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December 05, 1924 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 12-5-1924

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FRIDAY, lD-CE-M13ErR 5, 1924


TON T RE 1 Yale Drama Head


Stays for Special Session sat N v
York Following Adjourunment
of Coiventlion
New York City, Dec. 4.-Followinm
adjournment of the annual conventio
of the American Society of Mechanica
Engineers here today, Prof. O. W
Boston, acting director of the engin
eering shops at the University o:
Michigan, will remain in this city to-
morrow in special conference with the
committee on the cutting and formin
of metals. Upon temination of the
committee meeting tomorrow, Profes-
sor Boston expects to leave for Ann
Arbor, arriving Saturday morning.
During the convention, which begun
Monday, Dec. 1, Professor 13:to pre-
sented two papers, the first before the
machine shop session on "Recent De-
velopment in England of Hardness
Testing," treating the characteristics
of the newly developed Vicker's dia-
mond hardness testing machine, de-
signed for determining the degree of
hardness possessed by metals. Pro-
fessor Boston became acquainted with
the work of the English machine last
summer during a visit to the plant of
4 .Vickers, Limited, in London, while at-
tending the World Power conference
in the city. Realizing the possibilities
' of the new machine, Professor Boston
prepared a paper to be read in con-
nection with related material gathered
by Prof. J. L. Keller, of Pennsylvania
State college, on "Comparison of the
' Herbert Pendulum Hardness Testing
Machine with Other Hardness Testers,"
not intending to attend the convention
The committee on arrangements,
however, telegraphed Professor Boston
Saturday, asking him to present his
paper in person. His other paper was
read before the special research com-
mittee on the cutting and forming of
metals, on a "Progress Report on the
Art of Cutting Metals." The paper
includes the results of research work
conducted fo over a year on straight-
line metal cutting on the planer, the
investigation sponsored by the Mich-
igan Manufactures association.
t t
(Continued from Page One)
Wiser production, more efficient mar-
keting and more intelligent utilization
of heat products were laid as a found-
ation on which the livestock industry
might be raised from depression by
the President.
In advancing these suggestions after
he had detailed what the government
had done and proposed to do for the
livestock men and the farmers of the
country, Mr. Coolidge declared he de-
sired from the forum provided by the
Livestock exposition to make a pledge
and to issue an appeal to the farmers
of the nation.
"My pledge is that your government
will do everything possible and prop-
er for a government.to do, to encour-
age and direct your strivings toward
the goal of prosperity, stability and se-
curity," he said. "My appeal is that
farmers everywhere shall find ways
in which to organize and associate
themselves together in the determina-
tion to employ effectively every means
of improvement that has been placed
at their disposal."
With such a pledge carried out and
such an appeal heeded, the President
foresaw the dawn of a brighter day
in the agricultural world.
"Every prospect seems to indicate
that we are starting out on a new
era,' he said. "There will be prosper-
ity enough for all if we are willing to
work for it and willing to remain on
a sound basis, If we give way to self-
ishness, if we are to secure what we
do not work for, it we adopt unsound
financial methods and begin to quarrel

over the rewards of industry, we can
expect nothing but disaster and dis-
tress. I do not believe we are Beaded
in that direction but we shall be un-
less we beware, unless we are wise
enough to be guided by the experience
of other peoples in past history."
Speaking primarily to livestock men
and in a setting where the livestock
industry is given first thought, Mr.
Coolidge directed his remarks primar-
ily to consideration of the problems of
those who grow and deal in meat an-
Work on the Union pool is progress-'
in rapidly since the tile has arrived.
The sides of the pool have been com-
pletely tiled and the workmen are
starting on the floor of the pool. When
this is finishgd the walls of the room
will be painted and the tank itself will
then be practically complete.
It is hoped by officials of the Un-
ion to have the tank ready for use

