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December 05, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 12-5-1924

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FRIDAY, DEQ 3M ER 5, 1924'




11.T .n AMIM

a -

University alTheaIig a oENTERTAIN WOOD HOUSE! AimiJouice '. + ite't10
I r oda Prof. T. J. Diekiloff and ;is ik
,CZas u[ersonal ty nitiate T d The women of Woodl league house'!hoff announce the engagement of their'
STheta Sigma, honorary journalistic ereentrtanedbyam J Serda '4MofCto -
I -fraternity for women, will, hold an in- bldn
j"Old University hall hasmr er tatio erno ony ata:1Cook ui d afternoon. The tea was held memberoofThDt e ltaiss Deltaff ir-a
sonaitytha an oter uilingon aftrnon a MathaCoo buldig. thelibrary on the secondi floor (ot the
sonaitythananyothe buldin onoity, and Dr. Sheridan Is a Phi Beta
te campus. I think it is the buil- After the ceremony Miss Zelmna Clark,; building. Martha Coox residents alsoPi
TRU Iingaoudheebeas it h~as so social director of the (dormitory, will; entertained the women of Thornton'______________
,,,,nh nnlicr Thnnathouwnn' t.,,, ; give a talk to the members of the house at a recent ea




American GirlMIPN
:I Proves Heroine IIItIfh
In Ath'ens PancII DEBAT


U 111 ul U I ILuenIreing.II1 .±nop e uy won 'UL tearI
the old1 place clown. I am sorry that

