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September 20, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 9-20-1924

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>lished eery morning except Monday'
g the Ur iversity year by the Board in
ol of Stndent. .ublications.
mbers of Western Conference Editorial
e Associated Press is exclusively en.
to the use for reptiblication of all news
tches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper aend the local .news :pub-
I therein.
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
i.an, as second cass's matter. Special rate-
>stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
e General.
scription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
hoes: Ann Arbor Pres Building, May-
ones: Editorial, 2f$and 176-M; busi-
Telephones 2414 and 176-'1 -
.. ,....... John G. Garlinghouse
..... RobertG. Ramsay
,as 1.',iHenry John Conrad
>th C. Keller Norman R. Thal.,
s Editor.......-,illiam H. Stoneman
hny Edj -o1,.. Robert S.eMansfield
en's ,4ditor. ........Vernea Moran
l and rania. Robert B. Henderson
~raph E d . William J. Walthour
* Assistanits
e B,y" I Francis R. Line
in Baar w' Winliel'd H. Line
e S. kcf-its Y Irold A. Moore
a Bicknell Carl E. Ohlmacher
nan Boxer William C. Patterson:
n 1irowp Hyde W. Perce, Jr.
h Cady 1r, Andrew E. Propper
avd B.,U-oesby Tlelen S. Ramsay
tine T;:Davies Marie Reed
s. 'rnamberg Edmarie Schrauder
ee F. Ji-er Frederick H. Shillito
ih 0. ,Gartner C. Arthur Stevens
iing ilouseworth Marjory Sweet
thy K mir Frederic Telmos
;aret Keil . Hans Wickland
Jeh tLiekJrmann Herman J. Wise.
Telephone 960
rtis ng....................E. L. Dunne
ti sn.. . . J. J. Finna
rtising..H. M. Rockwell
)nts............. .... Byron Parker
lation........ R. C. Winter
cation.......... ....John W. Conlin)
T. Arnold W. L. Mullins
V.Ardussi K. F. Mast
Browning H. L. Newmann
Bergman D. Ryan
p Deitz N_. Rosenzweig,
]an Freehling F. K. Schoenfeld
. Gray S. Hs~ Sinclair

sonalsrestriction must be experienced
This matter of personal discipline
is more important that. the beginners
are apt to realize.
So go about your business, fresh-
men! Have your dates, and bolt
your classes and attend your- rah-
rah sessions, if you must. But keep
continually in mind the fact that you
are here to work as well as play!
Many of, the evangelists of the
present age are inclined to decry
American universities as being parti-
ally responsible for what they are
pleased to call the moral and religi-
ous decline of the younger genera-
tion. The denunciation of the "de-
generate age" has come so often that
it has lost its force, and those involv-
ed in the criticism have ceased to
take seriously the hostile attitude
maintained by these figures in public
Neverheless a recent statement of
the most famous of the convertors
Billy Sunday, is worthy of recogni-
tion. He goes a step further than
any of his compatriots in an obv
ously rash and insane comment on
the far-famed moral degenerates who
recently entered an Illinois prison on
a life sentence. Speaking before an
audience in a small Indiana town
recently, Mr. Sunday declared: "Loeb
and Leopold are typical of the aver-
age college man of today!"
And without a doubt many of the
simple souls who listened to hinm
ardently believe that each and every-
one of the thousands of men who
are now resuming their work in
American colleges is either an
atheist, a moron, or a reprobate.
As a matter of fact the athletic
tendencies, the unbalanced desire
for experiment essentially responsible
for the criminal acts of these youthful
intellectuals represent mental ac-
tivity seldom found in our students
If Loeb and Leopold satiated their
thirst for knowledge to such an ex-
tent that they lost their sense of
judging values, it is equally true thai
too few of the body of students of
whieh they were a part .imbibe freely
enough. There is no reason to
think that the normal student of to-
day will delve too deeply.., In no
edUational center ofthe country is
there sufficient interest in cultural
-subjects that he need feel alarmed.
To the general run of parents and
friends, the moral degeneracy of col-
lege men causes more worry than the
fear that they will penetrate too fa
intothe mysteries ,of science ad
philosophy. Many men who, like
Billy, have attained the prominence
of one sort or another are assured.
that a freshman becomes morally re-
prehensible immediately on his ad-
vent into the collegiate atmosphere
iSuch an attitude deserves litte notice.
In this respect the average college
man is no different than the genera
run of men in the outside world. A
moron is an exception, and the moral
tone is as sane today as it has ever
Another fallacy in the minds of
many worthy citizens because of un-
favorable newspaper publicity and
careless and unfound statements of
men like Mr. Sunday is that college
life is a continual round of liquor
consumption, automombile rides, and
dances. For many, such activities
constitute the major feature of this
period of their life. For Billy Sun-.
day's average individual they are
only of passing interest.
The more accurate diagnosis of the
college students is that he is too fa'
inclined to be average, too easily led
along the beaten path of mediocrity,

