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December 10, 1924 - Image 1

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t Itan



VOL. XXXV. No. 66





I NIHPIT SMTH Discussion To
I he Aluseli Shoalsquestion moved I U' 9 SH~
sow~ly today tow ards fial settlementI
'- I ~as the senate disposed ofa nme
SUBISTITU7TES "TURN 'l 0 rj fl :O~amendments to the Underwood bill. I IIII?, DA I)ADSON, ANT) ARE.S
RIGHT" FORl SCIIEDULEI) Ever-y amendment which Senator W UN HONORS IN
JAFFA ;FLAYI Underwood opp~osed was defeated and CONTEST
those he favored were adopted with-
SHOWVS VERSATILIl Y I!out a record vote. Opponents of the INITIATES PLAN
I measurea as well as its supporters_____
Treats 'M1oral Reformiationi of Three Iooke(1 OOffthedvotysPonlthetamend-
Hardened Woridlngs Through. ;mentu as t test on2 the bill, whlichis wrs Ourd h ubwloi
regarded as certain to pass. Boards to Eneonarge High
iMother's Influenice Scoasi
_________ Although senate 1loaders are exert- Slilshp
Edwin M. Whitney, dramatist and} ing pressure to prevent p~rolongation
recitalist, substituting Winchell ofti (ICUS , they do not expect ° rz n th coasi
Smih'stwlve chaacer omeyto reach a final vote until the last awards for students workcing on publ-
"Turn to the Right," for the play, iI part of the week. If debate gets out hicatioins has been given to John F.
Wtalked Jimmy," which had previous- f oud the leadersi' plan to seek an ;Iluber, '25, by the Board in Control
ly been announced as the play on the agreement to limit 'discussion of
evening's program won the applause 'amendmen ts t10 five mnuites for each ~SuetPbiain.iue vl
;,. sentor. ;receive $250 as wvinnler, while Hlalsey
of a large audience last night in 1Ili]iseatr
auditoriumn. Several senators are prepared to Davidson, '25r, and Edg, arH.Aes
The play describes the adventures (5isuss the issues, at length. Chair- '27L , as second and third place win-I
of three men who had been following Ili2iNorris of the senate agricultuirail I ners, will receive $150 and $100 re-
the wrong road and finally, through ;committee who is vigorously olposed spe(tively.
the influence of a mother's leading to the Underwood bill, said today heI These awards were inaugurated
light, found themselves on the "Turn would analyze the measure in ra last year to encourage high scholar-
to the -Right." The transformationspehadeirtdtatepob ship among members of the staffs of
taking place in the men is especial-j ably would introduce a new bill in! capu publications, with the require-


