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December 04, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-4-1924

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Published every morning except Monday
'uring the ( niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en- I
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in tnis paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoff'ice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
oi postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master CGeneral.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices. Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Steet.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi.
ness, 960.
Telephones 2114 and 176-3
Editor............John G. Garlinghouse
Vews 1ditor............Robert G. Ramsav
City Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
~ecrge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor........William H. Stonenan
Sunday* Editor---------..Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor..............Verena Moran
Music and Drama...Robert B. H-enderson
Telegraph Editor.....William . Walthour
Louise Barley itelen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
lanning Houseworth Eugene IL. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann Stanley C. Criehton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. 'Hall
Carl E. Ohimacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner

tion w
as a g

to analyze the situation care- mittee. Not only that, but when one
There is still an opportunity to daring member of the Council arose
use of such a system to regulate to suggest to the committee that in
s optional on the part of in- its investigation, it consider the liquor11
al groups and to impress on problem, one committeeman answered
fraternity its responsibility. that he was not appointed to act as a
each man in each organization I federal prohibition officer and that asI
es that any function in connec- long as he was on the committee, it1
vith his fraternity will be of the would consider nothing but the matter
r sort, and such resolution re- of invitations. And the Chairman a
itself into a stand by the house meekly accepted his answer as final
roup legislation will do no good. -without giving any instructions to

)R A M A

Annual Women's League and Inter-church Christmas

at 8 o'clock Wi

Tfhe Students Recital
the School of .i~us-e.
4: *


Barbour Gymnasium December
Open Friday; 1:30-10:30 Saturday, 1:30-7:30
The Pioerrot Tea Room
Lunch, 11:30-1:30 Tea, 3:30-5:00 Dinner, 5:30-
Music, Special Features and Dancing in the Evening
Courtesy of Graham's

r 5 and 6


One of the first measures to be in--
troduced in the H~ouse of Represent- +
atives in its opening business sessionI
yesterday was the one advocating the'
repeal of the automobile taxes which
was presented by Congressman GIrant
M. Hudson of Lansing, representative
from the 6th congressional district of
Congressman Hudson's bill proposes
to repeal the federal tax on trucks,
automobiles, and accessories on the
grounds that it was adopted as a war'
measure and that there is no longer j
any cause for keeping it as a law.
Granting that the probable contention;
at the time the statute was passed
was that the automobile was a luxury
and as such should be taxed, he de-
clared that he saw no reason why the
automobile, which has become a busi-
ness and professional necessity,1
should be taxed any more today than
office furniture.j
Perhaps the most significant point.
brought out by the Senator in his ob-
jections to the present law was that
the burden of the tax, instead of being
borne by the manufacturer as it was
originally intended, is now carried en-j
tirely by the customer who must 3now
pay "the regular price plus the federal
tax." This latter fact is all too truej
and, viewed from that angle, the re-
peal would be welcome.
However, it is a little more difficult;
to accept the Senator's ideas on the
automobile as a "business and pro-
fessional necessity." While it is
granted that to many individuals at
least one car is a real necessity, it
seems hardly possible that the Sena-

Telephoe 960
Advertising......*.... ....E. L. Dunne
Advertising..................J. J. Finn
Advertising ...... .... A. Marks
Adv^rtising.............. .H. M. Rockwell
Accounts...................Byron Parker
Circulation..............R.C. Winter
Publication...... ...John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz T. D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman rreehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Jolnson S. 11. SinclairI
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR.
For tomorrow may bring sorrow,
Let's be happy while we may- j
With such an attitude have hun-
dreds of University students danced
away the hours in fraternity houses
this fall. "Tonight's the night. Let's
drink and be merry. Let's forget the
feelings of others. The devil may
care-and then again he mayn't!",
Such has been the gry, such has been
the spirit which has made necessary
some action concerning fraternity
dances. The legislation passed by the
Interfraternity Council Monday, de-
signed to combat such conditions, is
the result.
Admirable as is the motive behind
the Council's motion, it fails to deal
with essentials. It makes universal
an action which to be successful must
be individual. It induces an air of
formality into open fraternity parties
which is unnecessary and which will
not curtail the actions of those who
now by their disgraceful conduct con-
vert decent gatherings into brawls.
The character of a fraternity group
and the backbone it exhibits in enforc-
ing its ideals determines the sort of
social activities it , sponsors. No
amount of giving special invitations
to exclusive groups will change the
Arguments in favor of the new in-
vitations system are something like
1-Fraternity parties are not meant
to be public dances, this new system
will give fraternities a way of exclud-
ing unwelcome guests.
2.-Fraternity dances are too


tor would say that two, three, or even
more automobiles owned by any num-
ber of families could all be placed in
that class. There is no dispute with
him on the fact that the farmers withI
their lone Fords are unjustly taxed by
the law, both for the original machine
and for the sure-to-be-needed acces-
The point is, it does seem unjust
that the owner of a single car which
is used for every purpose or the com-'
pany with its fleet of trucks, should be
taxed. If the measure takes this into
account, it should be supported. If
not; it is a bit incomplete and ought
to be revised with these facts in view.
If the government decides to pay
all national' election campaign bills, it
may need the surplus which it is re-
ported to be rolling up under the Cool-
idge administration.
Judging from the number of bills
advocating the repeal of the income,
tax publicity a large number of peo-
ple desire privacy in some things.
It might be more appropriate for
France to let her money talk to the
United States on her war debt, rather,
than her officials.
Tuberculosis, which used to head our
death. lists now ranks third, fourth
and fifth.


