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December 04, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 12-4-1924

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VOL. XXXV. No. 61





Alexander, !.u7, to act its Toastmaster;
Pryor, '25, Will Gie Welcoming
Charles B. Warren, '91L, former
ambassador to Japan and Mexico, and
one of Michigan's most distinguished
alumnus, will be the guest of honor
and principal speaker on the program
of the All-Campus Public Speaking
Banquet to be held at G o'clock to-
night at the Union. Mr. Warren has
not announced his subject.
iMany Diplomatic Positions j
Among the diplomatic posts that
Mr. Warren has held in the service
of the government are those of coun-
sel for the United States in determin-
ing Behring Sea claims and counsel
in the North Atlantic coast fisheries
arbitration with Great Britain before
the Hague Tribunal in 1910. His sub-
sequent appointments were those of
Ambassador to Japan from March

Clements' Library Has Two lr n rCabot Declares Mayo Clinic
Copies Of Much Sought Book K{VV - LIIIL!IUIIUIIL Without A Parallel In World

_ ,_
__ 1

Recent articles appearing in news-
papers on the sale of a copy of Martin
Waldseemuller's "Introduction Cos-
mographiae" have recalled the fact
that two of the few remaining copies
of this epochal work are ins the pos-
session of the William L. Clement's
library. The volume exciting so much
comment was sold at auction in Paris
for 28,000 francs, but it is not so rare
or so eagerly sought after as the col-
lection in Ann Arbor, which not only
contains two conies of the work, the
1507 and 1509 editions, hut also the
accompanying map. The map is more
valuable than the book itself and until
last year was believed to be the first
printed map of America.
Waldseemuller's book, which was
intended as an introduction to an
edition of Ptolemy's geography has al-
ways been considered of enormous