We take great pleasure in dedicat-
ing this, the 'first col of the fiscal
year 1924-25, to Hal Coffman, In-
comparable Leader and Big Brother
in Work,. Play. and. Worship. It, is
only a, meager way that Cowles has of
showing his appreciation for what he
has given to the S. C. A. and to Michi-
gan, but it is done in the hope 'that
he may better realize ,the high regard
in which he is held by those who
have worked witlr him.
All Th WOrld's a Smell
It is the ,hapiy custom of the dear
folks in Ann Arbor who cater to
what they call "the student needs" to
fclose ugh all their.dives on or about
August, l5; in order that they may -Do
Things to' the Interior. They all put
up naivell illiteratesigns on the
door, announcing that they have
"Closed till September 20 for Re-
modelling." You can look through
the door and see people inside with
paint brushes, standing on chairs.. .
And then when all the places re-
open, how Improved, how renovated
are they! You go to Bill and Merts
.-the stink of the varnished counters
drives you forth. You go to Vans~-
the glare of new kalsomine sends
you shuddering away. You hie in
desperation to the Daily office-and
there you find a person staining a
new Enclosure for the managing
editor with a fluid that appears to be
a subtle combination mixture of
turpentine, ammonia, and'castor oil,
-Well, we'll have to eat at Elmer's
for the first six months, and then
maybe Bill and Merts will have at-
cumulated enough filth for us to feel
at home again.
If You Have Not Done So
Please Do So
If you have .not yet read the ar-
ticle on Big Strong Silent Cal
Coolidge in the American Mercury for
August, do so at once. All those who
are voters are especially urged to
peruse the article.