- _ i _u e v u ri e vx a ,, o aar a e
(Continued from Page One) (otne rmPg One) the front part is off; the new build-j
k Candy will be served by girls dress- i - Michigan's negative team left yes- igsol ts. hssoeanw
fed Ih red and 'white costumes to rep- terday noon for Columbus accom- corner to the campus, Edith Leonard, s
?4resent stick candy. A costumed jester Ipnied bfy Mr Gail E Densmoe of 26, of Philadelphia. Miss Leonardc
°w#11illamuse the patrons with mimics, i the public speaking department whofeltatheMcincmpssno
and a maid of hearts, dressed in white, ;:";.<=r>'"" has been coaching them. The mem- eseily aetei"an1ert
with hearts as trimming,will sell her hers of the team are: Florence Mc- te"ie rhtcue suk a
tarts to the customers. There will beCob'2,Mra.WOle,27an every angle r'
a goose pond when one can put his '"" < "l'Clara Lau, 25. They will be enter- efore coming toe Miigan Missf
money in the goose's mouth and re-1tained at the Chittenden hotel in enrdwsa teUieriyo
:i -cive some trinket. < -;.*... Columbus j Delaware where Miss Winifred J.a
Tire Pierrot tea room, which will bre-:." :f. Besides being eligible for Delta RbnoaMcia rdaeo h
run in connection with the bazaar, will Sigm:Rh, hnorryublc;seak class of '90, is dean of women. Al-n
':drpeni at 11:30 o'clock today for lunch- ing fraternity, the women who takej though a sorority wm n, herself, s
weon. Tea hours are from 3:30 to 5:30 ; ?,.inths"dbte:wl rc ivea Dean Robinson refuses to have soror-
' =o'clock, and dinner from 5:30 to 7?* t $0tstmna:shlrsi ro(h ties on the Delaware camus be-jg
2 oclock. These meals will also be,..*~ neeto he$,0 nomn ie cause she believes that a college of;
r~ served tomorrow. Lillian Wetzel,; t:te:ivriy:yMs.E"l od 300 wmen is too small to admit ofn
'2,rsa . l~Fa Vciqus.
I> The tea room will also be decorated* r.Frdi lo"iigeahwmn '.'ih University of Delaware is an
:In maize and blue, and the wise man jla giftioftaopendanteshapedimedal for:
efollowing the star will be introduced ::.:,:;«clp" loa.osinsciuton o nded3,"ori inally a
i: j~y etchings on th lamp shades. Each ~Members of Portia and Athena lit- aby'sho n 13, adMs
{ Atle will have on it a tiny Christ-: };, ; :,"?: erary societies and any others inter- Lenr.Atrbin{ocdt ls
candl,.andtheywill ll bsplacd . ested are invited to come to a re- through lack of financial support it s
;r so as tondrepren the ival e pitsofed. ception at Betsy Barbour house after reopened after the revolutionary war
t s tr ethesedeatehtometetheommbersoofas a co-educational college. Several
Special, arrangements have been; Hiss Katherie McFarland the Ohio team. yeasltr oeewmn wr
~made for dinner parties. There will An American gil Miss Kte inpraetyearduti 94w e
*bemuicl umbrs acaart, ndMcarandofPhlaelhiawaftir-u a woman's college was established
ii be muicl nmbrs acabre, ndMcarlndofPhladlpia ws he Cild'SLe k T lo j and affiliated as part of the Univer- f
dItancing inr the evening,rIneo h ir aifn iy
A hreo 0cnswl emd eon ftefr ai namotion i i At present there are about 1,000'
I Aphageof10cetswil e ad 2 (iv students in both colleges.
agattoothe eaguedhse o t hihswinl erekilled. She managed to quiet ,"en' 'and women ave the same1
t' : hagto the Lanne.rbTo church iom- the panic and prevent a greater -lss Members of the Childs' Conserva- professors but all classes are helda
enwlepter o wn profits, but will, o. life. She is in Greece as a nurseI tion league will hold a Christmas separately. The Women's college
e4fo tweNearEastRelifhoraniztion
' 4t receive any prt 'of the gate re- frteNa atRle raiain party at 8 o'clock Monday evening at buildings are at one end of the cam-i
~i'ipts-______ _____(.-the home of Mrs. C. H-. Stuhrberg, pus while the men's college buid-
, 80OOurin 1612 Brooklyn avenue. Presents noti ins are at the other end. The I-
l'J / Nu singto exceed 25 cents in cost will be ex- brary is the one building used in
Sc ol6I!.S change. These will be in the na-' commron.
___ch olIUS ure of toys and other articles whichi "All -.ctivities and college fun-
NursinSgER T IAV is the second professioni will later be given to the children at tins, likewise, are runseatl.
x N IE SORRIT HOSES' Nteunierit sinta. heewill There are two junior proms, two class
'Ijj for women in Aeia teaching be-, also be a short business meeting at days, two comm~rrencmnts, two fare-
" u ing the first. At the present time this time and officers for the coming -well hops. The men have a student
After fifteen years of waiting and tieteeae prxmtl 1,800 year wilhe elected. councl anl the women have - stu-
Iplanning,-construction will be s,arted ! ;dntbord._Te__lu_____isth
" next June on 12 new sorority housesshosofnrig in te Uitd(etbok of.the w le' oleand h
'at Northwestern unversity. Each willI Nures celebrated December birth-i year ho fteWmnscleea~
;.a Nothwsten uivesit. Ech illStates with 55,000 student nurses Anid lays at a party given at the Nurses';The Blue and Gold of the Mn's col-
°cst approximately $60,000 and will 1 160,000 graduate nurses. Forty-ninei Dormitory last night. These partie lee. Until th'3 pst year two weekly
-be built on one of the most attractive states hrave passedl laws defining the l are regular monthly affairs, dinner newsape ars el'publlihel but now
,.residential sites in Evanston. The en- , minimum requirement for nursing j.at the dormitory, being the special they have been combined into a jointl
t f tract. available will not be uti-; education and state registration man-; feature. Other activities are plannedi pulicatin known as The Review.
=j JItzed but the' university contemplates~ datory for nurse practice within their at the tiue by those who are able to "Senior womren at ~elawi.%re are
Jnmprovements mhch"ay rea fce boundaries. The rie of nuring ;be reent,- not u~der control of the general stu-
'1000mr. therefore, like the practice of lawI
tl Ten years ago nine fraternity build- a-eganmeione, isrguaedb sae° _____________________________
o1gs and four open dormitories for ln eiin,i euatdb tt
{ rren students, were' openedl on the There is still a great deal of, dis-.' N W V TO R C R S-D .5,94
E1+vanston caimpus, the men's needs be-; crepancy in schools of nursing asl RED SEAL RECORDS
ing considered nmore urgent at that educational. institutions. Although:,_ g 0 3 4 Don Pasquale-Tlornanai. dir (Once Aga n Let M lear
time. Thi's aroused' the women to frtelste ! aioeiett { Three) (D-onizetti) Italian Galli-( urci-Schipa
suc anexenttht 1fofth 20hestabls ten yeos ' mvmers ntto price Ilgletto-E i Sol del' ,10111. (Love Is the Sun)
suhan'xtn ta 1 f h L o-etalshshol o urig nin!,$041 . Italian CGalli-Cuci-Schipa
tt Qr~t.e ,,, -eamounraised eouhversities has gone steadlily on. 6:30 1 Iaiiiatlon ' o Iat---Mep~lisfophees' Sereuade (While
mouey to, qualify The am rtsiange Miss M. Adelaide Nutting is dean,' -~ .. You Play a :sleeping) (Berlioz) Itlian Ruffo
frm$15,000 to $35,000. Other soror- Iof American~ nursing. She had, theI price The leiaon-Arioso (Do NotWeep, Child) (Rubinstein) j
]ies are,hoping .to go over the top honorary degree of Master of Arts j $1,5..1Titta tuoff
bg for next summer.! bestowed on 'her by Yale. University; 1 0 4 $ Adestes Fidells (Oh Come, All 'Ye Faithful) (Poi ua)
Methods for" raising the money hrave !inl 1922, and. was the first nurse to { Latin Sistine (panel Choir
ben, aaasadcocrsslig be appointed to _a chair in a univer- Price ' xutte fte (Sing L:ito te Lord) ( 'aleA irima)
~..sanwices ndpoatftbl gm s ' . She is director of the depart- iti 1tic1hul(hl
plnig antelingaco-ok h nnt of nursing' and health and pr- DANCE RECORDS
operation of a dining-room, a crc- i fessor of nursing of Columbia Univer- 19. ~ny aeU orMn O lie
hting library n vna store-n si tY i Paul Whiit ean and IFi rhsr
Wheels.I Price NashvIlle Nlgliiiale--Iox Trot
a:Plans have also been started for a ITeQeno pi ssi ohv h aigsPnslain
Woa' uligt eicue na doll house given to her by he, I 1 9 4 A9«I J Come Bac to ~e - Waltz TIhe TrfIoblaous
the quadrangle. So far, only $67,0001Igrandlmother, the late Empress Eu-' Price ? Kiss 'e (tood Niglt--1'altz
of this fund has been raised.. enf.Te oyhus,7.)cei a Charles iDonergr and Ils Orchestra
exact model to scale of the Tutilleries, F :ToIsoxrrt
---- G ot$,00 eorg Olsen and hIs Music
-~ ____ - Pr~c 1 Ida, Sweet os Apple (ier--4'4x 'rt
..Y ,.- 512 ol h m.f B l yLs -eo P ot I S ) IO j IIInternational Novelty Orchestra
Ihi.1 9 4 6 Pi ..'Annie hise Shannon Quartet I
For falling har This: Price 75et Bonny Floise... Shannon Quartet j
Th'ie brides' section of the Faculty .Shampoo brightens the hair 1 94 9 ¢4I anda Noble Sissle-Eurbie Blake {
5Women's club, will meet at 3 o'clock'ad rsoe t aua Price 75e lle Moonx Noble Sssle-Eubie Blake 1
today at the cubhouse, 226 S. Ingalls ad rsoe t aua 1 9 4 9 5 All Aloe Lewis James
street. i health. Price 75c ( The hert of a (-girl Fran iyn Ea ur-Eliot t Shaw
________1 9 4 6 0 ( From aIi ndian Ldge (Maeo well)
in tPrice Victor Concert Orchestra
An organized hike for honor points ! E pr.M rfll9 °2
inteW. A. A. will leave Barbour; 75 Love Song (MacIowell) Victor Concert Orchestra
gynwnasin at: 8 o 'clock tomoriow Yuwl eplesdwt SCHAEBFIRLE & SONT, Music HoIse Main St.
morning. I our excellent work,
Tryouts. for the Junior Girls play i tdd r
St dadwill continue to be held from 3 to 5 TI * L
oclock today. H air 3loppe.
= 707 North University I \-I
Re d te.a tA s _ _ _Phone 2652 .'--
- '

