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September 28, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 9-28-1924

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Knute Lomberg-Holm Interested
In Doings Of American Youth

Knute Lomberg-Holm, appointed to
the faculty of the architectural col-
lege by the Board of Regents on Fri-
day, is finding the University of Mich-
igan an interesting and pleasant place
although he has never attended an
American college himself, having
graduated from the University of Co-
penhagen in Denmark. This year
marks his first experience in the field
of teaching but he expects to like it
for it will give him a further oppor-
tunity of becoming acquainted .with
the American youth.
Mr. Lomberg-Holm has lived in
Europe until a year ago when he ac-
cepted a position with the Detroit-
Edison company in the city of De-
troit. This practical experience in
an architectural office has tended to
make Mr. Lomberg-Holm familar with
American customs and methods. In
the few weeks that he has been in
rAnn Arbor, Mr. Lomberg-Holm says
he can see a great difference between ;
the young people of this country and

those of Europe. In Germany, for inn-
stance, the students are prematurely
old and lack the carefree and happy
air of the Americans. This state of
mind of the college students in Eu-
rope is attributed to the events of the
World War.
After graduating from the art acad-
emy of the University of Copenhagen,
Knute Lomberg-Holm entered the pro-
fessional field of architecture in Den-
mark. It was during this time that he
engineered the construction of a large
ship yard in Denmark. Mr. Lomberg-
Ho.m then decided to take further
training in architecture in Germany.
While in Germany he competed in the
Bauhaus exhibition at Weimar.
This exhibition is an old Saxon
school which has been converted into
a strictly modern college of architec-
ture. On its faculty are some of the
world's greatest painters and sculp-
tures. From Germany, Mr. Lomberg-,
Holm came to Detroit to work with the;
(Continued on Page Eight)


E. R. Meiss, '23, Says Testimony
In Franks Case Was "Garbled"

All First Year )Ien Urged to Attend.
Steger, Hayden, -Diener,
Will Speak
Freshmen will hold their first or-
ganized meeting at 7:30 o'clock to-
morrow night in the main assembly
hail of the Union, when a reception
for all members of the class of '28
will be held. This is one of the big-
gest freshmen meetings of the year
and has become a Michigan tradition.
\Each year President Marion L.
Burton talks to the incoming class in
this occasion and for this reason it
is urged that all freshmen attend
for their first opportunity to hear
him. le will talk on "Becoming a
Freshman." Every man will have a
chance to meet the President person-
Other men, chosen from the stu-
dent. body and representing some of

Holy City Taken As Result of War-I
fare Between Wahabis, Hashamitel

Few hours More Flying Will Terini-
nate Circumnavigation at Noon


Set Disarmament Conference Date For
June 15, 1925; All
Nations Invited
Geneva, Sept. 27. (By A. P.)-The
disarmament commission of the
League of Nations iassembly tonight
adopted the Benes report on the draft
protocol which,, will define the
League's powers in case of war.
The commission also decided that
a world-wide conference for disarma-
ment will be held June 15, 1925. All
nations, whether they be mem-
bers of the League or not, will be in-
vited to this conference. If, however,
by May 1, 1925, a majority of the na-
tions who are regular members of the
league, together with at least ten
other nations leave not signified their.
agreement to attend, the conference
will not be held.
The Japanese objection to the arbi-
tration clause go over until the Sun-
day morning session of the jurisdic-
tional committee. There is little hope
that the Japanese position will be
changed, according to the impression
conveyed by Viscount Ishii to the
various delegates, tonight.

In a letter to Dr. M. L. Burton,
president of the University of Michi-
gan, Edwin R. Meiss, '23, former,
president of the local chapter of Zeta
Beta Tau to which Richard Loeb,
self confessed murderdx of Robert
Franks,-belonged while attending
school here, charges that newspaper
accounts of the testimony of him-
self and several fraternity brothers
at the trial were "grossly garbled."
Meiss was head of the local chap-
ter while Loeb was in school, and his
time on the stand was spent largely
in speaking of drinking at the chap-
ter house. His letter reads: "As is
usual in such unfortunate circum-
stances the newspapers seem to be
seeking that which is spectacular
rather than that which is true. I 1
regret very much that certain syndi-
cated articles have. accredited to my
associates and myself statements
concerning widespread drinking in
Ann Arbor. These reports are fig-

