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December 09, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 12-9-1924

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it ian



VOL. XXXV. No. 65






Ceiling Will be Midnighit Blue, C'overed l
With Star's to Itlepi'csent
Open Sky
Arabia, land of brilliant color andt
fantastic designs, will furnish the#
plan of the 1926 3-flop decorations.
'the winning dlesign, the work of Neil
K. Barber, '25A, was selected by the-
committee at its meeting yesterday
afternoon at the Union.
The -setting consists of an Arab en-
campinept, such as the Arabs are pic-
tured erecting as they camp overnight
at the edge of a small desert town.
Booths for the fraternities will be
made by striped awnings of vari-l
colored materials, draped into hugef

Will Examine Ca,
R 1 hdilie Schor
ship from I he st;!te of Michigan will
he exanidned k y Ithefcommittee(Pon;
selection w~hich xviil] mest. Saturday
afternon at the Unnin. There are
five appiicants. from the University,
two frontlHillsdale college, one from;.
Adrian college. one fromIthe M\ich igan
Agricultural college, and one from
O0hio Wesleyan un iversity.
The applicant fromt Ohio Wesleyan 1
university is a rosiden t of Mlichigan j
and is therefore entitled to make ap,
pilicationi for the scholar h1p from thisf
state. Students who are niot resi-
dlents but who have been studying forI
two .years or more at. state colleges
or at the University are eligible to'
ap~ply for the scholarship from. this
Among the candidates from the Uni-
lan C'alling For W1lrit ten Invitatilon
Still onl Books; Su~ggest=
"G'llest Book~"

nudi dates For I
larship Saturday
versity are two seniors, a law student,!
a graduate now working for a busi-
ness concern in Youngstown, Ohio.
and a graduate who holds an instruc-
torship at the University of Colorado.
The two students at Htillsdale college
are seniors, the M. A. C. applicant is
istudying at the Harvard graduate


DRi. LA'(,E K{)('l WILL 1)SE(IRE

Appears Tonight

Dramatist Is Noted For Rapid Transi-
tion From Character to Character;

school, and the Adrian candlidate is a ' '' "' ' '
senior at that institution.
The committee which was appointed FEW~V SEATS LEFTbyPeintFakAdlteo
Swarthmore college, who is the Amer-'TceAplntosfrPfrm cs
ican secretary of the Rhodes Scholar- TcktAilimiosbrVronace
ship foundation, consists of Dean J. R. III 311iclig-all (ities Ma~y be Secured
Effinger of the literary college, chair- a1t 001011
man; J.. K. Watkins, a lawyer in D~e-
troit; Prof. Brand Blanshard of the I "Tickled To Death," 1the nineteenth
p~hilosophy department; Dr. E. Hol- annual Michigan Union Opera, was
man, of Cleveland; and Prof. E. F. peet~ otepbi o h is
Carritt, of Oxford, resident professor Iprsnetoheubifrtefrt!
in the philosophy department, time last night at the Whitney theatre.
A large audience gave the perform-
ance an enthusiastic reception.
I AIRIAnight this week and a matinee p~er-
forinance will be given Saturday. The
j eats for these nights are practically
IN ENGINEERING f entirely sold out but the few remain-
ig tickets are on sale at the box of-
f___ iceofteWinya
Recpiets 4ar WrkWihTwo Starting on the (lay on which va-
llee~iizitsSlat 'I or ihl 110cation opens, D)ec. 19, the Opera corn-G
IVeel's short ('our se, Uniider
ilkiiehad's jevs~parny will leave in a special train
consisting 0f three Pullman sleepers
andl a bangage car, carrying scenery
ALL SEEK M. S. DECREE ; and co:siutis, for its annual trip). The