going up. Present plans call for the FOR PENT
completion of this building in Febru- --
ary. DESIRABLE FRONT Room double or
At the new hospital much of the single. All conveniences, rent low,
work has been completed on the lower 604 East Washington. Call 3102-M.
Efloors. Plastering has been practically
completed in first floor wards, the LIST
rooms needing but the finishing touch-
Concentrate Work on Interior Finishlis. On the upper levels, cement floors I LOST A Hamilton gold watch with
of Three New University are being laid, and plumbing and elee- chain and pencil. Probably lost on
Structures trical work is being completed. 2ladison street although that is un-
Interior finish is being given the certain. Reward. Edward Vadakin,
RUSH CONSTRUCTION new Nurses' home,. and work on this 607 S. State, 3015.
is progressing on the snhedule which
With the outer shells completed, calls for the completion of the build- rOST SLIDE RULE 10 in. K. & E.
work on the three main construction ing itself by Christmas. leather case. L. P. Hall 1530 Hill
jobs on the campus is being concen- St. Lost Nov. 26. Reward,
trated on plastering and interior fin- Princeton, N. J., Dec. 4.- Junior
ish in many of the rooms of the three harriers at Princeton university won SMALL COPY of Maeterlinck's "In-
buildings. the recent interclass cross country terlor," between N. Division and
In the new Medical building where meet with a score of 29 points. See- campus. Call Lillian Bronson,
the schedule of work, is from the top ond place was taken by the senior 1575-W. Reward.
dawn, work is now being centered on class with a score of 43 points.
the third and second floors. The two TYPEWRITERSI
top floors are practically finished. On Don't delay--Pay your Subscription -

5 Fine English
Luxurious English
and Irish Woolens
Distndcive English Models, hand-
tailored throughout. We are show-
ing the new low waisted, long bo


George Pierce Baker professor of
dramatic literature in Harvard univer-
sity, has been chosen to head the new
school of dramatic art established at
Yale. A fund of $1,000,000 was given
by Edward S. Harkness, of New York,
to found the school.


the second floor tile walls are fast today. BOUGHT, Sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned and repaired. We have
nenly all makes. We suggest that We Can Save You Mone
TwSas9~ r~ you buy Corona Four and saye
THIS~ *TRAW ( 1I OLM about $40.00. Time paydhents if de-'
urAFIG .17 Nickels' Arcade: I LZi7
AT 3 P.M. ~ A DV J~R SING AT 3 P.m. l Ann Arbor's Oldest Typewriter Store C lothing Store



Official Orgal of National Chamber
Of Commerce Given to Faculty
anid Societies Here
Faculty members, organizations
and individual students to the num-
.her of one hundred and twenty-four
will receive one year subscriptions to
The Nation's Business, the official or-
gan of the United States Chamber of
Commerce, under terms of a gift
made by a donor, who remains anony-
mous by choice, according to Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, secretary of the
engineering college.
Professor Hopkins prepared the[
smbseription list, attempting, he
states, to secure the most advanta-
geous distribution, while carrying out
the avowed desire of the donor to ac-
quaint University students with indus-
Lrial conditions throughout the coun-
try and to make known to them the
purpose and organization of theI
United States Chamber of Coimerce.
Several fraternities and a few soror-
ties are included in the list that will
receive the business publication
'hroughout the year.

LIVING-ROOM, Bedroom, kitchenette,
private bath. 2nd floor. Just right
for two. Unfurnished, heated, price
is $40 monthly. Would partly fur-
nish to responsible panty for extra
nominal charge. Located on West
side. 10 minutes walk from the
campus. Ralph T. Swezey. Phone
1 158.

DON'T Overlook te opportunity to FOR SALE See our splendid line of
save on many household necessi- fountain pens for Christmas gifts.
ties at The Economy Second Hand $1 to $8. Room 2, 711 N. Univ. 2nd
Sto:e 209 N. Main St., Phone 789-M. floor.
. We sell what you do want and buy
what you don't want.

Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.


FOR SALE: Practically new Kuppenl-
heimer serge suit; size 36. Call
evenings, Hinch of 311 Thompson
CONN B-FLAT Soprano saxophone
with case. Blargain. Also one B-flat
and one C clarinet. Call 18.
FOR SALE Two fox fur neck pieces.
Very reasohable. 900 S. State.

22x60. Good condition $25.
Lahrence, Phone 128.


LET YOUR GIFTS be blooming plants
or cut flowers this Christmas. We
will not raise our prices. Ann Arbor
Floral Co. 122 E. Liberty, Phone 3
FINE LINE of Glass Perfume bottles
for your dresser $7.50-$8. Hard
enamel Perfume pocket flasks at $5.
See our windows for the latest in
Christmas suggestions.
Arnold State St. Jewelry Store
302 S. State
given with difficult grammatical
points and pronunciation. Call
1 ANQUETS, DINNERS, & Luncheons
at reasonable prices served by the
Aid society of the CHURCH OF
CHRIST. New Church, new equip-
ment. Call 2025-J.
SEE Mc INERNEY of the Interstate
Tailors at American Hotel for a -
suit or overcoat. Prices $24.50 and
$29.50. Perfect satisfaction guaran-
±ced. Phone 123.
THE experienced operator will recog-
nize an array of features not com-
bined in any other typewritr. A j
trial will convince you. We also
have all makes of used machines.1


