SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r' nI r Cueinfoe 1 dwounds. Thre ost notablep s qiudintecutyvn ni IAIIIrI.IFor Ma aria phsialinerstvhiwbildngison, t } ettebL LflUIU II tocaseof its use was madie in the fnaine pPd fjtf 3 ' a911I'i'llrn of tye inuestis uildinghiscoune,1 ,P~~ 64.1U H Apparent Succes. , E ffrt to save the life of :'resident 1 '11®®®i 114d U 9J accrin o members of the depart- 1LiIII1 !L IJ FOR CO YN BelieveS Edinunds trun(' S C ilo RCTICAL COPLTED~fte Aeca theiAMMETER__FORte X-Ri
  • Ke ud ~opr S E R.K E L S E Y 'fO S P E A K ready ( e )Is 1 1( bed " A ccordin g to r -ie- -- - - n w building a :d heo seerzallabo rat- 9 e t l a h t e g ou d l v l h o m a d s e p c e o m t r ports i he isease call he0 (Sred ly tl,0IIi urntington, 1.V , .6.-Anl' ~Irde,, areformm1.1ed1 Morepactadatosmrt'r) fit,: CAn re b-ig s._lblec aparaus ro,)u.,in th.ereclbasements being; aid physicians and surgeons in ijecton of a drug renown as mecums-1 intersect jonal sch)LatIl footbhal gamei is on thbe road and it is epce.ha f .,Io'i'eiehwr n ha-triin h nesiyo h E, R. Kelsey, of Tozledo, presiden~t c11,.0,ae, atan iplec11:(ed that etqullhippayded eo.(1 y 1r.. ear li tb(1[1workli andllbe(OIiiet-d ad d my ht ir hthhieblwnin hic tey reusigtohptiets ~ of the nter atio al s ciet for crl) ,lny~ : T0ou kins ho:,pital about "two or J Tackson, M ic hziga n., high .ichbol eleven couippo(1 I y the be gill: i e" ne t tre ~ ti~ o ; T i e tn y -II c p e e t t m o t r r s ~,pled techildren, twill ad~dres soceys the sip rhi ) ao ad ( Jutiyontemnealetu.t toiv lTh(M iiCroshinghscanthunetaoftoweothae uu Sservice clubs of Washtenaw county i d;,o tG. (drugbar; proved to be r 10'(alire on(t cesrh n Uua teth oof awhirchfanIucretemplyinge and aotrdng t - aN aquta :5 'lc omro ai iy 5uocs : Fur [or the treatlinent of Your Subscrijuon is payable flow. p riiuents and f!t ,r d(vloYlpient ofr110;he ei: ed to aprature. Kegerreis hsamtr wl b 4,night in the Union to launch a cam-hi mmtewllao paign for the free clinic for crippled __- '~~ y children of the county. Mr. Kelsey - ii~ l2 ,,:-will explain the national work in this Sfield and will tell how the cainpa ign MA'l[7 shcould be handled here and what (TART 4NG SUp i A 7', !I AXY1 ivought to be accomp1lis]hed. 4t JN Memzber~ of the six organi111,ations ' > .*.~ . ;": u.:..w.....,_..,w +,.,......:.o-,aw w.,,.....r.:a.:ww,.«....,.......< ..,d,.........,.s....... ' .:::: Y. t' *.:.*.... the entire coutnty in orler to find outI' ":;,: [ .hr h ripe hlrn 1e ~c to make arrangements for bringing them to the clinic, which is to lie held H e r Mhere some time in Febriary. There. are approximately three orl ~ four crippldchildren to every 1,000 1! Pt1' lT HE Q(,1'83 VEX la7people accordling to the records of the a (dren, which has its headquarters in U "" M f }Washtenlaw cotunty over 20(1 cases. o Ithis number there are a gr eat man-y i atcto infantile paralysis, somec have ' ieen born winth bone or joint (leformni- rz it adths:reh eulsoac us' t1 id(e ternr l euts fc fI Eminent (doctors in this fie ld from ° xi~' isJIOCTQ 4 t9 all over the ountry will he found at.; lihe 1111. Their services;,?ill 1he giv- enl ftee of charge and it is r ged that E - cildren should be brought in. The j g reat lItfi ilty now is to get the par- en cts to bring their children for many i £ moestuk t i II'\r\v " * are convincedl that their children cccalniyiuri sor:o.a:...l 1tw , 11he survey will not begin