Fast Traveling Interurban Crashes
Into Auto-Trailer Containing

consequence in American history, be- "1 regard the Mayo clinic as a per- Dean Cabot remarked that Dr.
cause it originated the peculiar error fectly unique medical center without Mayo early associated with himself
by which the continent was named for a parallel in the world, and Dr. ay experts in fields other than surgery
Amerigo Vespuccius, and the true dis- (inaorder that the establishment should
coverer, Christopher Columbus, was as one of the greatest surgeons this be fully prepared in all branches of
deprived of the honor due him. A country has ever produced," stated medicine. Now after years of develop-
Theimportant sentence which ,S E SE T N Dean Hugh Cabot of the medical ment it is reognized as a monument'
changed historyand helped to per- YS T , Tschool yesterday in commenting uponEto a genius for organization wvho also
changed historyssedand helpedl toprper-sto
petuate a falsehood for several cen- _ Dr. W. J. Mayo, '83M, who is to speak possessed an unusual comprehension
turies read as follows: "But now that htfor the progress which was inevitable
these parts have been more extensive- BREAKS PRECEDENT "The d"eveopent of the clinic to medicine in this country.
ly examined, and another fourth part Rochester, Minn., is due to the out- For many years Dr. Mayo has been
hashstr beenndiscoeredebyoAericusut-
hac een discoveresee y wericush ld I Annual Speech is Tranusiitted By 1 standing ability of Dr. W. J. Mayo with a member of the Board of Regents oft
rightly refuse to name it America, to Messenger istead f n the assistance of his brother Charles. the University of Minnesota and
Person He long ago began to visit clinics of through this association there has
this country and Europe regularly and gradually developed an increasingly
after its discoverer Americus"-By Washington, (By A has made a point of keeping in touch intimate connection between the Mayo
hs kswith the growth of surgery all over clinic and the medical school of the
on his imperfect knowledge of the sit- -President Coolidge submitted to the world. His outstanding achieve- University according to Dean Cabot.
uation, America was christened by a Congress today a broad program deal- ment was to demonstrate that patients Now an important amount of the
secondary schoolmaster in a remote ing with domestic and foreign affairs, could be collected in a rather out of graduate teaching in medicine of that
town in the Vosges mountains. but frankly said the chief job for the the way small city by proving that I school is carried on at the clinic
government was to keep down ex- they could get there services of out- through a foundation established by
penditures. In the face of the usual standing excellence." the two Mayo brothers.
December drive for increased appro-
priations, the executive again made
economy his watchword and reminded -9 LC TP
the commissions that he still stood in!"""9
the gap to resist increased appropria-
tion bills which would make further
Lester, Chicago Desig ner Will Arrive While generally indorsing most of;
here This iforning to Look i the domestic legislative recommenda-
Over Costumes tions of the President, administration Postmaser New Reports $40, 0,000 Billy Mill's Orchestra to Furnis
leaoders at the capital saw little hope r192, Due to Second Music; Vaudeville Acts Will
FINALINSPECTIONof translating many of them to law!Class Mail Also Be Given
at this session. They will be fairly wellC
satisfied if they can get all of the
Lester of Chicago, designer of the annual supply measures through be- WILL REVISE RATES FEW TICKETS ARE LEFT
costumes to be worn in the Union fore this congress expires by limita-
opera, will arrive in Ann Arbor for tion March 4. Washington D. C., Dec. 3. (By A. P.) Tomorrow evening in the Masonic
a final inspection and fitting of cos- Departing from the custom of re- -A net loss of nearly $40,000,000 was Temple, at 9 o'clock, the All-campus
yars thise morninthAsbeen othe ceter ars moageoige s n He (ra1- sustained by the government in 1923 Publications (lance will be held for
especially to fit the individual who mitted it by messenger and it was i operation of the postal service, it the first time since the war. In the
will wear it. read simultaneously in both Houses. was shown by an expert analysis sub- years previous to the world war this
The coat to be worn by Barre Hill, Senators and representatives as well mitted to the Senate by Postmaster dance was regarded as one of the
of the School of Music, is imported as fairly crowded galleriesagave it General New. More than half of the finest social affairs on the campus
foChn.Iisothsaemtra.close attention. In the Senate there! and according to the committee in
from China. It is of the same material, was an absence of the applause which excess of gross expenditures over re-adeacthrdballtomorrow mitewill
This embroidery is done in goldlgnrl et xctv elr- epswsfudt ecagal charge, the ball tomorrow night will
thrad pona bck roud o ble. generally greets executive declara- 1ceiutl wasefoundwatotbeschargeable
thread upon a back ground of blue. tions but in the House members ap- against second class mail embracing equal in every way those of former
Several hand embroidered skirts plauded several of the recommenda. newspapers and magazines. years.
have also been imported from China.'tons The report, filed in compliance with'Billy Mill's ten piece orchestra, of
One is worked in shades of pink and tiJ....-bhop fame, will furnish the music
President Coolidge made no recom- a Senate resolution and designed for
roseon yelow ackroun. Aothand will also present some side at-
rose on a yellow background. Anoth- mendation with respect to immediate use in connection with the bill pro- racti in the form ofovelt dum
done in blueed upon red. These tax reduction but he told Congress posing general increases of postal bers, while a further enhancement will
have also been ordered through Les- that if it would keep within the limi- employees, found that only first class be given the dance by the specially de-
ter. tations of the budget he presented yes- i mail and postal savings were operatedbeintheceby tsil te
Costumes to be worn by the girls terday it would possible to have profit. Masonic Temple which makes it pos-
in the American expedition to China "a moderate amount of- tax reduction With friends of the salary -increase ible to produce lighting effects here-
are calculated to give a Chinese ef- and all the tax reforms that the Con- bill, vetoed at the last session of Con- sible to krouc ti ects he
fect. Mandarin coats, on the order of gress may wish for during the next gress by President Coolidge, express- tofore unknown to the campus. The
the dresses in vogue this year, are fiscal year." ing confidence that it would be reen- ature of being miniature burlesctues
to be worn with turbans. Chief among his other recommen- acted, the cost study submitted today of the "greatest college daily," and
Men's knicker suits which will be dations some of which are reiterations was seen as necessitating a revision
worn in the first act are authentic of declarations in his 'first anhual of postal rates to bring in $100,000,000 rermre timasomitte p n
spring styles. Each suit is also made message were: additional revenue. As now drawn the rliev bctasin dnnes by in-
to order for the member of the cast American adherence to the world bill provides an average increase of tioclucing between dances feature acts

Talk to be Given In Uniersity hall
Auditorium Instead of Natural
Science Auditorium
Doctors George F. and Gladys H.
Dick of the McCormick Institute for
infectious diseases, of Chicago, inter-
nationally renowned for their re-
searches on scarlet fever, will lec-
ture at 8 o'clock tonight in University
hall auditorium as the first number
of a series of lectures to be given
here under the auspices of" -Alpha
Omega Alpha, national honorary med-
ical fraternity. The place of lecture
was changed from the Natural Science
a i Ul2af n 1LcL iiiuiii ;nit . -


