'VYDN1 )AY, DECEMPER 10, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE TI wwwst- wu 1YMi M ISIS X InI Yr Ili"- SCHOOL A'THLETESi New Jap Envoy! IPhysicist Takes Skeptical ,CVE UUMLE[O , AttitudeToward D( P ro rus t . B r e f h(h-ler i a v r e hs ep art mien t, tak in g a , sk ep tical at .- o I'y of d iscov eries> Tfe'v~iw 4 Campaign 11) lliisw l ii't etit0owai'd the ipossibility of the so-jplanle mot or which S ;r..'sfIII; 'Totalofcale " edira~ h(~ ichi ei ng jl~ t~ world wi thout 4 'iI1 l!ctriel ;heraIdeid as one of the great est. I (' ('('t 1thlat vwhichj Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 9.-Arn B~org, thet >Sre.ish icrack swi ei coyerl d S500 meters yesterday b ?11l XX1 world rcord tine of 6:19 3-5. ThIP lox' cis the formier recordl of 6:241- E n'ic d, y John Weisnineller in 1922 crfcctedl. The mnemz-j- such :is the aero- !VPatronize Daly Advertisers.-Adv. f E ila hSchool T'in'Ite Jh'rs i41 ALt tle, w a iif 11dl u'ay et, C. of ' GIVEN GOLD)CiIMI MS 11 embers of thle Ann Arbo': highj " rhotol toot ball teani were entertained athe noon luncheonl of the Chamber vf Commerce heldl yesterday in the c';r7hcberof (Commerce inn. FIeCding ::: ' 1 . ost, (1ilrect or of in i';reotl legial e ! athI ties(George 1Li ttle, head 'fild , a'ii'hi, <11d Coach I loliwar o(f the Annl A7~o ihri gh s01ho01 1eamin ma 'U'a'l 11ie;ss on foot l lI' spirit..>2i>:>x2?:t >.>:' C-oavch Yost, sta ted that he hiad bcen lamilia 1' withiiAnn Arbor Iigi hschool footbI all for l4 yea rs, and t hatI. le had n ' eI many gtd imoon come co thle (Trij i'crsity team U ronilte I ota I s(q nad. '' . Ti1 I iiiiieilthe "imen who have come ,a. I':cIiithei loca('a 510hoola ndlhelped to ... make thke Michigan team, and pointedI **' ,' ff 10) the fact, that tclean, bard lplaying t? loleccould develop xii oh Imen. In a ii .,ppeal for the hos' t in football, Co ach1 SYost said, "We get out of football just \', wh-oat we put in, andI I want to see the Ann Arbor team continue to give service and play goodl football by do-1 Tsuneo VI tsudaira, vice-minister ing their best.'' ot tor(eign allairs in Japan, is now Coach ittle in speaking to the tezn j onasidered thle prob~ahle choice of the +uid, "We don't take it for granted I okmo government for amllas3ador to that the Ann Arbor football menh will the United Slates. conme to the liniversity, but we ta.)- i reeiate it when tlhey do. We are any.- CharlottesvillIe, Va., Dec. 9.-CGarter jins lo have you come to 1iig an ! Liffey of (Cotton Plnt t , .Ark., Xvill mnd we congratulate yCm; nyo 01P h ii'rit Vrii a'u1ccessful year." ltiet ba'l tea i next sez son. Diffey Coaclh Iolway thanked 1the tii liy5 1] ai'teribac(k and has wonlihs dents, faculty, anid business men foarletter in baseball ;and boxing. their co-operation during the footbhal -- X as 'to fly aroinl tIle use of anly filel it c{olild take fr'omi -- - 5('ifIit ifiu d(ielopn clit s of thIe a c, OVERSUBCRIBE D $ ,OO addedt hisdolult to that of certain ' ernan aiit horities who are ,iai to be denying thei dent h-dealing possibili- l'in . abIaholaIon*'shorn-A a total of tpof t, ry $60,122 XX'iii the CoiIuflily Mil J A ~ ~7,, . ,,,.1 +- -. dr1iv'e asi colupleted