WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1924 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY -IHE MIC-HIGAN DAILY PAGE _.._ .., r ,. IVE PAGE FIVE qwh OUT M TA= MAIN eI , NOTICES __ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ Pre- Holiday Sale of Coats Makes These Attractive Reductions r 4, 1 t LOCTOR SPEAKSON PLAN I CLL ORINFORMAL I FAB AOR S LS PSHOTS OF WOM1EN 1 FOU L UU RII 1U 1 UU Uu A call has been sent out by the j Michiganensian for informal ko- ANN ARBOR TO HAVE SChOOL dak pictures showing the ac- SIMILAR TO MERJILL tivities of women on the campus,1 PALMER particularly athletics. Theyf should be brought to the Mich- I Dr. Helen Wooley, assistant direc- Iganensian office as soon as pos- tor of the Merrill-Palmer school in sirle.( Detroit spoke to the nurse's division+ of the Faculty Woman's club yester- day on the Merrill-Palmer school and s the plans for the establishment of aT similar one in Ann Arbor the first of the year. OUTS SOP P1WAY IN IA l "The purpose of the school," said UU lU IL i Doctor Wooley, "is to serve as a lab- oratory for young women. When the. school was first planned a careful i24 JUNIORS CALLED RACK FOR. hom-mk- [RE DETAILED study of the whole field of home-mak-R T ing was made to find in what it was t weakest. The care of young children seemed to be by far the weakest Second tryouts for the Junior Girls' point." play will be held Jan. 8, 9, and 10, The plan of the school, according according to the general chairman.I to Doctor Wooley, comes from the Tbp 264 j'nior women who are to English nursery school and is in the take part in these tryouts were se- spirit of our day nurseries. It is lected by Miss Amy Loomis and the planned for the training of young chairmen of the various play com-1 women in general not for specialists. I mittees, from those who took part in+ There are no vocational courses. Un- the first tryouts. These women will dergraduate students are sent from ! receive notification cards before the 12 or 15 colleges in the United States Christmas holidays. for one semester or less just for gen- Women who are called back for the eral information. However, these stu- second tryouts should prepare a dents receive full credit for work somewhat more complicated and fin-l done, in the home institution. Grad- ishp dprforma~ne than that reent- CCTIAIATC TnTAI DA71AD i i V [Ii. l . DHL tI In Class basketball practices will be held this week as follows: Thursday, Ojuniors; 4:40 o'clock, sophomores; 5:20 o'clock, freshmen; 3:20 o'clock, PROCEEDS AT '/SIvA!Friday, seniors; 3:50 o'clock, juniors. DELTA (xAMMA TEA ROOM NETS $100 MORE THAN LAST The Black Quill will 'hold a meet- YEAR ing at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 204, South Wing. Manuscripts will be Total returns from the Women's ,ead and discussed. League end Inter-Church bazaar Members of the social service which was held in Barbour gymnas- committee of the Y. W. C. A. are to1 ium Dec.. 5 and 6 are estimated at entertain all women who have assist-, $1,500. The tea room netted $100 ed in any field of work connected more than last year, according to Lil- with this department at a Christmas Ilan Wetzel, '25, who was chairman. party at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow at. The incoming receipts reached $350. Newberry hall. This was the fourth annual Christ- mas lazaar given by the Women's Senior society will hold its regular League to raise money for the under- meeting at 7:30 o'clock Thursday at raduatecot ributi' ti tho fd fn elen Newberry residence. College women wear a coat so constantly and have such need for a becoming wrap which will enfold them stylishly that reductions in prices wrill mean that it is possible to have a new one, now, to wear for a "change"! Luxurious fabrics, deep fur trimmings and lovely canton crepe linings in newest shades are included in this pre-Holiday Selling. i }N Y' I d i S. i s _'i 1 81_Ug ,Le nI itro e unu or the University of Michigan Leaguef building. Although the profits real-' ized from the sale of articles alone! did not come up to last year's mark,' the net returns are estimated to be about the same. Dorothy Mac Farlane, '25, was gen- eral chairman and Olive Mc Kay, '25, had charge of the articles. Delta Gamma house ran the tea room. SOCIETY SELLS PENS The activity of Senior society during the remainder of thYe year will be devoted to selling bamboo fountain pens. These pens have glass points and extra ones are available at the Woman's League candy booth in Uni- versity hall. Six dozen pens were sold at the Woman's League and In- ter-church bazaar, and $30 of the pro- ! ceeds were handed over to the Wo- man's League. Members of the Freshman