"SUNDAY, DEC EMBER 7, 1924 iHE MICHIGAN DAILY ( .Y"A iiw n ILTATA .. ................. =AvA ow z - S __.,_ I i f 3 i Social Notes I' II II w Y w Y ~ al~~w ~ sn l Yew~i~~te YY~l ma ............ I .... . ... D CLORS PROMNENT New Englander Tells Of France, a T FRESHM PRU. S. Friendship C ------ _ Spontaneous conviviality character. ized the annual Freshman Spread giv- en by sophomore women from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock last night in Barbour !LEAGUE BAZAARCLOSES AFTER TWA DAYS' SALE' L-~~ Kappa Kappa Gamma will entertain at a faculty supper this evening. Chi Omega will entertain at a fac- ulty reception this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Gifts O I Noman Another gymnasium. Approximately 500 women were pre- sent at this traditional party when freshmen intermingled with upper- classmen to dance to the music of Jean Buck's orchestra. The gymnasium retained 'the orient- al blue and gold decorations of the Women's League bazaar. A clear bWue balcony decked with shiny gold stars overlooked the swaying crowd of var- ied colored gowns. The reception line stationed at the entrance of the gym - nasium consisted besides the patron- esses, of Charlotte Blagdon, presi- dent of the Women's Lepgu e; M ry Barrett, vice-president of the sopho- more class; and Jean Kyer, chairmcni of the Spread committee. The party which was a formal af- fair opened with the grand march which was led by Jean Kyer, '27, and Mary Louise Murray, vice-president of the freshman class. During the Parch favors in the form of variously costumed dolls were presented to thei women of '28. Many of the freshmen-m were accompanied by their junior ad- visors who were assigned to them at - the beginning of the yar. - Patronesses for the Spread include:1 Dean Jean Hamilton, Miss Grace Richards, , Mrs. Amy Hobart, Missi Ethel McCormick, Mrs. John R. .flinger, Mrs. Wilbur T. Hump- breys, Mrs. George W. Patterson, Mrs.I Mrs. Bates-Batchellor, of Boston,j known asan author as well as a spe- cial favorite in American and Euro- js'an circles,, has just published a book enti itled l"Une Amitie H-listori- que," written in French, prefaced b,. Gabriel hanatoux of the French acad- emy, and dealing with the friendly re- lations between France and the Unit- ed States. It is dedicated to Marshal Foch. Honorary Society Although it is impossible to esti- mate the amount of profit at so early Kathryn Woodward, '24, Coldwater, a date, the articles at the Woman's and Dorothy Sober, '24, Detroit, were League and Inter-Church bazaar alumnae guests at the Delta Gamma sold rapidly both Friday and Satur- house this week-end. day, according to the committee. ) All the dolls, pillows and haudker- Alpha Chi Omega will entertain this chiefs that were so much, in evidence afternoon with a faculty tea. at the opening were all sold by Fri- day night. Practically all of the rest The Detroit alliance of Delta Del- was cleared up late Saturday after- t.a Delta entertained the Ann Arbor noon. chapter and alliance at a Founders' The Pierrot tea room, which was;Day banquet at 1 o'clock yesterday at run in connection with the bazaar was the Detroit Golf club. crowded for every meal. Lillian Wet- zel, '25, was in charge. Betsy Barbour house entertained Of the special attractions, which about 200 members of the faculty of were under the direction of Dorothy the University at a formal faculty re- Malcolmson, '27, the goose pond was ption Tuesday evening. the most popular. The jesters, Ruth Kahn. '27. and Bertie Olsen, '27, car-' Helen Newberry residence entertain- ried off their parts amusingly, if one ed( Miss Amy Loomis, director of the could judge by the audience. Junior Girls' play, at dinner Friday Among the musical selections were evening. songs by Minna Miller, '27, and Mary Lou Miller, '27, a violin number by Foreign students of the University Roselle Rider with Catherine Ruhrer, were entertained by Helen Newberry I '27, at the piano, and piano solos by residence at dinner last Sunday. Dorothy Malcolmson. The gymnasium appeared as one Dela Zeta entertained with a for- mass of blue bunting studded with oal pledge dance Friday night at the golden stars, and the blue streamers Ial niop About 40 couples were pre- used in the tea room helped to soften sent Mrs. Marie Burnett, Prof James the lighting effects. Girls in costume:1 n rd. M r. ttnPrd a M r. added to the attractiveness of the set- H. Hanford and Mrs. Hanford and Mr. tings. All of the waitresses wore blue and Mrs. Clyde E. Love chaperoned and gold Pierrette costumes, the at the dance. candy sales-girls were dressed in ~ striped gowns, and the queens of Kappa Delta entertained Mr. George hearts wore red and white. S. Peterson of the economics depart Dorothy Mac Farlane, '25, was gen- !ment, and Mrs. Peterson, at dinner eral chairman, Olive Mc Kay '25, had Wednesday. charge of the articles, and Dorothy Eggert, '25A, took care of the deco- KappaaDelta announces the pledg- rations for, the bazaar. ling of Fay Smead, '28, Chevy Chase, Md., and Dorothy Cline, '26, Detroit. Sigma Alpha Iota sent three of its members to Wayne last Friday to give: Guests at the Zeta Tau Alpha house a recital before the Wayne Study club, over the week-end were: Mrs. A. W. The program was given under the Burrows, Marine City; Josephine Du- auspices of the extension department rant, Pontiac; and Marion Taylor, '24, of the State Federation of Music clubs Detroit. of which Sigma Alpha Iota is a mem- her. School of Music students who With a roll call of 48,211 living played in Wayne were: Ann Broena, members, Michigan's Alumni associa- pianist, Pauline Kaiser, violinist, and tion outnumbers all other Alumni Bessie Sycles, contralto. bodies of other American universities. 