As For Music
It is really very remarkable, more
usually than a native would like, to
admit, the unique opportunities offer-J
ed us in music, especially when you
consider the relatively puny size of
Ann Arbor. For years it used to be
the Boosters' pride, along with the
Michigan Flour Mill and Hoover Steel
Ball Bearings, that their glad town
boasted better and merrier concerts
than the madden Detroit; to this day
they gloat over the fact that Ann
Arbor, Chicago, and Cleveland were
the only cities in the Middle West
in which Caruso would appear.
This situation, of course, is entirely
due to the very consistent efforts of
the School of Music, first in the
pioneer days under' Dr. Stanley and
-now through the collaboration of
Earl V. Moore and Mr. Sink. The
Choral Union and Extra Concert
Series and the May Festival hav'e
always stood for the highest, mostI
rigidly classic ideals, and as such
have gained a very deserved national,
perhaps international, reputation.
The artists that appear are always in
the super-stellar class-thousands of
dollars a night, packed houses, the
enthusiastic press-and their pro-
grams, almost without exception,
deal exclusively with the recognized
musical literature, induding an oc-
casional dip into. the whole-tone
pyrotechnics of the Groupe de Six.
Our music very literally, is one of the
University's major saving graces.
The tendency toward "names" in
the present series is even more pro-
nounced tbjxn 'Vxsua, including,
among others, Cortot, the great
French pianist comparable only to
Gabrilowitsch and Ranchmaninoff,
Jascha Heifitz comparable, in his case,
only to Kreisler, and three concerts
by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
under"the direction of Gabrlowitsch
In addition Maria Je itza, the so-
prano over whom. the critics lose their
heads nightly during her seasons at
the Metropolitan, will be the first
soloist of the Choral Union Series,
while way, way at the other end of
the musical ladder John Philip
Sousa and his Band will open the Ex-
tra Concert Series. By way of novel-
ty there will be the William Wade
Hinshaw production of Mozart's "The
Marriage ,of Fiagaro"like cam-
paign, white wine, and sunshine, they
hay-and the " Kibalchich Rusian'
symgpqo ;Choir,sonething of an un-
known quality, _bt excellent, of
course, because it is Russian:. Maier
and Pattinson will .present a two-
piano recital, and Sophie Braslau will
replace Sigrid Onegin as the last
artist of the Choral Union Series.
'Placing, now, what should have
come first, the complete methematical
list will run as follows:
The Choral Union Series.
Ocober 23, Maria Jeriza.
Noveinber 3, Guy Maler and Lee
Novemnber 19, "The Marriage of
Decemgr'.5, Jascha Heifitz.
January 28 Alfred Cortt.
,February 11, Sophie Braslau
The. Extra Concert Series.
November 13, Sousa and His Band.
December 15, The Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra.
January 19, The Kibalhich Rus-
sian Symphonic Choir.
February 23, The Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra.
March 16, The Detroit Symphony
. Orchestra.



BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at
both ends of the diagonal walk)


You NEd Fqutain Po n rvlce
Buy your pens of a penmaker, the only place in Ann Arbor or in the
State of Michigan where yo :can get this prompt, complete and efficient ser-
vice between classes or in 24 hours.
Rider! s P'en Shop.,
302 StatefSt.,
Now the Home of-Ri4er's MASTERPEN
Ask an upper class man, he will tell you why the Master pen is the
pen you need.-
We carry the largest stock in the State, RIDER'S WAHL'S WATER-
MANS, CONKLINS, SHEAFFER'S, PARKER'S and others. Service is
the reason so many students say,- "Rider for pens."


$E .. .t IYYW Y

by the stationery she uses, for,
it is an index of her taste, and
every one likes a woman of
good taste. We have writing
papers of all kinds; froin bonds,
to linens and kid finishes. I'
you want distinctive stationery
call uponus.
The Stationery anA Typewriter Sto e


Vight Editor-NORMAN R.TH
t is impossible, at this date, fo
imate Michigan's total enrollment
the coniing year. Nevertheless,
is safe to say that there will be
ong that number several thousand
o have never before attended a
versity or college.
k few words of welcome-and
warning-are due these thous-

Luncheon . . . 12-2
Afternoon Tea . .'2-5:30
Dinner. . . . 6:15
SundayDinner 12:30-1:30

The newcomers are for the most
part fresh from high schools and
preparatory schools. Upon arriving
in Ann Arbor they will have under-
gone a complete change of enviro-
ment perhaps the most abrupt change
they will ever experience. Used to
rigors and restrictions and home
life, they will suddenly find them-
selves entirely free of the discipline,
which has characterized their youth
Their time will have become their
own, to do with it as they will;
there will be no watchful parents or
teachers to tell them what to do and
what not to do.
As a result, the first few weeks
are crucial. The newcomers have it
in their power to decide largely for
themselves their future careers. It
is in their power to unmake com-
pletely their early training: on the
other hand, it is in their power to
rise above the thousand and one
temptations which will greet them.
This is not a chapter from the
bible. It is not the aim of this edi-
torial to picture life at Michigan as
one endless round to temptations, to
be grappled with and overcome in the
true Pilgrim's Progress manner.
Nevertheless, they are here; and they
are the more insidious because they
are for the most part pety, and seem
seem not at all of that nature.
During the first few weeks, these
thousands of young newcomers will
be greatly confused. They will be
rushed to fraternities and sororities.
They will see a great deal of drinking.
They will see innumerable band
bounces and mass meetings and
rallies and football games. They
will gain the impression that col-
lege life is made up entirely of
frivolities. That' is the dangerious
thing about it. In this preliminary
period., when everything seems so
new and strange, it is the easiest
thing to obtain a false perspective on
the whole business.
The record of every freshman
class in the history of the University
is proof of this danger. Every year

