TI- E MICHIGAN DAILY PACT: FIFTEEN DAILY PAGE F'IFTEEN -~be in charge of the women, and a all students and young people of the in' die forenoonwllb conducted in special address wil be given by Mrs. city.. Perry Hlayden, '25, wil leadi German. At53 'cokteItdn Joseph I). Bunting, of- Detroit. In the' the discussion meeting. The topic £; 1.1L~~ evening at 7:30 o'clock Reverend J. will be "Internationally, WhTat Place Club will meet at the parsonage. The IAllen Canby wil speak on "Thee Should a Christian Nation Take To- .ic ussion will b)e on "Plato's Argu-, f Psychology of- Conversion." day?" muents for Inmmortality." The evening - -----------i worship wiiibe held at 7:30 o'clock, St. Andre'w's Episcopal C'hurch First ('Iiuicli of Christ, Scientists St. Paul's L~uthieran (iiurcl in English. The speaker will be Mr. Holy Communion will be held at; The subject for the morning wor- _1COOK jaiis huc 8 o'clock, land Church school at 9: 30 ship will be "God, the only Cause and! The subject for the morning sermon! ik BpstCuc o'clock. The morning sermon will be' Creator." The Christian Science Wil be "The- Second Comning of Reverend F%. E. Sayles wil preach on the subject of "The Appeal of the !Reading Room is located at 608 First! Christ." The students Bible class at 11:20 on "Life's Reciprocity." The Bible." The usual Student Servicei National Bank Building. It is open iil meet at 11 o'clock. The services usual llioe classes will be held at and supper at 6 o'clock will have as I daily from 12 to 5 o'clock except Sun- speaker Reverend 1'. Z. Sta mbaugh. lays and Legal Holidays. A His topic will be "Greek and Gothic Ti eSvri tdIor Arc ite tur -C ntr sti g ultres" I tile o fsthe im opaning hsermoi s Thse questions about words, people, places, that arise so fre- TheOtitl of the o n Ingdeasermonhisquently in your reading, writing, study, and speech, are answered C orgrzzalorial Chiurch "u omno:IsIel. h instantly in the store of ready information in The morning service will lie a com- general1 theme for all Student Bible nunion sermen and the subject, "At I 1Classes will be "The Student the VEBoSrTEP1 fSCOI.J.SEGITEt.J[ The Sign of the Towel." The studlent E 8ible and Society." Beryl K. Wright, suprand social hour will p~recede '6, will lead the Guild Meeting at!fThwetbrdd Dciny- sdUo the Fliresidle Chat at which Eugene ,J. the church from 6 to 7 o'clock, after WESE' EINENTO/I Brock, leader in organized labor, will vwhich there wil be open house atf Hundreds of newvwords like dactylogram,electrobus,jlechette; ~ names such as Cabdll, Hoover, Smuts; new Gazetteer entries I discuss "Is the Labor Union Vital to EW esley Hall. "Music and M1or'als" will -.such as Latvia, Vitny, Monte Adamello. Over 106,000 au Christian Social Order?" The amts-; be the topic for the evening worship. r ttl words; 1700 illustrations; 1256 pages; printed on Bible ing nwspaer fim "AFrontPage.... Itat Your Gollege Bookstore or Write Str"wl epresented at the motionI First Presbyterhit C(hui'ebseie cli fyumnio hsppr picture service. The Lord's Supper" is the subject;I G.&C.MERRIAM CO., 5pringfield,Mass. for the morning sermon. At noon Church (f Christ the various Bible Classes will meet. Woman's Missionary Day will be 01)-! The Presbyterian-Hoover Sunday servedl at the Church of Christ this sSchool will be held at 3 o'clock. The morning. The morning service will social hour at 5:30 o'clock is open tof noon, Dr. Waterman andl iMr. Chapman UJnitarian Church having; charge of the student classes. "Are We Better Than Our Fathers?" All students are welcome at the] will be the topic for the morning Friendship hour in the Guild House at! sermon. At 5:30 o'clock there will be 5:30 o'clock, which is followed by the a supper for the Unitarian Students' D~evotional meeting. union. Satsfact~ion Js assured you when you try one of our delicious barbecued mcat sandwiches. Naturally they would be good--the meat is the best obtatinable, and it is roasted under the most favor- able of circumstances. TheBarbecue Inn Speaking of Mouse-traps, Reminds me of the Fast One Pulled by, some Village oracle Toy the effect that if a Man built a better Mouse-trap than' his Neighbor, the world would beat apath to 440 S. State St. Pone 2948.w i q. . 