ments of the imagination of writers
who evidently forget the penalty they
are inflicting upon the University and
upon individuals, in their desire for
a 'good story.'
"On the contrary, our testimony in
connection with the drinking center-
ed largely upon the fact that the exe-
cutive committee of our fraternity
had fined Loeb heavily when he was
found guilty of the offense, and in
his senior year persuaded him to
swear off drinking for a period of
six months. It was pointed out that
Loeb's two years at Michigan in all
probability were the cleanest in his
life. These facts, however, were not
spectacular enough to find space in
the newspapers. Through the deliber-
ate suppression of certain parts of
the testimony, reporters, managed, to
weave light and facetious fiction, and
the public's eyes have been blinded
(Continued on Page Eight)

Speaker of Varied Career Secured
For Meeting in Engineering


. I

New HeadlHas Served as As
Secretry and Conasitte

the major activities
will give short talks1
ticular fields of ti
Steger, '25, captain
varsity football team;
den, '25, presidentt
Christian association
Dliener,'26, charman

of the campus,
upon their par-
work. Herbert
of this year's
Perry M. Hay-
of the Student
and William L.
of the Under-

class department of the Union will
be among those on the program. Ly-
man J. Glasgow, '25, varsity cheer
.leader, will lead the freshmen in
soie Michigan cheers.
The varsity band will be present to
furnish the music for the meeting.
Various Michigan songs will be play-
ed and all first year men are asked
to learn important Michigan songs
such as "The Victors," "Varsity," and
"The. Maize and Blue." Everyone is'
also asked to bring his frosh bible.
Earl Blaser, '27, is chairman of the
assembly. Refreshments will be
Room numbers in the new Literary
building have been so arranged that
no changes will be necessary when
the remainder of the building is add-
ed. The floors are numbered by the
thousands, while the wings are num-
bered by the hundreds, . making it
possible for the additions yet to be
built to each have a distinctive num-
ber in addition to the floor number.
The first floor, or the one which
is entered from the main portico in
front, is numbered starting with one
thousand, and the second floor rooms
in the two thousands. The ground
floor on the other hand has a key
number of zero thousands.
As for the wings, the hundreds fig-
ure to the right of the main entrance
or in the South wing is zero, as room
1009 or 1025. To the left or in the
north wing, the hundreds figure is
two, as room 1209 or 1223. The same
applies to the second and third floors.
The top of the building on the out-
side is being lighted up nightly by
large searchlights playing on the
white stone-work. This idea is taken
from the Capitol in Washington,
where nightly huge lights shine on
the dome.
In order to promote campus spirit
and good feeling among the students
staying at Fletcher hall, 915 Sybil
street, a meeting will be held at 8
o'clock Tuesday in the Fletcher cafe-
teria at which time the men will be
addressed by students prominent on
the campus and by members of the
The gathering wiil be largely infor-
mal and will-give the 100 students
now living at the dormitory a chance

Cairo, Sept. 27, (By A
that the holy city of Me
into the hands of the W
latter's warfare with t
tribesmen of Husseim, v
today in Alexandria.
seemed to be confirmed
received from a hospi
asking for instructions.
of Tyros foundation rep
"Post the Egyptian fla
where y(u are to succor
Dispatches from Jerus
20 stated that the Wahal
then occupying Tais a
cluding preparations for
tack on Mecca. It was
Indian moslem League
ing the Wahabis.

. P.)--Rumors Eugene, Oregon, Sept. 27.-(By A.
cca has fallen P.)-American around t h e world
'ahabis, in the aviators tonight were within a few
he Hashamite hours flight of the official end of
their long journey.
were prevalent They flew here from Crissy field,
The rumors San Francisco in a little more than
by telegrams 5 hours today and expect to complete
tal in Mecca the circumnavigation of the globe in
The ministry Seattle at noon tomorrow. If wea-
Tied: I ther conditions are favorable they
. plan to take off from here at 10
Eg and remain o'clock.
the wounded." Lieut. Smith, commander of the
ra1em on Sept. flight who was the first to leave
bi forces were Crissy. field, from which he took off
id were con- at 9 o'clock also was the first to
land here, his plane coming down at
a general at-12:17 o'clock. The other two pilots
said that the ! followed within three minutes.
was support- i They were welcomed by Gov. Wal-
tor M. Pierce of Oregon, Mayor E. B.
Parks, of Eugene, army officers and
a number of persons prominent in
LUNCH ATI[the state.
The fliers were tUo attend a ban-
nn uet in their honor at a local hotel