ly emphasized in the characters Gil- mera tnamendmenkUI UICIUIL~t. mnt that each alildicanzt for the
lie land Muggs, two crooks of the big Two( amendments to the Underwood prizes show satisfactory participation
city, whose hearts were penetrated bill were passedi by the senate with- in hsis activity for a period of at least
and who were changed into men of out a record vote. One was introducedI four semest ers. All of the grades re-
honor through the mother's influence, by Senator MVcKellar, Democrat, Teni- ceived by the student (luring that
These pants were interpreted in a re- i nessee which provided that the leasee .1 period are considered, and the* gen-
nmarkable manner by Mr. Whitney. of Muscle hoals mus.t be eith er an o, ral standing is computed by a stand-
The prologue of the play introduces American citizen or an American con- ;ard system.
the audience to Joe Bascom, known trolled corporation. The other was The standings of the three winners
to the underworld as Pete Turner, who; introduced by Senator Glass, Demro-; were close, a margin of one point de-
has just completed) a term at SinL-* crat, Virginia, which struck out of !tiding two of the places. The major-
Sing prison.- In the pawn shop, where the bill the requirement that fundl~s ity of the 14 students competing
he exchanges his clothes, he mneets of the operating 'corporation should showed a scholarship standing lying
two old friends to whom hie explains be0 placed in federal reserve banks. ! betwveen "A" and "B."
his resolution to "TrIn to the Right,' I )ubier, winner of first place, was a
from which incident tihe play takes 3 inn 1111T member of the editoriir staff of
its name. A; I1 p f Chimes for the required period, while
dlo bythe pvetsere reer, wheldl U bV IL[[T LKI~
Aonl of the patserreaermely weld Ii Davidson has ibeen active on thte edi-
the attention of his audience stealdfast 'a a n rntorial staff of Gargoyle for four
from tartto fnish Mr.Whit~ I 4 111 LL llYyears, andI is the present managing
ability to change from character toL IU I Vi editor. Ailes was a night editor on
character without any loss of efi et the editorial staff of The Daily last
was plerhaps the most striking part of I i'1 h I1',i~ r 3azzieYear, andI had b~een a member of the
then41ar] program.l L.orA. 0. Wul;al~ci staff for the lpreceding two years.
____________________It is the intention of the Boar d in
AddesesI Control of Student Publications to
- presen1t scholar ship awards annually,
M91IN O 1110BYNOTE D TRAVE ER ;under the same conditions which
flfP~lflif govern tile present contest. The
WIN KS PrSTiru Etv Paul l lanzshard, '14, of New York,! names announcedl yesterday mark the
_______ atho an leturr, illgive two adl-( since the formation of the plan.
Contrary to exp~ectations, warnings dresses here FridM v. One will be a I In order to enter the contest, the
to students in the literary college p~opular lecture en the subject "The applicant must file his urizne, record
who have failed to do satisfactory Challenge of Labor to the College Stu-; on the pul lications, his grades dur-
work during the first half of the
semeterhav no ye ben snt utdent." This will be given in the Nat- i ng particip~ation, andI recoulmenda-
semstr hveno ye bensen qttions from adequate authorities
and it is expectedl that they will be ural Science auditorium at 4:15 Teri-; showing that his work has been sat-
delayed until tomorrow. d cay afternoon. Another, on the sub- isfizctory. All facts are carefully
Some departments were late iJett "Probjlems of the Labor Orga- Echecked lby the Board, and the stand-
sending in their midsemnester reports ie ~ .Blnhr il eie e ings calculated thberef rome.
which has hindered the work of the niteMrBlnhrdwll___l____bc
assistant dean's office for several for'e Prof. C. L. Goodrich's class i
,. a ns I in nt m n r finj

