l THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1924 rvH i i Minn 110 111Retain Positions of the University Extension div E '11T9T1will address the technical men an subject of "Science andl the Chant Order." IAIIII ATHFR HIRP' mit uwnn nlitrfl am i nr sian. n the B eaumarchais Was Hlero Of Colonies, Asserts Va~n Tymw ; , , .',1 1 ?e Queen, Marie Antoinette. HeI soon Moscow, Dec. 6.-The supreme cc- V'won their confidence and was sent to a noinic ccuncil has concluded an E'ngland to obtain a paper containing' agreement with German workers for plans of a French invasion of Eng-I the manufacture of blades and other land, which the Chevalier d'Eon had s accessories for mowing machines. carried to England and was holding' for blackmail. HeI was successful inI Washington, Dec. 6.-Expenditures ismission, and while in England of tihe LaFollette-Wheeler campaign met Arthur Lee, supposedly the re-1I committee to Dec. 2, totalled $221,977 presentative of the Continental Con-lIand receipts amounted to $225,936.50. stress. 111 11=6 W S ' JI !Professor Whit Expect WILL ME] Found rym en the sta-te xill -- d i(,C CliII theUjLUC.'- LLILIL e, ill (h arge of Pl.fplx n tTIrn, ~l ~ jyIh i ~ i ' n its undrd to i TU c11 1 i oi'y tfat is R-h(11ty I afayetie,! Attend in t.eo11151 of Pr-fi'tLI~I. B'rU.jVa - El H R D Y Juniors may pay their cl ass dulers, oa ly resp lmsdeibfor 1he entrance -1 which are $1 for this year, on Vrues-! of France ito tho Ameriean revolill- from many sections of dyDe. 9, from8 to 5 o'clock at a ' asi on tbf^'udek of C'olonists. rath1erin Ann 2II Arbor r j day, Drilo -nntr i T. in}_ otttt tl..i tR fl o o , it, was one ov tnesetwo 1. e11 Lilc originatedl the story that if France dlid not aid America with her corn- coerce, England and the colonies3 wouldl agree to terms of peace, and. lhk 14. .Lirli ijb l l1Vir4.r;""tt: er;_i ,; : ;" dent Christian association is r progressing, as within the o *~** mne since the department has "." ....:.. ; r: 7. official family of his predecessor,t anquet which will to held in )brdgon. They are Alberto Pan!, re-1 -roit Y. M. C.. A. tanned as treasury head, and Aaron ate calls for speakers from Saenz, kept as secretary of foreign Oak, Lansing, and Yale have relations. Gen. Joaquin Amaro, nam- ni filled but arrangements are ed war and navy leader, is one of thet lung made by the Extension new members. The photo shows Gen-z lent of the" Student Christian eral Amaro, above, and Alberto Pani.E tion to send speakers to these - -- - The marks will have been arranged and placed upon the blanks for this RUIL111gHNNGSpurpose and the first lot mailed outI lAI QI W~ late tomorrow or early Tuesday morn- ing. IINO Y NO fVEHSUY Moscow, Dec. 6.-FelixDjrisy ______head of the supreme economic coun- in the mid-semester reports cil, in a speech urged introduction o eo heads of the various depart- private funds into trade and recoin- of the literary college have mended a less drastic policy toward timpossible for Dean W. A. foreign importations.j reys, assistant dean of the Iii- ,ollege, to mail out warnings Constantinople, Dec. 6.--Eighty per-I snts who have failed to do sat- sons were drowned anid considerable °y work for the first half of railway track washed away in floods tester, in the Vilayet of Aleppo. Vanilla, Strawberry and Banana in Our Special Brick This Week. A Delightful Combination. Phone 423 Akni Arbor dairy Company next week for the December meeting of the Detroit Foundrymen's associa- tion, to be held at tihe University on= Thursday, Dec. 11. Prof. A. E. White, director of the engineering' research department, who has charge of ar- rangements for the coming n eeting;,I expects that from 100 to 1 50 prolnin- I ent technical men will attend. Hi said that the announcement of the as- sembly has attracted considerable at- tention throughoutt the state foun dry