Has Mlade
t ry,

Relief Map of Entire Coun-
Adding to (geological

K nowl edge Founded School
"In Walked Jimmy, " M. J af'
Relating his experiences and hard-EY, J afs
twelve character play will be pre-
ships encountered on expeditions in- Ewnsne t80 'lc oih nHl
to northwestern Greenland, Dr. Lauge 1'Iadtoim b Edwin N. Whitney,
Koch, noted D~anish explorer, will give1 Mr. Whitney will present the fifthauioum b EdnM.Wte,
his first lecture here at 4:15 o'clock number on the Oratorical associationj dramatic interpreter, who is appear-
thsafternoon in the Natural Science: program at 8 o'clock tonight in hill ilig as the fifth nummber on the Orator-
this auditorium, taking all 12 parts in the ical association's~ season program of
audIitorium. At a time to be announc- play, "In Walked Jimmy." 'lectures and dramatic presentations.
edl later he will give another lecture- Whtefudrad ieco
which will be primarily for students Ijll ( n n a of the Whitney studio of platform art,
in geology on the geological features U iPIKIHl is especially noted for his rapid tran-
of northern Greenland. ; If U II U LI sition into characters without change
Vivi decrition ofhishazadou ofmake-up. In tonight's performance,
explorations in the northern country1 itIILating a play of twelve characters, Mr.
will be included in this afternoon'ni SO U IWhtewllavameopruiy
talk anti illustrative slides will show 1IU 1t demonstrate what critics have
views of the territory covered. Ac-; - termed, "his almost uncanny ability
cording to the director of the Nation- UI 'derwood Annuinces Agreement to make characters live."
al (Geographical society the material With Administration Foilowiii "The genius of Edwin M. Whitney

I Applications f(-? tickets to
I3-Hop will be given out from 1
Ito 5 o'clock tomorrow, Thursday,
and Friday, at the Union. All
these application~s must be
mailed or handedI in by Satur-
Iday, December 13.
No applications will be con-
Isidered unless class dues are
Ipaid. Literary students may pay
their dlues in the lobby of Uni-
Iversity hall any time todlay.
Other class dues will lee payable
at the desk where the applica-
tions will be given out.


TiFinal act ion by thme lnt~erfrat(ernit~y Rlecipients of the five fellowships
council on dlevising a plan for the in highway engineering and highway
improvement of condition. at (lances ; trails;ortation, effective (luring the
was dleferredl for one, week by the per.iod of the University short cours-
Icouncil at its imeeting yesterday after- es inl the lmighwa y enginee ring depart
noon. D~ue to the fact that the jiudicial w l,~ere annouincedl yesterday by
Icommittee was not, ready to make a re- : Prof. A. TT. Blanchard of the the high-
po0rt on the revised constitut ion of the wr.y engineering depaartment.
body it was decided -to piostpione plat-
tint ca mw into effect utith e powers 1The men named began their work
Iof the council were known. yesterday, with the opening of the
IA lenig ty discussion on the merits! first two week short course and will



and faults of tihelila n passed1 al;tihe
Imeoting of the council last Moll-

tents. These tents will
derneath the balcony,
track, and will be so
concealiit cn olh't-v.

be placedl 111-
or running
grected as to
IT -, c ' in-

gates to thein 'ifcil. ilpresentati yes
opliosed to the plan a4;s it now stands
on the book placed a motion on the
floor that the council adopt a gunst-'
hoph sysV ;cm il, whisch all guecsts to .1

naits, bearing thme crest of the fra- t (liance w ill sitn their n amiws. and the
ternity occupying each booth, will' be- inam~e of the sturdent inviting themr
suspended from the track. 'These will upon ent ering the irou'a. . second
Bar utthe idea of the ArabianI mot ion was iiiade t hat time mot ion lrri-
carrly cout-o-rm .'posing ftlme goest-lioo system libe
familyc oat-of-arms b. a m d ig t lu ,,placed on the htable Ifor eone weekin
The eilng illbe minigt bueorder that the frat ernit ies may dIts-
with a myriad of stars to represent custm;w ln n oma pn
the open sky. It will lie as high, asI ion on whlichr to adroprt. Th'is last mno-
possible. in order to make the effect lo a asdb h ersn

