'ACE SIX TfT.1IMICHIGAN DAILY WVEDTNESDAY, DECEMBER L; 10, 1024 [$mill 'k Lfrom the football squadI who starred in his high school days, may be given COCHNaSHO chiance. TOCOMPLET IThe squad will have a rest after the X A. C. game until Dec. 21 whenf I t L Kentucky will be met at LexingtonI I1 10 LA, V F S i n the only game of thje Southern trip. P[A "S F0 Eh N The, Navy will also give the team a ilageily. -Iloyle, anmd Vlwrry Forim test shortly after the end of vacation z'uihorities ('uisiderlia;i 'twozdl as '%fl le Vm'for Ta sVtI in the field house preparatory to its] Well as Hockey Teamsilli aewt otwsen tefrtcn 'Ccil i. t 1 i I I ( 4 i i i i i _ j_ test on the Big Ten schedule for the -- FIRST GAME SATURDAY I oleins. UNABLE TO USE ENTER Michigan's Varsity basketball five u s nou ce Pas for nrrovidiu r; isk for thefZ7 will~~~~~~~ scimg ihteCahn or Su'hn Tourney Varsity hockey squad have not pro- school five this evening in what prom- I V____ gressed satisfactorily, anid the thoffiiccioitinhaenarls ices to be one of the hardest workouts! frl of the practice season. jCahBreVriysimn Wit ony treemor prcties eftcoach, announced yesterday that the ,exhausted the possibilities of getting Wieore y t hreAeC me rSipps er"fterolgaeswimming rules would space for the carrying out of a sclied-r aothe is.hAng aadme "tope" ntrcllitegovern the intert raternity simmning ule. Matet f haive ngwh rdco me to stan- ee The preliminaries will be held Jlt eneg rpitro h sr. C ptitangety ik De at 3:30 Monday afternoon, Dec. 15, lp o reo r .C p an a g ry iko D ,iColiseum, wherer the tetam ha. p1 c and Red Cherry are in good condition! andl the finals Dec. 17. s and form a nucleus for a good squad ":rhe border of events for' the pre- ticed- andl played in the pastn liot fot but he the tw postios cntiue'lin~in, ries will be as follows: (There y ,t reached an adjustment v~ith the to be in doubt. Chambers and LineI will be no relay preliminaries.) 40! insurance company regarding- the re-: fg ots are stl h es addts o h requirecl (les; i40 yard dash, semi- isawill bee impossiible to lget thie riul: spare forward and guard positions but ji hpfingms at.e ~hcnu1 neithr of hem hve lied unto finals; fancy dive (con), 3 optionals;insaefrgmalhuhnog neilirr o tem avelie ur t ex' U yardl breast stroke; 220 yard free work may~ be done to a:llowv the sqiuadl I ectations during the past few drills.' lEt rcie At present it is almost certain that'sye lne 0yr aksrk;t rcie Chibr n iewl aeti'100 ytrdlfree style. ,r.the plz>roject e oudfloodinfg vlal plce habenthdivt ht in skh lg; r There regular llintercollegiate svm pc a enfudipai~iO. plaeson hefiv tat ees te g-.mig rle wil e efocedinaddri- has been abatndoned. The tenrnis ores in the season opener this week- to tohse lraycediM itn corsnPer iiiwrcnid- end. If either of them are kcent oute ,fa- ,t otoCotsat d ihti n fi'~.nu O f~l of the lineup it is likely that Hutzel pee t, arndteach swimmcoerttestce prstd rsees o will start the gamle. Hutzel is theipeevnf r. acsw me ttho,4, tallest man on the squzad and is an events. The start will probably lbe make the plan feasible. The sitrlaee that used b~y the conference last year:' of the courts is too Porous to hold experienced p'aer. His basket shoot- ! Icrtr ing and floor wor~k are on a par with " swimmers readIy, with a: quick gunl. that of the other new men but his T'hose surviving the cut in the Var- Tepioe lno sn h 1 use- siy simmng qua wil nt b el- Ier has fallen through because o' the ranginess is kept from. its full s-siysimigsqaciloonb l-fact that i ol encseyt fulness by hizs lack of speed. Reason gible to compete unless they are first ;fct ssteihat i an d e net r> treeksto is another expherinced player who year111.rahternk n hswudmk may get into the lineup before the Asutre otsai will ioal be vei tree * too far fr oml the campus to .,e of finish and Pruce Gregory, a letter mian I hude otsati ileips nii use. The Athletic association silie t acommdatespetatrs rop is looking for accommodations for __________________________________ ity at the preliminaries. suetsaesa ela iel0 o DItRYUS1 Entries will close Saturdlay, Dec. suetbitr swl h ALt'ROT 3 tno n h et ilb team and for this reas op it ils i I 13 atnoonandthe eat wil befeasible to obtain a site within esy5 f -- -. drawn up. No entries Will be accept-acesothcmp. 