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December 09, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 12-9-1924

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-Ioeol o----






_ tDW II....ilD .er,__________ad

.A..n. ...s "'..

a% W-maho

GURT FIVE WORKS Yot atisfied ~(,CU 1 [I N D

Lanst 1'ek of 1rlli l . Being Hlvd

Com plete satisfat(bin with thbe -

Onze important changfe in Conl-
fee e foot bll reglatIo;n ;
pa8 ssed at the Big; Teti athletic
in cetin , inl Chicago Iasi. Satur-
da~y (no veiuns uthe numb~er'of
11 ing ne't HlI, a to~tl o01
?tc' 11.I Y3V I' a e fotball trip',
ei i 1('rf !-! c',fir e over form.-
' (OISI,)zi .; z.


I f?4ti1ce:; 11,(.t :Gcm vv o9


InS£< e er U stIhws cnxva 95 fb oo cbl l slid- ug l
Po erTlewlsenr,4s b oahFi dgIYost,(direCct or of iltd ereei1 egit'' -
LACK DEFENSIVE POWV'ER athletics yesterday mrning upon his DIVERS LIST IN A T
return from th emanual BigTenj
schedule meeting.
ITdf( ih iro~ei f d vll) Six Conference games, tone' State CahBre lI:eV ;~ .
ijug <a r easonably strong defense with- I run n itretonlgmiing team, Ia.,;[, night atnniounlOw1
]fr ..lell Ajv t ~ oc ^ gahee - - nd-ne-nte sect..,. ame


of Bullcs f Omly for ~'o
Fieldin I I Yo, d ireK r .of intcr-
eel]. egiiateath letics, ha :3 lci ;,p)int{

AiicliiganHas li;
Edge On Hoosiers
Pinic1>r~oirl ~I heiilwg lndI1 ;,!no
S('.X t se'a son en('Ih tif idiron taE1ke:;, i(
a C(m~A f.II'a Iively iino.vopporiellt, ,not
mi ring, played themin'2y. io
,'ilce '1903, thl( e C r't lie \os.iiieii wil i-
drew JOfrmthe Con icrence.
'1'' (' I IO 9te'5ha ve llQver flii islli
vel-y strong 01)10511 uitarfor I lie Wol -
Vo' i' ,i -lot~ , h v 1-, r . ;ored f1 sngl
pont, and losing every game.
InII 191A, he first year the teaims
(wr (:lif >ie, Iylkeigan won 12 to 0.
The1 foil 1owi ig year the \overines

3fre 1101 (.:timesdallof which will
I , plyed in California., remain ins the
(II e ot, hit isectional football tilts
':c wentho leading teams and West
(ti,(zh 'is I Thu ,5 (18y, the Missouri ci-
0(11 _i ~ vihl(l with the Southern-
Cal i~ l feni e nat L os Angeles. Oil
Now earslour' undefeatecd teoams
Nvii 1hi when Notre D~ane meets
Stan s of d a8t Pasadlena and IPennsyl-



