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December 11, 1924 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXV. No. 67






DEC. 29-JAN. '2
Weller, Wanstrom, A41dress Meeting;
Several Other Members of
Faculty Attend

Successful Impersonation Requires
Visualization And Actual Feeling I
Of Part Portrayed, Asserts Whitney
"Impersonation is mostly a matter equally, as the only preference he
of visualizing the character to be I would express was that he likes that
portayed, and then being that char- !play most which he has played last. IIN HO
yAfter a performance, he said, he is;
actor-natunlIy," according to Ed- impressed with the outstanding quali- E
win M. Whtney,dra Wi d Smith's ties of'the characters in the play he !NE ()
well-known comedy "Turn to t has just read, and with the play
- self, and lie feels that it is the best.
fRit '' ninnnv ,, niai n h ~ 111Fri l rl i-i - .. -- -

Koch Expresses Opinion That Peary
Reached North Pole; Believes Air
Routes May Operate Over The Arctic
Belief that Admiral Robert E. the territory which he himself had
Peary is the only man who has ever covered, and not once did he find any
Tireached the North Pole, was express- evidence of misrepresentation. "WhenI

i r



ed to The Daily yesterday by Dr. Pea.y said that he has done a thing
Lauge Koch, famous Danish explorer. I believed him," asserted Doctor Koch,
"There is every reason to believe that "and I sincerely believe that he
iPeary really reached the Pole," said reached the North Pole."
Doctor Koch, "and only a very few, In relation to the proposed air-

"People often ask me, as you have'
jdon, how I make my play people ap-
pear so realistic." Mr. Whitney saidj
when asked how he made the Deacon
in the play appear to have whiskers.

Scientists from all over the country he whole ting lies, I believe, in
will attend the annual meeting of the the fact that I known from actual
American Association for the Ad- experience how that man should look
vancement of Science which will be and act, and so does the audience,
held in Washington, I). C., from Dec. and as long as he acts in the way he
29 to .Jan. 2. All of the foremost would naturally act, we all find in
scientific societies which make up the him the character we think shouldI
association have arranged meetings be there."
during the week in such a way that Mr Whitney has a wide repertoire!
members belonging to nore than one of plays, and seems to like them alt
society can be present at as many
meetings as possible.I
Warthin to Preside at Mtaeeth-
ological department is a member of NJA
Prf AS.Wrn ofth pth
two of the societies,.lHe is chairman
of the Federation of American So- 1IL SE K H R
ceisfor. Experimental Biology and
president of the American Societies
for Experimental Pathology. At meet-
ngsxp en Paho e Me ih To Tal To Methodists On
ings of the latter organization he will I "tl CiaTI olsh'iik ToPe'SCthoisO n
give the presidential address and also "The Bolshe ik Persecution
talk on the "Action of X-rays on Pig- i
mented Moles of the Skin." Carl V.
Weller and Prof. Ruth C. Wanstrom. I WAS AT MOSCOW TRIA L
also of the pathological department - -
will address this body. Captain Francis McCullagh, journal-I
Several other doctors in the medicalI
school, many of whom Will give lec- ist, author, and former correspondentj
tures, will attend, among them being of the New York Herald, will lecture
Prof. Frederick G. Novy, Prof. Howard under the auspices of the WesleyanI
B. Lewis, Prof. Robert Gesell, Prof.t Guild lecture series Sunday evening,1
Erwin E. Nelson, and Prof. Albert C. Dec. 14, at the Methodist church. "The
Young. Bolshevik Persecution of Christian-I