0CK~ESETS DATE! FIOH AIFC TRIPi le 1 end, Ind., Dec. 9.-Coachf 1?-(ck-ne and is national championship ai oll team IllI leave here Satur- 1 d::y,, Dec. 20 for l'a,,delna, Cal., where the South B1_endl school will meet E>Gtn!'cord in a N_'ew Year's (lay game. S(!,erl ours will lie made en route Nwest bfr short practice sessions.1 Ill first stop will lieat New Orleans, xvhere the team will arrive Sunday, D)e . 2 1, leaving at noon the follow- ing Tue('(sy. Practice will be held at i )ston, Tex., that week and at El I 'aso on the following Saturday and SIIn(lay. Alondlay ainti Tuesday, Dec. 29 and 36;, will be spent in Tuscon, Ariz., and early Tuesday evening the trip v-yill be played on Thursday and the return trip) will be started immediate- ly after the game. Stops will be made ac Denver, Colo., and Lincoln., Neb., on the return. Riochne is still undecided as to the nunioer of p~layers he will take on the tip, hut he is expected to have at least three full teams. Practice was resumiediy-esterday afternoon for the first time since the Carnegie Tech Kippa Nu Takes H andball Ti t le So jre a egall. 125L, 3ad Leonard lrae.'25, of Nap pa Nu fraternity thi)Se inter-fraternity handball chain lpionshil) TuesdIay afternoon for the fourth consecutive year. 1,4oall defeated W. Mazer, '2S, and 1'loune11r won over H. Segal, '2S. Both loser'!. "r'e of Sigma Alpha Mu frater-1 nity. Blauner has been undefeated in all the matches played since his freshman year and Segall has lost but one match. The Seg-all-Mazer match was the fc.,ieof thve contests, Segall win- ning, 21-14 and 21-18. Blauner won o ,,^- Segal, 21-6 andI 21-7. LOSS Of Captain'1 Graham Cripples Purple Cage Team Evanston, Ill., Dec. 9.-Hopes for a championship team at Northwesternj ' im vr ~ Xit n,'Cwo re LXvon . -( 0 c ? io lt ,X FRE~IMAN (ll{WI The remaining games of Volley ball Practice seSsions for I e:i jn s v0- t'c"d t in toe interfrat e:'n t y I s ir iii lig metwill lte. he Ii ! Thrsday, 8 30-4 ::30 at the Y. 41. C. A. pool. E I . a yesterday when an announcement was scheduled between the groups will be;- mzade here declaring Alva Graham, played off this week. A postponed G r oup Ihu a,1)tC'lhl cal~ainof he urpl baketallgame between group:;! and 4 will be; 8: 30) P.-M. (,roup 2 vs. (Troup 4. (PwA;;- squadieiil for further comp eti- inliibeplyed Thursday, December 11th at poined gamel.) ti~il.The anouncment ags made t8 :30 P. Al. The fPzia's in the tourna- I______ afeI nesiain'fcage htIment will te zcheduled and aflr.ount'- 'x'iINrYWISTit Graham had competed for two year,' ed later in the week, although Tues-' 1.3'1zVllY 1s l ! at Butler college previous to last'(lay, December 1601 can b)e set aside Semi-finals in the in',orfta-tcrnit y year at Northwestern.j by the winners for the deciding coin-C wrestling t ourn.ument will be held tt The investigation made biy the unzi- tests. - The group captains and mana- 17:20 o'clock Wednesday night at Wiat versity authorities brought to light ger's are urged to have their teams ernuin gyna siumz. Betz The#.a Pi will that Graham had played two years on the floor before actual playing' meet Phi Beta D~elta and at 7:40 0'- atBulr Grahenam an the univrsity time, and any members of groups; who