PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -TH- RSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 THtIRSDAY, DECEMBF~R 4, 1924 __ . I low rwi wnw r a rr ,w.. . rw . wrr i, ; c , '° e, nis ow .. y usrr J ., . DATE OFr CORNELL M~ L 5H Tiarch 28 Picked as Time of Annuali MLeet Between T1raditional Foes TO TAKE PLACE HELRE It was announced last night by the Athletic association that the an nual ,in- door track meet between Michigan and Cornell will be held March 28 at the field house. The meet was on the Wolverine schedule, but the exact date had not: been definite. The conditions at Wat- ci man gymnasium have not been suit- able for a meet of the size and im- portance of the Cornell clash, with the result that the clash this year in the field house should result in some new records. It will also, be the first time in the history of< the traditional rivals that the meet between them will be run on a cinder track in Ann Arbor. In the past, the composition track at the yini~asiunm has been used when the jae(t has been here. Coach Steve Farrell announced that he intends to try for several more in- dloor meets with Big Ten schools at the annual meeting of the coaches of the Conference to arrange schedules, which will be held tomorrow and Sat-' urday at Chicago. The coach wants to landI three meets, two of which he hopes to arrange for And Arbor. Divers Prache In Novel Manner At FiellDHouse Mainspring Of Purple Tccam RT IOnNALLAGU BIG TENCOHE 131AH NIEmaE METP CbC fBoxeirs At Work Under Sullivan ( :,11":11 Well a are reoTD . oi and work Las ireadly started to Je4 the Ahletesz in shape for the an- :.l hboxing showv which will be held (1urin th.e second sem ester. Btlh2 advent- of the cold weath- er, tbe bieres:t in the game increased. 'The rteit who are n~ow working out are cofinfinlg their efforts to the ; C Till~ Si YEARLINGS LOOK OOL) N,'tc in Vauanble Playeir'Vote FIVE PITCHER(S CHOSEN New k, Dc. (B APf-A Anuaul ~ 1 alng of lincrcdO amnd IIleltol", it)[lagill jTaIIIor-. SCHEDULES TO BE SET SCoaches and athletic':(lire-ct ors h'oml art -; ni, :-oiec1 eu IfromiipIL YCYs 'every school in the Big Ten will n]fl('Cl iIn el YeS ±'r}?' tflore.stre'nu~ous work Iketball sequal bas Icu praci ic:,t, cetiig h ihstvtsinteN-tomnorr ow and Satrday Iat.Chica go to Brt :'. lhe rgur 'rtraining' roram three tieeks ranl is r plpily r ningn tioual League':, MosQt Valuable Play- make out the schedules for ne >t ear, ' :c oie'call i henics, rcopc-shifppf,;ino, sape.c''. er ('ouhtest, shows that the Giants, hto oix;ad)a pniv. R ;bins, and Redls Eachihave three and to conlsidler'any f1('tietsrergin)C 1Sags ' ni agpuchin. o h c Sam atrr who i Seuer a1 new mien have rpre n. (i g ttesud t.rcltan relpresentati\ es. Pittsburgh and Chi- :in rules. in'n g' before football eoided andl is high- c: ,go two each', andl St. Louis one. The (directors will meet intwo7()=eC,-,ie norae1tt gliaa ly pleased with h:is charges,.lie has The selections include a. staff of sions on b)oth of the t ,zo lays. The several veterans aroundl which to five =Pitc(hers headled by Arthur ( Daz- work will consist 01 the ifltore vital buCJeiii;mi a ee nhnlIild a, team, but thus far nothing zy acBrolnmun c hquestions confronting th nrivriycxrr, l aric ero.Teigt1 has been attempted but general dtrill. zv)t VancesBrooklynlmound-acewwhoftheedewsit it was ;c::nouneed yesterday, was vot- athletics as a whole, while the coac hes7 ' enw aogre firyrel;iledwt he freshmn .squad rlun der Rollie valal-e, lto ina wo gvepromnise of developing Wlim scaigaogwlt~( di tl. ,ie r °se umost vlabeperform- Iwill gather insepairate meetings intoclaer-ighers.howverSul thr apis oie sevg ellfutur L2 . dsticton whcn ane he chdues liv1 1 ;till needs 1.en in all theI ,1r{. ;hit(shaado11 Q. Michigan w~ill be representeda at the' I stars on it. 'Williams plans to have 'conrerenceth b airectawad ofs$,00. right s, as he hopes to make this li- we v the only pitcher named cofeenebyDieor Ot, Im1ya'shwan viltin of ig his (cbarges ready to scrimmage 'r Q )tefistti' by tle commit-?CahsLtl,'Vimn ihr ah class boxing, against the Varsity this week. ce Qif'as, tball uvi'it ers, which decid- elr, Farreall, and P',i ke1r. 