44, t fi 0 F~ A'44j 4 Marcus L. Ward, Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd, Initiates l/Women Mrs. Hugh Cabot, Mrs. Emil Lorch, 'Mrs. Josenh Bursley, Mrs. Mortimer 143. Cooley, Dr. Margaret bell, and Miss Theta Sigma, honorary journalistic L Louise Patterson. society, initiated 11 new members into the society at an initiation ceremon" held Friday afternoon at Mertha Cook building. After the c reniony Miss Zelnr!t 'lark, social :1irector of the dormiitcry spoke to the rnembers of z' the society on "Women's Position in the Journalistic Field." She stressed a woman's value to the All unsold tickets for the movie of profession -on the basis of intuitive the University Girls' Glee club must powers, keenness, and othe attributes be turned in to Esther Mahaffy by owetr.m en s d atbtouser sex. Tuesday. If they are not, their value The ti e sex. r The 11 women who werc admitted will be deducted from the profits of . the club. into the journalistic.society were se- lected on the following points: In- terest in journalism a a profession, Students who have signed for wortscholastic standing in journalism in fencing should report to their as- scA atcsadn njunls enigshud-eo.toter.s classes, active interest in campus- pub- signed section Monday or Tuesday. cassr , act facultynela a blass -,basketball nactices will be . nb- held this week as follows: Four o'- Serauder,'25, Marian Barlow ', clock, Tuesday, sophomores; 4:40 o'- Nellie Rittenhouse, '25. Betty McDow- clock, freshmen; 5::20 o'clock, sen- ell, '25, Lucy Wilson, '26, Catherine ' , Saunders, '25, Marie Reed, '26, Kathb- iors; 4 o'clock,. Thursday, juniors;,, 4s:erine Fitch. '25, Marguerite Dutton, m4;:40 o'clock, sophomores; 5:20 o'clock, '26, Marjorie Weber, '27, and Norma frnen 3 :20 o'clock, Friday, sen- iors; 3:50 o'clock, juniors. Bicknell, '26. The regular meeting of the Fresh-1'295 Junior W omen man Girls' Glee club will be held at 7uP 4:15 o'clock Monday in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Tryoutsfor the Junior Girls' play - S The regular meeting of the Univer-'ended at noon yesterday, with 295 as( city Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 the total number of women who tried o'clock Tuesday, in room 305, School out. Cards will be mailed this week of Music. to those women who are to be called p back for second tryouts. The play Members of the board of Symphonic is to be presented during the week league of the School of Music were of March 17. dinner guests of Mrs. Byrl Fox Bach- "Wondcrful spirit has been shown," er Tuesday evening at her home on said Miss Amy Loomis, director of Ferdon road. Following dinner, the the play, "'in respect to the large num- December business meeting took ber who hsirticipated as well as in lplace. Plans were made for the an- the smooth progress of the tryouts." y nual Christmas party which will be I- held Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the second l The University Girls' Glee club floor auditorium of tho .-School of netted $54.40 from the movie given Music. The affair will be in the na- recently at one of the local picture ture of a supper party. houses for its benefit. r. I ... . AS i A Gift from Goodyear's Pleans MIore / The gift you select, will not only be smart but practical if you choose one of these silk covered umbrellas. Many col- ors. Novel handles. Durably made. Give one for Christ- mas! MAIN FLOOR GOOD YEAR'S 124 SOUTH MAIN RoLI% LLOYD _ ---Al i 'A 0 These Stores i- -1 V- I - 9~a-4'.i,) HOOKED-AT LAST! Good heavens! How had it all happened? Here he was holding in his arms the most exquisite creature his eyes had ever beheld-all pink and white and alluring! Holding her for only a brief, fleeting moment! And then like a bolt of lightning came the devastating realization that he, the cynical, bragging, scoffing, unconquerable bachelor had at last been conquered! His heart told him he was in heaven! His head told him to drop her and run, run! But did he? Ile did not! HE COULD NOT! And then things began to happen! You know Ilarold Lloyd. Yiu know what he can do with comedy. Don't ask us to tell you. We haven't the heart. - And we couldn't find words to do it if we wanted to! Go and see for yourself! YOU'LL HAVE THE MOST RIOTOUS TIME OF YOUR LIFE! - -,---- _ Search - Mkets of An electric heater is an ideal present to give at Christ- mas. $6.50 to $10.50 [ t ;' i' Y2 If and se BESTi -We stocks o the mar- the world cure the in all lines have full f the can- dies made by the iwltx-AEJ:,7 Samnler The Detroit ]Edison THE DEATH RAY It enflames! It diverts .magnet,)s! AD)DITIONAL FEATURES; Thai't Symlphionic lienfli Orchestra I i . f t f III i 1Fnnii f)tn \Fa4 innno