realisi Lic.
"The mlain idea of the scheme is to
gain effect by means of contrastingc
and harmonizing colors on a largejc
scale," said Barber, in his report tor
the decorations committee. "The pic- c
turesque encampment of the Arabsl
will lend multitudes of color and at
variety of combinations. We want toV
get away 'fromn the standardized dec-h
orations of the ordinary party, and
yet avoid the 'freakish' ideas which
are apt to meet disapproval from thoser
who claim to have an artistic sense."a
Minor details, such as platforms1
for the orchestras, booths for the pa-
trons and patronesses, independents, t
and chaperones, andI entrance plans,
are imncluded in the dlesign, but will
be gone over completely by both Bar-
ber and the J-Mop committee.
Bids for doirng this decoration work;l
must bie subumited to J. Dale Darling,
chairman of tire decorations commit-;
tee, before Thursday. The cost of re-
prodiucing this design, and the qualify
of the work dlone, will influence the
committee in ,.vardinig the comitract.
University of Michigan leads all
state universities and state colleges
in the value of libraries, scientific ap-
paratus, machinery, andl furniture ac-
cording to statistics compiledl at.
Washington by time statistics division
of time education bureau. The figures
show that in June, 1923, Michigan

Hlowev-er, the plan, prop~osed and
carriedl at the lest; meeting, which
calls for a written invitation system
remains on the hook and is a law
until it is superseded by another plan.
A definite (late on which any law on
the (lance situaion wvill go into effect
will not be set until sonie conclusive
pian is adlopted.
A meeting, of the council wxill he
held next Monday at wvhichimoe time
revised constitution will be read,
after which a definite plan for better-
ing dance conditions will lbe adopted.
A written report of the delegates
to the National Undergraduate council
which met a week ago at New York
was also readl at thme meeting. Tphe
delegates from the University of Mich-
igan were .John E. Clark. "25, and
Thomas E. Fiske, '25. ('lark, who is
presidIent of the local interfraternity
council, nrw iiedl at all sessioins of the
national (council.
City Residents-
iAsk Lower Rates

continue it until the end of the first
semester, theni will take up other de-
partmntal wor'k until Junme. Profes-
sot' Blancha id has coimplete charge of
tlpe work.
0. V. .Jensen, '23E, has had twvelve
1yasexperience as valuation engi-
n .r, serving'ireii a aacity for the
C'amnadian lRailwaty cotnipany andl the
Lehigh Valley ratilroad; <.nd (during
the last five years for D~ean Morti-
mmer Cooley, P rot. 1Henry F. Riggs,
amid lProf. Henry ('. Anderson, (if the
engineering college. Mr. Jensen was
appointed to lime Roy 1). Chapini fel-
lowshiip iin lHighway Transport.
C. S. ;Jarvis, who graduated from
time University (of is.souri in 1906,
has beeni em ployed .s a highwvay engi-
m~e'in the United States Bureau of
PI.ublic Roads, in Arizona. He was
named ais tho current holder of tihe
Dectroit Edison company fellowship in
Ilighway Engineering.
L. E. Rader, '23E, honor student,
wvho has been resident engineer to
the Pennsylvania State H-ighiway dec-
1wrtment, will lie the Roy D. Chapin
Fellow in Highway Engineering.
Wi. E. DeYoung, graduate from the
engineering department of Michigan
:agricultural college in 1920. has been
employed as resident engineer of the
1111linois State Highway department
since then. Mr. DeYoxmng receivedl the
( United Fuel and Supply company fel-
lowship in Highway Engineering.
J. i1. Lake, Universit~y of Iowa
graduate in 1915, who has been resi-
I denlt enigimneerin m the South lDakota
State Highway comnmission, wiil hold
the 1924-25 IDetroit Edison company
fellow ship in Highway Engineering.
All of the above ined1 engineers
will lie candidates for the Master o1
Science in Engineering this Jlune.