Vhe committee as to its proper duties. A review, by Roer rieiO'JII-
It is my firm belief that until the Benavente says in his prologue to I
liquor problem is sufficiently dealt "Bonds of Interest" that his burletta
with, in connection with some fra- is a puppet play, his characters stiff
ternity dances, the conditions existing and impossible, his situations far re- -
at the present time will continue to moved from the world of realism. -
exist. The production last evening in Hill
I also wonder why it seems so con- auditorium opened on a medieval
venient to put all the blame on the street painted in the conventional S
twont thor our vtos hat ome manner popular some twenty years
two, three, or four visitors that some sago-painted sunlight, painted per-
fraterlties have. Is it not ridiculous spective, painted windows, curtains, I
to beeve that if a "stewed" visitor eave-troughs: everything calculated
comes to a party, the hosts will think to present the photogaph illusion we 2
more of hurting the feelings of these call realism.
drunks by asking them to leave than In place of vivid splashes of color
they will of their own lady guests by reds, greens, purples, crome yellows,
exposing them to sights of these visit- all the wild profusion that serves to
ing rowdies? So again, we see that make the Russian primitives jazz-mad
the trouble is not in congestion, nor in pace-the same that also flourish-
necessarily, with the visiting members ed in the grand-manner days of the
of other fraternities-but with some- Italian commedias-there were soft, an
thing clearl distinct from these. And dull shades verring constantly to ha
with this situation the Interfraternity brownish tans and blackish blues, and an
Council is still faced--theresolutio even the costumes, with several bril-an
o ucla ss tillnd facetheontrresouti liant exceptions, were of the same a
f last Monday to the contrary not- drab material. Crispin, for example,
withstanding. the Puck and Diccon of the play-of 61
Perhaps the DAILY'S suggestion is all people-was dressed in a deep
as good as any-and that is, that in gold-brown.
order to stop the use of liquor at fra- The actors themselves, naturally
ternity dances, the fraternities them- took on this same putty color. In ai
solves must be held responsible for fantasy that should have bubbled and
any disorderly conduct which occurs. bounced along, fairly slapping the
if this were made clearer to the fra- audience in the face with its grotes-
ternities and they were given to un- querie they ambled at a Mie-lie
derstand that they will be subject pace stopping mid-channel between -
to a period of probation or some such downright realism and galloping
other penalty for the violation of the farce. In a comedy that, as the author
ruhes of entleanlyyth coduatn theI himself insists, should appear exotic,
social affairs, the preendt ei con- ridiculous, marionette-wise, they fail-
present evil con- ed with but a few exceptions to
ditions would be eradicated-and this, realize the doll-like, mad-Hatter at-
without any sacrifice of friendly spirit, mosphere of the situations.
now existing among various fratern- Marguerite Goodman, as the most
ities, which the Interfraternity Council outstanding example, completely
so eagerly aims to promote. grasped these possibilities. In theM
H. H. P., '26L. minor role of the Doctor she received
*more laughter than any other char-
AN ANSWER TO OUR CRUSADE acter her hands moved stiffly, up
and down, never varying: her voice
oIn the Editor: was bombastic and florid-she alone
In answer to the crusade started was the complete puppet that the
in yesterday morning's issue of The author asks his audience to imagine.
Daily in both the editorial column Freida Bank as Columbine, proba-
a n d Campus Opinion section bly unconsciously, assumed a similar-
against the written invitation system ly porcelain attitude. With her feet
for fraternity dances adopted by the I wide apart, with a subtle constant
Interfraternity Council, there are a jerk to her gestures as though in
grea may tingsto e sid.rhythm with a tinkling harpsicord she
great many things to be said. too, gave a pcture of the convention-
First of all, what is the purpose of al comedia del' arte servant.
a fraternity dance? Unquestionably, Obviously, it is unfair to stop with
it is for the enjoyment and entertain- such a meagre impression. The en-
ment of the fraternity members and tire performance showed untiring co-
l their guests. And then, since it is im- operation: it is fatiguing even to
possible for all of the fraternity men imagine the hours of rehearsal repre-
in the University to be accommodated sented in the dozens of stage-pic- -
at one dance, why is it not logical that tures, memorization alone. June
I the house giving the dance should Knisley Simpson as Crispin played
choose those persons whom they care her part, gigantic in its length, re-
to entertain? sourcefully, gracefully, convincingly.
Th fnamtIt was a Douglas Fairbanks inter-
The fundamental objection to the ipretation, swaggering, pompous, ever-
dances this fall has been that of over- changing; but at the same time it had
crowding and the resulting inability none of the swift exaggeration th'at
of the fraternity acting as host to would have carried the play above its
curb the liuor situation. The writers recurring boredom to a fascinating,
of this article are upperclassmen in whirling succession of childly, prim-
the University and are positive that itive exuberance.
the congested conditions prevalent This same criticism applies to the
this year did not exist the first two remaining roles-and it seems so
years of their college life, mean and snivelling to point it out
ytehafthme i wastge custom.or in the face of the careful studied
At that time it was the custom for finish of the production-Donna So-
fraternity men to go to dances only rena, Leadre, Harlequin, Silvia, and
upon invitation. Now, they go with so down the list were so frequently
or without and, in many cases, cause monotonous, so very well trained, but
the dances to be so crowded that the so utterly lacking in jollity and pep-
music must be stopped. Wouldn't it per verve. They were so very good,
be better for the fraternity to know and yet so very uninteresting and
exactly how many are coming, that dull.
they are going to be people they de- At the bottom of such a fault lie
sire, and that they will not have to two factors entirely beyond their con-
stop the dance in the middle to relieve trol. In the first place "The Bonds
the crowded condition? of Interest" is quite one of the most
The idea that this new rule shall masculine plays in modern repertory;
a soprano bluster in impertinent
start an aristocratic regime is absurd. blades is at the outset ridiculous.
It is impossible, as mentioned above, Besides this, the entire atmosphere
to accommodate all and why the idea requires a small, intimate auditorium.
of democracy should extend to private Save in the last scene there is no
fraternity dances is more than we can pageant display to carry its spirit
comprehend. It is very well and an through such a vast coliseum
excellent thing that there is "a certain * * *
air of friendly informality about a THE IMPORTANT EVENT OF THE
fraternity dance" but when the sit- j YEAR