1921 to 1923, head of the high commis-
sion to Mexico to negotiate terms for Detroit, Dec. 3. (By A. P.)-Five'
the resumption of diplomatic rela- persons were burned to death and a!
tions, from May to Sept., 1923, and number injured when a Detroit to
Ambassador to Mexico, Feb. 29, 1924. Cleveland interurban train struck a
M.Warren received his Ph. B., de- Clvan iteubnrinsuca
at Michigan in 1891, his . L. B., truck loaded with 40 barrels of tur-
at the Detroit College of Law in 1893, Ventine in Wyandotte a suburb, here
and his A. M., at Michigan in 1916. He tonight. The dead include the motor-
is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, on man, one man in the parlor car, two
the executive council of the Ameri- women and a child.
can Society of International Law, and The parlor car, which was the lead-
a member of both Michigan and De-
troit Bar associations. Mr. Warren ing car of the two car train caught
is now a member of the law firm of fire when the turpentine from the
,truck was thrown into the wreckage.
Warren, Cady, Hill, and Hamblen of The car burned to the trucks. The ar-
Detroit. , rival of the Wyandotte fire department
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, head of the ved the rearcar. Severa of thoe
public speaking department, will also less seriously injured, who were re-
be on the program. Regent Junias E. Iedsromsthinwredkaghoywereme,
Beal, of Ainn Arbor, will introduce moved from the wreckage by firemen,
said they would have perished due to,
l. Warren and Millard H. Pryor, 25, the turpentine fumes, had they not
president of the Oratorical associa- been rescued quickly.
tion, will deliver the address of wel- Several steel drums of the spiritsj
come. Ral L. Alexander, '27L, presi- were hurled into the car by the force
dent of the Michigan chapter of Delta of the collision. These exploded and'
Sigma Rho, national honorary debat- the front car was soon a mass of
ing frs ternity will act as toastmaster. flames.
The women's activities in public The injured were removed to the
speaking will be represented by Eliz- Wyandotte fire station where work of
abeth Van Valkenburgh, '26. identification was halted constantly by!
Societies Combined for Occasion 1 the continued arrival of more of the
Each of the four public speaking burned passengers. The bodies of
societies, Alpha Nu, Adelphi, Portia, the five who were burned to deathj
and Athena have co-operated with the were charred beyond recognition, and1
Public Speaking department in the it was reported that immediate iden- l
literary and engineering colleges in tification of any but the motorman
comipleting the program. The ban- would be impossible,
quet committee is composed of Merel The interurban was reported to have
Parks, '25, and Ellen Nylund, '27. been running between 55 and 60 miles
This is the first attempt to bring an hour when it struck the truck.
together all the students and various The truck was owned by the Liberty
campus organizations interested in Motor truck company of Toledo and
,b,,tir. s gankinz and depending on the 1 driven by Harry Culver. It was draw-'

auaitorium at the last moment in or-
der to accomodate the many out of
town practitioners who desired to at-
Will Tell Research Results
In their lecture tonight, the Dicks
will present the results of their re-
search on scarlet fever, having been
engaged in the study of this disease
since 1916. They have isolated a cer-
tain strain of hemolytic streptococ-
cus and have experimentally produced
scarlet fever in the human individual.
After this discovery of the organism
producing scarlet fever, they perfect-
ed a skin test for susceptibility to
the disease, now know as the "Dick
Test" which pronises to assume the
same importance to scarlet fever as
does the Schick test in diphtheria.
Their most recent productions are
an antitoxin with which it is possi-
ble to combat the disease once it is
established, and the perfection of a
Imethod for producing artificial im-
munity in those who have not yet suf-
fered from the disease. These results
' have been confirmed by many and
their work is now recognized as one
of the epoch making achievements of
modern scientific medicine.
Widely Entertained
The visitors will be kept busy
throuhout their stay here, there be-
ing several affairs in their honor. At
noon, Prof. A. S. Warthin of the path-
ologival department will entertain at
lunch at the Union. At 4 o'clock Al-

or chorus who is to wear it. The suits court with reservations previously1
have been ordered through Tinker and outlined and with an additional safe-
company of Ann Arbor. guard that this country shall not be
Waltz costumes, twelve of black, bound by advisory opinions - which
and twelve of white, will be worn by may be rendered by the court upon
a chorus of twenty-four girls. The E questions which the United States has
design is in the bouffant manner, with, not voluntarily submitted.
bodices decorated in rows of brilliants, The sale or-lease of Muscle Shoals
and with a cluster of a material of under rigid guarantees for cheap !
sinilar effect upon each side of the nitrogen for agricultural use.
turbns hic areto e wrn.Flood control on the Mississippi and
turbans which are to be worn. a Colorado rivers, and development of
the lakes to the Gulf and the St. Law-
materials The robes of the priestsI