trip will imiclude eleven cities ;which Doctor Koch has brought to Conference
troughbout the midldle xvest. this country for his lectures is most _____i characters live before his audiences,
Applications for' tickets for the r'oad unusual and interesting and shouild ; BRING UP AMVENDMEN'J s to bring his hearers into a personal
perforitiamces itay be obtained at the hold a much popular appeal.I acquaintance with the towering flg-
-"- i In 1923 an article by Dar. Koch wasorsfmdenra .Mretna
--------~- published in fhe American Journal of WahntnDc.13-(yn,.- ere reader or impersonator, he has
A. Artevie'w of the ir~ttst p~erflom- I G~ology wvhich is considered to have =Soluition o(f the Muscle Shoals qlues-; digiiled his art with an understand-
anmce of the 01''ra list maligh t will iix added materially to the Idowledge (if lCon adlvancedl a ste(p nearer today, ; igralsHs, r s hlsm
th e'ima fratosIfGre-i Iamnd charming." Thus Mr. Whitney
Cbe found itiltime Ma1sic and Dratima tle goialfrainsf rm- with the introduct ion by Senator Uin-I has been characterizedI by one of the
I (oltittllili tt age foitir.landl. His report tells of a relief map
which lie made of thme whole of Green- derwood of amendments to his Gov- ( leading critics.
__ __.-__.-w -.__ ___-__ j land in a. scale of 1 to 400,000. The Iertenent Ownership bill which were ' Since 1902,we MrWhty rs
Idifferent altitudes were shown by the ; recomnmended by the War department. begahis cretersammero h
desk ini thle Inion begining today fori use of seven different colors. Sever- attth a
SAtrawe en cuseo th beneggdall. towns in Michigan e xcept De- al other malls have been made by i fe eken rieo hebe nae in interpretive recitals.
I toitandbr he est(iif le twnson r. ochomi vaiou oterMayflower x'ith President Coolidge I Previous to choosing his profession,
the trilp later in the week. iifngn and a Iwo-hour conferemice today with IM.Winy sre nteUie
ThpokfrIhs 'a~ fe n features of lime country. w1 h d' States army (luring the .Spanish-Amer-
I The l,)olc forl~hi,, ear's ofering 1"In Greenland there are Alpine IScetr eekxs, SenatorUnderwood lean war, after which he becamea
is the work of D~onald 1+. TL. Snyder, peaks (if 2,000 meters alternating with said no serious differences on the ! vocalist and public reader.
'25., who is also responsible for most lower mounded hills, and in some M luscles Shoals questiomi existed be- Among his more recent recitals are
of the music andl lyrics, althbough Jo- ;places tale surface is so low andi level tenhma(ih diiitain. icue h ly,"unt h
Isepih Elli, , o heO a orchestra as to' form true ualains," said Dr. Koch I he declared lie vas Willing'e to agree Right;" "Time Fortune Iu'rnterV 'i"A
I has cctitiiote~l several songs. 'The- in his article. This topographictal fea - t l i h aimde'f twsSur
to ll f te aendens i itwasSqureDecal;" "The AMessage fron.
(anice andi cho~rums routines have beenmi tare is shown in his mans. (t me ietiinoprt hmi Mars;" "The Man of the Hour;" and
wvorked (mit by Roy Iloyer, leading Dr. Koch has travelledl both along the bill. I fle explained lie had re- popular short story _programs. Other
man with Fred Stomne in "Steppimi tme CG-eenland coast andl across the in-I frained flrom inicmlditig somme of the plays included in the repertoire which
Stokes,'' wvho has dtonle this i li re- land ice cap. lie hsepoe h has enabedhiltogieor than
I war department's suggested amend- vIo hasarsenabledper.him entoe give ofboorehewthann
vios eas r li Oer, ieentreexen o boh hewet niensinitimeoiinldraft for fear 5,000 performances fracsare, "Hit the Trail
ta n tHim, steps to Phi0lip M illetr, '251), ' the mnort~h coasts, either by sledge o mteyn w ul m or iinalto oli a ; " d m a d v ; a d "I
wxho rehecarsed timemim with ithme(-hor- m notor boat. During one of his trips Senate leadIers are of thme opno.XSle im.
uises here. Miller do(es a large hart of lie was able to map thme coast line ac- ifc tam tmeumet r In the absence of Millard H., Pryor,
that i e anamnmnsaeadopit-
tie dancinig, with Dan S. Warmner, '27. curately for the fii'st tame. 1teuaormauewul ei '25, president of the Oratorical asso-
The emntire prodiuctioni has been di- The lecture is free of charge and itoniilimC ixn-25 ie
I reledby . Mrtimie Shter wh anytmewhois nteestd i ('h~lra-President Coolidge. With objections 1jresident of tihe association, will pre-
has directedl Mimes dramatics for the ;lions is invited to attend. II ohDl side.
Last svnseasons. During hsdirect-cvrat i and eulnd senabth emde
orship thme Opera has grown from a;# caianReulansatladr;
seInhiiu ropean Cr iitiC wemre hopeful of bringing the measure f Prom Programs
local show to a matiomally famous col- iAE
lgprdcinThscnrhaben!taneryvt.completely built in the Minmes theatre T l l Se ak tpon .Chajirman Norris of the Senate ag- il i e
where'( a master carpenter andl sev- ' ulurlconimittee, announced in
e'alasitat hv ben a /o7 19',,; -;1( ~~the senate that if timedetUnderwvood bill he Out ]
fsicecearly Oct oher. The luiintimig ~J i ccpela n medettotm .fl''J~ JI vv v
has been dlone on the scemne(lock of Norris bill he will offer a modifica-
thre Mimes theatre by Otto Sclmeller, Rudolph Kommmer, noted Europeani tion of his measure as aimanmendment I Programs for the Sophomore Prom}
a scenic artist of note who has (lone critic, will speak in University hall at to th nlrod'blwhc.te Frdy ilbegvnotomrw
.+ 4 ,. . ~- . old cibe beforl~c e ch1ammber for pas- afternoonifrom 2 to 5 o'clock at the