1 i
i i

KOC H DSRIE Inlander Appears On Campus PEET
PERILSCO RIP TheToday In Place Of Whimsies MIMES PHOSN6
111 [RIL Of ~ir TheIn lander, in a cover of gray I Five issues of The Inlander are to S EC 0NO SH W N
and~ red, makes its return to the cam- be published during the University'
N pus today. Sale of its first issue for year. Th policy of The Inlander, the
THROUGH ARCTIC~ the year will begin on the camus and editors announce, will be confined to I Ui A NVI ILI
{ the bookstores at noon, it was an- i the collection of student writing,-
!--nucdlsnih.TeIlne u-iroevesodrmadaDANISH EXPLORERI RELATES IN-. ceeds Whimsies, campus literary mag- j lication of tiat showing the geatest DONADI L. SNYFER, 25, WRITES
('IDEiNTS OF TRIP I azine, published during the last four I merit. It is probable that one of the I STORY OF "TICKLED TO
IN GREENLAND( years later issues will 1)e given over entire- DEATH"
I Whimsies was established so0on aft- ly to0 either drama or vere, and that
I ILLUSTRATES TALK Ier the former Inlander, imerested a prize will le offered for the mate- L A E E .1
_ chiefly in student writing, had been ral adjudged best in this special
Slde tryPrt d4iirar s.continued' because of lack of sup- nunbrofteDcmberi-So ilVst iMdl etr
SlegesCary art o <IFarhe pot. heperanepermanenceres Th cofetsthehe interest I ho WTheVsicontentsWeser
North Than Famnous Cook j in a periodical devoted to creative( sue, out toay, are divided between' Cities Darng Chlristas
Expe~dition i writing as shown by the four years' Prose andl verse. Tie writers for this Holiday Tour
-- survival of Whimsies, the editors state, issue include Ruth Lechiter, a form-
ITrials of crossing huge ice fields,j led them to believe that this year a er editor of the magazine; Esther "Tickled to Death," the annual
feelings of men as they face starva- return was justified to the name most Lindquist, Louise Butler, '28, John Mimes opera, made its second appear-
tion, and the treacheries of tile great defnitely identified wih literary tra- Parker Lee, '27, Dorothy Tyler, '26,1 ane last night at the Whitney thea
Iditions on this campus, The Inlander. and Mary Barrett, '27. Itr. The musical comedy will be re-
north, were described by Dr. Lauge ipeated tonight, Thursday, and Friday
i Hoch, noted Danish explorer, in a I -I night s, and Saturday afternoon. Al
lecture yesterday afternoon in the P 1 0 9T 9 C 9S Cg I u e et a h ean
11 fingPerformances have been sold,
ac.ount of the trip from the tinlelt the latotottwni fei H ED C M E 0 T D R S GROVP~ This year's production is the 19th
losing several men andI having eaten of Donald L. Snyder, '25, who also
all tut one of his dogs lie returned to Famous Artist illI Bring Entire New York Physicist Will Demonstrate wrote a large part of the music.
tile samle Outpst of civilization. Conmpany and Complete Syni.i Machine Before Gaterng of Other songs were written by Joseph
(Leading a party partially financed phony Orchestra Foundrymen EllIs,' '26, and F. A. Eastwood, '26,
1by the Danish government Doctor _
(At f irst there w ere 42 sledges, m ost 1 e i w o l s i h '
of them loaded witn meat for thepe
d ogs b u al b u a f w o th se ere A nna P a ylow , , generally re- ( D r. A n e l St. John, consulting phy- ( I orm ance of the O pera w ill be + e ~ e m n h o e o t i t r r t s c~ t f o e o k c t , w l e o -f u d i h u i n r m
sentbiack with the majority of the ers of the classic ballet, will appear strae the new use of the X-ray in th 01+Column, page for.
I esu i~s ft n t1e frst600 Inies Thursday evening, Dec. 18, at the inspection of metals, during the nmeet-
During tispart o h ore n otl ~totFudye' s
Whitney tireater. Due to an error thein toheDritFudy n'as
111e exphedition followed the eeste coast e aewsanucda ensascainhr oorw ewl o
ofGenadsln h deof t daewas7, n lest as Di Wdedy scltnhreom rw. ew Ico and additional lyrics were composed
openln d walongPicture hog the Dc 7,i(etedys aloperate with Prof. George A. Lindsay, by William Bromine, 27. The entire
(no wat er. Pites shc hwingrthe Pavowa carries with her a largej of the physics department, who pre- production is under te direction of E.
n~a~'rw iy ldge whch he art supp)hortinlg comp~any, a complete sym- II pared the X-ray apparatus for the iortimer Shuter, who has directed
wh tra ersdadtledneosglaciers phonyfc helistra, adeaoaesei eosrto.Drn h feno ie hw ic 98
whic thy crssel wee sown y .effets.rpheseting or Snowflakes," the physicist uwiadrsste groups atrofohBoleMi2,msehsgnea
the explorer. one of tire numbers in her local pro- tie fondrymen, supplementing tie chairman of the 1925 ffering n
Afteranollier 300 ilesall9te ,esgrai, was designed and executed by l demonstration with personal instan- Ronald Hfalgrim, 125, is the stage man-
;quimos with the exception of the three Josephi Urban, the famous Viennese e fteidsra tlzto fteae.Hscmitecnit fCr
o wheremtoainerof isn'Dco kc'a'i X-ray. Dr. St. John arrived in AnnI Trempft, '26, Charles Heintz, '26, Rob-
ontennanejfhsjunywr le rsittu saione 5 Arbor yesterday to assist in the prep-I ert Scirmer, '27, and William Brom-
sent back home. These four Hen11 hen farewell appearance in America.' arations for the arrival of the techn- , me, '27.
with thriee sledges and 32 (ogs start- Recently she played a season of eight clme.i Telaigprsae tkn b
ed out into) tle true northern wilder - weekalatet.eTMetropolian pprras housekenbB
ness of Greenland.. Dr. St. John has been associated asBare Hill, '26, Russell Gohrng, 27,
