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December 09, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-9-1924

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TUE$DA, D ,i..l0,1

Publication in the B ulletin is constructive notice tr, all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th4 1P'etieut until
3:30 p. mn. (11'.30 a. in. Saturdayk
Volume TUESI)AY, liE('Ei::1H3R t9, 19::1 Number G.')
Atemtbers of tlip Adniiiistratfive Board,Vollege of Literatuire, Science and
There will be. a meeting of the Administrative Board on Wednesday,
December 10, at 4:10 in Dean Effinger's office. tV. R.ll. tinjpIrey4.
1 re ;hmttcn:
,All group captains, mnanagers, and executive committeemen, along with
the Male1c members of the committees of the class of '2S, will meet in the
student offices of the Union, third floor, at 7 :15 to-night.
I1"'nstuors in Rhetie c 1 and 2:
A meeting of instructors in Freshman Rhetoric is called for Thursday,
December 11, at four o'clock, in Room 3231, Literary Building.
11. 1. Rankin.
] nglislt Ill (Publlic Spealdig For Engineers):
The speakers for the Thursday night assemblly, December 1.1, are as
I), G. Warren, Chairman; and Messrs. D. M. Cooper, IT. C. Coulter, A. K.
Eugene, h. E. Nielson, M. E. Smith, S. D~e Boer, and J. A. Anderson.,
Theo meeting will lbe held in ].oom 343 West Engineering Buildling at
7: 15 ip. in.
arl] R. 1ietliniller, General Chiairman.
Alr. R. A. Plumb, of the Truscom" Laboratories, Detroit, will address the
next meeting of the Student Branch of the A. I. Ch. E. on Tuesday, December
10, at 7:30 n. in., room 3205 East Engineering Building.
H1is subject will be "The Tragedy of Near," being some of the mistakes
it young chemical engineer makes from the executive viewp~oint.
All interested are cordially invited to attendl.
11. It. lPoland, See.
1-:ectri('al Engineering 71:
Lab section for this week will meet in Room 272 Engineering Building
at 7 p. mn. 11. 1.l igie.
Fite Arts 107:
'The .second Blfue Book covering Early Christian and I y-ra tine Art will
be given on Wednes~day, De'c. 10, as announced.
"The Mirace",'Pubk'lc~ecture:
Rutdolf Kommer, representativye of Morris Cost, owner of the prodillttion
of the "Miracle," will speak at 8 p. in. Tlhursda:y evening, Decembher 11, in
University Hall. H-e will speak on stage crt ft in relation t.0 "The Miracle."
Mr. Komnmer is recognized as one of the leading, criiics in Vienna and Berlin.
The lecture is being given under the auspices o1' the Play Production ('Ir:s~es
of the University. The public is cordially invited. Admission free.
1t. I). 1 . liollistter.
lecague of 'Nationis otTrisnA'n
D~ean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administration will
speak on, '"The Economic Rehabilitation of Eu rolpe" at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday
night in Room 318, Union. 411 members of' the Association andl nny others
interested in the League of Nations and other present-day international
questions, are invited to attend.
Filgiir 11. Alles.
Spanish Play Tryouts:
The tryouts fu.r the Sociedad IHispanica's Annual Play will be held this
Tuesday andl Wednesday afternoons at 31 o'clock in room 201 B.outh Wing.
All studhnts interested in trying out will please report. 'Ihis year's play
will be "Juan lDe Las Vinas" 1)y Jua, ngniuoJIlartzenbiishi.
Jae(k .Tay.

' !1itilt>,iiti cal ('isl:
lega.lar meeting will be heldl this evening at, eight o'clocik, in itom
3003 Literary Bld(g. Professor .John XW. Bradsha iv xill1 present,'"A Mii ev
ef Reflections.'' All persons inte(rested are cordially ire , toat tatend hei:
meetings of the ('lub.
W.W. Denton, Secy.
Black Quill :
There willI be a mneeling of the Black Quill Society ('11Wad(nes~la y, I )e-
ceinbe'r 104, at 7 : 3 o'clock in Room 204 South Wing. Allimembher~; are
urged to be p~resent.
Mlarii~aa Smauller, Pllidenlt
Forestry Clup leelii:
Important. meeting on Wednesday, Dcc. 1 0, at 7:30 p. mn., in R1oom F2t14,
Natural Science Building. Dr. Ver Wiebe will give an illustrated lecture on
"Eixplorations in M~exico." This lecture is of intecrests both to students of
Geology and1 Forestry. Fre'shmen Forest ers are requieste('I (speiily to be'
present. Pt. F. lWales, Secretary.
Comp ra1l Notice to Student Body:
Any studIent having difficulty in determining his life work is invited to
take advantage of vocational counsel at. Lane H all, any aft ernoon between
today andl Dec. 18 from 4 to 6 andl 7 to S. No charges made for this servic o.
Harold R. Williams, Ch~airman S. C. A. Vocall il nl(iidative.
Psychology of Education (10 and 11 o'clock sec(tion"');
The first fifteen minutes of the ('lass hour on Wecdnesday, Dee. X10. .rill
he allowed for the com pletion of the eszsay q nestolen c lat ig.ue and mlth
Plateau in L earning whicli cons;tituted the secoand h:alf of t ho tIest giveon on
MIondaey, lDec. S. The remaindIer of the hour mill be devoted to a d isous alon
of the answers on tb ~e Trure Palsr;cqo estion ,;of1' I rt 1. 1l eperts; on lPrcbl ems
43 and 65wxil lihe post poned tint il Fr'iday, D)ecember 12.
" 1Ic «itr41 V. 31 c~liin.
Girls' Rifle ('la"S:
There will he no mare meetings (of the Glirls' Rifle Clarss until further
Facully S'chiool of Eduncation:
Ther'e will he a meet ing of the faculty of the School of FEducation at
4,'45 o'clock Wednesday, Dec. 10, in the offices of the school in Tappan hall.
A full attendance is desired.
A. *Witi ney, 1Dean.



