TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1924 MERC HANT MARINEN Board VClaiis Recent Von soiidatic ins of Ocean Trade Routes C'Ot Expeiises TEACH BOYS SAILING Wa shington, Dec..--Strong reaf- firiation by Congress that the United ,.itates is (determinfed to maintain per-' mhanently a merchant njarine "comn- mzensuratc with the needs of the coun- try from the standpoint of commerce and national defense" was recoim- mended today in the annual report of the Shipping hoard. Such a declaration of policy was statedl by the Board to be desirable.j. dlespite improvements in the Americanj shipping situation brought about dur-I ____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ofeu ties -rent Dscribed New Post Looms 1 Work On Pendleton In Lttc~' Fom rof.ILP Scott For Secretary To Memorial Delayed' Calvin Coolidge Completion of the new Pendleton' I)ciI105(1 1moeI, Yh.- ni s1d. and? of hearing strange noises, library on the second floor of the Un- hi~a n Shnghai, 1=ng111g , anal of 11um"11 c1and other wise. ion is being held up by the failureI tlih auf ,~tiis aid i er7Ei1, s 10115( J 50 i more specialization tha n! of the lighting fuxtures to arrive. pla (c'5a 1s . (:lUl in ile I r eom as . hm>iria, for they have separate ":I; hey have been ordered and wer due 1. .,inri l . S-hV e1~ icos tom osslper, caes ittle..:.:...:early in October, but as yet have not~ 1, -aoj-(~~ r et ''e x . lO(',ti~iiiire lla s. China also hias made their appearance. a,?f I . So>leri1ri )loju; W1,i" ' , .:,Iismrethn oThe remainder of the reading room'1 dcpa 1, 101t, "s -d >e~'i:: cAi 'nw,ican 1slop; . One shop sells .. has ibeen complet dland rugs anfu- Scott, who 1iis on llI jX$ 0 of 1>- ~'OI, rti 01 ao'i, ;a in her miutton, and iture have been installed. The ar- onen cfrom h> o.eriyis t-~ s ,--still 'onr 01 ]r 1:_ck on. Even the work Irangement of the room.,is. somewhat i: .'~ zi~iha teImrr IY( la 11a cl on 1y pie cemxeal jobs. similar to the lower reading room, 1ia :<: Ia asrmakby ue large davenports and easy chairs be-j "r'11"cnchl is a beant iiol cicv, -W- for a city within e'ars;ho3t of cannon- ,::.: . >",...:" :,i :;:< ng placed about the hall. There is oc loc FREE DELIVERY " tX.,.m.-19 p)D mountains, and they s'ay it is," Fo amds that "t well I chawveil, in, b)oyond th'e cora.l is pieni;- of tn "'.fh c:ivin;, c~' prai-od 1 alin )reaae.i~ r ,all'! .reen1um ling1,'' lie(cotinlue:;.Professor Scott Wa ilcili 1ea:: ".""- !It is intended that the room be made * g 1:':::'-'"' a ~li~tstudly hail and reading room t ....... . n chrge of a supervisor. There will ;: ........probably be no smoking permitted -...::.;.::-~C ross W ord Craze jJ 'X n~iNo,. J., lice .---Time cro..ss xor"l lpuzzle wave has swvept across hdmlard c-.i !both faculty and students of Prince- { P'idwn~rd 7 ~P ~~t,:n university to the department ofi ]1-; :oso-shy, where Professor Warner td.,y of President (: 001 1"e 1or a inuni- f .ie has offered a. prize to the student berrifyears', iS c'al~dQc1±._oIt-ho can devise a puzzle capable of nen1t as assis",tant t I o ,18 11 a Ceb(lainbem lin, birother of .'usti, war Passenger tariffs fixed (inring the year - catiomit of." umei,' '; Oo.l. rt i~LO L. Y3o lle)re d time l)051t1011of the keqe, ant (i(' (1 Ii s ~teies.i llifiers ledt to the conclusion that there ha ite itr oltan.s -[ ) t: -c~d ledthe l i tres.il o caitffain been a "general stabilization in the oftehsoy£ -x ~?t l~ h jzhryo 1at n rates, fa res, and charges of cornmno" jttrday that it 'was coalMosed (K i(Sf 5OaK. carriers by water in interstate coal-! who were of the~ progressive ty,, o of ll e appairmt-oc ?t tchuE~llrchiill, ac- merce.'' (onservativism. '"Winston Jhiiacill'' c(-oring 14,) 1 Pt ot:,or Cross, was cri ti- Inauguration last June ofca system Professor Cross went on to ay, "is(-2Kbcueleiama wtot ffor' training inexperienced American-: the one real excepition,. for 1- (exineic.->i the ofi. f.oog , b l c) the eomcercy flak eocrhn T'his wow( linkl the Whljite Hous:=e closely With oi'erat ion of the UI. S. nerchant iuiar:1ie. Mrs. Eizabetlm -..Jonecs. 