The protocol on ,arbitration and
.security is, in effect, 1a body of sug-
gestions which, if acted upon in the
proposed Disarmament conference,
would considerably enlarge and elab-
orate the provisions of Article Ten of
the League covenant This article has
been called the strong arm of the
I League, inasmuch as it provides the
League's only weapon in case of war.
What the protocol, which has been
backed by. Dr. Eduard Benes and
which was accepted last night by the
League of Nations assembly, actually
proposes is to levy certain sanctions,
or punishments, on the aggressor in
case of wan. Hittr.rto the Covenant
has provided only for economic and
financial sanctions, in case necessity
for punishment of an aggressor should
Under the new protocol, military,
naval, and aeronatical sanctions may
be levied at the discretion of the
League council. In other words, if
war should break out betwen two
European nations, the League council
has the right, if the protocol is finally
accepted, first to decide which of the
two contestants is the aggressor in
war, and then to call on member na-
tions of the League for economic,
financial, military, naval, and aeron-
autical assistance.

H. C. Parmelee, editor of the Chem-
ical and Metalurgical Engineering,
will give a talk at a meeting of the
Student branch of the American In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers at 7:30
o'clock on Tuesday in the seminary
on the third floor of the East Engi-
neering building.
While Mr. Parmelee's career has
been peculiarly editorial, his indus-
trial contacts have been with the rail-
road industry, and with the meta-
lurgical industry. He was assistant
chemist for the Union Pacific rail-
road, chief chemist at the Globe plant
of the American Smelting and Refin-
ing cmpany, editor of the yestern
Chemist and Metalurgist and at pres-
cnt is editor of the Chemical and Met
aurgical Engineering, a McGraw Hill
publication. In 1916-17 he served as
president of the Colorado School of
Mr. Parmelee is also president of
the American Electro-Chemical so-
ciety which will hold its convention
in Detroit on October 2, 3, and 4, and
chariman of the Nationall committee
on Chemical Engineering Education.


this evening.

"Clergyman's Day" is to be the
special feature at the Chamber ofr
Commerce luncheon to be held rat the
Chanmber of Commerce Inn at 12:00
o'clock noon next Tuesday. This is
the third annual "Clergyman's Day'
to be held and each year the interest
in this particular luncheon becomes
more pronounced.
Reverend Arthur W. Stalker, Pastor
of the First M. E. church, is to act as
chairman, and the following of the
city's clergy will be present as guests
of honor:
Rev. M. H. Anderson, Presbyterian;
Rev. C. A. Brauer, St. Paul Ev. Luthw-
eran; Rev. F. L. Gunderman, Trinity
Ev. Lutheran; Rev. F. W. Kokomoor,
West Side Methodist; Rev. H1. Lewis,
St. Andrews Episcopal; Rev. J. A.
Canby, Memorial church of Christ;
Rev. S. S. Robins, Unitarian; Rev. E.
R. Sayles, Baptist; Rev. A. W. Stalker,
First M. E. church; Ren E. C. Stell-
horn, Zion Ev. Lutheran.

Lafayette, Indiana, Sept. 27.-(By
A. P.)---Wabash was downed to de-
feat before the Purdue football team
today for the first time in four years,
After a scoreless first period, Pur-
due opened up a series of passes and
line plays in the second, Vahr going
over for a touchdown. On the sec-,
ond play after that, Weber, Wabash
end, picked up a fumble on his own
50 yard line and ran a clear field for
Wabash's only touchdown.

Bloomington, Indiana. Septi 27. (By
A. P.)--Running wild in the last quar-
ter Indiana smothered Rose Poly 65-01
here today in the season's first game.;
Two 65 yard runs for touchdowns by
Marks fleet footed Crimson halfback,,
and long gains by Zivic and Lorber
completely routed Poly, Lorber scored
scored four touchdowns. Coach Ing-
ram used three full teams.
The first score came two minutes
after the opening whistle when Reink-
ing was downed for a safety behind
the Rose Poly goal posts. Lorber ran
17 yards for the first touchdown.

