~ TUi3SDAY, PDECE IIER 11, 1221 THE MICHIG.AN DAILY PAOFGT,, 1TPtfl "'SIS JBC[ lRetiring Ambassador Honored 090E HDCVMEITS MIEN ANSIC JUDES Wih Ho WY~ Wcgc eree~To UNIVERSITYIBPR AFFIRM DECISION__ i'Deligaa stae Suremie (Cort 11Ibi Ru then berg;, Lbor Leader, Guity FOSTER IMPLICATED Lansing, Mich., Dec. lo.-(By A.P. .-Charles E. Ruthenberg, secreta r +pvf the workers party and prominen member of the communist party -o America was held guilty of violatio of the Michigan syndicalism act b the state supreme court today. lR was originally convicted1 in the lBer ribn county court, following his ar i'st in the famous raid of the federa andl local officers on the secret con vention of the communists at Bridge man, Berrien county in August 1922 Ti Ee promptly appealed from the de- cision of the circuit court, and has S been at liberty since under bond. Ad visedl that the supreme court had a- ffirmed his conviction, Ruthenberg who is in Chicago, indicatedl that h(e will carry the case on to the sprene y, court of the Unitedl States. W. L. Foster, who was the presi- (ential canidate of the workers p iarty in the last election red Ben V Giplow, his running mate, were others -tmong those arraigned in the Berrien rd. ;poster was tried b)ut the jury to~lisagreed. lie probably will be re- tried and Giplow, Rose Pastor Stokes, Sand~ many o~hr communists who * were indicted following the raid, but P;%ver tried, may be brought into court as a rsult of today's decision. The opinion upholding the circuit court conviction was written by .us- tiie Howard Wiest, and concurredl in unanimously by the entire bench. It heldl that the state had the right to enact such laws as the syndicalsmi act to defend itself; that the act is constitutional and that Ruthenerg's blea that he was arrested andl his documients seized illegally, was incor- rect. The court ruled that the ofic- er's who raidled the Bridgeman mieet - iug were within their rights in sez- ing the portfolios and barrels of (1ocu- rnents offered in evidence, because /1 ey were directly related to the com- mission of crimes by uthnberg. Trhe d(ecision took a biting flin; at Ruthenberg and the communist party, describing theme as the "redl thread of Russian communism," aud acc i'sig there of trying to hide behind t he laws of the governmlent they seek to overthrow. It related that delegates from the third inrtern atonal hiead- quarters front Moscow, from the Ris- sian redI tradle internationatl,. tend front the Hungarian federation ,It- teride(I the sand(dne con vent ion. z lie 'efdat voluntarily ssenti- bled with the other delegates at the I sridgenian convention is tbcon ur- 1t leader, fpctor and paid oficial. ''Thle (defendant would have us en- tertain the opinion that he attended the convention to turn the communist party from its illegal activities and constitute it, through a merger wFith the workers party, and open a legal ]arty. We entertain no such opinion. Resolutions were adopted t the B ridgeman mecting thmat the under- ground, illegal party which is known asnumber one andl which is the con- muirist party, must cotinue. The (defendant was acting under or- (ters fr'omi Moscow. lie was pledged *to obey such orders. It taxes credut- lity too far to believe he was endeav- oring to bring communist dlotie .nit tactics within the law Such do- tr ines, ana(l practice for mulated in Russia, andolmoongated