yostem~ay. The' budlget set wr s $490.N 'Phe telephone campati gn put newv( life into the lagginlg drive, trecording; r to Walter 11. Staebler, I-resident,1.of the associationl, anzd (lou tely shn Wed that the conimuiit y is behinrd the' Community liie"t; idea. Mr'. Stdtebl('r stated that t he moy whicli actuallyc put the dIrivec over thle Ito!)yest erda p ! wa.",received from a Commniittee, ofl t five (cliidlr('i rizi 0 110 Uiversiity pe~rinie:,, amid (imeis collected by the' seijoel c111(1 r'n inloun: jog to$2. Another lea ture of the clwwof c'th1' strive wa.", the receipt. of OP a:,lit :olaj $(a00() from aItwom an who had c n rh o, . a i y t 1 w 1I More tlhan .$2.800 Of the au reit - x ceivedl was de:signated to p:l :t i Ilz>: orga niza lions 1ut (Iue to tile over- 1i subscription ni oct ,of tei:('11in:;t itu- tions re^presented by the association Nvil11 receive 100) per cent of theair bud- get.. Two will receive hut 9<> iper centi XxhleCOne Oorganization will re:eiveF 115 per co il . An u llt r -violeti ray of a. onger wave lengthI than the X-ray although not. so long as to 1)e vihible, is Throb-" -ally tie eur of the new physical (f is('ov .iy, oaccordling 1o the professor. Suipposed ly d iseoiered by an Engi isli seiepti'i t was. offered to the British. °o;'e"'npie('at, aa ill iire power in case o1 wa.Whe- it', ws irej'ct ed1 by the 4"i-dish, th'o discovery w .s offered t0 tli'' P'ro'a ci y w h')mit, iis now lbeing 4 l eie i;a0 (ofillite c'plana-j !Jl21 oflf s (1 rov, ' dee] aledProfessor a~~~ r,'ic'i'n:; the Ow wrl'd overi' ''ll 'Y 0"a('ii ifl I'id io obt whetihn fI = .,;:lent:?, U hact )Ier in o'cn~n' ct jug' xce ' ~ o1 c a-and(1 althIoug7;1heti , tio.. r hs lbeen hard everyone is sat- .; ed w ith tihe.resualt. Th'ns year 1110 CO wre Mo,. ,III br:ri b-r., and Ia_'- ger i'ibf('iipt0115 than ever before, and f he eraiii] aigil took less tune Gt,'11i I in former years. T1he Communaty Fuiindl asso'1Oi ion Jas received the sup- Por't of the 11eo1)1 and i here to rKa y.' the i airifsl9',i1ari I no Xiv j ithe mnund; of I h inms at ar.Tlousa uads of" juctf su''hX; o.deFill di:;co'zeries have be',un aiad('!ii. every age aind ;o;Many of01 '1 n ha-'' l--.Ov':e(1to be complletet fir:.." ".1owex cc, the sign ificeanee of suchj a ray in care , it should be perfected is a plareit ," lie concludled. "''Mean- xvli iet t':;cie :tific worlpis isvia it'ing ilA VEV ~ OIT'S TBSCJIIRU ';!ETI GAR IC S'I U"A R 1r WALKEi Fpresenits T'i'! R omntic (omecdy MeIiAY NOM S 1II Damon- "What was the name of that pencil Professor Williams was recoin- mendin, this morning?" Pytliias- "lidoradio- my boy, Eldorado!. Just think of a fabled -land of easec and happiness--where no one flunks-where pencils aie the magic stic ks of achievement. T1heni you can neve'r forget it." . LASTTIMES TODAY ye-car, and introdlucedl the members of' the team to the b~usiness men. In the absence of Mayor George E. Lewis, Mark B. Sugdeul acted as chair- man and presented the team with! m'niniature gold footballs which. were.i donated by the Chamber of Commerce F as a mark of appreciation for the Work done in the class room and ofl the football field. Coaches Weiman, Baker, MVather, and Fisher were present as guests of the Chamber, andl more than 150 bus-- mness men cheered the team for a sue- cessful season next year. flIjj -Y o i I ll s A sheet of paper w materadl scribbled acre your actual needs, bu and ecxperience to p you 'I want--somnethir o of. } Over ArcadeThar -- i TourstoEurope-Su rmer of 1925 FOR1 STUI)ENTS, TEACHIERS, A1RISTS EIT. 