. '
Z ',

zens ov'er
city sf1524
m otor bh ,
c_ Itcials
a')le 50-i-

F or New BussesI __
al objec tion raised by cii ENGINEERING STUDENTS
rteproposition of the Po
.or (oachi coimpamnyto rel~? zrlner TW400 FILING GRADE
usses, for a one-year trialI Approximately 400 grades of D and
m'e time rates to lie chargecl, have been turned in by professors
gr to repiorts that have been and instrumctor's iii the engineerimng col-
The pizmi submitted to city, lege for the first half of time semester.
pro vides for a noin-t ransfer- ~Ime number oif failures amnd near' fail-
ide coupo hioo11k, s01(1 for _$3,1I ures for' the first quarter of time yeamr

a ra eiI o t o~o. (8ocokTurdy n"uligteI
Play." Mr. Kromnmer, formerly a
UNION SWIMMING POOL o eli n inai the prievsetie
Itourimng the country in the interests of
P O 1MSIO BTANUNI I Morris Gest's production of "The'
PRO ISD Y JNURY Miracle," which is to open in Cee
Work onitime Union swimminmg pool ! lamnd Chrristmnas night.
ms, being hurried to completion and it Mr. Kommer will explain in his ad-
is expected that the tank will lie ready tdress thme background'adrnmni
for mseliy time first of January. Th~le history that made possible time Am- 1I
sidles of time p001 have been completely I erican perfornmance under time direr- {1
tiled and when time wails are painted tionm of Max Reinhardt, one of time
and tile laidi onithme floors surroumnding w xorld's foremost dimrectors, with time
'time pool it will lie ready for occ'upancy. further aid of such artists as Norman-a
ight work: is being done by thme; Bel Geddes, Lady Dianna Manners,1n
men laying time tile in order that time and Rosamund Pinchot.Ih
tamnk may lie coimpletedl by thme first: Mr. Konmer_ will also answer all t
of time year. r questions concerning "The Miracle." t
Time lecture is being presented underv
IEducational Club the auspices of the Play Production
'MT ( I S Iclasses. No admission will be charged
nears Supervisor andl the general public is invited.
( r utomA anis uprio
ofvisuloed.icarim n es, erioit 1.SHW SU A
scols, spoke to lime Men's educa-'WL SH W OUA ON
tiomal club last night omntime subjectI
" ~Recenit Developm)ients in the Field of t IllDRG IDO
Time (discuissioni centered aboumt thico- After four (lays exhibition in Main-
retical amid practical work dlone in the street windows the new Conn Sousa-I
past few years by educatiomnal expeurts phmone brass horn which is being pre-
interested in training by observational retdt hIihga adb h
rnetliods. business men of Ann Arbor through
Stime Chamuber of Commerce, will be put
India a Ad ed T in the window of time Quarry Drug
India a Ad ed T store onl State street for a number of
' Purple Schedule j days it was announced yesterday by
biand officials. It is thought that it
Chicgo, II.,Dec.8.-A fourh will lie placed in the State street store
r' icgIlD.8.A fut, next Thursday. At present the instru-
I Confer'ence football ganme for' North- ment is in the windowv of the 'William
- western umniversity was announiced to- (Goodyear compnany on Main street.