This is especially significant when(., and not weighty reasons to beleve
we understand that Mr. Whitney has i -5-3 RATIO LOS that he i did not."
been appearing before the public for Doctor Koch pointed out that when
22 years, the last 11 as a recitalist, Tells Committee That Battleship Is Peary went to the North Pole he sent
and has given more than 5,000 read- Still Real Measure Oi one white man and several natives
ings during that time. "Sealowerr hack home each day throughout the
The recitalist has a remarkable j - -trip and that when the last white
voice range, and is able to imitate Washington, Dec. 10.-Cruiser for man left him he was within a very
voices of every possible pitch. HeIcruiser and submarine for submarine, short distance of his goal. There was
believes that his success on the plat- the United States must build in coi- no reason why he should not have
form is due in a large measure to his i;gotten to the northern-most point, as
voice, the development of which he petition with Great Britain on a 5 to 3 the remainder of the trip was short
attributes to his early training as a ratio of superiority over Japan if the and the ice and weather conditions
singer, and to more or less technical Washington treaty's 5-5-3 ratio of j were excellent.
training for the platform. naval strength is to be maintained. As a further basis for his opinion,
When we go to the theatre and see Secretary Curtis D. Wilbur has Doctor Koch told of having found all
(Continued on Page Two.) formedthe House sub-committee on of Peary's work highly accurate in
naval appropriations.
Thme secretary submitted a roundedj
DETROIT ATHLETES ~buildiing program advocated by theJP P L RT IE
General Board, details of which have
~IILL HOLD BANQUET ot bee revealed but which includes 0r n E T AS O
light cruiser, of the 17,000-ton type,
fleet submarines, destroyer leaders !
Univershly Student Leaders Address and other auxiliary craft tonnage in Annoicee Additional Performance onf
Anumutal Affiliated lit-Y which is not limited by the treaty. Saturday Night; Few Other
Galhering Since the statement, laid before the Tickets Left
-- -1committe Monday in executive ses-l
S. C. A. SENDS SPEAKFRS sion and made public last night, was SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK
__ reviewed and revised repeatedly by,
the General Board and other experts I
Iligh school athletes of the city of of the Navy Department before it was "Tickled to Death," Mimes latest
Detroit, numbering more than five delivered by Mr. Wilbur, it may be r production playing at the Whitney
hundred, will gather tonight for their taken as the deliberate conclusion of theatre this week will give an addi-
annual banquet at the Y. M. C. A. h. the naval service, not only on the tional performance Saturday bight, it
Detroit of the affiliated hi-Y clubs of present status of the Navy conmpareI was announced late yesterday. Tick-'
to other fleets, but as to the relative ets for the extra showing will go on
that city. An all-Michigan program value of aircraft and submarine com- sk
itasbeenarragedwithHerbrt sale at 10 o'clock this morning at the
has been arranged with Herbert pared with battleships. Whitney theatre box office.
Steger, '25, Robert Brown, '26, Perry s are Itime real inas- he large popular demand for tick-
Hayden, '25, Coach George Little and nrc o seap ver," the sctcretary tol es made it necessary to arrange for
Hal Coffman, secretary of the Student Great stress was laid by the Secre tlhe Saturday night performance.
Clvistian association as the speakers. tary on the Navy's modernization pro- Tickets already purchased for other
These five speakers are sent to De- gram, althugh he deferred for future E nights or for the Saturday matinee
troit under the auspices of the Ex- I discussion the gun elevation aspect of will not be exchanged for Saturday
tension department of the Student that work. The greatest deficiency in night seats, officials stated, as the
Christian association. The banquet of treaty ration strength now existing in .- ------
the affiliated Hi-Y clubs of all the the fleet he sgit, was the deterioration
high schools in the city is an annual I of the boilers of six older ships which I A review of last night's per-
event arranged by the Detroit Y. M. must be re-boilered to take the r formance of the Opera will be ,
C. A. Five hundred high school boys, 'proper place in the line. It was this found in the Music and Drama
the large majority of whom are con- condition which prompted the deC- colunin, page four.
nected with athletic teams in their partment's notification to Congress
schools, and the coaches of the teams, last May that the ratio strength had
will attend the banquet tonight. Every fallen from 5-5-3 to 5-4-3, he said. demand for new tickets for that night
speaker this year will be a University must be met and it is expected that
of Michigan student or graduate. ; a lp uRifl11111 P ni CIthe house will sell out rapidly to