A Thought-

4W4W4W46F W4W'4l'4W4WF401IW414MV4W4kW4W4W4W4WIW'40

FOR SALE Tuxedo $60. I3. S. & M.
Bought last spring. Size 36. Sac-
rifice for quick sale. Phone 2444-J.
WOMAN TO WORK Short time each
day for rent of pleasant suite.
2316-M. w
WANTED Students washing and iron-
ing. Best work guaranteed. Phone
TUXEDO OUTFIT, Size 38. Phone
1526-R or call at 543 Church.


Ann Arbor Floral Co.

122 East Liberty Street

Renting and repairing a specialty.
The United States Board, of Con-,MACK AND CO. Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange
merce, sponsors of The Nations Bus- FjCN OtAnAbr yertrEcag
ness, ispohnsor o hedNats Bus- -3rd Floor Main St. 9 Savings Bank BIk. Phone 866.
mess, is the central headquarters of Permanent Waving and Marcelling
all the local ch'ambers throughout the ANNOUNCEMENT
sountry and has a membership of WE IAVE Three expert marcellers. THE E. G. WIEDMAN AUTO CO. An-
300 such organizations, with an un- Manicuring and special French nounces the opening of a used car
lerlying membership of 750,000 cor- 1 packs given. Telephone 2939-M. store, 113 Pearl St., Ypsilanti. Used
porations, firms and individuals. I Over Cushing's Drug Store. Damat- cars; Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
Formed in 1912, the organization tia Beauty Shop. Fifty Used FORD Bargains
has grown until it is called the great-
est force in the commercial world for NOTIlE RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned.
th urpo:3e of encouraging trade and Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works,
comnmeice between the states and THE NEW CLEVELAND Electric Phone 50.
with foreign countries. Among other vacuum cleaner fully guaranteed. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp."
services, the U. S. Board of Com- - Extra large motor $25.00 at Koch and AL JOLSON'S Latest Brunswick ree-
mnerce, representing three quarters of Henne.-j ord-"All Alone," and "I'm Gonna
a million business men, goes before PERSONAL CRISTMAS GREETING STOFFLET PHONO SHOP
Congress to secure unified action on CARDS ENGRAVED Or PRINTED 616 East Liberty.
national questions affecting the fi Proper engraving takes time. Select HAIR CUTTING!
nancial, industrial and commercial in- one of our many attractive, exclu- Our barbers are experienced. Give
terests of the country. sive designs and place your order us a trial.
now. Shaltis and Bowen
n~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ r1P M1111ORRILtr0T 1,nPTT.1PTO cPnr r~n~3Gn

{ vr



111I South
-- t MainStreet


Presentation of the new Conn sousa-
phone bass horn to the Michigan band
will be made by the Chamber of Com-
merce at a banquet to be held at 6:15
o'clock Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the Mason-
ic temple, it was announced last night
by P. P. Woodbridge, secretary of the
Chamber. The entire band will be
guests of the Chamber and it is ex-
pected that more than 400 business
men and other interested persons will
be present at the banquet.
The new horn, costing more than
$250, was purchased with the surplus
of the money contributed by the busi-
ness nien of Ann Arbor to send the
band to the Illinois game. Work on
the engraving of the instrument was
completed yesterday at the Arnold
jewelery shop and it will go on ex-
hibition today in the windows of the
Goodyear company and C. J. Hutzel
on Main street and later in the week
in the window of the Quarry Drug
ompany on State street.
Princeton, N. J., Dec. 4.-Although
hampered by rough ice, about 20 men
have already begun practice in the I
opening of the hockey season atl
Princeton university.
Prof. J. B. Edmonson left for Lans-
ing yesterday afternoon to present a
report on North Central high schoolst
to the state principals' convention.

V. l. itt-C1LL
14 & 17 Nickels' Arcade,
FRIDAY Dec. 5, Masonic Temple
Ypsilanti, Mich. 8 Piece Bug Band.
Two pianos. Ruel Kenyon, Freddie
Bergin, $1.25.

607 Church Street
THE ANN ARBOR Wayside Inn, is
a hostelry, both up to date for
comfort, and reasonable charges for
city visitors. Corner Packard and
Division. Phone 2520-W.

,. ". ; i .




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