THE WEATHER RAID' OR SNOW TOD)AY f~It Inan IIk Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 64 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAixY, DE~'CEIER 7, 1924 SIXTEEN RAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT$ IIDNTws DOfC ThelADay lRRr l Heifetz Stresses Importance IHG HNFrom Washington I OFI UI ISI COWI PI IUTSJII iVIOfVaie 1 Of Presenting VrPdIroagramn Teagricultural appropriation bill, P TM A If~ AG IN FA ES sxI carying $124,69i7715, was reported to COMMUNISTS P U UUPPS A [A gin orwChruh Idar'gngaeptoefrth co- C NFER NGE EAIIS ,The House co mpleted consideration Dovm BwDeIre Ff O OG BT :eie minieunte inalotlof re aonotonsin ovepevrain- lthe nt or ay.iaio I_ _-reache our objective, Jasha ILAi- or 35 o1 those thr. t he considers re- 7N)AAShDLDFRFi4RDCLLAES([I CIN PSPNN~1(~ SI'iSE fet7, who was very democratically presetative. Occasionally, duing TIMIE IN 22 YEARiS WITH'i Election figures from ten states re- ONLY POSTPON'EI; 1D NOT 1S5 UNJST TO PEOPLEI reeling (off signature after signature, this process, the young musician dis- GAME OCT. 10 ceivedl in Washington showed Coolidge IAWAIT DEFEAT SAYS4 LEADEFR I(during the process insisting only that! covers a piece, ottimes written by a leadng Dvisby 5,0'19,333.1 Di ' - -___-- each person present his own fountainI comparatively unknown composer, of NAVY INCLUDliD i The Senate Naval committee urged FOREIGNERS HELD RELIEF DEMANDED penin order that no complicatonrsiI which he has never heard before. President Coolidge not to extend the ---.--(- might arise. I1f There was n illustration of this In Plyleave of Brig.-Gen. Buitler, Philadel- We found dfiut nitriwn his program Friday night in Ill1- Varsity WIll Play Total of Fiv'e Home C(hantenips, 5lii tr of ~Itrior, Polozeits of World Court Prepare1 the famous violinist, as it' was so auditorium. "Stimmung in D Minor," Games; Three ithjf Big piia diecor of public safety. Satisfied With Supprssion To Bring Questioni Before much easier just to hold a friendly I which Heifetz played as the opening Ten ElevenasS Of 17prising Present Session conversation, but after a few mn- number of t. third part of his po that claims by 192,252 persons for tax- utes of personalities, he made a st -- gram, was written by Joseph Aclron,I (Special to The Daily,) retunds were approved during th at Paris, Dec. 6. (By A. P.)--Conmplete Washington, Dec. C. (By A. P.-I met which we repeat it here: brother of his accompanist. Achron 's Chicago, Dec. 6---Six conference fscal yar success in putting a stop) to the com-lWhile anxious to bring the world ' If one is to be a really great sue- works, though rather well known in elevens will be met by Michigan on flhininist; agitation towards revolution cou11.1 proposal before the Senate,i ces as a musician, he must not only Europe, were entirely foreign to the gridiron next fall, it wals decidled! Expenditures totalling $1 50,00,000I was claimed(by irte governntt to- Chairman Boah of the foreign rela- b capable of playing his music in Ameican audiences until introduced today at the Big Ten schedule meet- I night and Minister of the Interior tons committee declared today that tatiic anebthmutls1y.Hft. ing. Infn, Wsosn l'.ror new federal buildings was pro- Il. hedo teFenhplceu e a niligtexedscsin fa rciseictmaOnethisutrieMrst aeioety isHcarry- IninWsosn l in iposedl in a bill by Chairman Elliott. ofs ea fth rnc oie heaxuniligtopuiisusin fdiscriminating choice in the O Nortwt sernesteorandiOueijoa, leand Meliiileisotoat ,a w bletoaxprss etir saisfctinstatnongirpndigaisuefheacofionosiionof achproramioptatdignwo iolnsaeSrahvaras ndf will be met during the course of the with the manner in which his menI farn relief legislation. vaiety is achieved in a fascinating Garnerius, which he played Friday season. Indiana will be met for the Chairman Borah of the Senate for- nipedticecioshon tbcmut u e" sIne isevtifon toathmentpos way. night, and which he prefers. It has