19il" Hill iif 41111 In"1 Hi"HA i s11 14is Is to satisfy you. 'We believe that we II~In fIis can fulfill our aim by employing expert m barbers who are capable of giving you - the type of service which should be given. Come to the _Arcade Barbeex Hil Shop:. We know that you will pat- ~ -re~ - onize us again.Wi 1551 111s mN1111111 - tU ARCADE B HFER fSHOPl ntltN6 NICKELS ARCADE ' - -n IN I...........-- -- ----------- --- - - - -s-------- It B Ann Arbor's Only Cleaners Not Using Gasoline in Any Form BENZOL USED EXCLUSIVELY CONTAINS NO GREASE LEAVES NO ODOR "m * X Stop! D. ,fre sh III A: 13 Unlucky for spots. his Door. That may have been all. right in the" yC.Ir 2200'B. C. w (Before Competition) but .nowdays'the Mail at least has to Tell the World Where his dooris. I guess nearly everyone k~nows that Burr, Patterson and Company, have the keenest Gifts and Favors - yourse) What do you th7 all the red signs for???7 Delicious -and Refreshing TeCoca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. I / x ink 5are I' 9 __ .f 4' 5; E1 '5 a , 55 e ol I I no, 11, .. . = = 3 e _4' l I V .' . . ti. "' ... 1 ^ l r, i I" i l r:. * . tf. I i I f 'he Details Are I i t -1 Well Taken Care Of Patrons are always at ease at Granger's when they are dancing on the perfectly finished floor to the wonderful rhythm of Bill Watkins and his Granger Eight, for they know that the management is responsible for their cloaks in the checking rooms. Checking rooms that are' the last word in modern equipment take care of their umbrellas, galoshes and rubbers. There are even The Complete Project for the Standard Oil Building New York City CARRf-RE and HASTINGS Architects ..yPhysical Fitness!I n-. Good athletes are made, not born ! Given all the inherent qualities, the star runner, golfer, "baseballer," etc. , must be carefully, " thoroughly trained-both mentally and physically. So the methods of trainers and athletic experts are of interest to all. And it is significant that an alkohol rub' is almost universal as a part of the pro- gram of developing the utmost in physical fitness. Mufflin Alkohol is available to you, too-for this and many other uses! Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool andt soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendid elief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mufflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which. actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athleti, org anizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. in this neck of the woods, but they ditdn't, know that thcy had a salesroom at the corner of 'Forest and South 'U until they began to advertise in q Our Own Daily. Since then, so many of our number, have\ beaten a. path to their door} that the 'Landlord, has--raised their rent twice. You no doubt will be I'glad to know that they still can deliver special racks for hats. employees are students. Then, too, all of our It is the pride of the establishment that in the handling of goodly numbers not a coat or a wrap has been exchanged or lost. Of course, everyone is advised to check their wraps or the managemcrit cannot assume responsibility unless they are checked. Our Special Fountain Service Is a Great Convenience. Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sates.Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO, Int. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto. Sydney Wellington "Thbe New Architecture" A ITNTYnwtendency is apparent in architectural rli.,ohr ael A-c~anrn~no Arrh rerm arPdeiin n.n MIFFLIN FPFI i f I y