Girla' Glee club will sing Christmas carols at all of the sorority houses and dor- mitories next Wednesday evening. Re ad the Want Ads; Originally Cr ginally Criginally Gi ginally Originally Originally1 to $39.50, now $29.75 to $55.00, now $39.75 to $75, now $52 to $100, now $79.50 to $125, now $100 to $165, now $122.50 Cn Formal Opera- Night the (MACK'S SECOND FLOOR) .IIICl FIe1UJi'lild1 ICACUM ML 4L p uate students come either to prepare ed at their first tryout so th themselves to be nursery school as- committee may formulate a mo sistants or to do scientific research. curate estimate of their abiliti Speaking of the plan for Ihe estab- proximately 160 women will be ishment of a similar school in Ann ed in the January tryouts. Arbor, Doctor Wooley said that it would be used primarily for graduate research work at first with Dean Al- Portia To Debate fred H. Lloyd in charge of plans. An Immigration English woman of experience will act as the first director.'-- at the ore ac- es. Ap-, select- At the Soph Prom- Wear the formal that will be distinctive for its very dainti- miess and smartness, and let it come fresh from our work- room, bearing the mark of 222 Nickels Arcade 6 df ' o Bill CHILDS LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS AT MEETING New members of Portia Literary so- ciety will debate the question, "Re- solved that the United States is justi- fied in adopting the Japanese immi- gration bill," at the regular meeting of the society at 7:15 o'clock tomor- row evening in the Literary building. The affirmative team will be repre- ., a__________________ 1 444 Ir 4 Officers for the year were elected { sented Iy Miriam Selker, '28, Gene- at a combined social and business vieve Goodman, '26, and Celistany I meeting of the Child's Conservation Smith, '28, while the negative team league which was held at 8 o'clock will consist of Susan Starke, '28, AdaI Monday at the home of Mrs. C. H. Ely, '28, and Ruth Mary Paine, '27. A Stuhrberg, 1612 Brooklyn avenue. decision is to be arrived at by a vote They are as follows: Mrs. H. K. of the society, after which there will Burch, president; Mrs. M. B. Sugden, be a general discussion of the ques vice-president; Mrs. W. F. De Fries, tion by all members. secretary; Mrs. H. C. Osler, treasurer; and Mrs. T. I. Biddle, press reporter. The social meeting which follow- t fi ed the business meeting took the form of a Christmas party. Inexpensive I The Ensian will glady receive gifts of toys were exchanged, which any pictures taken this fall of will be given to the children in the campus scenes, initiations, fall- south department of the University I games, and other events of in- hospital.I terest. Any expenses incurred j will be met with. HAVE YOU sITsSCIiRET YETt A Gift from Goodyear 's Means More I - * t, 29C Women's handkerchiefs of plain white or colored linen with hand embroidered corners are as dainty gifts as one can choose. Other Christmas ker- chiefs are 15c to $2.75. MAIN FLOOR G00IJYEAJRtS 124 SOUTH MAIN 1t I1 i 0, j I i .r i .. i ' i , ' . s' , ' ; . .+ +w i ,xy I . SPECIAL PRE-HOLIDAY SELLING OlF SUITS AND OVERCOATS Z, Place orders real English. Pudding v. now for Plum ii !l TH _L[JNCKEON"TEA, --DINNER -_ A uraclikely packed fur Christmas gifts ~1 J We serve ebery dAy except Jionday V. 417 E. Huron Phone 2985m a F..- .. Seasonable Hats on Sale $4.95 A New Hat! What pleasure it brings to the College Woman! And this is an excellent oppor- tunity to select one to wear home for the Holidays. Hats of velvet, satin and silk, early in the season priced $5.95 to $8.00 are now selling at $4.95. 446 _ g , s Today's Gift Specials Ever heard "her" boast of a "woman's instinct?" Did you wonder what it was? Hist! It's that which tells her to make herself beautiful! Of course the most direct route to her heart is the best, so x why not go by way of the jewelry road? Choker Necklaces, $1 Up Wristlets, $1.25 Up } Pendants, $5, $10 Beaded Bags, $2 Up Beautiful little boxes are supplied and your gift will be wrapped securely so as to prevent accident and be ready for mailing-or, if you prefer, we will mail it for you. a i. -;. (: , I i .. j ;. H ERE is a very unusual opportunity to secure a fine suit or overcoat for holiday dress up at a very unusual price for the quality involved. These are garments that are regularly sold from $55 to $65 and are splendid values at their original prices. (rr' The suits are in new sack models and the latest interpreta- tions of the English styles-all the popular pattern effects. The overcoats are in box, ulster, ulsterette, Guard and other r fashionable models. Your choice at $45. Pre-Holiday Sale Makes These Hats $7.50 '. i i.. E I< FRED w. GROSS i COLLEG CF L OTIER