a first time In 22 years on Oct. 10, in IRtcnei hw ycmuit udsnehseeaint h ots Ann Arbor. Schedules for baseball,1 cigi relations committee declared lmahures hyd o cnw-ln edb h aeSntrIn order to achieve this variety , Mr. market value of $40,000. against putting the world court ahead LodeHeifetz spends his entire summers in D. P. and J. N. P. also arranged by the authorities of ;l)en merely postponed. The official the appropriation bills and then spend the conference schools here today, party organ published an appeal for the remainder of this short session inI M. A. C. will play Michigan in the1 communiststohl themselves inficsngtewrd outadk-ir T lIiihO iiir openng ameof he easn, apos- 0 PTIA U I readiness for any eventuality.j dred subjects, adjourn and go home tion whih tLhsLevribfoe oen communists point to the re-'o a year without doing anything on Ple i th M chi an sch du e. s am oval of Jacques Sadoul from the dom estic legislation, w ould be unfair 1 I 0 result of this arrangement, with In- Paris military prison to a jail at Or- and unjust to the peole who sent us T E the Michigan team will IhaveboneYof prison w ould be rushed and Sadoul isSenator Borah's personal judgm ent !te h r e t s h d l s E %Ths o y ei er d-h r g n l t i l, i s t a h r a e o f n l a t o fj En w s n t f B l ep n s U ) n D n s x lo e o L c u e T e d y Wisconsin will be the first big con-1 llhi, Chicago, and Ohio Amnounce ,which the former army captain was the court at this session because of the! Senato ' n(erwood's Vew 0On Exploration li ference game of the season and will Seheiese; lovei Agrees; convicted by default on a charge of I press of other business. Senator ! ,AedmnsOeel ~ bepaeoa aion Oc.1.T"'hree GamesI treason in 1919, took place before a Swanson of Virginia, the ranking Illinois will be met at Urbana Oct.I Paris court martial., Democrat on the foreign relation C N L SO I EKLDPA T N12 24. Te agrementto pay atUrban HRE+ R~fr~~lV3SFULL FForeignersonewaloneld wereilhelditten anailhecommittee, f CaCLdSother EEproponents I 19t 24.i Thextfl agre mopladinortob . fJE P O R M UL tonight, the Frenchmen arrested being IAmerican adherence to the world I- - provide the season of 1926 with a suffi-, allowed to depart after their names: court, are preparing to further de- Washington, Dec. 6. (By A. P)-Re- Dr. Lauge Koch, noted Danish ox- cient number of large games at Ann Announcement was trade yesterday land addresses were registered. The; cisive action before this congress ex- pubican leaders in the Senate are plorer, will speak at 4:15 o'clock Arbor, of the football schedules for three drag net thus far has failed to catch pires by limitation March 4. "hoeful that the end of the long fight Tuesday in Natural Science auditor- The Navy eleven will be met at AnnI conference teams in the 1925 sesn a single Russian. Even these senators are convinced, ,. Abrfrtefrttm ingridironi Chicago, Ohio State, and Illinois have _ I however, that there will be a pressure over Muscle Shoals is near. They ex- I um on "Explorations- in Northwest- history Oct. 31. Northwestern will be completed their arrangements forI RT NIEtI of a determinedh character for domes- pet President Coolidge on Monday to ern Greenland," basing his subject played the following week-end in the their full schedules and Iowa has tic legislation, and in view of the fact endorse the Underwood bill provided matter on personal experiences en- Grant Park stadium,, Chicago, and booked three teams. No word ha. haLte nn al lolriation bll that Senator Underwood, Democrat I cutr~ nhsnmru xei OiSttanMinstwilornybeen received yet from other memn- hal( JIj lIfl~lrl1ve the right of way, they are not Aaaa consnstuetanaed instoe that co ury. epdi tho te hian isotolon ey wolbbmroofethetconference.d bos toUhaL. cuntry to tesanguine trthatldthethcourtheissueth canfmnct.s.iThe YAlabama senatornginintat ehSlidesissshowingetsviewsAlofmatheatcoun- th successive week-ends. In all, there Illinois starts her season Oct. 3, 7U cn to a vote at this session, view of Senate leaders, will accede and try horwill biesed tecoun-II will ben five gamen played by Michigan; with Nebraska, playing the first game he bill will pass near the end of next taehslcue hs itrsad at Ann Arbor, three of which will be at home. October 10, she meets But- From the fraternity reot led inr i'i~ rweth aeilctrchs iu htd against conference teams. ler at Champaign;Oct. 17, Iowa at received by the Student Christian as- JJfHr 11 flI This would send the issue back to t hscutyfrhslcue r toti(onr o i etrsaeCntinpned on Page Six) Iowa; Oct. 24, Michigan at Illinois; Sociation, it is evident that these or- O " UYS US U[ the I-louse, which adopted t the last vr nsa n aube codn - ____- Oct. 31, Pennsylvania at Penn; Nov , ganizitions will lend substantial (f 1II~lIITVI session a bill to lease the property to veyuuuladva ~lacrI 7, Cicao atillnoi; No. 1, T- hep i enertanin an~ clthi'~ ~ J UuI~~fl ~j ~ IDHenry Ford, who has since withdrawn to the director of tie American Geo- h IIILI i s fe.Iihadiitrto sp;graphical society. 1N I SUPYlane at Illinois (tentative) ; and Nov needy children this Christmas. Sew-hi fr Wt/amnitato sp eaJasago E-arl Blaser, '27, chair-' !port behind thne measure, leaders ofi Doctor' Koch has hd many hazard- A N A 51PL BL 1 Ohio Statefrs ati embs.wt-Oi manl of the commitee charged with Sn ntni, ex. e.G-eea the majority party believe it'will pass os exeriences during his northern tasebfeateagiig conr ov er fhattaes.mOnoeof sahi ounadeytw The remaindher of the schedule is as ties onl the campus, asking that they way into the Second Division, std- hsbenrgn!i oges o eryofhsenddo tavinadth hepthe Welfare bureau in providing ' a 'itSm1lutn ilnl three years. others reachd civilization just n follows: Oct. 10, Chicago at Chicago;helpI tioned Ifan gremettaiiStae eahedtiteoonailwtelamefae.lhi *Washington, Dec. 6.-Accepting the Oct. 17, Colutniia at Ohio; Oct. 24, a Christmas for these poor children paying thne penalty of a month in th eItwa eenthepulcanao erityadwaonoftetm httme e- recommendations of the budget bur- Iowa at Ohio; Oct. 31, Wooster at thiis year.! guard house for tie privilege of win- btenteRpbia aoiyadwsoeo h ie httemi eaecp nafwies h nlcOi naie o.7 nin tjA great number ofrpis aeal- Senator Underwood, the administra- i hes of the party killed their sledge ean, xcep on fewitem, th puhlic Oio (entaive); No. 7,Indina atrel~ies ave erinn ini exasTThexamenfrom tionforcsnnother appropriations committee today e- " Ohio; Nov. 14, Michiganm at. Ann Ar- ready been received, with Practically Northern caps sr tero tfinfUndeo plan to vote down both the dogs for food. Men in the nrhr ever orgniztionhead frm pom- ide a mshob eser terts , UnderwooIdmft an theNorris bills, and cuntries become firmly attached to ported the annual supply bill for the I bo; and Nov. 21. Illinois at Ohio. evr raiainhadfrmpo-Ird shbesoIris urne agriclturl deprtmet. I willbe fle Uiversty o Chiago shed-icin to hlp i som way.A theirat(hogsbilwhoirbear, thebarburdenren of tagricuturaltdeparmenTuItdwilllieg epieriyorCiag c e frngt el nsmewrAfwito Army oficials at Fort Houston and' Senator Norris, chairman of the hauling sledges filled with supplies, takn u b thshuseTusdaoliliowie:s aOfllos:Oct, KeKntukyucky ttomae cntrbuion tcthntagrculurtcomiteewhch ndites olyin irtned thatth mediately after disposition of tie in- at Chicago; Oct. 10, Ohio at Chicago; Comunuuity fund, which will serve the are senitenced on a charge of havingI Senateagiutrcomte whhanitsolyndreedtathy terror department's supplly measure. Oct. 17, Northwestern at Chicago; same endl indirectly, while manry moreI gone "A. W. 0. L." this means of I repoted the Norris bill is determined will think of killing their anima The bill, framed by a sub-committee, Oct .12, Pennsylvania at Pensylvamia; ?wish to actually' provide help and etotannCataseriUor et i ofgtfThh asg o i w redsofoodogmaasncsi of which Representtive McGee, Re- Oct. 31, Purdue at Criago; Nov. 7 tainmmt to some needy child in the1 andl eliminates the "red tape" involvedj measure. Teueo o etwsncsi publican of New York. is chairman, Illiniois aLt Illinoi; Nobv14, Dar-(it y.I in getting a transfer through regular 1 'The Underwood bill would dedicate jtted through a snow storm which ! carries $124,637,715, of which $80,-l imoimi at Chiicago; and Nov. 21, Wis- 1___ --- channels. Muscle Shoals to national defense, lasted afrngt and which prevent-! 600,000 would be available for road I_________- provide for pepetual government ed the men fromt searching for food.) consin. p 331ownership, and favor first privateFotnelaer hyhdetn construction during the fiscal year be- Three of the games which Iowa has l z FAA IL PFotnteyAftrthyhd ae 0L1 oaion but in the event of failureI operationas their Ot. 7,II 1dogs ET, a strong gale came upI Inng,$5892y27,1mrethahe eau tl are"naea olw:Ot 7 1 ~lRL opoueasial esei al and by attaching tents to their is $5,2329,mretante mun inois at Iowa; No. 7, Wisconsin at IV91 POFE inn I or government operation. segsa al hywr bet e allotted the agriculture department Iowa; aund Nov. 14, Minnesota at Min-I sledges as saU~D~ A~ TAC ATfDIE~ ur o iiliztioh e fre asetarige for the current fiscal year, but is $3.-. soi i I1.1 ' .0KM II NItoIcivilization.before.starvin.) OPERAg OPENS NEW PLAY"TICKLED TO, DEATH," TOMORROW i NI[NET EENTH UNION PRODUiICTION WILL BE P'RESENTED AT WITNEY START'S WEEK. HERE Shuter Adds Finishing Touches Rehearsals; Preparationi Now Complete At "Tickled To Death," the nineteenth annual Michigan Union Opera, will open at 8 o'clock in the Whitney stheatre tomorrow, night, and will be presented every night during the weelk cx Sept Saturday, when there will be4 matinee performance. Fin- fishing to ches are being put on the Iproduction at the dress rehearsals by E. Mortimer Shuter, the director, and all preparations are complete for the premier of the new Opera. The Chinese setting of this year's offering has given unusual opportuni- ties for striking scenic and lighting effects, as well as remarkable cos- tumes, according to Mr. Shuter. The entire scenery has been constructed ini the Mime~s theatre, where a staff of carpenters and scenic artists have beemn at work since October. Lester, Ltd., of Chicago, has de- signed all the costumes, each of which is 'made expressly for the member of the company who is going to wear it,' inchluding every chorusman. Lester has imported many of the major cos- tumes- direct from China, and al though- they will not be noticeable from the audience, many are delicate- l.y hand-worked in elaborate. designs. T1he score of "Tickled To Death" contains a large variety of numbers, -and is quite similar to comic opera music, A trio and a quartet, as well as incidental music, are included. There are also an unusual number of solos of the ballad type, namely "What Is Love?" "In Spring," "Love Is Yate," and others. The dance numbers of which "Walking Home With You," "Peaches," and "Feet Let's Go!" are outstanding, add much go to the show and the dancing, of a. type distinctly new to Union Operas, is considered as Quite original. 'Pickets oni Sale A large majority of the tickets for the Ann Arbor performances 'h'ave been sold anid the few remaining are on sale at box office of the Whitney. Mail order applications for advance sale of tickets for the performances at Grand Rapids, Bay City, Saginaw, Port Huron, and Flint will be obtain- able at the Union beginning Tues- (day afternoon. Applications for other road performances will available later in the week. The Opera plays in Gran~d Rapids Dec. 19, in Bay City Dec. 20, in Sagi- naw Dec. 22, in Port Huron Dec. 23, and in Flint on December 24. -3- Rivera Regime 114,285 less thani budget estim; For roads $61,000,000 more tI total In last year's bill is This is $3,750,000 less than tl, ment recommended by the bum SUBSCRIPTIONS* 1 IN 1FEDER1LBOND1 Washington, Dec. 6.-With tionately the greatest over-si tion ever accorded a federal indicated for the recently ant 20 to 30 year bond offering, th ury decided tonight to declin( cept all subscriptions in ex $10,000. Thme decision means that the distribution possible has been ed for the new issue, of wh treasur'y desired to receive onl $200,000,000 in cash. It willc until further notice to accept scmiptions in which third Liber lites. ____ han the ( Prof, legallot- I NOTRE ii. Ufl1LLC 'tJUIoLUUL d~i etinra E 0NEXT YEAR TD Chica go, Dec.6.- Coach Knutee "Foe SU Rockne of Notre Dame tonight an- of the ISU nouncedl his 1925 football schedule at ar't-it; the meeting of the western conference Iitioobl oahslweele rvd omd propor- be about the most-sought -after coach : of a c ubscrip-j of the gathering. change security Only previous schedmule (difficulties old I'l motunced ? prevented Rockne from coumpleting I odec ie treas- negotiations for games with Ohio imp~ly e to ac- State and Illinois, but he signed upI tic or :cess of E two Big Ten elevens, Minnesota and lectior INorthwestern. out, a' e widest The Army, Georgia Tech, and Ne- older iobtain- i braska, traditional intersectional op- hich thet ponents, appear again on next year'srn dy about i schedule, which is as followxs:0(Oct. V continue j 3, Lombard at Notre Damne; Oct. 10, LUt all sub- iEeloit at Notre Dame; Oct. 17, Notre I rty loan. Dame at Army; Oct. 24, Norte Dame Pi fEarl V. Moore of the School isic after' his lecture last night.I ne hall, said he believed that ican nmusic would emerge from !ra of jazz highly individual and St ing. )dcii music fulfills at least oneI e reqluireiments of all sincce t; is a true reflection of the age. ie same way that the modernI of life has changed from that cuntury a go, modern music h-as 's -ed, has broken away fromthme ules and limits, and set up )a of its own. But this does niot that, modemrin music is inartis- I artificial ; for sonic of the se- 35s of otur age will refuse to (lie nd will live with the works ofI masters.'' CROWlNA[PROBLEMS s I f' i I' i t f C (f f , I I E , uIIfIu u tInL n 11Ku tiniL T ue lo d egns 'rtOorofthe menciilost their lives 1 VVit ivot Lnaure, 1 ~ ~~~~I through this trip, however. IS y . Des Moines, Ia., Dec. 6.---Iowa is Forty-First Year I Doctor Koch fiirst visited Green- jSays, lb la ej "wet" insofar as the state' laws are (] UI land as a subordinate in the' party concer-ned. Through an error, just '" 'c ty&ee headed by Rasmussen in 1913. In 1920 1Pltclstain ste o x discovered, ini the new Iowa code a I the Danish government partially fi- ist in Spain cannot long endure, as- section plertaimiig to time pos5ssioni That this week marks the fortieth ianced another expedition which Doe-t serted Prof. Jose 'M. Albaladejo of the of intoxicatinig liquors has beeni omit- year- of Prof. T. C. Trueblood's eon- I tor Koch headed. On this trip he was Spanish department in a statement to ted, accor'ding to Bein Gibson, attor- nection with the Michigan faculty able to map for the first time the The Daily yesterday. The dictatorship uey-general. Hie will ask the next was disclosed at the recent All-Cam- II(pas line of northwestern Qreen-1 under Primo, de Rivera will soon fail, legislatiure to rep~lace thme missing pums Public Speaking banquet , at h and. anid it cannot go on successfully with- section.I which Professor Trueblood spoke on Doctor Koch has written a number7 out two legislative bodies he added. The omission shifts the burden of "Thme History of Public Speaking at of accounts of his findings, one of The present situation was brought proof in liquor law violations fronm ; 1Michigani." - which was published in the American about by time necessity of disposing of time defenidant to the prosecution in "In 1892 the interest in public iJournal of Geology. He has also given, political bosses, believes Professor all cases except those in which search speaking required the establishment. lectur-es 1mm most of the important Albaladejo, and it will probably be ammalshave beeni obtained. of a iubbie speaking depar'tment, the cities of the world. In March of thisI relieved by a general election. warrants___ irti teUitdSats ponehyaaeveierdaletr i o- The real problem mn Spain is that R frstintheUntedSttes"pintd earhedelveed lctue n Ln-of economic development. "What ramtnIe a out Professor Trueblood in tracing f don which is considered to have given th gowh f mm dpaten a'DegeaadalodfcttothikowedeSpain needs is many Henry Fords," L th grwthof te dparmentat grat eal f fct o th knwleg lie said. Spain needs first a develop- 71 o Michigan. Before it was (deemied ad-, of the arctic region. Immto t eore n hnI NVew Vote O . un B lrsetftsreorcsndthnt visable to establish such a depart, I-Inesacmlt ytmo opl I nient Professor Trueblood instructed Ineeds at nompleteaIsystem, sooy eucation W ashington,De.6-oscni- part tinie classes for three. succes- KiIH IIv "hrei odutthtSanwl emation of the interior departmsent's -sive years before he was able to pr1-MiOf UIILI1U IT "hr sn ob htSanwl p y p come to the front sooner or later," appropriation bill was completed late I vail upon University officials that TMliirtiw lIfrIr went on Professor Albaladejo "How- today with only a handful of members thmere was a definite need for such a fT I 1111 H1MI~I~~U Ievr tmstsoIain omn on time floor and a final vote was post- departnment a~t Michigan. I . iiL IL IU II evertit mtstalopwavsinglesovmany p~oned until Tuesday. Since thme inauguration of the pub- I menit to settle down to accomplish Representative Cranmton, Republ,i- lic speaking department at Michigan Committees to interview studentssoehnhead, can, Michigain, in charge of the bill, ; with Professor Trueblood at its head, enrolled with the bureau of appoint- soething,"lheladed.tenpine announced lie would deumand another ifrom a comparatively insignificant, ments will consist of niembers of both ofethtSa or lalwjo heone vote on thme senate amendnment by Inumiber of students there are at pres- !the education faculty and time Umiver-I drawback, its physical structure. Its which he elimimnmated a provision for- emitmore than 850 participating in the' sity high school staff, according to topography is mountainous and oiino 9ln fiesJl 3 eatet ~lgl a ieieMs agrtCmrn ertr fcon- aboliion o 39 and oficer Jul 13. epam'memm. Miciganwas lkewis Mis Margret CmeqonsecetarhofItrauenpyotettrasporttionfacilties j ~the first institution. to give hour forI the bureau. Coummitteemen have been I espec ially the railroads, are very poor. hour credit in its public speakiung arranged in groups of two. _____________ Advertising ClassUnethne plnrctyfom classes. Iuntderythe newclancieon t For- ootball Staff eesDetroitFirm i uatd y hWfcutycomtte nohen Se s etoi F rmrecommendation of teachers, both I Changei Location I nmmbers of each commrittee will give I W rsO Repor/ t 1 i e s e, treasury notes, and treasury certific- at Minnesota; Oct. 31, Notre Damie vs. mtEs are tendered in paymnent. Geomrgia Techi at Atlanta; Nov. 7, Gam' negie Tech at Notre Dame; Nov. 14, .JIop om m'ittees } Notre Damce at Penn State; Nov. 21, //r Northwesterni at Notre Dame; To A M eet L AtVUnion Thanksgiving Day, Notre Dame at Ne- _____br'aska.' Prmof liiticalI addrmes lunche lionor' cuss in of hod He t eache the pi inicrea DINTEDOUT BY REED' ~sf. Thomas H. Reedl of the po- l sienlce department yesterday sed time regular bi-weeklyI aeon of Phi Delta Kappa,, national 1 ary educational fraternity, dis- ng problems of ptublic edlucationi day. stressed time point that the er needs a better attitude fr'onm ubhic, expressed in the form of :sed salar'ies. T1hiis will bring a ! Reports from time decorations and progranm comimittees on the two con- tests, both of which closed hast night. will be made at tihe meeting of time entire -HoTn committee at1 7:30 Union Heads Halt Impending Strike l f