'V Mr Z\c , . last night the squad Wvas cut to v thue contest, and his team-mate,' has been in Nashville, Tenn., and * iftee e.Telllwn unsr l3uxrleigh Grimes, was next among the will go from there directly to Chicago ICi~uni + zg amNamed'~j~ viveil the ('tit: C'apt. .Tanse, Laude, twirlers given recognition, for the event. The other representa-; _ ! Airmstrong, Van Dusetu, Phillips, Boy- The rival values to a team of a tives will conivene at various time, j 25 Ohio L eC L rse',Smith, Sp aod, ii og;an, Nagle, regular palayer and a pitherlondelpending on the schedule of their ~yes en(',Milr , aten .err, have aroused keen discussion, but the particular meetings. Cclzlur, 0., Dec. 3.---TR,.rold Cnn- ?1M~erenneil. con-.mittee (lecidled that Vance,'s bil- The ba sketball .coaches have not;. yet lniuamham of ?at. Vernon, Ohio, was I - - -ter__,:_,_r liant mound, work, iwhich was chief-I named the exact time for their con-I last ifight elected calptain of the 1925.r ly rsposibe fr litin Brokln t ference, but will meet Sat urday for a football teame, attlhe annual banquet l a ontending position and enabling discussion on the interpretation of tenderedul the footbl~al squad. CunningD- E BE i 0 ITIES C place ~~rules, and will witness an exhibitionIhaisavtrnotwyesoltejA the club to finisah in second plc,ha isavtrnotw yer ntep was more of an asset than the terrific game the same night, football teame and also a b~asketball~ lE ,A ., of Hn0 o' Ii(Wfl'l Who led is p lavar of co'nsciderable Unot(,. He,,wa., JJ[ II By -NORN4AN E. BROWN In view of the history making team what Grange has been to 111i- touchidowns "Red" Grange scored nois-the sparkplug andl mainspring. against Michigan, and the frequency H led the attack which gave Northi- leag ue for 1tbe fifth successive year wit ih a imark(of .42I, th;e highest in "; .. :,. an a is, and was c haracterized a- Przesideict I icydher 01' th-e National I a ~geewas ithe "greatest batsman ofI idl mii .'' Uitz Ith'rdecision, the Nwr4i- ers followed a precedent set in the Two British Golf Stars Stand Out Tlhe two outstanding stars (,L'che British golf firmamient of 1,924 are Joyce Wethered and E. R. Whit-I combe. They performted as brilliantly While their comrades and team( with which lie has repeated his start- mate, are enjoying themselves in the ling plays since it is interesting to Y' M. C. A. pool, twelve amen are hard ?note in the Big Ten grid statistics at work dlown at the field house .per- "thmat be is not in a class by himself fecting their form in the fancy dives, as a poinit getter. A springboard has been erected up One Ralph Baker, star halfback of on the Lalcony in the northeast cor- thie Northwestern University team, ncr of the enclosure and a box of is giving him a run.-speaking of sawdust has been provided for the touchdowns-for his money. divers to land in, in place of the cus- Up to the last ganmes, at least, tomnary pool of water. B: aker and Grange were tied with 54 Papenguth, the only fancy diver points to their credit. b~ack from last year's squad, is tak- Stl~oeunsasth atta ing charge of the divers while Coach the two lads started their college Barnes is directing the men down at careers, and collegiate grid careers, the pool. Lloyd 11. Donnel, instructor as classmrates and teammates-at Iliii- in Engineering mechanics, is assist- nois. After a year at the Illinois fin- ing Papenguth with his coaching stitution, however, Baker movedl to work. The reason for adopting this Northwestern. novel plan of preparing the spring Whether Baker decided that there board men for the meets is three-; would be more chance for both men fold: In the first place, Coach Barnes to shine if they were with different is already too crowded dlown at the teams is unknown. Probably this had "Y" pool to" have any more candidates tohn o(Owt i hig.Ti working out there than is absolute- much is known, however, Zuppke and ly necessary; Then, there is not suf- his Laides decided