W P'AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1924 .a.. ...rr .. .r....Y , r [low I _SS FOTA E RBenkeert LeadsRIH HOLDS 1924 Slaughter Anad Brown Selected mnTBL TDY Eaxst In col i ng DN .*,*T inii n-rra For Mythical Team By Writer t u UUU B I ~ Ilti Benkert, the sensational halfback D 1 hfU I ed his lead ad wnte scoring title YIIi h(!4A PAERSA- Sqa ilb nrae yOhramong the leading scorers in the !I Arer11i 1 Y I~l( TEN E-F (~idriiPayr Epctd Eastern Interco legiate football cir- j"~i~tIlliCH)L suit in sieo h atta i an Average o .9S; Loyest tRprttem did not play in any late season I in FheoYYear,,lWih a mythical All-Conferencei rgames. -- s~en be ings named by practically!c DAVIS, FRFIEDMAN RE~ADS ( By scoring 16 touchdowns and four I BASLER MAKES GAIN vcr v so rs eiorikeMdleWs points after touchdowns, Benkert en- ______ h rates the title, Michigan playersrf F!ootball added two more men to tered into the century column, with Iieb ie oiin npac Coach Mather's Varsity basketball: an even 100 points. Benkert has the Babe Ruth, home run kig of t~ ee en gvnpsiinco r major leearuesmlid tthenAwhiihai squad yesterday when Friedman and distinction of being the only player jorlagele m Aei a ad.I Davis reported for practice in Yost I on the eastern gridiron to score in League sluggers for the 1924 season 1 Te atet elevn which merits sr- ' hield house. the three figure class, with an average of .378 for 15 gans , i consideration is that chosen by Friedman, after making a success: John McBride of Syracuse worked which put him Well ahead of the fi ld, i-j1y Evans, promnent sports writer, of his efforts on the gridiron will up into second place by scoring tiree'jaccording to official figures jut re- wh-1o chooes Prown of Micigan as1 make 'a bid for a position on the Var- field goals against Columbia, Thanks- leased.cntrohifrsCneeceien ity court squad. Davis, the tmallest: giving (ay, bringing his total to 901i Chaley Jamieson, Cleveland out- ndSauhtro;Mihga1a neo man on this season's, football team; points. Tyron, the Colgate flash, fail- I fielder, stood next in line aiong the his '505 err;,,napbicationr at the University of complete siuccess. Each e'ay these' max.! on the winning team wreS. St'., i tlii 101is. Slughtr s plaiced at guard men ran right along with the mien All the men are in good condition, Weinman, Weinenger, Rosental, S ra:c' , t(hvitn Steg' i' at ), fi-en the and so were able to coach them all 'and are eager for battle. No injuries' son. Stewart was high man ui jPjIa~ the way around the coursie, showing' of serious nature have as yet hand- core of 204 for a single gam11e. ---------------- -- = -- them their faults and helping them to! capped the squad and when the whis- M'edals for the wining team ha c 3crrctter n rctc. s oh!te lwsfr hesar f h Dnau be odre y h nnao advi u coaches have had three years underi game the regulars and substitutes; distributed as soon as they a vivo. r:. + HEIUILJ iROMJ CochFarrell the squad should be will all be set to start a strenuous -____ vels chooled in his methods when season. they report to him next fall. ___________FATEXNfITY gIi< JICfS OSTIC Volley ball oampetition bet wceu the Syracuse Enrout e To Los Angeles Albuquerque, N. M,, Dec. 1,-Mem- bers of the Syracuse football team will p~ractice here today and tomuorrow before continuing their journey to the The first eleven is as follows: ends,' Kassell, Illinois, and Cunningham,' Ohio State; tackles, Cox, M~innesotaj and Gowdy, Chicago; giards, Ponde- lik Chicago and Abranson, innesota; center, Claypool, Purdue; quarteback,i Graham, Minnesota; halfaks, Grange, Illinois, and Baker, Northwestern;i fullback, Schutte, Minnesota. The1 second choice is as follows: eds, Ott, Iowa, and Pulaski, Wisconsin; tackles,I [arris, Wisconsin, and Galloway, Iowa; guards, Slaughter, M4icigan, and Po- krass, Chicago; center, Teckmeyer, Wisconsin; quarterback, Parki n, Iow a; halbacks, Steger, Mlichigan and Thomas, Chicago; fullback, Weincke, Northwestern. YOST ANXIOUS TO Chicago's championship football squad will have an oportunty to meet Michigan next fal for the first time in fiva seasons according to an announcement made yesterda after- noon by Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, who will leave Friday for the Big Ten schedule mcting at Chi- cago. Ever since 1929 when Alono1 Stagg's loven was defeated I y -Mic- igan on Ferry field there has been a lapse of relations on t e rdirn and considerable agitation for a rnn tion has b)een felt by thle athorties. Last year Miian di! its becst to' schedule the Merroons but tejr celi(,di ule was filled and Chicago refised. Chicago's babit c f chedulin ;O smaller schools in the> Big Ten in nrre- ference to stronger teams has causel confusion this year -'rhn the Corfer- once title was wna ):i,h;;*e iare s 1,,v virtue of defeats f:: thc three woatke i' teams inl thr- ( irsit, Northwe.:crn, Purdue and lnaiaaa. Coach Yost is just as aN'o 1 1 ebedule the Mii Iha .l erm as are the sopporters ( £ [w s';ools and .; v aTbsolute rfusa n I h, part of iug V.11l prevet a 1,e eing