PAGE EIGHT THlE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNADAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924I HOUSE FLOOR LEADERS SpoaskI'Play 'Tryoutls: 'rThe tryouts fur the Sociedad Hiss an cais Anuaml Play will be held this Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 3) o'clock in room 201 South Wing,,. All students interested in trying out. wil l plwe report. This year's iay wf'l be "Juan De Las Vinas'' by Juan Engenio I lartzcnbush!. I aJa >1:.TJly. I i i r i i i I i ReseareltClub: The regular Dleceinber meeting of the ItESa:ar(,h CL 0)a will be by Id oni 1 Wednesday, December)C 10th, at -S p. mi. in the Ilistological Laboratory. Thej following papers will be presented: "Measurements of the Electronic Charge b~y the ;uihrot 1E l'oct" by Pro- fessor N. H. Williams. "The Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd of I lernmas" by 1Pxrl,,. o;orC' Bonn er. S The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. T. IT. 1ilol~ebraitdt, Sec retlirv. (.-I