Rolls Literary Service
We shall endeavor to present our
readers as often as possible with
little reher he bits that they would
have 'have difficulty in finding them-
Oelves. , Here is one. A nickel goes
to the boy that identifies it first:
The sticks break, the stones
The eternal alters tilt and tumble;
Sanctums and tales dislimn like
About ,the amazed evangelist.
He stands unshook from ago to
Upon one pin-point of the'truth.
Yesterday we went into this new
Waterman Gym to register. In' as-
much as we are now a senilot, we
got the business over with quite
promptlyLbut as we were moving
away from the treasury department
we were accosted by a bright4ook-
ing lad who said to us How about sub-
scribing to the Daily?
-,We must have look'ed kind of blank,
because he went right on. Yuh have
to have it, he explains. All the offi-
cial announcements are in .it, and, all
the football announcements and all
the announcements are in it, and tI
professors put all their announce-
nients in it, and yuh just can't get
along without it.
I always, get the Daily, I told him.
iow, he wanted to know.
Why, it :always comes, I said. Be-
sides T work on the Daily.
Oh, he says, you live in town? Yoi;
mean you deliver the papers in the
No I help write it, I says.
He says You're a freshman aren't
Nope a Senior, I says.
Huli he ,says I. don't believe It.'
Well then we broke away from hin.
and'told him to look us up some time
when .$e was in the Daily office... .
- ---

- - a

PHONE 2641-R

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.. z .
.. rr w irrr r i i irk rar i
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too much afraid
vidual personality.
Loeb and Leopold
they so scorned to
is an intensely
slightly above the
and physically.

of being an ndi-
He is not of the
type. He is what
be considered, he
normal person,
average mentally

With the growth of the University
of Michigan to its present size and
educational position, the lack, in its
equipment, of a radio broadcasting
station is causing it to fall behind In
the race for educational supremacy
in middle western universities and
in similiar institutions throughout'
the country.
During the last school year, an ex-
perimental station, was built by the,
Engineering college from which pro-
grams of speeches, athletic events
and news summaries were broadcast-
ed. Lack of funds resulted in its clos-
ing, and numerous inquories from all
over the country resulted.
It is time that the University of
Michigan not only follow other
universities, but go even further
than they in the radio field. Tax-
navge,.uthroug:houit the j1stte wnuti-

Paul Whiteman.
As an additional attraction, -at the
*ery beginning of everything, Tues-
day, October.,' 7, the Ann Arbor
Branch o fthe -American Association
of University .'Women with -"the co-
operation of the University School of
Music are to present Paul Whiteman
and his Orchestra for a return en-
gagement in Hill Auditorium.
Paul Whiteman, as they say, needs
no introductio4; ' his is little less
than a household word, made justly
famous through his many records and
his h-igh perfection in erotic tones and
Last February, Mr. Whiteman pre-
se0ited a concert at Aeolian Hall, New
York City, whiclh he called "An Ex-
periment in American Music." A
carefully prepared program including
special compositions by Victor Her-
bert and Geprage Bershwin was pre-.
sented dealing 'with various types of
modern music. This concert was
sold outin a few h ours and hundreds
were turned away. A second con-
cert the following month met with a
similar response, and in- April a
third concert in the larger Carnegie
.Hall, again drew a capacity house
with more hundreds again disappoint.
ed. Then there followed a spring
tour, Ann Arbor included, with very

It would seem that after threc
years of trying to look college wee
are still unable to - fool a -sophomore
on' the Daily business staff, which is
the lowest thing on earth except a
freshmainon Chimes.i

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