routes across the arctic, Doctor Koch
expressed his opinion that airplanesI
or small flying machines will never
be able to regularly cross the region
tut he believes that large air-ships
can and will be used. It is only a
question of raising the money before
it will be possible to reach the North
Pole with an airplane, and Amundsen,
if he is successful in raising funds,
should succeed.
Although the sun shines all sum-
mer, there are several conditions
which will give considerable trouble.
One of these is the fact that the
month of May is very foggy and that
(Continued on Page Two)

f Play

Prodnetion Classes Will Hear
Rudolph Kommer In U Hall
At O'clock

St. John, Crawford, and Henderson
Listed Among Speakers
at Meetings
Foundrymen of the state gather at
the University today in the December
meeting of the Detroit Foundrymen's
association. Information received by
the committee on arrangements, in-
dicate that more than 150 technical
.men from various cities of Michigan
will visit the University, and view the
scheduled industrial X-ray demonstra-
ntio this afternoon. More than 75
foundrymen will come from Detroit
in a special interurban chartered by
I the association.
i h meeting will open at 2:30
o'clock, when guides Will accompany
the visitors on an inspection tour of
I the University buildhings and grounds.
Returning to thme East Engineering
building at 3:30 o'clock, the foundry
and foundry control laboratories will
be open for inspection. It is planned
to have the Iler, cupola, and electric
arc furnaces in operation during the
afternoon. .
Will Hear X-Ray Lecture
Following at 4 o'clock, Dr. Ancel St.
John of New York city, consulting
physicist and specialist in the indus-
trial application of the X-ray will ad-
dress the foundrymen in room 1042
East Engineering building. The phy-
sicist will outline the possibilities for
the profitable use of the X-ray in
industry, emphasizing the application
of the machine in, the inspection of
metal products. The lecture will be
illustrated with slides.
After his lecture, Dr. St. John will
demonstrate the actual process of
X-ray inspection of metallic castings,
utilizing the apparatus prepared by
Prof. George A. Lindsay, of the phy-
sics department. This demonstration,
said to be the first of its kind ever
held, will illustrate the use of the X-
ray in the inspection for defects in
solid metals up to one inch in thick-
Mr. Robert Crawford, president of
the Atlas Foundry company of De-
troit and head of the Detroit Foundry-
men's association will preside at the
dinner assembly in the Union at 6:30
o'clock. During the evening program,
Prof. W. D. Henderson, director of the
University Extension division will ad-
dress the technical men on the sub-
ject, "Science and the Changing Or-


S11ull to Give Papers ity," will be his subject.
Nearly all of the members of the In March, 1924, at great personal
zoology department will be in attend- risk, Captain McCullagh attended they
ance at the Association's meeting. famous Moscow trial of Archbishop!
Prof. A. F. Shull, Prof. P. S. Welch, I Zepliak andf ourteen priests of the
Prof. J. H. Reighard, Prof. A. C. Ruth- Roman Catholic Church, who were
Yen, L. R. Dice, F. N. Blanchard, and convicted, on very questionable evi-'
C. L. Hubbs will give papers on re- demee, of treason against the Sovietj
search problems which they have been government. His remarkable dis-
persuing at the University, i closures to the newspapers aroused!
Professor Shull will give two other such indignation that the Soviet au-
papers during the week. One of these, thorities were ultimately compelled to
to be given before the American So- remove the sentences of the con-'
ciety of Zoology, is on the subject of demned clergymen.'
sex determination. The other will be Captain McCullagh's achievement on
a pnper on the teaching of biology. this toccasion gained him the admira-'
Professor Shull will explain and de- tion of the entire church and Chris-
fend the "Principle" system of teach- tian world. In London, where he re-
ing, originated at Michigan, and now cently lectured on this same subject,
g a i n i n g - widespread popularity Dean Inge, eminment clergyman, moved
throughout the country, as opposed to that a vote of thanks be given, "de-
the old "Type" method. The former Ilaring that every one present had
laboratory method emphasizes the heard this remarkable lecture with
principles of zoology, while the latter extreme interest and sympathy."
is merely an anatomical study of the Among Captain McCullagh's books
various classes of animals, the broad are included: "With the Cossacks,"
principles occupying a minor pose - "A Prisoner of the Reds," and "The
tion. Bolshevik Persecution of Christianit.