lastni' droe hs potoes hrogh Ourm only regret is that no gamce me have been hep;o tw hsquad(: __________ Anl'fi otieICoci :ae-
a (ilonteumdintisndcould be arr'anged with Chicago. ASCpt Kerr, Cow, , r sa, 1a r,
f ~ l W d i i h a I o : d s r m a e t j ,hw w l e t o r o .i eulk n ~ t n h ~ i -a t io n w h i c h w i ll h o l ts a n n u a l
In the iscrinage the sani eee;t' is'~owOst teamls in mteourok i , Sediil1ata , ~ .:' J Eia- - % R ORmeeting in NewYor, De- 29.
xvii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~oc ic aeIenIohrn h kp ~(X'~ciYost a ,o; tazted that sted and .onec;. Thel j vci fl ~Inot - oc otsapmiett h
per since the beginning of practice be cut un.t the iiirt apa of Ja!wary. \
were apparent. With Doyle, rag- icago has been offered any (late onl The freshmanssudahiip ___________ of the mot imtportant
sceuefrthe cbodyi -
gerty, andl Cherry providing an of- standsb tha Cmigis c pse fthe olowigNcomittee f the ntionial b which'l
ees tg ih tnds Ltcon>Dlael tiji uilwli;! .A R USgoverns football in te co~ntry is one
fnewhich sheould compare with al-' see fit. to give Michigan a chance at n: B ter.Jarci, +ee,°io.i'1),a
most any other in the Conference, nIt. { Ha'lsted. -~so Vlyhl of the hi~het honors which could ho
tlee Maons lmi o~r 'Ofth rpe nw('V'(,r.,,f~, t~al0(i I (twen flvhe goups will be bestowed nnon hinm as afootbill
ed with mien who can blrace tihe squiad ' mm ir~ton in favor of retaining ftemn nw cmp~r 'cac.udrhmo h (fllt(
W osnonhes('hedilie wasre- squad, Cat.KrruniJ.Hl playedQ off this week. A postIoned oc.Udrhntolh omte
against the attacks of opposing for- IWifnsnonrtheolmnainofICa td ad.Joiioi wL ake ('0Ci. Hl;2 arbt 0'lg s2ad ille ~Cocdhes MGugin. of Vanderbilt,
wards. Last night Line was p~ut in fromt the list of teams to 1)0 mt. the backstroke depairmenti I tug- (t and Coach Robinson, of B1rown.
, lli; yed'Thursda, Decenler 1111 tItt A h ieo h wna etn
atone of the guards with Cherry at Capaity crowds are ex(ctted to 1)e ham, Alielziner, Varn and IMover ,i -aP I hefnli teLpu Attetill h ana ~etn"
the other and Chambers was again j.0) P .:fo'thIth.e'ignomeffmsnalsresninictheniltourbresa- jtle commuittee will present a lit of
place at frwar as arunnigrma e t fote Nv t hree ig oegmstrepreen tMichian ( ine reaset. ",vil fne chcduled mand annouic- Irecommiendations regarding changes
plr aedatn forar asaggrnigt aeyt.teNvy hoState, andl Min-srkWituhman leznrae~~
fo ati ereHget.nesota. while the showing made by M. both veterans in tl;ovision and ocu ater ila the wee, although Tues- in rles for tie coning season. rac-
Lie h etpopc ragadA. C. in the game this fal is expected !should be amiong, theilest in lile (,y, I)ei c ,rer ].6th can 1)e set asidetcayalchnenaienteof
position who as made his appear- to attract the largest crowd that ever !Conference this'rear. ;'in and fMayer ! ithit rneAj] for the cein cJ' il- iilgiio ulsaebsduo
a aonwh recruts Ofthe 9x , o-ne new men to tile squad v-ill 1p ~-,.,Ithe hem E'I grdaioles ae bas11ed upon
th o itnessed a<.,Michigan-Ml. A. C. (game... 1. s . ''io lo..l)cata.ns 1and1 iana- ' ,rV
son lacks experience anmd need(s to 0((1dd -- , ______vet erans !I reall nrac t, howev , er. 110com11111 C... -
speed. Chambers, who has been far- iO relay temwllIls lkl e on ers ,re frged to hve t1heir teams --
ored to start the season at one of the Denies Rumfor CifI posed of Sm,'no ,oow n he il flo before actual playingi
fowr os a rset fde- Jh:o.Tefrt t~ iniea ti ne, and( any membiers of groups who l GibbUons,No fl
feowardntoa regular ]player and has Za Game Ruling' *matil .til eafrs1>t tw veIlenyai' d o1''hav. orhave not payed in the first 1R eady FrY"ca
been showing well in tile practices - peed andi fiht while Cow 0and John- roundsi.,rid esre to play now shouldl
during tielaTst two weeks but he is1 That there is a movenment in the son are expctedI to g;o as well if not (iui c tnnltcate with ther group x- - -
also handicapped by lack of experi- Cneec oeiiaetepossibilityr bethetetr titrlan gm Nw orlast..--Tyear.os, cutcnei her ae s01'l oheeelytriofwininlthathinVonat wih 'j ettr tanlagyni Ne pevius York, ofscDec.edgam,.- St TolMin., ndbbon Nrfok,