Tryouts Wanted
For Cheerleaders

Neither team scored in he third
period but in the fourth, with the ball
on the Wabash 15 yard line, Har-
meson, star halfback, broke through
for the Boilermaker's second counter.
Purdue again worked the ball down
on passes and line buck and Harme-
son repeated from the four yard line
with the final touchdown.t

Washington, Sept. 27. (By A. P.)-
An investigation into margins and
profits of terminal grain middlemen
was instituted today by the federal
trade commission.
The investigation was instituted at
the request of the Illinois Agricultural
association and will cover the last
four crop years, especial attention be-
ing given to the wheat crop.
The inquiry, the commission an-
nounced, will be stprted immediately
at Chicago, to be carried on later at
other centers.
The basis of the request, it was
explained, is the desire of the farmers
of the country to have the most recent
information regarding athe margins
and profits of the middlemen in ter-
minal markets, especially in view of
the movement for farmers cooperative
organizations in this business.
M. Clemenceau Is
Now 83 Years Old
Paris, Sept 27.(By A. P.)-M.
Clemenceau will celebrate his eighty-
third birthday tomorrow in his Ven-
dean retreat in the village St. Ther-
mine. The "grand old man of France"
appeared as sprightly as ever but he
declines to discuss political questions.
Recently the aged statesman was
visited by a number of journalists who
unsuccessfully endeavored to obtain
his opinion on current events. "The
Tiger" maintained a stuborn silence
about the subjects upon which the
newspapermen were most inquisitive.
One reported insisted on cross exami-
nation of the war premier but the
later was working in his garden.

Howls of Campus
Canines Displaced
By Winsome Girls
Where are the campus Adogs, the
boisterous canines on every size,
breed, and degree of animal beauty,;
whose happy squeals used to be
heard, loud and clear, above the
mere human vocal expression of the
average lecturer? To be sure, there
are many leftt, but not the horde
which used to infest the campus di-
agonal and cavort in front of the li-
Wherever they are, t~ey are missed.
Students can no longer spend a
pleasant lecture hour watching the
pups through the back windows of
the Natural S c I e nce auditorium.
Classes are no longer interrupted by
the sudden, and, of course, accidental
entrance of several proud members
of dog, kingdom. Squirrels are get-
ting fat, lacking the exercise of dodg-
ing innumerable curs each day. Pro-
fessors can tread the diagonal with
dignity, unhampered by the possibil-
ity of a racing canine hurtling be-
tween their legs.
Every effect has its cause, and the
lack of dogs is undoubtedly due to a
lack of interest in dogdom by mas-
culine owners. So the student of
psychology simply ferrets out the
reason for less masculine interest in
dogs-and behold, the answer is
Not long ago, it was discovered
that Michigan's girls are improving
greatly in regard to the winsomeness
referred to by President Burton. And
why bother with dogs when feminine
pulchritude is roaming the campus?
The question is settled-our once
famous Michigan dogs have migrafed
to other parts, driven away by lack
of attention, and an epidemic of beau-
tiful girls is with us.
Lovell Assumes
Newsboy's Role;
To Lecture Soon
Noted and renowned over the whole
of Ann Arbor for his works which
have uncovered amazing material
concerning evolution, :Dr. Thomas
Lovell, whose degrees are too numer-
ous to mention in this space, has
taken up the selling of newspapers as
a diversion. In an interview with
Doctor Lovell he asserted this new
interest is bringing him a very liberal
return for the mental labor which he
expends. He added that his sale for
: one single morning was 130 newspa-
Friends of Doctor Lovell's, who
have been disappointed so far by not
receiving any of his regular calls, will
not have long to wait in vain, for the
Doctor will soon start on another of
his extended lecture tours. For the
benefit of those who have not been;
thus visited it might be well to tell
something of these visits.
The Doctor, well loaded down with
his books, pictures of himself, and
copies of his finest poetry, goes from
one house to another reciting, lec
uring, and even singing to the audi
ences which gather. At times he car-
ries high grade shoe strings along on
these expeditions to leave behind as
everlasting mementos of himself. For
the benefit of thos whom Doctor
Lovell misses in his house to house
campaign he will give a number of
stump speeches about the vicinity of
the campus.
hlolyday Services for Jewish Students
Rush Hashona services will be held
at 1 o'clock today and tomorrow, and
ati 8 o'clock tomorrow and Tuesday,