Rudolph Kommer, considered one of
the outstanding continental critics,!
will be presented under the auspices
of the play production classes in Uni-
versity hall at 8 o'clock this evening.
{Mr. Kommer will lecture on "Building
the Play," with special reference to
Morris Gest's elaborate production,
"The Miracle," which is to open In
Cleveland Christmas night.
Mr. Kommer is the personal repre-
sentative of Morris Gest, who has
been recognized by contemporaryI
authorities as the leading impressarioI
in America. Under his fimanagement
have appeared Eleanora Duse, the
Moscow Art Theatre Players, Balieff's
Chauve Souris, and such extravagan-
zas as "Chu Chin Chow" and "FMecca."
Cleveland is the only city in Amer-
ica outside of New York that has been
able to secure "The Miracle." The
production contains a cast of 700,1
trained under the direction of Max
Reinhardt. '
Mr. Kommer in his lecture this eve-
ning will emphasize the colorful his-
tory of this massive performance, as
well as contrasting the theatre of
Europe with the theatre of America.
He will also answer any questions
concerning the production of the play.
The lecture is open to the public,
and no admission will be charged.
rinnriuIInamiann mm urn rnI


IanbUU VILLa se t
PEAV AND VFR MWEE1"PananaPs reet

nd itsI
ject of

those who could not arrange to see1
the show on the nights first set forl
Ann Arbor performances.
Few seats remain unsold for the'
rest of the regularly scheduled per-
formances here. Seats for out of
town engagements are expected to be,
,i d 4 tin' nf the d 4' t ofn n-

Possibilities" will be the suW
th Y19 1041. i h to y

Sponsored by Detro
both eastern and middl
versities, an Intercolleg
be held in the Book-
on the evening of Dec.
be furnished by Paul
verines of the Michigan
ing will continue from9
Invitations have been
Detroit students and
who may be guests he
holidays, and who are
at Harvard, Yale, Dartn
ton, Pennsylvania, C
burgh, Ohio State, Not
cago, Wisconsin, Illin
Albion, Alma, Ypsilanti
A series of posters a
ball, p~ainted by Alvi
Michigan student artis
display here this week.

oit alumni of
e western uni-
5iate Ball will
Cadillac hotel
1)A 1% - I" - I

Ahs a correspondent Captain McCul-
lagh accompanied Kilchak's army
which invaded Russia to establish a
republican form of government dur-
ing which campaign he was captured
by the Bolshevists and imprisoned.
S. C. A. Advises In
Vocation Choice



20. vMusic will Students who are having difficulty
Wilson's ~o- in choosing their vocations are invited
t Union. Dane- to go to Lane hall between 4 and 6 j
9 until 2 A. M. o'clock or between 7 'and 8 o'clock
addressedt any day for help in the matter. The
their friends Student Christian association is at-
re during the tempting to help students to find
now enrolled themselves and to aid in selecting the
mouth, Prince- vocation for which they are best fit-
ornell, Pitts- ted. The service is offered free of
,re Dame, Chi- charge.
ois, Michigan, !arg
iand M. A. C.
nnouncing the SellarspSpeaks
Wolfson a A U. Of Depauw,
t, will be on
I Prof. R. W. Sellars, of the philoso-
I 'phy department, addressed a meet
)3t ing of the Depauw Philosophy club