on the squad whoUtmay shtow enogh nmbei' of tie games was dne yes- 1TVau ried ason waill hepitte Tilse d~le l'for this week is asi the neg ro fighter from ~altimonre, Ad.,
ability to get into regular positions tei'day by Coach Fielding IF. Yost, dli- Cr111 torftie \Tcatr of(itedistancre follows: Wednaesday, Deceitber 10, are il perect conditioni for their 15
by tile beginning of the Conference' rector of intercollegiate athletics, eis a ovetearofitwyas a iiv' e ,: 0)}P.:%l. iround bat1te tomtorrowinigtit atMadi-
season but it is probable that Mather "The object of the Conference is not (Cia'il Vi v. irop 1; C roup1 6 v.s onI Square Gaden.,
yvi relpon 11Line and Chamxbei's to todecide a caponhp"declared adsol eacn!:cn lcti-C rou p 7. + 9:00 11 . . roup 2 v. Tie two mten are tlie( best of thle
start the M. A. C.,al atra. Coach Yost. HeIcsaid that there had'nrii 2 OUl vet ansn r'(io~ip :1. 'ti'~sday, Decemiber' 11. li~5~tCnl fhgl-tayegls
The teams work shown by the squadl been suggestiona of figuring ill per-'ased dvi8,uik~inatIle~:10io11. -M. (roup 2 vs. Group 4. (Iost-'and are exiected to tae <a brilliant
in~~~~~trs itaislecelIatieslw~ of whichtshould help himfight. Gibbons, one of the cleverest
in't1is sce rcic hwd;centages lby counting tie games as half poitursall whchshold11(1)hi
in tile enduraitce rac. meninheingtody,_sty,_nlym__
continuedI improvement. Cherry dis- :a point, butthtat nothing would be ICIn11thtleptlunge, Seyidsmtan. hasy mai
played tile form which marked hinm j done, and that ties were inevitable in inhve flalung, Seidan has t: im ;; Patronize DiyAdvertsers.- Udv. Dtoa sanfoup efe Chait pliiortoIlck
in last season's games until 110 was football. !ioe vmls eram~isossgsD.IIci sYfothliiwilNrok
(-eclar--_neligible. Heworkedof conlltued imhi1oer.Alt le is noeiU!0110 of thn ]HIardest hitters il his
dlaredgh oiteligbset.nume r kiesd__ able to plunge tile 60 foot, tank i-11 itj ---cis, with alon" string of victories
fornd golanndoe srigho ie FIAE T WM P ~ SCilS011ought tole ldown to 40) INO FCE over goodlrien to hisi5credit.
f en os. nd- shwed strand toyle tha e F .l I IT 13i'secoitds by te start, 0of he ,eWn. i.- -- 1 r The winner of the m~atchi ia:; been
--!Jones a sophlomori'a 11of; 1511 for I Te 'nsian wil gady receive , promised at lash witit Dempsey, and
consistent games and mrade Cherry's j pr'actice sessions for teamls en-ye!I
goas pssble Cambrs ls plye teed in he ntrfrtenit ithe freshlman temnt last year ut he tany l) cturcs Taken this fal of E ddie ane. mitnager of Gibbons, has
goas osibe.Chmbrsalo laed( erd n he inerraerit Ihas the weight and if heran evl1(lelop c (ampus)11s(enes, iiitiations, fall- , lready signed articies for'tie fight in
a good part in the Varsity attack and ! lswmlning meet0, will be heldi a little speed( and i edurance, he will ; ganies, andl other events of i- I(case Gibbons is victorious.
Line covered the opposing forwards i TFuesday, 4:45-5:45, Thursday,I become di first string candid~ate. Pa.- i terest. Anly expenses iicurcd (I-
welatr1h iscfw0iue f : 30-4:30 at the . Ml'. ~A. pO. peilgitilis the 'only vetern ;working Will be met Vw ih. IDon't delay---pIay your Subscription
the game. IIotwt h fnydvr.______1oa'
With only four more practice ses-___out____with______t________fan____ y__________ers.___ ---____ _________ toda_________________.___
sions beforo the opening of the season I___________________________________________
with 'the Aggic teams Saturday night ~-
in the Field htouse the squad will be
worked to tiele imit tis afternoon,
tomorrow ight, and Thursday. All of/
this week's (drills will 1)0 held illr
secret. The session tomoi'row nightt
wuil give thle teami its lhard(est wor'k-
out of the p'actice season when M\ath-
cr xwil match his besit five witha
group from thae founr-ear coachinig
First Year Tank a
Team Looks Good
'fls C rsmsAtriu~thereare only :msall1 Tis For I Oxtfsordt
numberItryintg oit for thme i e 1~ xf r

