Louise Barley ilelen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennaets, Marie Reed.
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B .Crosbi,,. Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
Sames W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
oseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
lanning 1{ouseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy"Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Lieberna" tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 964
Advertising.................... E. L. Dunne
Advertising...................J. J. Finn
Advertising.... .......... .. A. Marks
Adv'rtising.......... ....... H. M. Rockwell
Accounts....................Byron Parker
Circulation. ......"............R. C. Winter
Publication............... .John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi, K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz 3. D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman i'reehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer;.- F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR.

which will be most benefitted by them.
Such an analysis reveals the fact that O I
all but two millions of the twelve and CAMPUS OPINION M U S I C
a half million dollar sum will go to gdeu nn at co niAD
disregarded. The names of communi- AND
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- cants will, however, be regarded as
I ~~confidential upon request.13iR
nology and the University of Roches- u R A M A
ter. Two Negro colleges of the South,
Hampton and Tuskegee institutes, areITHE COMING WORLD
each the recipient of a smi TRAGEDY TO-MNGI'.: "Tickeld To Deaith" b1
bequest. To the Editor: I Donald E. L. Snyder at 8:15 o'cloel
While one sees as the possible The idea of world peace for the firstI in the Whitney Theatre.
result of the gifts, a great advance- time touched human mind in 1919. The TO-N [GIrr: Mr. Rudo lf illnniel
ment, particularly in technical educa- world was in a state of bewilderment lectures on "The Miracle" atS o'cloe
tion, there is always present that ele- ' in University hall.
ment of commercialization and tend- due to the after-effects of the war.
ency to laud to highly the material European industry was ruined and all Tl('K[l'D TO DEATH"
advancement of education through the nations were in the hard grip of A review, by Jason Cowles.
addition of great new building, along ( economical and trade fluctuations. In spite of the fact that the Oper
with the effect of miimizng the other And above all, memories of plunder, publicity committee has assured me
and more human side. This condition and barbaric methods of en bloc, that this year's show was
already exists in too great a degree - fine one, I herewith assert that I cor
in the United States today to allow killing employed in different theaters
any perceptible increse. The charge of wars were quite fresh in every sider it worse than last year s, which
. . was wor o than the year's before.
that American higher intitutions of wtmind.
are little iuor,. None o Ltlentactors displayed eve
learning are little mo re than huge Such a situation did not fail to
intellectual factories is too true. create a popular opinion against war vestigial talent, with the exceptioeI
There is much of worth in the two among all civilized nations of the of Robert f Ienderson as the Russia
lesser gifts of Mr. Eastman toward j world. Some moral authority consist- countess, who pushed his rather w(
the advance of Negro education ing of representatives of all nations lines across much more effectivel
through the two leaders in this field was conside'red to be an indispensable than any other live men in the ca;
in the United States. There is prob- necessity to guarantee world peace in -and of Paul Bruske, who gave
I ably no school >n the country that is the future. The League of Nations super-subtle characterization in tI
doing more for the colored race than came into existence. But unfortunate-role of Frank iRowan. Nyan Tc
the Tuskegee institute while the ly the very disruptive elements and sounded like a boy trying to learn t
Hampton institute is not far behind. forces that have been a contributory reae. All the rest of the cast talke
In aiding these two institutions, Mr. cause for war have crept into the
Eastman has recognized the fact that system of the World Court.' It was like a bunch of jolly boys that ha
only through education can America under the very nose of the League of just. ade up seine charades and we'
hope to solve the so-called Negro , Nations that Turks cruelly massacred just having their first rehearsal. TI
problem. For this, he should be con- the Greeks and Armenians and threw wisecracks, a collection of sledg
gratulated. them into the sea. The Ruhr was hammer jokes cut out of the twent
In view of the fact that Southern occupied by France with the knowl- five-years-ago deartment of Judg

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education has been and still is an-
preciably behind that of the North,
the establishing of a new inst'tution
or the expansion of Trinity college of
Durham, North Carolina, under the
name of Duke University as the bene-
factor provides, is a worthy move.
Both this and other gifts to the
churches and schools of the southern
state should become a great force for
its advancement in religion and educa-

edge and silent consent of the League;
the so-called 'Moral Authority!' Re-
cently the League has failed to settle
and even intervene in the Anglo-
Egyptian problem. In short it has
been a singular failure.
During this period, side by side with
this cry for world peace, other very
remarkable forces were at action.
Every nation while advocating the
cause of peace in unequivocal terms,

instead of
on thei


tion. has been equipping her army and navy
Yet, no matter how many such trust secretly. France has 66 per cent
funds are created or sums given, more soldiers than during pre-wax4
there is always that ruinous tendency time and the efficiency of her aira
to overemphasize material greatness service has increased a hundred per-
against which American educators cent. Turkey today possesses the big-
must guard. As they are all fully gest army she ever had. The Japa-
aware of this fact, however, there is nese Government is busy constructing
every reason to believe that they will more planes, guns and battle-ships in
be able to direct these great sums of spite of her recent misfortunes. The
money into the channels of better United States, in fear of an unexpect-i

