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December 10, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-10-1924

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv, all members of
the Univ<ersity. Copy received by the Assistant to th P-esident until
3:30 p. m. {11:30 a. m. Saturday.
Volum 5c ~ fINESDI) AY, DECE M BERIt10, 1924 :N umber {ii

Faculty, College oif Literature, Science and teArts:
The December meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and1 the Arts will be held next.Alonay, Decemer 15th, at 4:10
p..m. in Room 2225 Literary Biulding. Joh R1. Effinger.
Members of the!administrtive Board, College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Wednesday,
December 10, at 4:10 in Dean Effinger's offie. IW. I. 11ilunipreys.
U1niversity Letre:
Dr. Lauge Hoch will lecture en the Geology of Northern Greenland at
3 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon in Room 0217 Natural Science Building.
This is a somewhat technical lecture intended for students of Geology and
related' sciences. Any who are interested are, however, invited to attend.
William Herbert Hobbs.
Faculty Dirctory:
Thle Faculty _Directory may e obtined at the Secretary's office.
Arthur G.H al.
Freshiman Engineers :
The regular weekly assembly will e held in Room 34 Engineering
Bnildling at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning, December 10. Dean Edward
11. Kraus will talk to the class. J. C. Brier.
Semilor Engineers:
There will be an assembly of Senior Egineers in room 348 Engineering
building, on Wednesday, December 10th, at :00 a. n. (4lection of Class
Day officers.) C. E. Wilson, Mentor.
(Grouj1 5 Freshmen:
There will be a meeting or(Group) 5, Thrsd11~ay at 7:15 in Rooms 319-21
of the Union. Ricard Savage, (aptain.
Amercan (hemh'al Soiey-Un iversi y of leit gan Section:
The next meeting of this section will be held on Thursday December
11, at 4:15 p. m. in room 303 of the Chemistry Building.
Pr'ofessor E. I). Campbell, Director of the Chemical Laboratory. will
speak on "Carbon Compounds in Metallic Solution."
The annual election of offiers will be held at this meeting.
P. F. Weatlerill, Secretary.
La Soeleda d H spajlea. ectre Series:
The first lecture of the Sociedad Hispanica series will helpresent ed
Thursday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p. in. in room 203 Tappan M-al. Mr. Gustave
Michaud will give an illustrated talk on t he anbect 'Panama, sit historia,
desarxrollo, y posiilidades." Members of the Societad are to be0 admitted
free and will receive tickets upon identificat in at the door. Admission for
all others.
The remaining lectures will be given as follows: Jan. 8, "Menudencias
de las memorias de tin hombre de acion do Pio Baroja" by Senor Sanchez;
Jra 22, "Las ul imis vias de Espana en America," by Senor del Toro Feb.
12, "Vida y tradicones mnadrilt nas," by Selor Albaladejo ; Feb. 2'), -"1'n
viaje a Sid America," (con vista), by Senor (Garcia.
Marshall 11. Ley.
Roai'd of Diretors: Women's Legue:
The meceting of the Board of Directors of the Women's League which
was-announced for Satrday, December 13, has been postponed until Mon-
day,-December 15, at four o'clock in Barour Gymnasium. This will be the
last meeting before Christmas and as several important reports are to be
presented at this meeting, it is expected that. all members will be present.
Charlotte A. Blagdon, President o thle Women's. Leage.
University of MiHligan RBand:
Regular rehearsal tonight at seven o'clock at the and headquarters.
Iit is absolutely necessary to bring th athletic coupons yet du, or e ready
to pay for the same, at this time., Arthur H. SMlii.
Reseam~h Club:
The regular December' meeting of the Bcsenrcli Club will be held oi
Wednesday, December 10th, at 8 p. mn. in the Histological Laboratory. The
following paper's will beC presented:
"Measurements of the Electronic Charge by ithe ehiot Effect" by Pro-
fessior N. H. Williams.
The'I Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd o H erias' by Professor C.
ln ncr.
'ie Council will meet at 7 :30 p. m.
T. .11 ilebrand, Seret ay
0 ratorical Board :
There will be an imprant :eetng of the Board this afternoon t 4q
'ths "will heuthe lst mreeting thIi y"v:r and it is important. that every mebr
arttend. - illard IR. Pryor, Presidet.
?notice to All aval-lteserisi:
'The regular weoekl y eeting; of the University U nit will be held Wednes-
day, December 10, at 7:30 p. mn. in the I. . '1. C. Drill Hall.
Lt. L. C. Leeer, (onuanding.
Journal Clumb In Public hlenth :
There will be no meeting of the Journal ('ln) in Public Heal h on Thrs-
day, December 11. John Sndwall.