in that one year that ficient heighth at the pool to prac- in Grange andl Baker-they bad two tice (dificult dives; Finally, the cringsas springboard at the Y. M. C. A. is very, Bake-e has been to the Northwestern weak. ___ ____ _________ At present the maen are working for heighth and the straight jump, sucihC ass t'y as is used in the swvan dive. They are Te .te By JJia also practicing the forwaird somrer-e yM y Sault, th'e backward somesault, and the "flying dutchman" somersault.j Tests in sprinting, rope climbing, Olipb~ant, Papengutb, andl Starett chinning' the high jump, the standing seejii the most likely candidates for broad jiu nu:. and the shot putt have this year's varsity squad, though been given to th, gym classes up to somze of the men who are finding it the present time. h ard to accustom themselves to the TIhe miarks coumpare favorably with untusual practice methods may adjust, those of last year according to Dr. themselves in titne to make thle team,. George A. may of the physical educa- Some of Dr. May's tumblers are ex- tion depiartmtent. The records in the p~ettedl to report for practice the lat- !leg exercises are slightly above par ter part of this' week. while the arm and chest and the high- western its first four victories of the season and onue of the biggest years the Purple squad has ever enjoyed. B aker has the edge on Grange in fone (departmtent. of tlie g'ame-hickmg'. 'Whereas G.-an go has> run mostly to f1touchdowns in scotring Baker piles up points for Northwestern with his ftoe. In his teamn's first five games Baker scored five touci'downs, kicked five S goals fromt the field and lbootedl nine dirop kicks after touchdowns. Mack Explains StandO04Deal 'Wh'ile the baseball world is still dwlOi'.id Ito crown on the head of Walt-: Walter I lagen dlid for Uncle Sane. =.!r Jlohntson, veto ran pitching star of 'Whiteomube is thue young gentleuan te w.or'l's cliamtthioii Washington 2.whlo led Walter H-agen imost of thle c ctlr'ala',., in pr'eference to Eddie Col-1 way in the British open tclianupionshipa !fro'. \t 1tc 3rsaX ((oid asernarp. lad fimislbed oney stroke behind thb 1j it ll-star !-Tati on al League team Ame(''1rican leteor'. In the moreu'ecenut aB'tidfotw resltsof te ha- news,.of the world tournament, which ttrt olos s the British eqfuivalent of the Amer- 1'' t Iise KelyNewlor. lan pro tourney, Wi'hitconuhe proved Si 'oal BseI-ornsby, St. Louis1 himself easily the class of the field. Short Stop, l2laranville, Pittsburgh ' "Mis\N'ethered, regaining the titlel ThrdI ase. lFrischu, New York as British women's chanmpion place dl I't Field, 'Whleat, Brooklyn i herself well above all coupettuon,_ r en cr Field, Roush, Cincinnatii S he niot only won the [ ii'i ihit' Xoitet'~ l rl;It ield, Young, New York oven tithe 1but took: the cloned event Ialtly, 1i r 'cssleu', Cincinnati jlte ci.j chos en by mniy sport critics as all- . 'tanfeti nccand tllWestern endl this Thie West will see three big inter- . tr, wlhile hast year he made all- ,ecl~io~il contests, one toi decide the Wyestern center in basketball. national chiamplionship, within the month. Syracuse a representative of New York, D~ec. 3.-Manager John the far (last starts it off next Satur- Mc~lraw, of the Now York Giants, Na- day when she clashes with the Uni- tionial league chamnpions, who recently versity of Southern California at Los ret urned from Europe, deoclaredl todayI Angeles. that in his opinion Roger l'Iornsby was University of Missouri, champions a more valuable p~layer than D~azzy: of the Missouri Valley Conference, .anrce. and coached by Hfarry Kipke is the next one with a game Christmas Dayt Flint, Mich., Dec. 3.