ICm eatem mmem'bemrship for thme local
Atmerican Legion post is to be time aim
of a drive whmichm is to b6 started the
latter part of this week.
Specially prepared circulars ex-
plainimig time plans of the local post;
as well as the planis amid accomplish-
Iments of the nationmal organization will;
lie sent to each of the 800 ex-service
mhen who have muade application for
the soldier bonmus. A personal can-
vass of time prospects is also to be}
made by .teams composed of members
of thme local post, according to Roscoe'
0. Bonisteele, the new commander.
Legion employes of each of the

IProm booth in the Union lobby. Tick-
ets must lie presented by holders in
order to receive time programs. A
I limited numbier of tickets will be on
sale at the desk at time samne time to-
1All plans for thme annual event have
been comupleted by the committee.
Willaird B. Crosby, '27, chairman of
the dance conmmitte will lead the,
grand march at 9:30 o'clock with
Marjory Tanner, 'of Flint, as~ his part-
The Stromberg-Vokoun orchestra,
of Cleveland, considered thme premier
j orchestra in that city, will play for
dance from, 9 to 2 o'clock.. Favors'
will be grey leather card cases for the
women and combination - card cases
and change pockets for their escorts.
Patrons and patronesses of the
Prom will be Pres. Marion L. Burton
and Mrs. Burton, Pres. Emeritus
;.arry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins,
thme deans of the various colleges and

p~ossessedi such equuipiment. valuetd at? and good for' 40 clays, and a weekly is nearly time sanme as it has beenm for
$5,013,158. 1 pass, transferable, sold for $1.25, and tihe past two semmesters.
The University of Califorinia was fgooid for as manmy rides as dlesired (Iur- : Reports of those studemnts w~hmo re-
Airst in the valise of its buitdings with limig the week. 'These are in additioni ceived two timrmmore D om' E grades
$10,795,510 while Michigan followed to time lO-cemit flat-mate for one fare, xvwiil be sent home to t heir parents
with $9,3961,055. in the number of Iamndltime three for' 25 (!out fam'es. this wveek. T1hese mreports camn be oh-
bountd volumes in the library, Mich-i Objectomrs claiim t hat the $1.25 pass!I twined in time office of the assistanit
igan was listed third with 525,675. wvould be so little used thatm it wouldt dean anmy day this week.
Cornell university and time University lie of no advantage to the customer,
of Califorinia were fist and second land thit time $3.00 proposition should' lv ln e~
with 682,580 and 1 90,000 voiummes me- ' have no time-linmit. C e ea dA tr
spectively. If the bus system is adopted, thme T o "c b udlnswl eetrl eotd n
''TOO TIRED'' 1 will covemr a much larger territory-
thamn the street car lines do at presenit. Owen hDavis' Pulitzer prize play.
Let Jimumie do it for you, we are __________-- "Icebiound," will lie piresented as thi(
n~~i, nhan ov ser~ ve. nelver 3 Bl ni nn.Ind.. Dec. 8-"In De- seconud of the fall semies of time Mich-

banks in tihe city will be designated to I ~ei wves ~anIu a n~umoerz o proe
accept applications t'or mmembership sr ndterivvs
and the payment of the three dollar
annual dues xvhich includes a sub - I s r WITI PO T
scription to time American Legion *u vmT APONE
Weekly, the megular price of which
is two dollars per year. TO RESEARCH COMMU ITTEE
{ SE-NIOR1 EN GIiiEERS 'NOTICE I Prof. A. E. White, of the engineer-
"'1ing college has beemn appointed to
II Members of time Seniom' engi-I a position on the main research com-
j neering class will hold a regu-I mittee of the American Society of
Ilar nmeeting at 9 o'clock Wed-; Mechanical Engineers. The appoint-
Inesday morning ill room 348 ofI ment of Professor White is to fill the
Itime west engineering buildingI place of Prof. A.M. Green, dean of
Ifor the purpose of electing a Ij the College of Engineering at Prince-
';class historian, a class orator I ton university, wvhose term of office
Iand a general chairman for the II expired recently.
Classday exercises.~, ~ This research committee, co-opera-

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