NewcYork.Ktocapacitythoteshas wellresearch physicist with the Long Is- Dan Warner, '27, and Philip .Miller,
-Doto Kchsad tatwhn llY as an additional two weeks at the land city laboratories since their '25D, and other important characters
had reached t he most ilaortlhern Point I equally large Manhattan opera house. r
in Greenland they consulted reas Reports indicate that she is ejoyng opening, revis to his connection are played by Charls Livingstone,
andfoud tat heywer cosidr- uccss n fue the ciiesonthere be was employed with a prede- '27L, Richard Elliott, '27, Willard
' ndfun ta teywrecosde-similar scesi h te iiso cessor group, the research labora- .Spanagel, '25, and Robert Henderson,
Cblk iareertreenort oethaherxote- tores of the National Carbon com- (26, and Carl Trempf, 26.
Cokhdee'be. A hso- Pavlowa was originally a member Ipn n fCeead The Opeawl ev n ro
tI'Ciil northern pinOit IDoctor Koch! of the famous Russian ballet during pry n. fClvln.(ptIil ev n ro
rais4ed tile flag of his native country. its graetdythnNjuk n During the past few years Dr. St. Friday, Dec. 19, on its annual trip
Whenthe art hadfinshedthe r oheaere dalso nwhen compkyan i(crJohn has devoted himself almost ex- Iwich lasts (uring the entire Christ-'
obsevatonspandreeadyin toedtuern; se uert ebutso in tiecmay.Hrielusively to the application of X-rays msvacation. The production will
towrdsth soth wer o Meroolianin the carbon and metallurgical in-Ivit 11 cities of the Middle West,
they shot crate anhistricsenatio, aol ustries, through analysis of carbon among them Chicago, Detroit, Cincin-
provisions ano with a team of (ogs to since then her pr-eminent position ( n lo aeiladrdorp i nai Cleveland iue, and the
feed they were in great dangr of not! has but rarely been disputed. adfursoi npcino ea various large cte ntesae U
getting across the great 400 mile ice! Tickets for the perfornance are Ml
a n fl o o c p c i s e t o f m t lc i i s i h t t . M l n w i i e l d w i t h o u t s t a r v i n g . U n f o r t u n a t e l y ! p r i c e d a s f o l l o w s : E n t i r e m a i n f l o o r , o b j e c t s f o r h i d d e n d e f e c t s . Wh e n h e 'w~au k ee w i l l b e t h e o n l y c i tysp rdc to hsi n vwhi c he
a. storm came up andl followed them $3.30; first four rows in the balcony,' began this wok at Cleveland six r ie rdcinhsnvrbe
for~ two weeks preventing them from $2.75; remainder of the balcony, $L6. years ago, Dr. St. John was the first seen before.
hunting game. Day by day as the Mail orders are nowv being recev- investigator spending his entire time" Application blanks for out of town
dogs were slowly starving they shot ed.j in evaluating the possibilities of X - performances may be procured at the
the 011e whichl was ineaest (deathl for P'avI owa's program will include a- rays as an aid to industry, desk in the Union for all performances
food. Finally the storm let up suf-'ording to her custom, two elaborate The program for the visiting found- 1 in Michigan towns except Detroit.
ficientlv for them to kill nuskoxen ballets and seven divertissements,' rymen will begin tomorrow afternoon l
Ifor food. iamong them "The Swan" for which with a tour of the buildings o h o ad h n of theti th :S e s80f m u . T ed ald n m U iv r ty nd c m nt s n i ne R N 1r.S AVT
part agin an sortof oodand hers will be announced shortly in at the Union at 6:30 o'clock, whete fon itncsayoetth1teMucadDrmclm. Po.W..Hnesnietr C[ l1.n
(togs which had died of sarain the University Extension division wilCil
With about sixty miles of ice ahead o n (nn nnrnii(1 talk on tie subject, "Science and the
them and only one dog left the party ~t1S V I I~ illi Changing Order." .IPasDc9.(yA.)Fne'
Iwas in dire need( of food. Fotntl U! L.UUULU WILL t1U4 1 Prof. A. E. White, of the department PaiIc (y Fac'
Fotuatl budget for t e maintenance of her
a sormcam upan byattchig4 UI MO~LEW I6H T o engineering reseach announces standing army together with other
their tents to the sledges for sailsl Q jI~ R that a limilted number of students 1 military expenses for 1925, wil
they were able to lie blown the rest l may be accomdated during the X-i amount to 2,468,000,000 francs Gen-
of the distance. i ay demonstration and at the dinner. eral Nollet, minister of war announced
DotrKocih will give another lee- Lansing, Dec. 9. (By A. P.)-Gov. Those desiring to take advantage'ofinteCabroDpuesody
taeat 3 o'clock this afternoon in (rebc ilrcomn otenx this offer should see Prof. I.L . The war minister added that this
t ~om G217 of the Natural Science islaur that it enact a u ntaCmpel Prof. C. B. phgoe
Sleigislaxnaturem bil anfta apel Utervwas just a transitory budget ad that
building on the geology of Greenland. Ite ttxo uooie n i Prof. W. P. Wood, or Prof. A. E
theslctr sineddprmrl rest of its highway fiance program WhtiterofcsinEtE- the govenment at the next session of
I wie ntei f t at I~n palament would ask that body to
Thslcuei neddpiaiyI to this levy. If the legislature de- gineeng building tosday.Iotonabilow engdwnu
for students of geology, but all in- sires toosumit aagasolientax pro.g
terested may attend. posal to a referndumn he will ask the whc ilclIo terognzto
assemnbly to pass a weight tax which T IONSP 111 CIfffl fan armed nation."
E tn in T lsIwill yel. ufiiet eenetoc Nr figui/ Copresnwithe 1,70,00,00arancsgen
Eilxsficetreeuetncryion Talksu[U iCoprigte 95 a bde
1the highway program along without ;fgrswt ,0,0,0 rnsi
~ - arulu a 4uBIa nntrnu rtti'r,.._t _ -