until .ian- - 'to H ollywood to show the stars the Ayrt of Acting. * ,7'uary for tihe rcmaindlcr ot this month is to be usedl in pcrfetig the org~ani- n ation ot workers -~ x"&!VICTORIA COLLEE ED SIIRO N G-Af~r a 110 o I : t @ , ,t seIo acc )on ei i s e of I Vi itii S since theason ncepion oark hli r"(cotli>rt a oug s hout1theC' tireUrsit o 'iniaions eems to ave hgro wapecal-; " aclcge as-~ th fis f h itc is. Tough ay ostieatioe n ivl t of mat-amlun 4 i tirn i h feiagi nitiatins t? qullig athe deirt of the opaoultios ato itae ypthe resh," ine r o Imat- o' n o h svn -loe is eventlyroing to ias e illonpeole ho ea of siny initiationo h r h tryo a h ly o Vic Atoiulg e riit olewot nedpoaretoseed- a- beacig heofdesieadthesophomor l 'oiitiatemta e f ee --lti[t i o're neoattak een-an 1 y e ne r te ofen dersgo la beto keeq aended1 i augh ble " u c i w th e e r ro lo e a bn le 1. lpV e pl n " a n d h isre au n - theesstudent swothe playnyn Apo init bythen ofthe fnt p flle caeer Yo 'll enyy 11 Wo theCollege i- obronnye tal trneat. ax3u ose h ?AGE 'II T that difficulty. Several of these ma- chines are now in use. Mr. Kegerreis is leaving today for YSIKansas City, Missouri, to attend the con vention of the Radiological Society of America, where he will demonstrate Ithe opeiation of his invention and ex the plain its operations. .sure f saniFrancisco. Dc. 6,--Twenty-one 'Phl ! "3n 310 l fdi a v''w-'t here'(' Or50- .abfe'- "'tiara.x tiii a. ',ideeprea d ii eiuno t o ally imt rowme ri l ni onary ro p ziya ul . de- into thesho - -ray At' Washington, D)c. G ._.. Prsident sally ICoolidge today signed the deic they ill providing $126,000,000 for admin- Mr., istratiun andi initial payments render ish the soldier bonus act. .:.. ..Y."~i:Y . .: ':"i";N :':t "::i'.:t9 S{A.:' .L ' x .: C bGt''_:. : ~' ~ ' ZF y'll y t ) .. .1 y~~'y "i~t 6i r%. ',roessor Moore7 - To Speak Al YW -Y o 't M u' a, . V i o !^c 1 or i eu Ilteligia 1'' at the annual ('hrist'a a W i etming of the Y . A C,..,xxh'i wile)0given, at.11: 30)o'clock Tb lur:'- llday, in Newberry hail. - The Un'iversity C iris' Glee club, di-'tiTI t ;i(eted by - I e;s Nora Chlne IHant, of ltl e Sc hool of Mrusic, W411 I ueent a lit _-vvogra*n iof cbritma, car'ols. 'Tea it "will be served after til eig. ii-- t iant Wetzel, '25 is in charge of the' qtAll imemberis of th~e Y. W. C. A. and' .. a -other women are invited to attend.- xis Court Tomorrou' John K. Firbah na2, amced i Sthe Cartier and Wagner clothing stor'e ,irobberies, will probldlly conic upj for- -apreliminary hearing in the local it Pr U~s r court tomorrow, according to Ju stico L "".John D. Thomas. i# Other cases on the county court 1 I- to e Stagc Ve'cr on, GL.ENN , HUNTER WXas a FueScesbto d-(ocket have delayed the case, which C !t he ScreerliHe's purely a Riot! Don't Take Your Neighbor's W/ord - -was to have been opened Dec' 2, and -e $ airbairn, who Ihas pleaded nri gu- PIE SeIt LforYoulrself ltyis being held at thle local jail (inc ;PRICSUNDAY . il~ t FAUE -to his failure to pirovidec the $3,500 All et-0 COMEDY NOVELTY F+~'~ ~~~TL? bail demanded. Children-l0c li TOEYCTO SKj C 1'.... __ hU AYS VISUALYNTOS BURN" -~jMatinee - 35c The Third of [lie Famous "Telephone Girl.'', [raice now aompearingIS A N W EV N Episcpalias ToEvening Epso ain To yAuditorium - 50c In Cosmopolitan Magazine IA RZ1('A OC3 !fTP iG HearcSt uI'w'b ugh Balcony - 35c' It!t .' 1: 30-3 :00-4 :304 7 :00-8:30° Otter Daysg 2:00---3:30-7 :00; 8:30+