uation develops to such an extreme Everyone has heard of "Limehouse I
that it is impossible to move about Blues" and nearly everyone knows the
the dance floor, something should cer- lines, "If you knew the meaning of







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Anonynous communications will be
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white ready to put on.

To the Editor:
That the adoption of the resolution
requiring the presentation of invita-
tions for admittance . to fraternity
dances was a grave error on the part
of the Interfraternity Council, seems

crowded, invitations will provide a to be the opinion ofi many students on
means of limiting the number of per- the campus. The Council might just
sons attending, as well have adopted a resolution re-
3-The University would have taken gretting the existence of present con-
some action, if the Interfraternity ditions at fraternity parties-address-
Council had not. ing it to Dean Lursley, and letting it
These statements would seem to in- 'go at that. To my mind, the resolu-

dicate either that some houses prefer tion the Council did pass will be no tainly be done.
closed to open dances, or that they de- more effective than the one suggested. Now, there are various ways of!
sire some official means of conducting Just why the adoption of this r 'so-. solving this problem. The verbal in-'
their dances the way they want to. lution was a mistake, I am sure, is I vitation idea has shown itself not to
No cognizance is given to individual evident to all who were present at the be satisfactory. Another way is to
responsibility for parties-all em- meeting of the Council held a week hire a bouncer. This is perhaps all
phasis is laid, on a highly artificial agot last Monday. Dean Bursley was right but does not lessen the conges-I
means of controlling an intolerable very kind to his listeners when he tion. Perhaps your best friends willI
situation. No one would question the spoke of certain existing conditions arrive at the time the bouncer is tell-
right of a fraternity to give a closed at fraternity parties, saying that they ing the late arrivals that there is no
dance, every group has them and were due, in some respect, to "con- more room. The written invitation
there is no trouble with outsiders. It gestion" in the dance parlors. From system is the only conceivable solu-
is equally inane, however, to question then on, the various speakers began tion which has been presented to date.
a fraternity's right to give an open to camouflage the real issue and spoke 'There are, of course, objections to it
party and take the responsibility for as tho the main trouble lie in the but let the opposition present a satis-
the conduct of its members and their congested conditions prevailing at the 1 factory alternative.
guests. The real trouble is to be parties. The idea that the Interfraternity
found in the failure of houses to take Frankly speaking, however, the real Council is defeating its own purpose
a definite stand against open brawls. issue is not "congestion," as every when it takes this action is ridiculous.
Those groups who have taken such clear-thinking individual will admit. When a group acts in such a manner
a stand have had little trouble with The real question that was before the to improve its own conditions, is that

that word, you'd lock yourself in your
room!" "catch-as-catch-can", "temp-
tempt-temper!" and the dozen other
gags now famous through their imita-
tion. A slightly less majority hossan-
na its source, "Charlot's Revue," the
brittle, brilliant, sophisticated, vulgar,
intelligent English "Charlot's Revue."
It is opening at the Shubert-Detroit
theatre, Detroit, Sunday night: that
is the point,' the tasteful, tasty
melange that delighted and charmed
New York surfeited to nausea with
heavy, expensive, pointless American
messes the soggy "Zeigfield Follies,"
the bawdy "Artists and Models," the
hydraulic "Music Box Revue," and the
score of other sublimated burlesques.
In the first place, Andre Chariot
filled his cast with clever, intelligent
comediennes-the glorified Beatrice

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