playi~l tween tharn; wheo ~ar ter grid: ron Ge^,ion arrive; Th rill Offered Ski Enthusiasts Skiing enthuiasts t the Lnier,?ity have been given a boost by the n nouncement that Guy L. Mollicn who conducts the riding sables here is at work perfecting a nw form f skiing. He proposes to have horses draw the skiiers along a snow-pack:- ed race track. In the past the sl'iier have used the hills of the Arbrtum. near tile Boulevad. IT'S THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS Warm, Good Looking Society Brand Overcoats They are big, burly, broad in the shoulders, full in the back, long in the skirt; the best of storm coats, the best-looking overcoats we have seen this season. At $40, they are certainly the best overcoat values we have ever been able to offer you. Other Society Brand Overcoats giroups will start tomorrow. .ll gamesj coast where they will tackle the Uni- v.111 be play.-2.1 in Waternian gymnas- 4 versity of Southern California on Sat- I i)and wii be tinder theo sapervision urday. of officials,1in the . nt= amura l do- The Easterners are in fairly good x E: tment. '-rft soled sftce,, to01:11 or j condition after a grueling season. j shoes ?.mtst be wo:.i by all play- 1Tile game will be played at Los An- er's. It is cr egested ht< ai al fresi-; gobs. :nn lesir:in' to partici.ral : fr their - gi-oup either communicate v ithl theirj can, .ain beforehand or see himr before 5001on as possible. A deadline will be hle gamlie t." the team assi<:nme??nt. A2inorThursdIay's paper. lar'geo It'L is expecte l fo. this ac-; ivitv. '1'te schedule as prs-parcd is!f Livm~ een cud every gro,,iL i mimber I FRESHMTAN TRACK NOTICE should cut it out and refer to it. j Games start tomorrow night. J All freshman- trick men are Wednesday, December 3rd, 8: 30 P.' Ij asked to report at Waterman M. Group 1 vs. Group 2; Group 3 vs. I gymnasium any afternoon this 5 Group 4. 9:00 P. M. Group 5 vs. week. Group 6. Charles Hoyt, Thursday, December 4th, 8:30 P. M.: 1 Coach. fGroup 5 vs. Group 7; Group 1 vs.;Gop39:0P M. rup2v Group 4. _________________ Wednesday, December 10th, 8:30 P. j 'M. Group 1. vs. Group 4; Group 61 vs. Group 7. 9:00 P. M. Group 2 vs. Group 3. CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN W1{ESTLlNW I ! Te second halft of thle first round of the inter-fraternity wrestling tour-1 nainent will he run off tonlight at Waterman gymnasium. It is imlpera- tive that the entrants report prompt- ly at the time (lesigna ted ready to 1)0 weighed in. Tardiness or absence will mean a default. Following is the schedule: Phi Kap- pa vs. Phi Sigma Kappa, 7 o'clock; Theta Delta Chi vs. Delta Upsilon, 7:20 o'clock; Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Dl~e- ta Tau IUpsilon at. 7:40 o'clock; Phi Sigma Delta vs. Phi Kappa Tan, S o'clock; Nu Sigma Nu vs. Alpha Rap-I pa Lambda, 5:20 o'clock; Phi Chi vs. Sigma Phi, 8:40 o'clock; Trheta Chi vs. Phi Gamma Delta, 9 o'clock; Sig- I ma Chi vs. Ph Kappa Alpha, 9:20; o'clock. FRATERNITY BOWLING l The following teams have qualifiedj in bowling: Phi Gamma Delta 2357, Sigma Chi, 2330, Phi Sigma Kappa' 2325, Delta Alpha Epsilon 2339, Phi Chi 2242, Delta Upsilon 2240, Sig- ma Alpha Mu 2233, Beta Theta Pi; 2198. Eight more team, will qualify and their names will be announced 'Thursday in the Daily as a few teams have been delinquent in turning in Iscares. These teams should roll as ' 1 t' " The ULSTER c4 BIG, full cut, ru~ged coat to ward off 'Winter blasts. The rich woolens, j both imported and domes- tic, endow them with dis- tinction as well as comfort. I $3950 to $4950 NA"T LUXENBERG & BROS. 841 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Campus 1Bomery, 304 S.' Stat' r ~JanuaAr~t'1and 30th. Out style memo. book sent free on~ request - - For the first time in her football West Point, N. Y., Dec. 1.--.Hlenry, history, Harvard has been outscored W. Baxter, of Chester, Pa., was elect- by hey- opponents this season. The ed to captain the Army football team ' Crimsoni scored 61 points as against for the 1925 grid campaign here to-' 78 for her rivals. dlay. '.Practice sessions for teaum , Ientered in the fraternity sw=imi- f inn meet, will 1)0 hold from 4:45 to 5:45 o'clock on Tuesday, Iand 3:30 to 4:30 on Thursda;<, Iof this week. Ks.. Wic., Dec. 1.-Athletic Di- i '9ee hwinoas 1:. Jones, of thle Uni- r~t of Wiscomnsin, 1has handed in his resignation. A special umeeting of the> regents andI council has been; -cazlled to take action on the resigna- t mo en esMe r ca successoi'. 1107 S. uNSvEQSm" 1Two CKELS ARCADE 9 1 .. . a" .'t From December First On T Hr' STUDENTS ATTENTION ISy TIAKEN FROM IFOOTBALL AND FOCUSED ON XMAS VACATION. SELECT A SUIT THIS WEEK AND YOU WILL BE ASSURED AMPLE TIME FOR A PERFECT FIT. MOD- ELS OF SCHEYER AND LANGROCK SUITrS ON DISPLAY. i I READ THlE fITm IA1I)AILY Don't delay-Pay your Subscription today. Selected from our regular stock of Hic key- 1reeman and other fine clothes. A College Man roust be particular about the sort of neckwear he chooses- and the newest ties are broadly ,_ 1 A 1 1" 1 r 1 "~1 $29-50 .rw a s v s II IT,$ 41~-