At a meeting of the board of irecto
of the Michigan I: ion at noon y
terday the resguation of Wiliam
Wilkins, '200, elected p sident
the Union last spring, wa official
accepted. Thomas Cavanaugh, '27
was appointed by' the board to su
ceed Wilkins as president.
In tendering his resignation, Wil
ins made the following statemen
"While it is a great disappointment
me to be obliged to resign the pres
dency of the Union, it was a que
tion of either allowing my work in ti
Law school to suffer or of not givir
the presidency my full attention. I
justice to the student body I felt
my duty to resign.
"I wish to express my appreciatic
of the support given me in the ele
tions last spring and to thank tI
students who saw fit to make n
president of the Union. I know the
Toni Cavanaugh will make a goo
president as he has the interest of t
students at heart."
Cavanaugh has been active in Unic
activities for several years, havin
served as assistant recording secr
tary, chairman of the rooming con
mittee, chairman of the registratio
committee ,on the executive counci
and on various other committees i
the Union. For the past year he ha
been assisant to Dean of Student
Joseph A. Bursley.
In accepting the appointment Ca
anaugh said: "I appreciate the honc
and will do my best to live up to th
confidence that has been placed I
me. At present 1 do not see wher
there will be any radical cangeai
The method of selecting the ne
president by the board was to choos
from the list of candidates who ra
for the office last spring.
Physical fitness will be the obje
which the members o the gymn class
es will attempt to attain in the
work this year, aecording to Dr. (
A. May, of the physical education de
partment. The entire program c
events iu outlined with this purpos
in view. The classes will first, b
greeted by general tests in fund
mental act vities, things that the a
erage student will come in conta
with in some way every day.
The various tests to be given wi
consist of sprinting, jumping, base
ball throwing, shot putting and rop
climbing, a record of each student
activities being kept. Later in thi
year the same tests will be given twic
again, one of them at the end of tU
first semester and the other at tl
close of the gym classes. Then th
latter records will be compared wit
the first results to ascertain whethe
each man has improved his ability (
whether he has fallen down.
Besides these tests, which will las
for only a few gymn periods, them
will be various gartes rely race
athletic contests, basketball and sin
ilar events, all with the purpose a
improving each man's condition.
Another feature of the schedule wi
be important self-defense exercise
The fundamental holds in wrestlin:
the principal blows in boxing an
their defense will be carefully an
clearly demonstrated.
Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of ti
highway engineering and highwe
transporation department, and pres
dent of th'e National Highway Traff

association will deliver an address c
the subject "Facilitating Traff
Mvements by the use of One Wa
and Through Traffic Streets" at tI
convention of -:he American societ

Lyman Glasgow, '25, head Varsity
cheerleader, has issued a call for men
who wish to enter the competition for
positions on the cheerleading squad
this year. The first tryouts will be
held at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday at
the Union. First semester freshmen
are ineligible to compete for the
An urgent call for new material has
been issued by the head cheerlender
because it will take some time to whip
the squad into shape for the confer-
ence games. All men who tryout for
the vacant positions on the squad will
appear before a committee of the Stu-
dent council. The new members of the
squad will be elected by this com,
mittee and head cheerleader Glasgow.
Charles Merriam, '25E, is - chairman
of the Student council committee on{
A special inducement is being of-
fered the cheerleaders this year in
that a cheering section composed

Pittsburgh, Sept. 27.-Dr. Leo Paulj
Seig, widely known expert in the I
field of light, has been appointed head
of the department of physics of the
University of Pittsburgh, it was an-j
nounced yesterday by Drc George H.
Reavis, dean of the college. Dr. Seig'
succeeds Dr. Jay Clo, who recently1
According to the announcement,
another addition to the staff is Dr.t
W. N. St. Peter, who comes from the I
University of Michigan. He will be- I
come an assistent professor of phycis.
Dr. St. Peter has made an unusual
record in teachink and research. His
speciality is the infra-red spectrum.

Madison, Wisconsin, Sept. 27. (By
A. P.)-Wisconsin defeated North Da-
kota on a muddy field here today 25
to 0. A steady rain fell during the'
game. North Dakota was unable to
gain through the Wisconsin line and
was seriously hampered in her jaerial
attack by the wet groundi Doyle Har-
mon, Wisconsin quarterback was an
outstanding star counting two of the
four touchdowns on long runs.
Columbia, Mo., Sept. 27.-Students
and faculty members of Stephens
college celebrated their annual bar-
becue this week near Gordon Lake.

A thorough examination of the football ticket question,
with a letter from Coach Yost.

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