and novelty numbers. pba Epsilon Iota, medical sorority
300 a year to each of the 200,000 em- Although this affair is primarily be- will entertain Doctor Gladys H. Dick
ployees with a total added expendi-.I
>yre of more than $0,000,000. ing held for the members of the staffs at a reception and tea.
________ta_$_,_,__ of the student publications in order Alpha Omega Alpha will give a
to fill the quota of 225 couples, a dinner in honor of the doctors at 6
AT OLC limited number of tickets are being o'clock at the Union. Dean Hugh
Isold to students wishing to attend Cabot of the medical school will for-
and a few remaining tickets can be mally welcome the Dicks on behalf of
SIHTpurchasedat the students publications the society and the medical school.
office in the Press building. The Prof. Frederick G. Novy of the bac-
dance will be formal but in accord- teriological department will then
A smoker for all Catholic students ance with other campus dance cus- present Dr. George F. Dick with
in the campus will be held at 7:30 toms, corsages will not be worn. honorary membership in the Michigan
onight in the assembly hall of the Patrons and patronesses for the chapter of the society. Dr. Gladys H.
dance arePrsdn and Mrs. Mro
Union. The program will consist ofdMarionsdtcdastrr Dick is already a member.
L. Burton, the deans of all the schoolsDiksaleda mbr
musical numbers and several short Because of the added number of
alksand colleges in the Uversity and seats in University hall, a limited
ttheir wives, members of the Board inm
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of the Control of Student Publications, and #numer of course tickets are availa-
French department, who has recently members of the journalism faculty. ble. The course tickets are being
returned from a year's visit in Eu - -_sold for $1.
rope, will tell of his experiences.
Frank De Vine, 'lOL, and Rev. Mich-
al P. Bourke, chaplain of Catholic i1U[ -PPOINTMENTS NEWIOFFIES IN U H
utent.wimas sla~ rI PP, OtmmI1VU-rfT Sun

Sa trailer in which the turpentine.rence wat
success of this banquet it is planned ing r are of velvet, and many of the chorus
to make this event an annual affair. was loaded. The truck had just clear- grments are of silk. Following the
_ _d the track according to- witnesses, tradition of the Union opera the cos- It
and the interurban crashed into the traes, are elaborate and profession-t
railer, carrying it half a mile down ue r r Lspoes
PREDICTS X A(WILLtrilercarryngithathe track from the scene of the col- ally designed by Mr. Lester, of Ci-
lision. cago
S PCDIIN O SICulver is being held by Wyandotte z
police pending an investigation.~~
RELIIOUS INSTTUTEStudent. of advertising will be ,,
NewU YorkDec.3.-Developentofi en an opportunity Saturday to in- e
M SLE SBOA L INii ni specTIT-tuadlentuo d v epriting aillpbe
the X-ray to a point where it will ren-M D C DFT lf PlOlI lishtnd study tpBrooie ming ,an p
der impossible the explosion of big UIBESTLI U UIVUlEYiEhigTlat fBrokSmt, In
rmps tesex sin larbg nrnr -- French in Detroit. Adelbert Ford of
guns such' as have reultd n lrg 11,011O1PE 31EN
gasseva aersle nlr E IL.---'- thi e psychology dlepartment who will
loss of life in recent years, was pre- I ltepschlgydpatmn wo il
ldsted today at the national defense U LlBWith an average attendance per conduct the trip, states that the stu-
dtd Aymttheriatna Soceysf meetingof 125, the Religious institute dents that take the trip will be shown
forum of the WashingtoyfD. C., Dec. 3. (By A. P.) ;tetungChia s- the various processes involved in
Mechanical Engineers convened here, conducted by tie Student Christian as
awic Dwgt.DaiAssat-The Senate paused today in its con- ;printing and getting up matter for ad-
at which Dwight S. Davis, Assistant sideratidn of the Muscle Shoals sociation Tuesday evening closed its vertisenments.
Secretray of War, and several army problem to give President Coolidge semester's schedule According to The first group of students taking i
officers outlineand the Senatos an opportunity to Homer Grafton, associate secretary the trip will leave by interurban Sat-
plans for national preparedness. study the new plan of Senator Under- udof the S. C. A., the recently closed day morning, spending the day in
To prevent the acceptance OL un- wood, Democrat, Alabama. ..the plant, and returning to Ann Ar-
sound metal in the construction of When the subject was called up in term of the institute is the best ever bor Saturday night.
big guns, a $280,000 X-ray equipment Ithe Senate at 2 o'clock, it was agreed i from the standpoint of sustained at-
has been installed at the Watertown, to carry it over until tomnorrow. Re- Itendance throughout the course an1
Mass., arsenal, Col. E. T. Dickson 1-cess was afterwards taken instead of variety and quality of the courses of- STDN ONI ER
told the delegates. The machine he adjournment, leaving the issue in its fered. Lionel Crocker, of the public
said has proved to be of great prac- favored position on the Senate calen- speaking department, who has for
tical value as an instrument of in- i dar. some years been closely associated
spection. He said that from the X-ray No move for the settlement of the with the institute, and this year hads
films of steel castings the location I Muscles Shoals question is expected charge of the schedule, proclaimed it I
and cause of defects could be told by congressional leaders, until the I the most successful of the number Reports from the various fall com-
without the necessity of cutting the President expresses his attitudA on which have been held. The institutes ,i dtittees of the Student council were
casting. the Underwood proposal. The bill are conducted each semester for a received at the meeting of that body
was taken to the White House early period of six weeks. They include held last night at the Union. The
today by Senator Curtis, the Repub- weekly lectures by prominent men, fol- cheering sectiom, the Fall games, band
lican leader and Senators McKinley, lowed by class work on the Bible con- finance, and pep meetings, were the
'LEASED INDEED Illinois, and Pepper, Pennsylvania. Iducted by church pastors, profession chief subjects considered in the re-
The president referred the mea-I al mun of the campus, and local ly- ports. Tentative changes which may
sure to the War department for a re- men.! be instituted next fall were discussed.
A cynical sneer, a pleasing port from military experts, and he 1 William Colman, '26E, was elected
physiognomy, a pug-nose, and is expected to make an early an- OF secretary of the Student council.
comeon-ver-ewae eys, ell nouncement of his attitude on it to
come-on-over-beware eyes, well clarify the situation in the Senate. EcoiusuCua
groomed, a refined atmosphere, Some consideration already has been Economics Club
a cultured appearance, in fact given to the bill by the President, TNIIoHearSharman
evervthine von would want in a ntrn TTnadrwnood havin' conferred 0MH