circles, indicating unusual interest in the prospect of visiting the Universi- ty, and of viewing the scheduled de-j monstration. The latter will include new uses of the X-ray machine in the examination of metals. The session will oven at 2:30 o'clockI Tuesday afternoon, when the visitors will begin an inspection tour of the University buildings and grounds. A~t 3:30 o'clock the foundry andl foun- dry control laboratories on tile fourth floor of the East Engineering build- ing will be open fer inspection. The -r ola. andl electric arc furnaces wi'1 ~also be in operation. Beginning at 4 o'clock an X-ray demonstration for tile inspection ao' castings and similar metallic products will be conducted in the new physics laboratory, a demonstration said to 1_e the first of its kind ever held. The apparatus which wvil be used Thurs- (lay, is adapted to inspection of up to o e thanth c ne s 'he foundrymen will ass-amble t' 6:30 o'clock for a dinner at the 17i,11)1 when Prof. W. D. Henderson, director (lesk NVI'tc x Vill be lx xueuin ijivut - j1.4al~~dCLcu a--' LO )I v sit y I ha 11. :; uiors, woOhave not paid their dlues fo: the freshman aid soph- omore years' will be given an op-par- tunity to pay them at the same time. Class dues for all three years niust be paid before applications are ac.- cepted for the J-op. Application:.; will lie g\'ien out ont Wednesday, Dec. 10.. vatuchimaker and a, wit I 1,rilliant; together attack the French West In- m pn, s e'd of a ch it Aiing parson- decs. ality. Th'lrough1 his 'uairage With a 'leaiiniarcliais returned to France 11l'i lWidow, be obt ;i.,Od tlle mon01ey; and told his story to the King," said fleccSS rte'V o eat-r the coltrt soc ietyT lProfne seor Van Tyne, "and it was this On apuluie- e poition o0f''Con-' tcar that promptedl France which was troio f t "= sie's P1antry." in a very poor financial condition, } ft 1.1.7 a ar, according 1to Profes- to de isle secretly to aid the Ameri- sor an i 'yn e, ie met the King; and cans." r h "It,3* (3tft Suggestions 11F4I, HER Hda .xat'a4or ( aares N aiieire Sets I'vo y sets iii ~~'r t ad('iies S~tttionery 14D ?aks Ca'ig ir on Rodahs lInzors Sta lonery I'(1c .ethooks Candy- I I An Ann a,,. e .k a wtr ry" e AM& 4 AIL f Rim 1 h S LOMA LAURENT -NOVIKOFF Suppol~rted by IIILI)A B WTSOVA In Her ALEXANI)RE VOL1VII i BALLET RUSE ENTIRE PARIS AND) 1A)NWJN ORGANIZATION I NE 'BALLETS O D FAVORED DIVERTISSM ENTS CREATIONS SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA THEODORE STIElR, Coniductor irect from Mhe Pet ro tIt Yig agenieiit Trinniplni I N orthiAmiiercani our ail Orders Nov-Prices $1.6x, $.10 1 , ' t34)I0 '! I Seats Reservedl jl CHOW DRUG COMPANY 213 S. Main St. Successor to I a i" MV ANNI'S DRU~tG STORE l 'I ,. . "4 -- -- . -- .*tin4,rn...,,..~ o,.,rn- ~vw.n-.Mwna.,~inww.,.trrr, rnr.n. r..flafl..sUXflIt~Wfl .fl~.flS It a.,Wt~,.'rt n tr ,t*flflSa~&fltfl0sW1OMI * w Home of Pure Jiilk W twima Q _ wl s Another 1igAnother BI LL ILL! Starting Today Starting Today SA Story o oe r -and menwho light their ways for them 0/40d *a X-IN ; : ",>xA GREAT CIIAA CTd'E RPLAY NWITH TIYPEF TH"E111' (NION .. ... , .. ~ ~~~STREETS-OF 'THElI LIA 1)4)'1(5--F IE LiML:IIOL ,; ::.t::;:.: . ";:;:;"s: s~s<"=:<> a; .;:,;, ",. WHE:RE THE~ WORST IN THE WORLD) ('NGREGATE. ~ ~ m DISTINCTLY AN ACTION PICTURE .-:::::::: ABOUNLD ING 'R.9TIy I C ' ?y ATC } j ~q/gq( ~' [^ yrg"1y . 7 c'nnett Colliedv - _REI '1IAL STAGE FEATUREh "THE SKY PLUMB ER" ANFEJ ACR Wit;h AP I11£1 P (. 1Nk 1hR AMA SIL"D N E AS CHRISTMAS draD s mear the r s--" aVnder .l-a' he shoul~d Christmas ?- oii ' uestion tilt efor Here is the answer. BU-0 him a pair of s-nuggiv- fitting, warm bucksk~in gloves. Thei) are an ideal. giftI. We also have glovcs mude of pig- slhin, cape, and nmocca-lined or unlined. Drop in to see our display. Prices raznging f rcm $1.25 to $7) W&LLZ Cmnm I 111911 Ill