hci c w~ithout the law Dogs Decrease; Bikes Scarce; Campus Oujet, 'onsiderabi f: tecreas;e ill t~e nuni br of dogs straying about I le cam-n pus,5 andl in the numer of bicycles on rrcampus walks, is evident in the opin- ion of officials of the Building and Grounds department after two weeks ' of campaigning by that department to rid the campus of two evils. Many (logs have been taken by the department in tihe past two weeks, and yesterday five were addled to the nuni- ber. Owners are required1 to pay fifty cents a dlay to cover feeding costs for every (lay a log is held by the depart- metin its "pound.'' UTsetually owners are prompt in calling, officials say. A bicycle was taken yesterday from a boy charged with violation of the rule prohibiting riding on the walks.' ~'Before inaugurating the policy of Stemporarily holding bicycles of of- '~fenders, the department mailed letters of warning to parents of those charged with infractions of the rule. M1\rs. Jam as ll. Camp b)e'll, of. Grand Rapids, 1recenmtly presenitm ad '.everal= rare documents from the wersona I paper' of Gov, ~eel T a55,thec Sfirst governor of Micluignii, 1to t !a gcas era 1 library of the tUnversit v. Tiv'se I (lcumnen t s inrrc e ct ter ,01 ( ov'.n -- or Mason, polit cal pamph lets of that3 p~eriod, a text book of thei Repub~licanf I I I t it i 3' ., iaty. dated 1360, and the Mason bible,.z wh" ich (contains the genealog;y of the# family. T1he letters will be placed in the rare hook room, as tihey might other- ': r ble lost. or dlamagedl, while the: taocks will be added to the libr:ary{ ofa hes h ichligan" collect ion. I Repor t of special commi >ttees wiere 2 r(- -et to the facalty of the School # of 1; lit a Si att Ihe ri1:ce '.;; ~heldl yes-I t aia' ft. m~~iin the ofl ice at T 'I ssw hail. Doean A. ;T. Whitney] ''ra. bled flamilton, N. Y., Dec. 1.-Colgate G A , I C Y will meet the Michigan Aggies at IwA~LL r.e 1'ast Lansing, Oct. 31, 1925, in an ini- Teh 11±1 ~'9 mf Tim himuuimtc Cmed tersectional football game, it was ani- .* nounced here today. .IleCPioucd I r ncews Read the WantAd1 Your11-Sulbscrilmon is .-n'ble now. Give Candy a ! Gifts From tOverseas Gifts Selected -at- FOSTER'S Always Piease Gilbert's Candies or a fancy box packed specialty for you make ideal gifts. We WRAP and MAIL 709 North University "Mmomm, _, , . _ _ ._. _ Amjiiad's~ or ,lul1es.1 ussernd of Franca, who is 'retiring after more ihan 20 yearas of service in Wa hingto fn, is receiving mIan1y honors and evi- (h ilecs of trienldail) u',S lhe prepares to lea e. ii is shown at th1e left above rae; i. ig the h lonor,,ry de , rce ofdoe[or of iav.s Ifroim Na xv York i iivernt y. ("Ilhan w,.,lo01' lmner EL! aworti h ovn lis pre~sen Ii ig hinawithIitbhe degree. UNlIVESITY HIGH ADOPTS NEWJ METHM OofHAOING A cliic veinni(it.and citizen ahi form t W ie(otlirle bha ais o rading :;for Pu- vc .ut y highi}rsolmoel t idtti>de-{ i ttitire IWon the 1more7Dster'eot yped woi k andl deportmient plan. Tphe i4ew system rep resents an attempt to vital-1 ize high school marks; teachers at theI high school believe that.. it is pr"oving effective. .[ive grades fromt Ah.to 1. arc gi ven forM(W ien mt aam ii tiq.r l by dai ly claas work, spl lal ; 'reject , aSOW1 a- earlta o tli'iod 81.2 i'2' l (1( t'aiideiit 11,011 itue ptrsilal i'O'rcI and l )1itudei('of the Buol. For 5(11003 I cit izenship, i miasrange from 1. to 'l, v.,h lli llin,; iis asto) coniduct repatir-- in g ci 1,2er t i ;hog~ st or lowe.cal r e s, the kiin ;i mlt~e gradcs to he t"gvive at t. l_-.