Have You Noticed--
thle new improvements which have been nie
at the Barbecue Inn? This is only nism
with our Policy to give our patrons the type o f
service whvlich will satisfy them.


Eigitly 11c reealttof'T'ile
ill Place

1Fin ishled ;

4 10 South StaleC Strieet Pholle l) .s;'



Survey of progress on
piincipa1 ciinstr1uc(t1ion jobs
iversity, shows that:

the othr'ee
at the Un-

ZOOM :r ~ a 4

Pta Ist enrig at he viiew hospital 1)11il I-
ing is (ii) nerce-I t complete; while fully
S0 ier(cent of the the wa lls in the in-
torioir o1'th e buildling are in pla ce.
PlHasterers yesterday began word- on
the fift floor. F)I uibei's and electric-1
ians are also t'a iryinrg their work for-
'Vai Ira on ,,'Ii bed le so that the building
will be r'ead(y for occupancy sometime
next sprinig.
in tihe neo I~eMed a building wort: i
pi'giossngon the schledule which
calls rcee t lie coin e let ion of the buildl-
l iin V1 brumar:. . itliithe top floor.,
ma-iticaly c(ripillei e, the building isz
now read x-for' ha rdware and thle in-
,tn haalion o of oter fixtures. -Murch o
the labor'atory furniture is ro-)dy an,
is :stored in the building until it e
he installed.
In the new Nurses' home wor'kmen
have [or soma time becen busy with in-
cerior I rim~minrg and finishing. This
x o,'l is so well under way that by
Christmans Ithe last workman will leave
bel ?;uildin, it is exptectedl.
Dean Edmund Day, of the School
of Business Administration, returned
Sunday f'roim Toledlo, where he spoke,
at the seventh reg ional meeting of the
Awre cm cli'i nst iitutt e (f Accountants.
Youir pub rimlron is ,aayable now

T..he NettletonShoe
Coirriecl in Black and Tan Viking and Brown Scotch Grain'
Suitalble Winter Oxfords
Wahr' s Shoe Store,,
Down Town K ,C South Mi
'.nynsnin.. a s. awen uernn 'wnw .naxen .. a . w , swynnr.a. s w.,wrd

Student Publications JRcad
In Eastern, Western World.
S t u d e n t l i i l i t a t i o n 0 f" t h e U I ' i v e r 1 : e 1 'I t A er "Id l l t w l v e l o e : na in -
ti'ies, ill all the stafe:; of the Uliion, iu' ~io 'bAgn a lg
aind ill three of its dependencies, ,ac- hanrd, 1). 'ni ark, Fran co' S wed(-, i ,
(fliditin to stat istics~ recently conm- 'SouathIiA11rica. (One(or a I I--'e opi(, ' ,01.
pliolicat ions also reachi Portolo the,
-. ------- 1the 'Iulipitii'l,15;4I~mr, andI hlisw:; ii.
(( d , 1 a )))-_i:- xeand rc tTol ists
W I " 0I G' ON o''the fomr Jz' I-ntsation. a ir oyts,
Notices to appear in this co1l'~un t'mut ('ili (,'h(~iniic, atnd 'l'ce laily, total
!be' left in the box at theDisly offi~e viol-o ltan lm 10.0. Ofthis ii lndiler' 1The
J rovided for thfat pu rpo~se twfo ic q
o'lc.preeeeeing the da~y of issiie. I hilly hat i i o(1ie 1li~ti 4,300, G1argoyle(
j - -- ------- - --- - -n1-.' tl"]) 3,5100, (Chimipis more than
IT 1!0 G ild tld.ieichi an Trlll1i1ic more
:i :00-Spanilsh laty I iyoultS in roodH ; V hi Ic The I Inii y 1('a (15in theitual 'tti
201 , South Wing. iiulii=rof' 1' u hsel'ilpt ons, (Ia rgoyie
4:01"f:0- (peln hioisP e lld at Tili r rL.l"Is H1, ip in-tiw oll of rea~iull ngevei'y
hall. !iat( illtIll(, '11*iioi, "ascoin oarl-ed withi
4:1aIl lw l5Pus c oLYOqUilml s in a- iu i Wvhii, itTlhe IP illy enters.
room 1041, New Physics building. -* :vg - 'n :~tvi" I'i(p
t:15- -M ien (,ftl fres~lli ('4111 it' (l ..
71,.1 iela i.s d(-petr iles of' theLInited(