dbays. There appear to be an unusual-'
ly large number of warnings to be
sent out for this semester, but. no of-
ficial count has yet been matte.
Alumni Secretary
Returns To Cit
Wilfred D. Shaw, '04, execu tiv e s
retary- of the Alumni associationl, re-
tu rned( yesterday mini g from a
week's trip to New York City where
lie attended meetings of til e Xcu-
tive council of the Alumni Magazines
associated anod the Associated .Alumni
Foresters Will
Hear Ver Wiebe
WXalter A. Xci Wiebe of the Geology
department wxill deliver an address
on "Explorations in Mvexico" before
the Forestry club at their imeeting
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room F-214
Natural Science building. This is tihe
second of a series of lectures that are
to be given fr~omu time to) time dur-
ing the year by authorities on subi-
jects concerning forestry.

trade tinioi.m lini room 102 of the
Economnics buildiiig at 9 o'clock Fri-
At present Mr. Blanshard is field
secretary of the League for Industrial
Deimocracy of New York, and is well
known for his "Outline of tihe British
L abor Movement," and many paulph-
lets .aind magazine artieles. Last year
Mr. Blanshard visited 85 colleges and
universities from Maine to California,
addressiing 35,000 students. Ile has
also had a wide~ experienlce as factory
worker, labor union official, and
worldl traveler, having visited Rtirolpe
twice during thme last three years to


Tryouts for the ilt ercollegiate de-
bating class, from which the affirnla-
tive andol negative debating teams will
lie chosen to compete in the Mid-West
debate, will be0 held Jlanuary 10. Mich-
igan.I's niegative teaml will (debate Illi-
niis; at Illinois, and Michipgan's af-
firmiativye t eam will dleba to Wisconsin
"Resolved that, excepit in case of
invasion,. Congress should have tile



study the Britishl labor movemuent and Ipo)wer to declare war only after al
the Italian Fascisti. affirmative vote in a popular referen-I
Following his gradualtion from dm "wl etleousim pi
Michigan, Mr. Blanshard took postI which prospective mlemlbers of thej
gtraduat e work at I Iarvtlrd anld Colum- teamr will he rewuired to speak. Each
bia, and then served as p~astori of a. I candidate is to speak five minutes on
Boston Congregational church. Latem either sidle of the subject.
lie worked in a clothing shop and Mebriftm rsn ast
was instrumental inl the organization
o) the Amalgamated Textile workers. tam1lowl debate Northwesterin
on Janluary 16 are inot eligible for the
LononDec 9.Th Irsh oun- Mid-West debate and a new Varsity!
to)tor Ie-debating class will be0 formed from
any 'OiiillS~i~l itens Ithe successful tryouts. For further
land iimmediately to look: over (ist- iformal~tion confer withi G. E. Dens-
ri nts involved iii the boundary qu~es - mrha f e(eiti lsi
tion.room 3211 Literary building.