F. W. Peavy, '04IFwho is now Dean theleC:L U JJe O oe1gven 11 u3 sJUa ve U tin UL ance of VileI1LLU UVILI1' tder. ^ I 1IH 1 uum aacuvnuig I der.
oftm ycmo fFrsr nteOe L. Michaud of the romance languages pearance, and an extra showing has iVIIIII{deIIILI; rof.EWie h i agl
n A ual 'F, ad Ds W D department at 7:30 o'clock tonight in been arranged for in Chicago, due to Eron E teh oe ar
VrWbeotiegooydptuntroi203 Tappan hall. The speech E the great demand for seats there last 1910IIIp p[a a'spoga, il einoftho-
ad(dressed the nmeeting of the Forestry is the first of a series of five which year. E*~iu
club at 7:30 last night in roonm t-214 are to be held under the auspices of The omission of the Eastern cities o itch_
LaScea ipnca r ihu rm h rpti er i lo ingity wishes to assume with the Indus-
oZ the Natural Science building. LaScGa ipnc.M.Mcadfo h rpti eri wn Students in the literary college who tries of tie state, particularly throug
Dean Peavy is making a tour of in- (will discuss the history and develop- ore time for the company to make #truh mn.o aaaadhslcueIilterud fte1 iiswihte have been doing unsatisfactory work Itie medium of the department of en-
specionthrughthe orternunier-during the first half of the semester g ineering research.
sities studying their forestry schools, t eilsrtdwt lds ilvst(uigteCrsmsv-Iwill receive during the next two or !___________
and plans to attend a meetinig of for- the four remainingllbecturn esonctin three days days, letters warning them ItfT n If
esters in Washington, D. C. soon. I-I e custowl egvnnx that their work must show impmove- ; mnt adEwo nfebuay. reercLI
spoke last night oin forest imethods :mot adtoj Fbur.Feei I innn iirn ment. More than 1,200 warnings have ~VL II ~u -u
of Nom'thwest. ISanchez, Grtid., will give the First of 1H U M fbL bensetintoDanW.R Hm
Dr e ib a pmttm hethese oni Jan. S, speaking onm the life y D.VrWeeha pn h he.I ! preys, assistant dean of the literary ii
years prior APP iONS TOMORROW
yer 'o o12 nMxc aigof Pio Baroja. Prof. Julio del Toro i colnnnit1r923niin nMexicrrmaIicollge, by the different departments. L~l
geological explomations fortmeS- o theroiacilagugesdearmet ir iiL DRIU+ The~ first lot of these letters which, Apiain
clair' Oil coampammny, and his talk lastj will address the cub on IJan. 22. , ,included th names beginning with jApiain for the J-lop will be
ngtcovered histhe years of ex-jProf. Jose M. AlbaldtSjo of tie Span- Du otersIf h hita the letters A-E, were placed In the given out at the nion from 1 to 5
ish department, and Salvado' T. Gar-,
pciationMthwill givelectureshomstFeb.r season it has been found impossible to mail yesterday afternoon, and shol1(1 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow,
suvyof the geological, forestry ad a , 26M, holdlthevbanuettwhichnthebChanbe ereceived today. The remaining let-anthsaplaiosm tbefld
survey~~e an hs apiaiosms b-fle
social condit syonethea 12 and 26, respectively. g I hof ewan s oe ie CtheMiCgame ters will be mailed today and tomor- I in and returned to the committee be-
_nAgr _____ura ____e, d . A MembeTs of La Sociedad heispanic and or tha row, so that all students who are to fore5 o'lock next Saturday, Dec. 13.
are to be admnttedtoathe lecture fr'ee . d be warned should receive letters by Onlyjuniors, whose class dues are
ansg willt eceive their course ticket ai hmammsser of me athri the end of the week.re elsible te
FIuST 7 0R M EN PLN atF- t he door ton iht A no minal fee Investigaon has shown that both theIngpida I ihgies to a e apidth the ids
a-students and the business men are too Chang e Date y I g when the saparti cvaethd.
DNPey1sAabusy to tasethe necessary time for AlhaneDsatIn y wkhe meappication wilbeivetied -
s n g NIOtN ni-s ses. i successful program so close to Christ- e ter Contest l thiseekeindbh cminvetite.d
sitsas amd the vacation perid. Thetyetterrtyctsisewerk-endtey tae.commvuretxtnd
n C a talt einge for - Nte.NurEditsjanquet will be carried out as plan-,w wapplignituente ts onys etesuebeinformednext
