PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ECEMBER 5, 1 24 . [ u in-.....~~. 1H w - - S m ,, 4 . : .,....., .... O , - s.w.. . ( fffffn . . , SCHEULES OCCUPY ATENTION CF IG TEN ATHLETJU BODIES Drcetotrs and Coaches Meet Today elevun to be hooked with an Eastern at Chicytgo to Set elvan. The Suckers will meet Penn- 1928 Card sylvania according to an announce- ment issued several days ago. Notre CHANGES ARE IMMINENT Dame may also find a place on the !Illinois card. Wisconsin and Ohio With only two or three more post-!tate have both made advances to Wit olytwoorthee or Epst r elevens for games. It is season games to wind up the 1924 Easten ehat O o ams. Is gridiron schedules, attention is to-are both looking for games with (ay centered on the schedule making Dartmouth and were before Chicago for 1925. arranged a game but it is likely that The Western conference will plan either will be able to put over a deal all of its games tomorrow, at the final at this late date. Wisconsin may session of the schedule meeting. In- schedule a game with Cornell but is tersectional games are to feature al- unlikely. riost all of the Big Ten schedules for the coining fall and interest in to- morrow's meeting will be centered" especially on two or three games be- tween the larger schools which are not definitely settled. A large num- ber of the games in the middle-West a during the coming fall have already been arranged by tacit agreements. Out of forty-three entries the fol- Michigan's schedule is bound to lowing teams have qualified for the show some change next year. If any- second round of the Fraternity Bowl- thing, it will stiffer than that of the ing tournament. Phi Gamma Delta past season. It is known that Indiana has made some advances in regard 2357; Delta Alpha Epsilon 2339; Sig- to a game with Michigan and in case ma Chi 2330; Phi Sigma Kappa 2325; the Hoosiers are scheduled it will Phi Chi 2242; Delta Upsilon 2240; mean that M. A. C. will probably play Sigma Alpha Mu 2233; Beta Theta the opening game of the season. Illi- Pi 2198; Phi Sigma Delta 2194; Delta nois is to be played at Urbana again Theta Phi 2183; Chi Psi 2178; Nu next dear in order to provide enough' Sigma Nu 2161; Alpha Rho Chi 2159; home games for the 1926 season, Delta Phi 2138; Alpha Delta Phi 2135; Northwestern will. be met in the mam- Chi Phi 2123. In order to get the moth Grant Park stadium in Chicago, tournament over by Christmas the and Ohio State is definitely booked. dead line for the second round has Minnesota will undoubtedly be sched- been set for Monday night December uled and the remaining game will be 8. Some teams have already turned played with either Wisconsin or in their score for this round so the Iowa. It is unlikely that Alonzo alleys ought not to be overcrowded. Stagg will venture to book a game From now on the Union Alleys will with Michigan for his Maroons. be open afternoons after four o'clock. Intersectional games seem to be To be certain of an alley reserva- coming back into fashion among bios should be made in advance. members of the Big Ten. Ever since Only co-operation by the fraternities Iowa started the ball rolling by play- still in the tournament will get it ing Yale several seasons ago and Chi- over by Christmas so be prompt about cago followed suit by scheduling playing off matches. , Princeton for two seasons, the race has been on. Michigan, which gave Entries for society basketball teams up Eastern games in 1917 is going must be turned in to the intramural back to the old habit by taking on the I department as soon as possible as the Navy wpile Chicago, not to b out- j schedules are expected to be arranged done, will continue to schedule the jnext week. Any teams interested in "weaker three," Northwestern, Pur- competing should notify the depart- due and Indiana and seek its great- ment at once. est laurels in games with Pennsyl- vania and Dartmouth. There is also, Sophomores who won sweaters in some agitation among 'the Chicago speedball competition may call for supporters for a game with Missouri them at the intramural office. which gave the Maroons a 3-0 trim- ming this year. Don't delay-Pay your Subscription Illinois is the third Conference today. fJDanc()i ri4 a s at GRAGE'S WIEDNESDAY . . . . 8-10 RI.DAY . . . . . . 9- SATURDAY . . . . 