C being slipped gently across I umi[Upouisi urt nouImI
umsuspecting patrons, were 1 707 N. University Ave Phone 2652
howled home. In addition,
Play for that Party.
For Engagements Call 284
4 eaie Ann Arbor, Chamber
Commerce, 7:'A A. M., 1100
A. Mzg., :1 P. N., 6:30 P. ,.
1.u e( A G r Call 46 for information.
in '"Tickled To Dar0ath"! __w

Telephone Murray Hill 8800
Our Representative will be at the
Tomorrow and Saturday
December 12 and 13
with Samples of Ready-made Clothing
Furnishings, Hats and Shoes
for Fall and Winter
Send for "Christmas Suggestions"


education. ed invasion from Japan, is strength-
TOWARD UNDERSTANDING - -ening her navy and army to the best'
Whether or not a new era of Amer-I WHIMSIES IN DISGUISE of her resources. His Majesty's Gov-
i{an participation in the affairs of the The rebirth of The Inlander brings ernment, I mean Great Britain, has
os to mind two questions. First, where not been blind to these movements of
League Iiattns hatnainterest-in.literaturei heir neighbors. She is also expand-
is that mtrs ieauewhich
is-ated by the Washington govern- was so strong on the campus two or ing her navy and army, not only to
ment's acceptance of the invitation to t defend her own boundaries but alsoj
three years, ago, when the infamous
participate in an international confer- but immortal '. D. E. held forth meg- to maintain her political prestige and'
ence at Geneva next spring, concern- ularly every Sunday, to the delight domination over her eastern posses-
ing the international traffic in arms, of half the campus and the supreme sions.
the step is significant in that it will dsIt has been, at last, decided to con-
be aild b oter atins s eidecedisgust of the other half? And second,
be hailed by other nations as evidence!will The Inlander be the vehicle on struct the Singapore base. It has a
of the desire of the United States for which literature and the things of two-sided significance. It is meant
permanent world peace. The confer- the mind ride once again to their for protection of Australia against
ence will be an important one, having place in campus life? Japan, and the rise of-the Indian Na-;
great bearing on any disarmament This new Inlander is Whimsies in tionalism has served to hasten the
plan for the future, and as such will disguise. Whimsies in a beautifully decision of the Conservative Baldwin
need the advice and cooperation of executed new typographical dress. An Ministry. It is interesting in view of
this nation, one of the largest pro- editorial published in the issue which the fact that England has decided to
ducers of munitions and arms of all made its appearance on the campus spend millions of dollars on this base
kinds, yesterday will explain the change: at a time when her industry is crip-
That this should have come just as "T is elinthecne: pled, her goods have no promisingi
the League council is in session at I "This is he fifth cocutive 'markets and over two million of her;
Rome is particularly auspicious. It year in which a periodical de- laborers are without jobs. But it
may facilitate the passage of the voted exclusiveiy to creative writ seems she is prepared to fight for her
Protocol or satisfactory revision by ing has existed at this University. prestige to the last man and her last
. There have been days when the
the time the .ouncil meets again. Tcent.
England's request that final considera- futu ch an entrprise l Another view of the situation is the
tion -of this means of providing for ed gloomy, very gloomy. But awakening of the Orient. A powerful
world disarmament and security be enough people seem to keep on Chinese Republic, a United Indian Re-
deferred until the Conservative min- wanting such a magazine. The public and a Persian Republic seem
istry shall have had time to consider board of editors felt this year that very near. This means the termina-
it carefully and determine the senti- the time had come to recognize tion of western influence in the East.3
ments of 'the colonies was not unrea the permanence of their tnder- There is also possibility of a conflict
taking by returning to the name .
sonable. Indeed, the unanimous toon the basis of race prejudice which
action of the council in granting this most definitely associated with is rapidly increasing, especially be-
eotended time vindicates the British literary effort on this campus, The tween the Orient and the New World.
ministry entirely of having any ul- Inlander. The world is faced today with a
terior intentions which might lead to There are many who will welcome most critical situation. It is rather
complete abandonment of this plan for the change. Although it strove sin- hard to predict when and why and
world peace. t Great Britain only cerely to keep up its ideals, Whimsies I where this international disaster will
wishes assurance that the Protocol seemed a pitifully poor little thing to kindle first. But I am certain about
is the best plan and that her posses- be considered representative of the one thing. If such a situation ever
sions are entirely in accord with its campus literary talent. There was arises, it phall mean the end of our.
provisions. An additional factor is something about the name--Whimsies modern civilization and progress for,
found in the British desire that the --which conjured up visions of well several centuries to come. This re-
United States be included in any such meaning but somewhat timid board j action may carry us back to the Stone
scheme. The assurance of this na- Iof editors trying their very hardest to Age. From present indications I am
tion's cooperation in the conference realize Art. And the material pub- convinced that world peace is impos-
on traffic in arms may provide the lished in Whimsies seemed somehow sible under existing conditions. I am
necessary -impetus. to supplement the title perfectly- also quite pessimistic about the
It is hardly probable that this Whimsies, and feeble ones at that. future unless some miraculous force
latest mole of the state department. Just ipcidentally it might be inter- intervenes to prevent the coming
indicates any great change in policy esting to observe the extreme paucity world tragedy.
in view of President Coolidge's re- of ipterest in writing of all kinds -B. S .Sindhu, '27E.
cent pronouncements against the ( among our University students. A
League. It is nevertheless encourag- recent book of modern college verse, Probably Henry Dawes, who recent-
iug and will no doubt have a pro- containing contributions from nearly ly resigned from his place as comp-
found effect in securing world under- every fresh-water instituticn as well troller of currency to become head of,
standing. Each time the United States as from the recognized universities the Pure Oil company, has decided
takes part in a League conference, the and colleges of the country, did not that there is more money in oil than
cat on takes a step toward ultimate have a single line of verse which had in the government service. Yet, the l
partcipation in all of its activities. i been contributed by a Michigan stu- two sometimes go together.
dent. But to get back to Whimsies-
or rather, The Inlander: Five Sing Sing prisoners have been
MILLIONS FOR EDUCATION The campus needs a literary maga- I given another month to live in order
The simultaneous announcement. of zine, and needs it badly. Chimes, that they may see the presentation of
the creation of a $40,000,000 trust which is at Mresent playing the role the prison's musical comedy. At last
fund for educational purpones by of a sort of literary imaidl of all work- some good use for such a production!
James B. Duke, millionaire power American magazine, Saturday evening
magnate, and new gifts to colleges I post, religious periodical, and every- M A C. is rennrted to h eseking