s yie ah gds o the that rwo gthonm rie-e theyleave for the Christ
Christmas hoidays, fmreshmen on tme n Lansin AaoainneI s. mete or ha the conntst mir
campus rw s holdsaoget-togethert. IThe masheacr tion, whethertheir appl. Ha-
luncheori at 12:15 o'clock next e J..igh fil; Church I Would Like to Find," intbe
yednesay, Dec. 17, in theicmain as- George N. Fuller,. 05,lormerly a LSIANg, Iythwhich prizes of t d$15.00, and The entire J-Hop committee will
semblyghall of the Union. All first I-faculty uenbem of the rhetoricane- guge dee TUU! $10.00 will be given for the three best meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon in
eayr menar mpeced takprst partmet and who received his Ph. ;nr IN letters reeived, has been changed A room 302 of the Union. At this time
at the luncheon at which time the fall I DM.egmrej at tie University in 1912, D t Ithehsa from De. 8 until Jan. 9, accrding to the contract forthe decorations will
games will he discussed and plans is te present editor of the Micai- Cj Everett Falsam, '21E, who is handlingd( be awarded. The music will also be
imadec for the spring games. i- gun History nmagazine. IHe is also ;Itoewohv indipfrthe contest. Any student may sub-' brought up for discussion at this
o George ittle amd Robert secretary of thie Michigan Historical t l1925 ensian must d p their sub- it a letter, which should present, in meeting. Gene K. Buck, 26D, will re-
rwy, '26, (captain of next year's 1 com2mission at Lansing, which pub-sbefomeDec. 19, if they are less than 800 words, his ecnception port the work thathas been acco-
footall team will give shomtspeeches. lishes the History magazine. to benefit by the 50 cent discount of- iof the ideal church for an college I pushed by the music sub-committee.
Te 'epurmose of tieemeeting will be to Tilmepurpose of the magazie is to fere for prompt payment, according community, no matter what his opin- k
trevive tme(lass spirit fom'the holi- promote the study of Michigan is- anncmen fomme aofion in s reeiy be by VOy ATIOrs, whoIeAc('E s
l ! h- co e t o n ne tg ou c mn tasfro w the. E a o f- onhnth is m a teem yde ofIy .to, is fuk.sed wi hou dtV OATee iI bl ON AL. G ID NE a p Ic i n
"la".fltm',eades.frnshe wthoaros The judges for the contest have not
1 lheeneting, which is under the to any school or library which will- fsey t e.9thosewshinytobuy IfaC ayI thn e I he apniucati b , acord-v(d.
diemtion of the Unionunderclassade-us A De 1 to i o ee o i d y knothat the Stu-
arten t inlr Wiaianmmg L iemh G.arser E'Ensians, who have not already signed lug to Folsam, men froma the Univer- ident Christian Association Is
'26,rillms h ynWedn t articles of general interest, however, up, will be charged $6. Those who sity faculty who can render an im- r I hen tuey to the what
campswill ehld oa enoehrsuetletr tesbesday "T Helpsvion , whuentset eie watplc
fsmeny uually mhe f ' la Iand sells to individual subscribers Eor- in the campusc i will partial opinion will be chosen.e Life Work theys fted
ya men ,-expae}dear.t-sn m t andswho feeidnhisamagPI Tlettersrei dLIPsillen change rot.


Sophomore Prom programs
will be given out again from 2
to 5 o'clock this afternoon in the
side booth at the Union to those
who failed to get them yesterday.
The few remaining tickets will
also be sold at this time.
Selling is an art which has been
cultivated for centuries. But some
still fail to be successful at it.
For the benefit of those and to
provide a wider market for others,
the For Sale Section of the Classi-
fied Column is running full force.

at tlie university yesterday, on the
subject. of "Mechanism Versus Vital-
ism." Professor Sellars left for
IGreen Castle, Ind., on Tuesday and
I is expected back today.
'Prof. C C. Whipple
I Of Harvard :Dies
Announcement has been received atI
the Health service of the death of
I Prof. George C. Whipple, of Ilarvard
j university. Professor Whipple gave a:
course in sanitary engineering at the
Michigan Summer session, last sum- f
- - -- - - - 1li T n (i 'if t1~ti

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