- lthe (liser'on Of f lie t eachler. (It. izenmsip in thle school includes truist,- wor'thi ness and resout refitss AinI Variousi1 situations, ats well as co-op- (Tat ion 2an(1,gonceral at ude Itoward the group. ('uis 'cs t(('orlos ~iwere 115(3(1 at the 'AI la t tomna lDelta a lform al 112 ' 1vnt iny aheldl lUtlir(Ii1v en ing at 1 1:: -,1(' for' the a flar inclualed: Inv'. C('ar£d a Maernani,Mr.%21an1 Mrs. ('Asni't i'e irit U , an.d Ma jor i li i ni('at'2,ent er and Mr's. (Carport- RA;SED TJHENT BOUN OVEH TO GIRCUT CURT "If '111.1 1' Fib mi m'25,was bound c)5, to 10)(rca ttcourt yesterday, on . ,50,) bail by Judge John D. Thomas. iiiatia 'im was a resteol on Nov. 24 for nti lle ed coninec.Lion with time Cartier ad Wa gnmer' (lothing st ore be r ll(I- whiclr~h occurred on Nov. 22. the i'spoildeti '5 roommates, Charles Mur- iavi, '25, andl Proctor Gilbert, '25E, both plea ,led guilty when the stolen clothing Nwas found in Fairbairn's truiik, and were bound over to circuit court oun $3,500 bail. They furnished bail amid were' releaised. I.3 ii haIilcitiicinleto lbe innjocent aid ,saidlhe knew nothing of the rob- biery, I [is two roomilmates andl a De- troit man, who was alleged to beO con- nect ed with the robbery, testified that ha head nmo knowvledge of' the dteal. TPes- tinillV bu'oulght. out ini.the ~hearing y'st amA ay disclosed tihatWai riaim'n amid his thmree associates hmd visited both the Cartier amnd Wagner clothing at ore., on a Saturdlay evening, that at both places IFairbairn had tried onl ,uitta ando askedl thlat they be laid a iray xeNextd(yla'lut Ii es!t alihishnments l (ported clothing as missing. AlithIough n1o0direct iprofcouldI be ero ented against. Pl m'iaiu'n, iidica.- tioni a{ointed that hie luau been a fact or in aii(nit; aid(]abett'.ing the robbe'ry, and a t his gromumnod Jtmge Thonuar bound lii i ovaer to) tle earliesit luoa i ble Itrial on t lie cirmcuit (conso~it. aa'i ..Va r- hal an hasa beeminabe Ic raixe [lie r -45, jjSTARTING TODAY pp Y Y DIVERSIFIED EN TERTAINMENT ' ~ Frst, "ME.RTlONaO F'HE MOVIES" A Fast, Furious Comedy, and now r. A THRILLING MYSTERY RO,71A NCE' PioreI : llTV Story Briefly L' Np IMA_ } ! -' Y w '~"'~- JUST A LITTLE 1MEME14NT' OF THE NI1GHT' BEFOREl 1e IN ... AUP ETTfE 111 '1LO, ALAN 1J.:/.L ~ ~"~~"-'. ND: F F T CAST ., "~'UN1AL NEmWS"9 4u...(* U atne 1 : iSe.ts, 25 rv All Sets, 3c ., ,. Y'' I r F 111. saf T y A 7 ~C ciararount-ciur c.4JSE~I HIABULY Po1-14O "', ,' .. ' Acclaimed! byC ritics For Royal Laughter ! LLOY j A.Pathd P tr Ycyclonic cong4y of ne*, ly wcds and mheddling relatllv( s '1 P' ' i i 1 ' 1 FirJ N,-ional unk ~xuDEPAR-TME.NT )ldc.'lA \Tional Pn! [in Vchig 0 ___ 4 See the confirmed bachelor ,etting; his when he doble- rosses the brotherhood of fan- y'frees and falls for a pair of ;oft boiled eyes ! IT'S A K.'-& T AiW'Ium. DIABOLICAL! REAL! PA' YINI N EWSPECIAL NMUSIC Student Veterans Thme American Legion will attenmpt Sto bring into its fold all the ex-ser- Svice men connected with the Univer- sity, in a membership drive which is &-about to be inaugurated. Only eight students land ten members of the fac- 3Matin e d 1k-30~ Nighmts 7 :00-8:30) 5o"-Oe - E'XT iWEEK DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS