PAGE EIGHT TI IE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1'24 Cold Timers Meet Now Members As Congress Opens Presbyterian church. - 5:30i-,4'udent supper at ,CoigregfI) Z TIME'S FLYING- 6:15- Eugene Brock 'wiill speak at( ORDER NOW! Congregational fnresideechat. 1 6:30-WVestminister circle meets. at 1 6:30-Prof. 0. J. Campbell speaks at Chiristmas Pebtra hrh Greeting Carbis Unitarian church. ~rxn NEW. SAMPLE BOOKS AT YOUR SERVICE - 7 :130---Iop comnmitteeintatroM, 302, Union.. 8 :fX0-MAotion ipieture service at COn 'V 1 i= gregational church, "A Front Page BOOKJ STORE 1Geneva, Dec. 5.-Turkey has con- ": s vention for compulsory exchange of1, IGrecian-Turkish populations to the i Don't Borrow-Su srbe T d y world court for interpretation. !S b~ ie T d y New York, Dec. 5.-The 'Pacific lin.- er Ebro carried a consignment of ' 5,000 cross word puzzles when she sailed for South American ports yes- p. A 'Old. timers. are, exchanging greetings and newcomers getting, acqu ainted as the closing session of the 68th congress gets under way. Here is one group of notables and newcomers snapped, in a get-together ses- sion.. At .the left is William M. Butler, Republican campaign leader in the fall elections and recently named senator from Massachusetts to succeed the late Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge. Next to him is Sen. Jim Watson of Indiana, new assistant Republican floor leader 'of the senate shaking hands with Sen. Charles Curtis of Kansas, who .succeeds Senator Lodge as Repu blican leader in the senate. Between them is Francis E. Warren, ranking member for the senator leadership who did not seek it. Second from right is Jesse Metcalf, senator-elect from Rhode Island. At right is Sen. George H. Moses of New Hampshire. Washington, Dec. 5.---. The bureau of internal revenue spent $1.24 in col- lecting every $100 of' federal taxes in the fiscal year,1924. I IERO I BUNGALOW 11 just a few cents ipake!1 ,.. ... D AILY OFFICIAL BULLET-IN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the assistant to the FPveeident until 3:30 p. n. (11.30 a. m. Saturday, Volume i SATURDAY, D)ECEMJBER 6, 1924 Number 63 A Senate, 'Concl: *The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, December 8, at 4:15 p. in., in the President's office. F. E. Robbins, Secretary. University Lectures : Dr. Lange Koch, the Danish explorer, will deliver two University lec- tures, as. follows: A popular lecture, illustrated by lantern slides, on "Exploration in Nlorthernt Greenland," Tuesday, December 9, at 4:15 'l. m. in' the Natural Science Auditorium. A, more technical lecture for geological students on "The Geology of Northern Greenland," the time and place of which will be announced later. Both lectures are open to the public. 4vF. iE.iRobinis. Aufthorized En heirs ity lHouises: Those'"andladies who expect to keep their houses open for women stu- dents durinig Christmas vacation, arc requested to notify the Office of the Dean of Women by telephone. JesaIHamiliton. Cosmiopolitan Clutb: Professor Earl V. M\oore, Head of the University School of Music, speaks on "How to. Appreciate Good Music" Saturday evening, December 6, at 8 P. tn. in the Auditorium of Lane H-all. Illustrative selections on the"Victrola will be used. The lecture should be of particular value to students from other' lands not very familiar with the best in occidental music. The public is cordially invited. Engineering College: Mid-semester reports of the students in the College of E'ngineering who are below passing, are now in the office of the Assistant Dean, available for the inspecetion of the students. Fireshman Girls : Do 't forget the Freshman Spread tonight in Harbour Gymnasium from 8:30 to 10:30. Jean liyur. Freshman Spread Committees : There .will be a meeting of all Freshnman Spread commnittees in Bar- hour Gymnasium Saturday morning, IDec. 6, at 11:00 o 'clew-k. Also one at 7:15 Saturday night. Jean Iiyer, Clnirnin. WIAT S GOING ON Notices~ to appear in this column must be left in the box at the Daliy office provided for tnat purpose before 4 o'clock preceeding the day 4f issue. SATIUDAY (0111ite 11 :00-Freslintan Sp~read cmite meet in Barbour gymnasium. 112:00-P lni 1Delta Kappa" meets at the r e re i n I :(X0-Womjent's IJCen'e bazaar at Bar- f'our gymnasium. 1 :30--Open air ramible starts from Cogregational church. 7 :30-Mleetingo atmnfrse cia~l election in club rooms. 5:00-4)Prof. Earl V. Moore sneaks In auditoriuim of Lane hall. j 8:00-c haui l Pollock's ,The Fool," IWhitney theater. R:00') Fr"~Iiiiaii Spread in Barbourj Egymnasium. Sti 1Y at 110:0-1)iscunsiojl classes sleet a Presbyterian church. FIRST. BAPTIST. CHURCH Layout consists of large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with all conveniences, two large bedrooms and bath. Oak floors, built-in tub and a very attractive room arrangement. Purchase price, $7,000, with $1,000 down. MR. JOSSELYN With C. Louis Andrews REALTOR 512 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 3064 Evenings, 2811-W Located residential West Side. in one of the best sections of the - ----------- .x4 . s . and -FATIMA, the most skillful blend ini cigarette history. ' . SUNDAY SERVICES -- - - Division IR. EIARI) SAYLES, Minister HOWARD) R. CHAPMAN 11inister of university Students 10 :30-Worship and Sermon. Mr. Sayles will preach on: "A Lost Art." 1 2 CO----Tbe Church Bible School in Church rooms. Dr. Bunting in charge. 2:0 __ - Uniiversity classes conduct- ed by Mr., Chapman and Dr. Waterman meet in the Guild House. 6 :20---B. fir. P. U. inthe Church. 5:30 to 6::30--Friendship Hour in the Guild House. All stu- dents welcome. 6 :30--Devotional Meeting of stu- dents. . at Ann Arbor Churches THE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) New Church Cor. Hill and T~pant J. ALLEN CANBY,{Acting Pastor).', 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. 10:30 A. M.--Womnen's Missiotifxy Day. Special address by Mrs. Joseph D. Bunting, Detroit, t6 : 00P. M.-Young People's social hour. and program. 7 :30 -P. M.-Evening worship. S-rmon b~y J. A..Canby. 'Topic: "The Psychology of. Conner. TRINITY, ENOLISH' LUTHIERAN H CHt Fifth Avre. and Willia# St.; Rev. ,L. F. GLTNDERMNAIN, ,mister 9:30 A!. M.-Bible .School.' 10:30 A. M:-The servie. ,Sermon,: "Holding Up the iniustees Htands. 5:30 P. M.-Student supper' and' fellowship .hour. 6 :30 P. M.-Forum meeting. Sub-' ject: ."The Student's, Use of the Bible." Rev. E. C. $tell- horn, leader.t FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST *SCIENTIST ScIentist 409' South: Division St. 10 :30 A. M.-'-Regular ,morning ser- vice;'- topic,"G od, the Orly Cause and ,:Creator. 11:45 A..M.-Sunday School follow- ing -the morning service. The Reading. room, 608 'First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from .12 to 5 o'clock, except Sun- days and 'legal holidays. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner S. State- and E. Washington Streets REV. ARTHUR 'W. STAL~KER, D. D., Minister REV. W. SCOTT WEST ER3IAN Associate Minister Rev. Donald Timnerman Ellen WV. Moore Directors of Student Activities 10: 30-Pastor's subject: "Our Coin- munion: Its Idea'." 12:00-12:45-Student Bible Class- es. General theme of all classes: The student, the Bible.'and society. 6:00-7:00 P. M.-Guild meeting at the church, Beryl K. Wright, leader. 7:00-7:30-Open house at Wesley Hall. "Eats." 7:30--Evening worship. Subject: "Music and Morals." Phi Delta Kappa: Phi Delta :Kappa the Green TFree Inn. holds it hi-weekly luncheon today at twelve. noon at Prof. Thomas E. Reed is the speaker. Clarence J. Whiltney, Sealy. h. - 'I ,. V+ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HERBERiT A. JUMP, Mfiister. E.' KNOX MITCHELL, University P'astor. LUCY HUBER, Secretary for Women Students. 10:45-Service of worship. The Lord's Supper. Communion sermon: "At the Sign of the Towel." 5: o0-- Student Supper and Social Hour. 6:15-F4ireside Cleat. Eugene J. Brock. leader in organized labor, will di-cuss:'A s'1< the. Iaur Union Vital to a Christian Social Ortder " 8:00-Motion.,pictu re service. The amusing newspaper film, "A Front Page Story."' ST. 'PAUL'S LUTERAN rCHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and. West Huron Streets CARL A. BRAUER,- Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Sermon, German. S9": 00 A. MA.-Preparatory. servrice, German. 9:30 A. M.-=Sermon and Holy Communion. German. Sub- ject: "The Second Commig of Churist." 11:00 A. M.-Students Bible Class. No English serviceĀ° in the forenoon. '5:30-1:30--Student Club meets at parsonage. Discussion : " Pla-. to's Arguments for Ininor- talty." GF. Tenhoor, leader. 7:30 P. M.-Sermon and Holy Communion. English M. Cook, speaker. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron at Division REV. M1ERLE HI. ANDERSON, P. P. Minister. LEWIS C. RE1XIANN '16, See'y Men Students MRS. NELLIE B. CADWELL, See'y Women Students. 0:30-Intermediate Sunday School. 10: 45--Morning Service. Tihe Lord's Supper. 12:00-Young People's Discussion Clasges. 3:00-Presbyterian Hoover Sunday School. 5:30-Social Hour for Students and Young People of the city. 6:30-Perry Hayden, 25, will lead the meeting in the discussion of: "Internationally Whlat Place Should a Christian Nation Take Today t" TheNetleonShoe nCarried in Black and Tan Viking and. Brown Scotch Grain ; Suitable Winter Oxfords Wahr' sShoe Sore. CORNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. RACHEL ITAVILAND, Secretary for Student Work. Sunday, December 7th I ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH. Washington St., and Fifth Ave. E. C. STE LLHORN(, Pastor UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, M~inister. i 10:30 A. M.-"Are We Better Than Our Fathiers',' A sermon in religious !I I I