(four Piece)
WITH knickers a sport
suit-with trousers a sack
suit. In woolens of rare
quality and rich pattern,
the popular all 'round suit.
$3950 and $4250
xt i 8Liig at C m~pus Bootery.
3t} S.Stacti , Jan. 29 and 30
i~ '.4' .1 l\4' A"'.''" '.41.1.1r .
Our style memo, book sent free on request




heel-M. ]i wetoei on. ~S~af[es, bha lTech n ic follow,; .-lo:'e Ivr
Nail 3list of eight1.
316, Union.
"r4)eal E. E. IDay peakshq ! ttr+'
7 :e5-gite of Nat ions Non-I in iisan aIS- 'Library Contais
r'oi 3003, Literar'y building. A a t!' ,sr 'ae
S :Ot---Mielhigan Union 1Mim1es lpi'aeni l a t tfIii
"Tickled to Death" at Wllitney the-,--

. i+1. .



4:15 p. m. on Tuesday, December'
Dr. WV. S. Kimball will speak on
Vacuum." All inter'ested are in--
It. M. Itandall.



M( i LIn 510,000 vol illIVs ar'e (OIl-
5t'(l isi all the i:. i of the 1 ii-!
cI-.,itv, nccol (Iiag to thet latest ('51i-,,

334 State Street

Phone OfC303-W

Ushiers for Lecture Course:
Please be in your places by 7:30 tonight. Please wear badges.
Micbard Ford.
A delphi:
Tfhe Adelphi House of Representatives will not meet T~uesday evening,
on account of the Oratorical Association lecture.
W. C. Dixon, Speaker.
(raduate English Club:
There will be a meeting of the Graduate English Club in Helen New-
berry parlors on Wednesday evening, December 10, at eight o'clock. Pro-
fessor L. I. Bredvold will read a paper on "The Element of Art in Eight-
eenth-Century Poetry."
Paul 3fieselike, President.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns,

WE l)N ESI1).lY
3 :00_.-Sp fnishi play ,tryouts
1/00o11 201, South WSing.
4:00.6 :00-Open hinse held
ris hail./
4 :10-444; inisti'athie boa rd
Dean Effinger's office.
7 :04-Evangelical studentsA
Upper' room, Lane hall.
7:30-.Forestry C1111 meets
P-214, Natural Science bui
7 :3-1Black Qu =1 society
room 204, South Wing.
"Trick~led to Death" at Whi
Lisbon Dec. 8. -- The Pc
chamber of deputies Sa turday
new government a vote of ei
63 to 27.

in 'utin flet,. f1'this numher 20,000
o-wand(1by thle ('lemnnt's library,E
at ltr 892' '3by :ie liaw school. 42,305 by
Inii r (lj( Is(Jiool and 2 001") by the
II 't:+ z gineerin' 4colleg", while '85,087
placed in the generlal library.
mleet iii During; the past year' 5,393 'he~
\\'!i ,'ad~dedt, lut 21'>2 were wvithdra
i r'oomI because they wxer'e Iwornlout, leavir;
Alding. net increase of 25,131. This wa
ttiet in deei east of 2,1;31 from thte accoss
figur e:, of191!21 -22, dlue mostly to
Spresen1tC" ('it.l in ug hig;h prices of books
itney the- .oci-an is', hothi Americani and forei
The (1 1mart ientadlliraries welr' es
citally injured by high pr'ices andl o
01 rtut~cse a large nunmber of gifts raised the
ygave the u-0es1, to their presenlt 1hoighth.
:onfidence, -___________
{ Subscribe 1for rTheu3lichigan NO~

1 1" (1


i-~ IT I -- - _ ..® .. ..--. ... ..__
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Price >-t K

fall oxfordi in
erussia, the


-for wide trousers
HIERE'S the new short-vamp
7 ~ Alshoe, men, made to wear
with those smart, wide-ankled
trousers of yours. It's true,
'Walk - Overs do wear so long
that this one might outlast your
clothes. Never mind. When


this pair finally does wear out,
you'll buy the Legion again for
its comfort alone.

c r b r
9 r.:,i } fib.,
n .




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