9.12 Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight "CRGER MY ~or Heilmann To Be Traded? '9NON['Freshman Track u 111TEAM r Team Prospects OF CROSS COUNTRY ShowGood FormH Freshnian track is getting under way Sigma Alpha Mu handball play Ro1ert ljuick, '26E, to Hold Post _Iur- in Wate r n gymnasium under Coacha na lng Next Yer" Sea- Charlie Hoyt. There i3 a large squad have advanced to the finals Ls ers the soil ASSISTANTS APPOINTED Robert D. Buick, '26E, of Detroit, has been appointed manager of the Varsity cross country team for the 1925 season, it was announced by the board' in control yesterday. Buick will succeed Edward H. Hart- including dash and distance men and several are giving unusual early sea- son promise. In the dashes Cliff Crimi and Rich Ruslander show to the best advantage. Coach Hoyt hopes to make a ten see- and man out of the former, while Ruslander is exceptionally fast, al- though not quite as quick on the start as Criini. Crimi comes with a, reputation in the short dashes, having. tied the world's indoor record for 601 annual inter-fraternity tournament being conducted by the intramural de- par Def fin its K sem Opp( tear last rtment at Waterman gymnasium. eating Sigma Nu in the semi- als, the Sigma Alpha Mu team won way to the last game for the title. appa Nu and Chi Phi meet in the il-finals today to determine the ponent of Sigma Alpha M~u. Both ,ms have shown well during the t week of competition and the win- will give the Sigma Alpha Mu ad considerable trouble. Four Subscription is payable now. wick, '25, who has held the positios a .yards at Toronto last year, and he has Iner this year. . made Loren Murchison step his fastest squ The following assistant managers to beat him on several occasions. were named at the same time: John In the hurdles and distances there Y R. C. Long, Jr., '27, of Detroit; Elliott arc several men who, with careful Chamberlain, '27, of Birmingham; coaching, ought to develop into first George M. Stanley, '27, of Detroit; and class runners. Lewis L. Michelson, '27, of 4)etroit. Practice will be confined to the Leslie B. Butler, '27, of Grand Rapids, gym for some time yet and later in the was chosen as alternate. He will as- season will transfer to the Yost field sume an assistant post in case of the house. incapacity through ineligibility or any other cause of any the first four named Princeton, N. J., Dec. 4.-Edward to serve. L. MCMillan, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was elected captain of the 1925 Princeton Coast Trip To Be football team here yesterday. KipIke Horneymoon Princeton, N. J., Dec. 4.-About 45 men reported at the first meeting of Harry Kipke, former Michigan foot- basketball candidates at Princeton un- ball star, will be accompanied by his j iversity. bride when he journeys to the coastto!- - Sh watch his team play the University of University of Arkansas football Southern California in one of the teamn was elected captain of the Razor- Ge greatest intersectional games {of the back team for 1925. year. II! Kipke is to be married to Miss Flor- ence Hackabart, of Lansing, Dec. 13, and will leave shortly afterward to Gift of witness the game on the coast.At Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 4.--The 1925aB Harvard football team will be captain- ed by Marion A. Cheek, of Brookline, Give a as the result of the elections held yes- terday. Cheek, who is a member of the junior class, played quarterback M anicure on the varsity this year. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. We're offering excelle these very usef ®______ e: And now, George, what did you learn to do at college? eorge: Blow smoke rings and wear Finchley Clothes. '.3 Rumor is rife in the winter league to the effect that Ty Cobb is hot on the trail of Marty McManus, the clever St. Louis infielder, and that he in- tends to use Harry Hieiihnan as trdng material to effect some sort of a transaction to strengthen his infield. It is common knowledge that the Tiger leader will make a. determined attempt to bolster up his inner line this winter by trade, purchase, or begging. McManus and :H eiimann are shown above.. Utility luty SUCCESSFUL S O 1 -f RL ESQUAD[ LXE The arrangement of iniport1a1 matth- es and the return of seven veterans have polished prospetis Ir a success- ful season for the R. ;. 7. C. rifle< team. Signor, Pryce, Taylor, Kopf, Kane, and Werly, menibers of lu t yeau-'s' team, have returned. Ma tchcs 1n ve been arranged as foiluw 7v m Polytechnical Institute, Jan. 17; Mich- igan Aggies, Jan. 24; University of In- diana, Jon. 24; University if Iowa,' teb. 14; University of Oregon, Feb. 14; Unir, rsity of Minnesota, Feb. 21; Un-r ive:sity of Nevada, Feb. 21; Ohio State iver-sity, Feb. 21; Oklahoma A. and I. c)llege, Feb. 28; University of 11- Uinnb Fo). 28; Northwestern universi- ty, uending; West Virginia university, pending; De Pa'w university, pending. Capt. W. C. Louisell is in charge of TiOZ sAY VaTI. 1'AT'iRONTZE DAILY ADVERTISERS 4 Set nt selections ul gifts. of SLEEP ANYWHERE BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Strect Ner State andPackard Sts. EBERBACII & SON, CO. 200-204 East Liberty St. w w", .. _.. - - " Y r .Sape A . 'J Price 4: :, lop, \VanD'5oiv in. s s 6 rhtoimjpsioin INC OPPORA TED - ~ Jw W~Irf ~ r~a pow. ,.r AV% sr. Ar Inv 02 Q3:i W:II ,bu any one a hundred fine s° s taken from ~r requ far stock. The Purchase of Priced to six ty Cl othinig an d Jfor men c Q2&Ice 14 E r' l I furnishings from either of our two stores is your as- surance of indi- viduality. i i I , I a t M { P f[ S If - a U I E9i ii