tcl)leli eil 32) to 0. In 1902, Yost and a. r5i :ooks uln with California ~at
Itis crew hadc a wa3lkaway andI t1e1' Berlkeley.
ganme enl(':Id 60to 10 in the '"Old mtans'' ;i'urt1?ermi (" aiformiia wilItmemain in
favor. In1mm130, the last game of the, ma in ing for till Missouri contest..
,l'r'i'i (5result edli iii 51oto U ;,cor'e iul I tan ford and rdCarlifornia will resume
favrl of tihe M\ai'ze and(1 B1lu1. Thme l~=act ice tis week after a brief holi-
grailll total gives M1ichrigan i156 point'!ic'.:ly for niid-seniester examinations,
to none for Indiana. and a. general rest.
In 39 state legislatures, there will; Red F'etterman, well known racing
he considered measures wichl would 1(driver', (iell Friday at Pittsburg.. HP
i'loiiit the use of humilp guns and au- 1had lieeit one of the leading drivers
tomatic rifles in game hunting. for years.
I,rithiy aml ,..lurch;.-Mgbl'sAs sa
slaesi( by
BilIXI I 1mi4 Eight




swimnming teal), teroe QeI'Sl)i 5is nlic
up of some likely candidlates I'or next
year's Varsity. Darnell and Batter at'e;j
both crawlers of real ability andI
should malke a s trong hid for places
on the Varsity relay (taitot in 19211.
W'ithl a. little more enldurance eitUher
of' 1110 two 'might be turned into at
capab~le distance nman. i
Three breast stroke 111n11are fight-
ing it cuit for pliaces oin the yearling
>quad; 1-, lsted, Shor-r, and. Rose alil
hlaving shown thtat thley possess abii-
ity in thmat llepartniemtt. ''here is ai
lack of good plungers 0an11 (istance
Papenguith 1h0s one freshman work-
ing out in the fancy diving depart- !
ment at the Yost field house, whos
seems to ?possess everythinlg that a
good direr needs. Smalley htas so) far
this year 1101( his own with the Var-
1ity candidates and wVitln; a. year's
seasoning will bee01)10 to press the
veterans hlard. All of these m1en1 will
get their first speed ando form testI
4.n tile interfratprnity meet which wiil
be hgd next week.
Now H-aven, I)ec. S - --alc has pi'o-
spects for a strong fenlcing teamn, with
only three memlbers (of last .year'sl
team host thlrouight graduationl and a
:;quad of 80 mren now pr'acticintg(daily.
The first mieet is withm Col'umbia on
Feb. 20.
Coach A. A. Stagg, of Chicago, Maj.
Johnt L. Griffith, Big Ten athletic ('01n-
missioner, and Walter Camlp will be
among the speakers at the, annual
meeting of the American Football
Coaches association in New York on
Dec. 29.
Kid Kaplan amnd Jose Lambardo, the

Wha nivtan has ever coii1 essed to hiaving too iTInnY
tics? ----and cetiaily lacwHict o2 rctto)a 7 .,r.

well-cho~cn ones for Christmas -- if tllea:arc
chosen. Wec shall bec glad to assist you in
selection, Jorn our wide varicty of sills acid
terns. Priced from 75c to $1.50.

NV, y1)ii
1 i.t~

All sizes in suock
With even a wlider


.Jluchier and

bcal models. $io.oo
,for MTen c --, &,nce I&4X



k I



W ITH complete assur-
ance that what you
give will reflect the utmost in
correct taste and discernment.

o %"
- -~





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