-Flint Central, againist the University of Southern ighb, unbeaten on the gridiron this. California. The Trojans scored 233 year and claimant with Grand Rapids' Points this season against 'their op- Southl for fte state title, hprobably will ) ponernt 37, and drop~ped two games. viay in Florida or California on The iyiissouri Tigers rolled uip 89 liristmas cr New Year's day. t o:ints, while their oppuonents gainedl 21, and they. have lost but one game. City Colhege'of Newv York swimmingj The really tig gamne of the three is tea i will inaugurate its competitive the Notre IDana-Staniford affair, the season ag;ainst Princeton in the hat- outcome of which will decidle the nta- ter's'ank,* Jan. 9, 1925. tlinal championship. !0 trying to figure out whether or mnot IConnie Mack really did pay' $100,600 for Lefty Groves, star pitcher of the Inter mational league and a striheo'at Swonder, the Athletic leadher in ects new interest into [lhe discussion by sta ink; the reasons which priomuptedt him: to pay [hue aforesaid sum. Mack points out that the puopularity of luome run hitting is on the wrane. 'c (alls attention to th"-_ drawing ' ow e's OC Dezzy Vance last season dtue to his wonderful strikeoutpe' pe-forinances. This is an indication of Hh le.1iar'tnett, Chicago Si: ct', Vance, Brooklyn PItc (houl'Grimes, Brooklyn hit e her, HRix(-y, Cincinnati 't i,. [te l'Xe. lPittsburgh Wieman Speaker At Battle Creek A Ie'('' Ptxaili(IC!, Cnic j Practice sessions fo j enter'ed in the fraternit j rinug meet, will be h 4 :4,- to 5:45 o'clock on aundI3:30 to 4: 30 on of this week. 1; ago.- -- ~Coach Elton E.. Wieman was the; piuncipal speaker yesterday noon at [MIN T a banquet tendered the Battle ('reek I high school football teaiu by the Ex- r" teams change club, of that city. Coach it m- ty swvimn- utan's topic was "Spyo,i zutlshin) andi Ald from j ! Democracy." In the afternoon lie Tuesday, I ! spoke to the 'boys of [hue high school Thursday I at a general assembly. I Battle Creek had a very successful se'.son, m~eeting with onuly one dlefeatf -------- duing the whole season, when Ann Arbor' high defeated theum 7 to 0. Th e YOTICE 1 Food ('ity lads scored over 200 p)oints to their opponents 13 in the playing men arej season just past. 4S .1yo, -a t19:, _ r gb3. .: YOUR. You Don't Want to pay $9 and $10 for Snappyimported Black and 'Tan the trend lof the~ baseball timues hue 011 t-imavers. '"1'The fanls being" tiredl of t his teu'uific shanutuing, whuat is uuuore nat ural [luau tl~sit Ue ljo-uduluuushuould switig to I i ns. And to thte avera go fah1} the p)itelue?' whuo str ikes I Betf.1out. is; t B fil;}St litere s3tin 111n.11 to0~ i,'sy 4Coniei. I i All freslhman track asked to report at 'V gymtnasitin any aftern noon this i I I ' . The Arnmy-Navy gameu will ha play- ed at New York next year. Charles Hoyt, ________- Coach. ac thif you can get them for $7.00, $7.50 and $8.00, do you?) r~Come down to Ziefle & Nissle and save a dollar or two. Look over our quality pegged leather heels, linings, insoles, etc., inloushoes. They'r'e A-1. Los Atugeles, Dec. 3--Jack Dempsey returnedl home yesterday from the East. Kearns, Dempsey's" manager, was quoted as saying that hie and Dempsey would welcome a California tout with Trommy Gibbons provided such a match carried a good purse tbncl was completely promoted. ly co-ordinative exercises are sonice- wvhat below thtose of last year. Sevoui , other tests will I-e giveni am; r [lag to Dr. MAay while those w .,ch have already occurred will be relue tel towards the end of the se-j mester in rttder to find out if the marks implrove after constant cxer'- cise.j UT Our Evening Dress Oxfords Sell for $6.50 Why Pay More? Square Toes- Patents or Dull Calf w Giveiwe im"r Silk aizdkrchie HelllkeaSilk handkerchief hita gift-and wear it folded nicely in the upper pocket of his coat, frequently during the entire year. Plain white, $1.00. In pongee with colored border, $1.25. 11 4 Get This! Snug warmth, full protection, in com- paratively light weight underwear! Health Underwear with its unique two- layer fabric, is just about the finest thing we've seen in underwear. ibou' II enjoy wearing it. We enjoy offering it, If I - e J 11 IF IT'S SILVER PUMPS TAN CALF TIES TAN CALF OXFORDS BLACK CALF OXFORDS SATIN PUMPS PATENT PUMPS SUEDE OXFORDS and, PUMPS The Most Reasonable Priced Shoe Stlore Selling High Grade Footwvear in Ann Arbor 4necamhlv;-.'91(? I:hgt gyivPq Irma tfPnPrat al a car rirn 9 Al 11 is We Hae It