students, will also speak:

rnn nnmmomvrwrrn sainr I'


w ad will give a series of 111M1
iSmall of Detroit will sing several
Irish- songs. Final committee appointments for
Music during the evening will be , the J-Hop have been announced by
urnished by Kennedy's orchontra. Charles Oakman, chairman, and areI
as follows: Floors: Edgar Reilly, '26;
Booths: Charles Grube, '26.
MOORE WILL URI( ON Ticket applications will be ready
n about ten days, if the present
IIDD[PIgTIf ortSIii i n isscheduleis maintainedl. and should be
filled as soon as possible by all Jun-
iors who plan to attend the dance. E
Prof. Earl V. Moore, head of the Many ideas for decorating the two
University School of Music will speak gyms have been entered in the con-
to members of the cosmopolitan club test, which closes Saturday night, one
on "How to Appreciate Good Music," by Phillip Miller, '24D, who designed
in the auditorium of Lane hall, Sat- the Arctic scenes used last year. All
urday, Dec. 6, at 8 o'clock. plans should be sent to J. D. Darling,
Foreign students are urged to at- 1317 Ferdon road, phone 595.
tend whether or not they are familiar
with occidental music. Professor 1
Moore will illustrate his lecture with
selections. ct oS A WILL END DRIVE
9L SPEAK AEzra P. Young, '26, has been ap-
MEMPIS ND CICAO ipointedIch~aifrman of the clean-up
campaign following the regulareadrive
of the Students Christian association.
Prof. C. O. Davis, of the School of At a meeting of picked solicitors last
Education, will deliver two addresses I night, Young and Perry Hayden,
within the next two weeks, one before president of the S. C. A., together with
the convention of the Southern associ-, Dr. Walter Jull, visiting Ann Arbor on
I,, ntiln -f and secondarv1 hahlf nf the Student Volunteers of


Alterations are well under way in
the University hall offices formerly
occupied by the Graduate school, to
fit them for the use of the treasurer's
office. This change is one of five be-
ing made in the location of univer-
sity offices.
Painters began work in the former
graduate school offices yesterday,
while erection of tellers' cages was
practically complete. Equipment of
the treasurer's office is also being
moved into the new offices in Uni-
versity hall, and it is believed that
within ten days, all th'e changes will
have been effected.
Offices of the graduate school are
j now located in the new literary build-
b ing, room 1014.
Dean John R. Effinger's offices of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts are also now located in the
new literary building. The entrance
is' at room 1210.
Offices formerly occupied by Dean
Effinger have been turned over for
the use of the University Extension
The dictaphone office is to move to
the rooms formerly occupied by the
I treasurer.



r iflv~f~ ZTaiT'-rf'l1t r 7 I

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