To 3lenibers of Sigma Delta Ill!i:
E Sigma Delta. Phi will meet this afternoon at 4:15 o'clocki at the Alpha
Xi Delta house. Phyllis Tnrnbull, See'tv.
Phi Sigma:
An in-portant business meting will be hield \\ednesdlay. Dec. 10. at 7:.20
p. in. oom L-242 Nat. Sci. Bldg.
K. litisterI, Corr. S('~rei ary.
SophooiI4re Prom:
Programs for the Sophomore Prom will he given out frem 2 to 5 o'clock
this afternoon at the booth in the Michigan Union lobby. A limited number
of tickets for the Prom are still1 available and will be placed on g-esral sale
at this time.
Willard It. 'rosbyC'hta irman Sophomuore Prone to mniitee.
There will be a meeting of the Deans on Wednesday, December 10, at
11 o'clock in the President's office. Fi r. It obbin s
-WHAT'S (0~1)% ON
' .. o r- Notices to appear in this column nmst
" =1 be left in the box at the D~aly oflice
LIU ~ U~~pr'co idec n titpurpose before 4
ocokpreceering the cbuy of issue.'
=I9:04-Senior enigineers meet inl room
e _ 348, Engineering building.
t 11 :00-Freshmam engineers meet inl
room 348, Engineering building.
- ":00)-.1:ct)---Sotlonire Prom progra ns
- nn Vd-~T ~distributed at Union.
- htmlin f ad vr a:oP ---r. Lange Koch tSpeaks il il r i.
- Tha milions f cads evry U-217, :';tiural Science building.
year are not delivered until :-0-Spih la~y tryonts mnee i
_after Christmas? room 201, South Wing.
E SUGGEST = :A;-G :f:U-- ht~tlot iteldat It
- ''~ - n hall.
~You buy your cards now E =iI 1---adniinistrtt lie hotard miecis ill
Sand that you mail them ° Dean Elinger's office. I
Searly. i iuiIeiiliime
O CUR STOCK ISPha Xi l)eita houtse: -
i ;- :IitO- Hnd mzec'snl lat b:aid head-
COI\4PLETE q aers. lstutlelits meet in
Come in soon. Vp;ioiLu ul
O.D.' MORRILL a7 l5---I'resbyterini yugzepls
S 14 and 17 Nickels' Arcade - (1hor1s5 I1cticcs~ in -Lanle hall.
Greeting Cards =7 :13--F'e.shnan croup I meets ill room
for All Occasions = 0,Uin
. 11}tUtl11 Iihi1ih1hhIH lhlilhlii1lliihhk' 30, nin

7:30 -Na m :dl ".csru e iuit ineet s inIR.'
C. T.(C. rill hall.
7 :30-Phti Simi t meets iM roomi Z-241,
Nat ova Science building.
7 ::>I--.'cniii4svlvi-a ('111cubmeets in roost
205, M\!ason hall.
7::30-- Black (Q01:Isociy seds iii
room 20-4, Southii Wing.
'x:Utt-3M ihitallil ion 31iihes pr'esent
"Tickled to Dlea th" at Whit ney the-
8:00----Hudoli kenizuer slpeaks on"il 11e
Miracle' in University hall auditor-'
4:1d- Ainerwcau (Ilimical society
meets in room 303, Chemistry build-
' ing.
7 015-Fre shmnmcroup 5 meets in
r~oonms 37.9-321, Union.
7::30-- Professor Michauid speaks to
Sociedad I-ispanica in room 203,
Tappan hall.
S :00-3Miclgn iUnion Slimes present
S "Tickled to Death" at Whitney the-
Mexico City, Dec. 9.-Thirty lpromi-
nent citizens of San Luis Potosi have
been arrestedi on the charge of con-
spiracy to overthrow the government..-


To Europe in 1925
D 0 you know at what low cost and yet how comfort-
1)ably you can go abroad next summer on the United
States Lines? Such famous ships as the Leviathan and
George Washington have singularly attractive tourist
cabins (formerly third class), set aside exclusively for
Student Tourists.
Start to make your plans now. join the thousands of
American students and teachers who are going to enjoy
a European trip next summer at minimum cost. Passage
fares range from $85 to $92.50 toEngland ($85 to $102.50
to France) depending on ship selected. This includes
scrupulously clean and comfortable cabins, a variety of
excellent food, courteous service, ample deck space and
other features to insure a perfectly delightful voyagc.

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To young men
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teresting and remunerative careers.
As the Oldest American Fire and Marine
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Its organization and scope of influence are
Inquiries are invited
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The, flashing black Newcomer
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THE nearest thing made to
~a Parker Duofold Pen is the
new D. Q.-meaning Duofold
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smart fluted grip, and a pocket
clip; or an extra large ring to
link to your note-book.
More than that it has ajewel-
smooth point of 14K gold,
tipped with polished Iridium.
The same Ink-Tight Duo-
Sleeve Cap, Press-Button
Filler, and sure-fire "Lucky
Curve" feed as the Duofold.
You can't beat it-you can't
j tie it under $5. All good pen
counters carry this college
creation-or can get it double
Parker Duofold Pencils, to match the pen, $3.50
Factory and General Offics

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Get all the facts from the United States Lines' repre-
sentative on your campus.' Ask for interesting litera-
ture, including a Princeton Professor's account of his
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