j(lock Wednesday, Theta D~elta (Clei authorities ha ~e fteoii have or have not p~layced in the first will wrestle Phzi Clhi. Robert C'ool)- that he was eligible because of the rounds and dbesire to p~lay now should or will .referee. fact that his work during his first communicate with their group exe-; Phi Chi, winner of the 123 comucti- year at Butler was only of a prepara-( cutives or see thlemn at Wat erman gmIt ion, will have three experienced tory nature. During that year he only !previous to time of scheduled gamze. W r:stler;; comp1.1eting . Mcbndloe, winz- carriell enough hours to classify him The schedule for this week is as ncr of his class last year, and Amos, as a special student. Hlowever, thei follows: WNednesday, December 10, ,une-p in the unlimlitedl class last Butler authorities declare Graham' 8:30 P. M. jyear, are cemoeting again. was classified as a regularly enrolled ? Group 1 vs. Group '1; Group 6 vs. --- student during his firstz year. Group 7. 9:00 t)'. N. Group 2 vs. Paty your Daly subscriptiion. Withtheopenng ameof the 1925 Wihtoeigbasketball season to be played withl Notzte Dame Dec. 19, Coach K.'ent is I Established 188 facing a grave situation to build al formidable teamn to represent the Pur- lcl against the South Bend five. Graham was a fast and clever man on the floor, a nd will be a, gap) in the " Purple lineup that will be hard to ( - fill. _ __ __ __ _-__ __ __ __ __ _ " FRATERNITY Mill T.IFIU.'rrl A SPE('IAl I VINCLL AND) MUSIC At JOE PARKEWS AFI"I' UNIO)N OIPE{A d s.r. . ., .,.e..... .. ,. .a. - ... ,., . . a ( A~ midini~ester call tor tryouts ! to The Michigan Daily is issued. There is a limited number of po- sitions op6n i n the editorial de- Ipartment whiich will be filled by Icompetiti'on among tryouts. The p ositions are openi to any men on the campu~~s, not freshmen. or iii1 1their first semester of residence. Those who desire to try out will Icall at the office in the Press Building between 2 and 4, o'clock I Iany afternoon this week and see the City Editor. ect on Monday, and no one will be al- bowed to compete either in the pre- linalinaies or in the finals unless properly entered. It is urged that fraternities re- frain from entering men who have no ! chance of placing or who are notI piretty sure to appea~r at the mreet. Several fraternities have handed' inI. their entries without specifying in Iwhich events each contestant will swim. bt will be impossible to make Iup the heats from such data., so these! organizations are urged to correct the error as soon as possible. Montreal, Ca'n., Dec. 9.- No lives were lost in the fire which partially demolished the physics building of McGill university last Friday. The damage by fIre and water was estim- ated at $10,0O0. i i Supplies for Eveiry Bran ch of Sport I a N e - iN a17 711 North University Ave. flap YXIO Next to Arcade Theatre i 1 f Dancing Tonight From 8d0 ' aP. M.I Aid Every W1ednecsday, IFr iay -Ad S.iatfhy3ightis Mu1sic by BILL '4AT,,U'IS AM)DRHIS GCAG- 1E~x*IY_ i i TJojweaio o~v ten L:~l am~lo IflC0 -'- - --' IT PAYS TO ?JUY 1 a - - - mm m~ ue rmm mmmm THING ii GOOD0 CL0 i I 1 I I I I 45 H I Sta te Street, 11 I I. - bk 7 '., Ili _ ., / ,, i .,-- .. I y(kt 1 , ii I I I I I I I I I receivcd. Thec flannel c2 p,- exccptionaivaleat $3. As is theI Madras stripe at $3.50. Your I inspection will be appreci- new Patterns ip. both cot-on and {lnnc-il have been a is an I , : ,, Give "Her" Stationery The Gift You'd Buy Yourself I am making a Reduction of One-Fourth to One-Half f vom Regular Prices, in order to clear my Large Stock of Christmas Gift Box Stationery Before the University/ Closes I I I I I I '~I I1 I I IGEN O DAND ILGORE i I a " Thne anas Shop r'- _ __ - This stoc~k includes such well known makes as Crane's Linen i I e