'O Kai 'ir-AI1"' - iO 1)ON IUfSEl'S SAILIN(A~,ED O' II 'EAND) LEARLY J1, IJ, Othe ii ours Inellide In Q4 In f ( .'orfv cetnl llitectorms 'Iihor- Italy, Switzerland iat ouil'l E~reiwed in Europoan Mcdernt '!Gov. i Travel. SO) BO YLSTONiSTREI'ET ________M ASS. A Knocku And Youi'll to IiHOAPAPtPLIATONS plciha~.iom, sf(?- tiRket.s to i il he given out from1 o'cliock today, Thurisday, G~LI . NP~ IHMUT 'UZE ;W. I .. .. VIOLA )i an Fr1 ' iday, at theO Union. All ; _______________________--_________________ ______ t111050 applications must. he lll11!1!1!111!!!1ll1111!!!l11lll1!l!!!#1!1l1Da!11l! mni'odt or h anded'I in by S3atin'- ay, Dcccimiber 13. - Other clai~s ities Xwill be payabileJ at thle des;k where the applica- Bt y RS tunis Awill he given 01Out. e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F or 7''e f 10'1 Rith ithenecessary m oJ ouS t might satisfy For t1Ic- last ell c ars f1fn''iX 4>')0S at it_ takes art, skill Iedn-Cny So roduce somethin { r £ rig xyouhbe prOudt Pop u la I" rice~ Phoe 266I 2BLTS'Y ROsS IN THE ARCADE _______: v ii ___________________________________________ %41 _ ' . ' a."; ^,II1'>hl".. 'yh hl .h.lh IthI.t 1 t1111 I11itll!i!!I"~l6!9"~il9i6~ ol3dD9Pi1!l6D31d~l m.oar.wwis' i. .ra4-':.y:/M1a# - l i ws ea¢ trk A A PYD 01pciol lei I HT AY F NEXT WEEK isHEAIAE HER LAT TIME HERE 2. J oree fi .eH'e7t Tl outise i v~pnetntk*' ANNAg dand hrr jI organizaton and } In - Superb Thlree Par ', ', r'im Iin O'' Acr. 1isi' #a. e', 1-l i >"SNIWILAIi- j In One Act Music by Tschailrnovsk * \nd (Set of Nine Dive rtissements ' ju!sian ife' mil Others Prices $3.30,. $2.75, $2.20, $1.65 Mail Orders Now For 'Royal Laughter! ILY Iv A cy om con-J (H n l- 1 e s a d y e dii ue-tvs I See the con irmtU c'eo c.rosses the brotherhocJ ofcfan- cy-frees and falls for a .pair, of soft boiled eyes! IT'S A KNOCK-OUT! --- _ ALSO The Dath> Ray AWFUL! DIABOLICAL! REAL! IPATHS 'INEWS SPECIAL MUSIC __ 1 0 1 -- _ J " , , ' a ' ro '.. 8 1 A R P'' I.EON 6''..W TI ,StSi OFre Tu;gy1"m~ Stge Sne E S 1!4 tI li 8: *_C1 - il 11the SrEca1-n I&ia Ilml A Param unt Picture 3 '1 Come'dy'Novelty ~'MONY TO IJRN8 , ,4 : From His Famous Stage Success of the &mrS. wTi 4 .F. f - I: With Great Cast of Players. Including, TOM MOORS A Romance of Italy - and ~ystery :. 2 ---7'4-2---A-l---A-lon- -- I I - I 2742 ll Aone- - - PHONO S HOP S- E t i i i i A 1Dramaaof IVomaen Who ':ass. is tie -Night .-An IlMen Who Light Their Way-'; for Thein. Po^urtia ansfield Da rce J- lIIAIT11-iFi ' LXPOET) S' I 3OF '1T EP', III t VIIIN A 1MANSIJI!) JETTY IORlxA-.N ALI(CE 11CIT'{2 l~O HLE s-wecalIElectriicail 11fects S :ce 13I',Extraulgnza 0111) of thme )ost l EaboratelIy :tmgdacts in iKeyth Vaudeville Matinee 2:00--4:30 :15c-lffr ___-S. TATNG SIJNAY-- P .C-'hirist urns Sho wing V r ~INj} .. WReCacVS yf, NEXT WEEK DOUGLAS a