PAGE Frt R THE MIC -IAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 Published every morning exept Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Pulications. Members of Western Coference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titlod to the use for republication of all news ihl tches creditd to it or not otherwise chied in tnis paper and the local news pub- lished therein. intored at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, m&icbie2a1, ss second classnmater. Srecial rte of p, e gr rted by Third Astnt Yost Slmcriillon by carier, $3.0 ; by ma'i,j C )~ * . .n Aror Piess lBaidiig, a- Pban .FAioral. 24and 17 -N; ui ness 9,o" EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. 'WAGNER &ditor...............John G. Garlinghouse Newrs l!itor............Robert t;. Ramsa City Fditor............Manning Ilousewort Night Editors Gecrge W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Ienry Fre dk. . Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Nlc ran R. 1Tha Sports Editor ........William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield rWomen's Editor....... ,..... Verena Moran Music and i.rama ..bert B. Henderson Telegraph Editor... .Wliam J. Walthour Asistnts Louise Barley r elen S. Ramsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S.' Bennets Marie Reed Smith Cady r. Edmare Shraudr Willard B Crosby. ,rederick H. Shillito Val ntin ,.Davies C.Arthur Stevens James W. '1,erna'mberg Marjory Sweet Joseph Q. Gartuer Herman Wise Mannint- iouse o th Eugene I. Gutekunst Eizabet 1 S ile ndy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeth Lieben~hy. nnley C. Criihton Winfield -1Lne It would seem certain that the psychological momen has arrived for- action on a muc more - important matter, one tha really effects the future of fraterni ties at Michigan, namely, the rushin system. The adoption of a sane pro gram of rushing rules would do mor than any other thing to establish th Councl. It is essential, of course, that an revision of present rules be the resul of nearly unanimous feeling on th 1a)t 4f th Organ~i ins cocer-ne-d Chan e mmt i7142 b2u thk£ 0r t rnI-U) lkiz Eai rn t hIa f it the 1d fo r on._-- te rw zllC I-A ' n " ,^1s 5'F'"w:I( that when the present Daily stafr.ihot'.rrr' shall have passed out into the world, AeT A LL future classes at Michigan will have 4O M U S I C some constructive improvement (how-( AND ________________________________________ ever trivial) for which they may grate- j COMPARISONS fully thank us, that we shall have left MAY BEDR A M A some mark by which we may go downi ,,.,_ODIOUSOur stores are convenient. Our servic in history as having served ourAlma' i am tired of reading reviews in helpfulal in sL i Mater steadfastly andl to some pur- hi rve rsayttcop THIS AFTERNOON: The Faculty hiivvu c-peration in wtheseection pose. which reviewers say that comparisons Concert at 4:15 o'clock in Hill audi- c delivery of your needs To this end we advocate this day may be odious, but that Grieg could torium. the abolition of another abuse, one cetainly tie his left hand behind his which is nearly, if not quite so im- pIN A NUTSHELL: ! back and beat the pants off a Mendel- p) rtia.nt as the maife'r of the coat THE MIMES j1hacI ' hn, although. to be sure, the latter's of the Both Ei nds 77 fuf.}) 1': .'r h University of Michigan Union 114)n-11 o 1- tu most beautiful announce a,,ire- Ulit of their educaton. We and perfect melodies burble burble Their Nineteenth Annual Musical feel that this abusealthou- rated burble. Comedy (Snyder), Tu Yung, Egg Fu Yung, Scenery designed and built by by many as a copveniencc, would bet-j Who was the guy that first said "TICKLED TO DEATH" Ivan and Gally. iMimes Theater Studio, J. Frederick S ter be abolished completely, thrown comparisons were odious anyhow? Book by DONALD E. L. SNYDER 4. Sir Galahad (Snyder), Gaily. Summers, Master Carpenter. Painted I into the discard. ow about laying down a new dictu usic by DONALD' 5. In Spring (Snyder-Ellis), Jack, by Otto Scheller, Scenic Artist.7 The abuse referred to is the clock for reviewers to apologize with- Why, E. L. SNYDER, '25; with additional Nyan Toy and Chorus. 1 Electrical effects by Universal Stage in the Natural Science auditorium. are comparisons odious-or any more' sy. Peaches (Snyder), Peaches, Lighting Company. Paul Haines. 1 What student who has taken History odious than any other form of LS, '26A, and FRANCIS A. EAST- George and Chorus. - Master Electrician.-2 or Psychology or Geology willi forget criticism? WOOD, "5 7. Song to Ching Ling (Ellis), Fugi The Temple setting in Act I sug- the anxious suspense he has experi- Think it over, boys and girls, and San. Igested from designs submitted by enced as he has waited breathlessly for the best answer to this week's Entireuproductionsproduced and Alderrick Peter Hubert, '26A. for the hand of th t clock to reach puzzle Uncle Jim will give a nice g E. tE per . d o All costumes andos in the the hour? And what student will re-j slate outIft. Yes, with open and shut of E. MFORTIMER SHIUTER. Dances Alcsue n gowns worn in the= th ?ArsrastdbyROY HOYER. production designed and executed by If more fraternal orders would fol- member anything that was said by the I eyes and if you don't like it you know arrange ER"LesterChicago.low the example set by the Kentucky; fvlecturer during tperhaplostf interval of what you caisdo. Fugi San (High Priest of the Mon- Men's costumes furnished by Tinker Masons in denying a violator of the al astary of Ching Ling, the Green and Company as follows: Suits by liquor laws membership in the order, ia before the close of the lecture, when An Exciting Night Oragn), Barre Hill, '25. Kahn Tailoring Co., Shirts by Tyson perhaps more people would look upon all eyes were turned on the clock, (G2ld B)dge; Sver Badge won Aprily Egg Fu Yung (Watchman and As- Shirt Co., Golf Hose by Westminister, them as the beneficial organizationsa when some of the motsct impatient had 192 trologer in the Temple), Ernest W. Inc., Hats by Dobbs, Gloves by they purport to be. eet n oe The most exciting night I ever spent Brownbridge, '26. Fownes, Shoes by Grossman Shoe Co., scrape feet, when some few had had was. one night last summer at our Tu Yung (A Traveller), Willard Chicago. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBEP YET C the audacity even to start talking. cottage on Lake Winnepetoskey, about spanagel, '25. We do not fee that . doek is neces- three miles south of Georgian Bay, i Nyan-Toy (A White Girl Raised by sary in a lecture room; and we do feel and due west of Lake Champlain. Our the Priests), Richard G. Elliot, '27. that it is a distracting influence. cottage was situated at the top of a Jack Houghton, Russel A. Gohring, Therefore: Down with the clock in 1steep bluff which lay at the foot of '27. the Natural Science auditoriumI the lake, and the land sloped up Professor Tombs, Gordon M. Ibbot- around it to form a sort of shallow son, '27. The United States and Canadian pocket. The lake is quite shallow at Marceline Potter, Charles D. Liv- You will wish to make THA T GIFT somethins e technicians have agreed on the pro- this end, and the trees on the beach ingstone, '27L. gram for the St. Lawrence seaway are really nothing but low shrubs. "Peaches" Joyce, Dan S. Warner, l engineering project. Congratulations Well, one warm night in July my '27. Sometig persona are in order! Uncle Fred and I were walking along Galahad Jump, Charles S. Higley, the beach when suddenly we noticed '26. a fire blazing merrily away among George Bancroft, Philip R. Miller, CAMPUS OPINION the shrubs on the beach. As soon as '24D. Anonymous communicaions will be Uncle Fred saw it he whistled. "My," "Justice" (Jack Houghton's Vallet), disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as he said, "with this wind that fire will! Milton M. Blink, '26. confidential upon request. spread like everything and we'll soon Countess Valeri Mischkinoff, Rob- have a bad time on our hands.'' ert B. Henderson, '26. Is now the daily companion and pride of many a man wh To the Editor: Then he whipped off his coat and Ivan Awfulitch, H. Lyman Bright, satisfactory fountain pen he has ever owned. In view of the publirity given the commenced to beat out the flames. I'25. recent action of the- Interfraternity "You run up to the house and start An American Archeological Party Council, and in view of the fact that a bucket line" he shouted. Crossing China: Bring in a sample of handwriting. Mr. Rider, wh I am the chairman of the investigat- "What's that?" I shouted. Gwendolyne Lang, Stanley B. Lewy, expert, can select and fit the point so it is sure to please. - ing committee of the council, I feel "Ask your mother," he shouted. '26. Sthat a few words might be appropriate Finally we formed a bucket line, of Thelma Van Ness, Milton A. Peter- to explain the result arrived at by Uncle Fred, my brother Jerry, Cousin son, '25. this committee. Alfred, Mother, and myself. My, howl Beulah Dunn, Frederick Proctor, '25. R D E R S ' P E N S i It was the duty of this committee we worked! Finally at about three Josephine Cassidy, Charles F. - to investigate fraternity dances be- o'clock, we got the fire out. Preece, '27. t cause of the unfavorable comment I will never forget that night, and Dorris Lewis, Leston S. Whitehead, s which had been aroused by the con- neither, I am sure, will Uncle Fred. '27. y duct of those preent at these parties. * * * Louise Barnette, W. Davidson Har- As a result of their lltvestigations, the (NOTE: The publctation of con- bough, '2' t committee reached the conclusion that munications in this column does not William Kent, Alvin W. Tolle, '27. h because of drunkenness, overcrowd- imply, editorial agreement with opin- Raymond Moore, Oscar H. Jekle, '25. lug= t ing, and rowdyism prevalent at these ions expressed therein.) Frank Harper, John R. Shaw, '25. _ - affairs some radical changes must be * * * Donald Wilson, 11. Ross Flowers, gI brought about. The committee re- To Browning '27.I1 - alized that the fraternity was directlyI (A Hymn of Hate) Harland Shaw, William H. Arnold, Prtnte e responsible for the conduct of the Damnation on your noble crest-- '26E. e 1 social affairs given by it ,and that in i Who lived and thouglht obscurely- Frank Rowon 'Paul W Bruske'261 i e includes nand oAHAMN'S Of the Diagonal Walk DECE MBER, 192.4 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notice We clean and reblkck hats and caps ud do it RIGHT. You will appreciate avin g your hat done over in a clean nd sanitary manner, free from odor nd iade to fit your head. FACTORY HAT STORE 171cJaard St. Phone 1791 ( Where D, U. R1. ,tons at State? ! l I I s I rail to" many y selves t it was e festive - '< Wmi t r t04ai 4 41a41aim cases the fraternities them- lest were placed in a position where The common student quickly find difficult for them to control ef- Your message equal to his mind! ly those present. j With you diffuseness is sublime- mig iVm pjt f 1i'W a;e tC s Thought fog, ,n cl