Band's Sousaphone Classed SA IKT O
'ine ? nstrument' By1 .Pilson a 12% f & -


JL 91#4v%." i s vv vN ve

"One of the finest instruments oft
its kind" is the way in which Wilfred I
Wilson, director of the Michigan band,
oescribed the new Conn sousaphone)
bass horn whlich is' to be given the
Michigan band by the Chamber of

Cominer cc. The horn which is now E
I on exhibition in the window of Wil- -Stag tickets and tickets for those1
iham Goodyear company oil Main who wishI to comle to tile Sophlomore
street will lbe on display durnlg the E Prom afteir 11 o'clock Friday night
hatter part of tile week inl the window ; at the reduced rate of $2.50 will be
,of tile Quarry drug store on StateI placed on sale at the Promi boothl in
street. the U1nion lobby tiis afternoon from
Banod authorities state that the new f to 5 o'clock when tile Prom pro-
instr-ument is one0 of the most expen 'gramls xwiili e given out to holders
Isive bass horns on the market, being I of the regular tickets. This action
I ~anr n IgF i is; mdiii., E? was decided upon at a. meeting of the


Cf iven By imyers,
Prof. George Myers of thle Schlool
of Education has just returned from
a trip to the Upper Peininsula, whlere
he gave a number of University ox- 1
tension lectures last week on "Clioos-
ing a Vocation." Professor Myers j
spoke before high school assembliesj
of students and teachers in Ishpeml--
ing, Negawnee, Munising, Marquette,
St. Ignace, and Saulte St. Marie, and,
to tile Parent-Teacher club in Mar-
Every State Has
Students Listed'I
Students from all of the 48 states,
three national dependencies, and 33
foreign countries are shown to b)0 at-
tending tihe University by the report
of Registrar Arthur G. Hall, to Presi-

the sulpplemntary levy lie intimated. NELWIII ruiRil IIIL RJULI that of tile 1924 budget, General Nol-
Trhe governor's idlea, as he outined cV IIlf ULtllll let said that, owing to the deprecia-
it to Highway delegations appearing --L ion of the franc, it represented only
befrey this: mnstaiv oad i Washington, Dec. 9. (By A. P.)- 7 per cent of the pre-war yearly
breift this Diplomatic representatives in China military expenditures.
The state needs about $20,000,000 or of the United States, Great Britain,j
$21,000,000 a year. Next year there , France, Japani, Belgium, Italy andU IVVII
automlobiiles in the state. Of this provisional government today that,'
700,000,000 pounds will be trucks. Ifj the powers they represented would h N DRN O T
the trucks were taxed at 90 l cents auIa
hundredweight they would yield about give full support to the new Chinese U I Gt$,4 ,0 .g v r m n r vd d i ufle liTe p s e g r c r ,a n a e a e t e t o v ni n n t e n a e
Thepasengr cm's atan vergements entered into by its predeces- I November trade and industry show-
of 70 cent rate would return about cars. The promise set forth in a I ed marked increase over that of Oc-
$14,700,000. A total of $21,000,000. joinit note was conditioned further on tober, according to Bradstreet's report.
I ; the understanding that the provisional Most retail lines were stimulated by
Bailey To Attend government had been constituted with cold weather and holiday buying.
1 ~the concurrence of the people of China Iron and steel trades showed great-
li N w F rk M etig";for the purpose of conducting govern- ( est activity in buying with a steady
_____ Imental affairs pending establishment; rise in prices and increase in pro-
Po.BF.Bailey, of the electrical 01afrllad ,srtonrpeet duction. With this increase in the
engineering departnlent, wiii leave to- !i ng all provinces and parties of the iron and steel trade money in the
(lay for New York City to attend a country. West became,,nmore firm. Retailers
meeting of the committee on motor and inail-order houses report satis-
developmnent of the American Iiisti- Rf liglth . society factorv trade.

11117 1M1 17::11 1i wllllli 51111 ll-il 1 1 1 _i _r '. ... . . a -

We have received several requests
wvhich would stumlp the ordinary

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