A Gift from Goodyear's Means More
IA ClienteleJ
Not to the great nurm-

society. London, Dec. 3.-The Anglo-German
Membrs o theFacuty Wmen' commercial treaty was signed yester-
lent board but are governed by a ; club were entertained at a tea and' 3'~
senior board that takes care of dis- sewing party from 3 to 6 o'clock at
ciplinary cases within the' class. Sen-j the clubhouse yesterday. Music wa ~sA
iors have unlimited over-night andI furnished by the music section of the! Reim' the Wvant Ad-Xs
wveek-endi privileges. Junior and un-! club.
derclass women, however, are more
restricted. Their engagements are JlllilII1itltlltlittltlIfltltltlltl11El~lltI1ltttltt'.
limited to week-end nights; other !=-
evenings they 'must be on the campus
at '7 o'clock. Freshmen may attend'~.I
only one dance each week and spend f SEND HER
not more than six week-ends each=
semester away from the campus. !=
"The 'University of Delaware is;== =
;,rowing slowly. Tphe state is not as;=p-
progressive as it ought to be and for
manny years state appr'opriations were -
hiardl to get."
Miss Leonard maintains that she
had to work much harder at D-ela- ~-
ware than she does at Michigan but and'
'she did not omit to add what all new
'students generally say: "L like it here. =
I think the opportunities at Mich'i- E SEND 'EMVI==
iran are wonderful."tW
Mine. Adrienne B3olland, most promin- .L'NowV
ent of French women friers, recently l
finished an eleven day tourist airplane
competition in a tie with ten male=
fliers. She covered the distance of; We will wrap them for mailing.
1,300 miles in 18 flights half way=_________________________
around France, but is entitled to fifth!=
place in the race because of, the dif-2
ference in her plane's motor power I -
and the weight carried.1=A l ad hrc
IRVING WARMOL.TS, Q, S C Arcade1ham c
~GRALIA rF AND RF.GIi~itERFI) "h Drug Store Beautiful"
Iitpei 1038-j 7 Nickels Arcade _
707 N. University A% e Phone 2652 =I


EcepioalV1 Vaues
for Women and hisses
Ric l T find it possible to choose smart seasonable apparel-fine in quality
at prices much reduced-means opportunity of the sort immediately
recognized as unusual. Just such opportunity comes with this sale.
Those who are keen judges of real values will see in this occasion, we
believe, the source of the better sort of economy-substantial saving with
no sacrifice of quality. Included in uncommon variety. of styles are-

K\ '/O
F'you 're a man who's won-
Bering what to give some
girl for Christmas, ask the

ber of our patrons do we
point with pride, b u t
rather to the high social
standing of that clientele


advice of

our Gift Secretary.

ment and good taste. 'Phone



I I a

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