L~EA di 11; IS


C U t R R A 0.

220 BILL vus AwaN.r,

lenders:o s;:oiled his fine p'rf.,mn?-
anee witIi1 hug and repeated handfuls
of unpardonablo vulgarity.
As we have long been telling our
intinate friends, and now joyfully
proclaim to an body th.'s fish enough
to read this, the whole idea underlying
the production is all wrong. All the
money that Mir. Shuter blows on
costumes and $aO fans might just as
well be spent on a nobby printing job
for- his programs, for all the good!
they did his show. When a gang of
ugly hams come trooping onto the
stage, dressed in beautiful clothes, it
simply leaves the audience up the
creek, as the boys say. You can't
say 'gee that's purty' when your eye
travels up a neat pink gown and then
runs into lion Johnson's face--or halt
the other faces there. But you can't
laugh either.
Some attempt was made in the sec,
ond act to burlesque the rest of the
show, bit it was done in the same
howlung stle as the rest of the humor,
and so in i ht better not have been
done at all.
Snyder deserves a great deal of
credit for having written better music
for hi; opera than any show has had
in years. Many of the songs showed
ability too, although I understand that
his book has been mutilated beyond
rei-cgnition by the heartless Mr. Shu-
ter and his accomplices.
Much of the humor was of such a
character as to send Mr. and Mrs.
rierbert A. .Jump, who sat in front of
me, into chaste and hasty conference.
I don't want to moralize, but the smut
was as ill (lone as the rest.
* * *
Loi Maier, the wife of Guy Maler,
head oh the piano department of the
University School of Music, has just
returned from a to-or through New
York and New England. During this
time she gave nine piano recitals-in
Fall River, Ta it-n, New York city,
Poi=.gihkeepsiolBoston, Lawrence and
and; AuutMaine.
Ihe Bostoi Elvening Transcript re-
viewed Nlrs. Mater's concert most en-
tlusiastically. "T'Ihe recital was con-
'iicv ;uu ."' tlie ciici:m says, "for in-
telligeice a nd interpretation, for
beauty cf tcne, for large variety in the
shading of snch tone, and for occa-
sienaI shirp incisive fiery rhythnis.
Mieodic t ene, large and rich was evi-
dent at once in Crainger's Irish Tune
frm Couity D(rry; true Brahnsian
flavor and 1sonority characterized the


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