823 years of age, of Phila'delphtia,, is the 0l(0it nor- son qualified to drivwe ana t ;omlobiie 'eimmsylvaniia. A shor'. mecal log of ;- I :a. tive, ommm11mttencim w11-vill be imehi at 7 O'clock oio-gt Iiltile Union.! at is inmiortalit to 1-v" there. I j William 1, .icener. . I 1. !, I-rofessor Fite asserts, would have a great psychological value. ' Professor Robert Root of the Eng- lIck d(?partment recently announced js ., willingness to adopt the puzzle as In :t of th~e term( work in some of his couse;,provided someone could be Elmma to construct puzzles sufficiently idijimeult for the test at the end of the c rio. Tour ist:s have enjoyed Cleveland hospitality to the extent of. spending $4,G00),000 theres in the last five months. AGARC F IVOI F HOPPER (Iiinis04) and His ('0311C OPERA COMPANY- T'i'S., WHeed. Eves., Wed. Mat. "MItKA DO" 11 born boys who seek employment onl ships has "assisted tremendously inC time board's policy of -~Mnericanization" cfcrews on government vessels, the 1 eport declared. During the year 1083 "o~fficers and 84,227 unlicensed mien were placed on American vessels, andl -'of these totals, 77.5 per cent were American citizens, the report declared. This, however, was a decrease in total -placements of 17,290 men from. the ;year 1923, and also a decrease of 3.1 'p~er cent in the percentage of Amleri- Yans employed. S"The door has been opened to ,American boys who have no sea train- ing by, substituting two American-- d'eck boys for one ordinary seaman ,pa nomlinal wage and without mna-? t~erial increase in operating (cos ~ No- r,-mort. of actual regnlit;, is available(,flr t',:e fiscal ycar, but it can be said that will assist tremendously in the )ard's policy of Americanization." Display Chicago Architect's Work In Alumni, Hall, Examples of intricate design work by 'Louis 1-. Sullican, noted Chicago irchitect who (ied April 14, 1924, are he(ing displayed this -week in thle West; 'A lle ry of Alumni Memorial hall. The design.s, which forinedl the basisatx oo yM.Sllv~l r a"tnged in a series illustra*tin1g the - prin;Ciples of ornamnental wor!k, pn rl~c lkde explanatory conm'ent. Among sonic of the building s da :signed by -1r. ..mihl [von are the St ock iXc hange in Chiengfo, time Transimort a- { ion building for the Chicagol expost:i- l if-n of 1893, the termiinal station of a ow 01 leans, and imany c0 fc lC.fo '0 f i ved the gold mledal of thia 111 Conatra h fe s Art es Decorat ifs (;f ris in 1894, and was a f' llov? of tOl' .P.merican institulte of Arcllitect",. lie was known particularly for his or-namental design work, and~ is the -riginator of special work on mlany; huildlings in Chicago andl other Oities. ?r. Sullivan was also a frequent con-E -fributor to architectural periodicals lin this branch of work, Mackinaw City, Mich.,; L ~.1. -Lake steamers are seeking co-vern to- d ay in Northern Michigan harbors as ii result of a blizzard that has Ileon raging since Saturday afternoon. Singscribe for The 3Iwi imn:ut aily S There will be a meeting of the editorial and art staffs of the IGargoyle this afternoon at 5 'o'clock- in the Press buildinig., I ~ 't only daring minmbcr.llirkonhead is'-tals I also different." E "'Lord Cecil has been nade (Chan- 'I ' J502so ( 'c ° 'ros ^ a t'd 'hat< ho} )2i i orof th e )luci:y o01I an(aster,'" the new cabint f, whioi cens1n-1 : ' of 2 I.;'ofe ssnr ('m-o33.continuied, "in Ordler m 2eilbers, as co:nposeil to acl).,To- to utilize him in ;onnic(tioni with the alId's cabinet and 14 in B aldw*-E in fr- 'lge of Ntations. Thme Marquis of mom' cabinet, many halt emxpr es(i (h- icatIb,n3 in12 his appointment, was app~ointmnent because promlising; yosnr.e;=- \tully r legacted to the side-lumenz." or mlen ienot ;given opporto nit. "Lord CI'Zanwas iroh biy OSi '(: (h mbri is ot;m h in i i'} s i tI fl ( i! .''g, i:.ast I1usiiig, on th1V Chi m b o ern 'i t an2 ntToahut In d. lh jo ea w 2 ~lft a t;lder. hut. Ilailix-ilis f ' i1 mgr[ 0 1st( l, Ilf. l1 ad applicittioflblamiks aas i odoar £'f the 01! tiso )1. (,'f:'.i y l ait {oh! a mtled hby iv -rfih^gto thIe of- and t3lvliii nrobabl y ee;s : ci i"'' thy i io-nrd, 20,33 Park ave-o(.", fluence im foreign aitnair:.." mtort P'rofesor Cross then oplae Sair R oibert homre, ho ;t,.:cr i______________--__________-__ the Ministry of,Latbor, me i V' 'AO- r ~~N I ._tOttliTE Si'e l.-ref erred his ft~'or inler I}l: t 'i:;-O-r. . et ... 1 SappyWeather Stop at. the Barbecue Inn and tr-y one of. f ~thehir delicious barbecued meat sand- wiches. They're good-Aspecially on thcsc cold days. TE B"ARB"ECUE INN 410 south State sirect PJ oiw 2948-IV - -_ . _- ---._ _ .__ _ . - -_--- .--n 13,, y r Cl1 s a Definite Preference foDr Pvyrafin rfilt Xare Cec iDubarry Ivory for CriSt as Its a Gift of Beauty and Utility EBERBACH& SON, Co. 400 "0.4 East Liberty St. 'w dthe t ., ..A .a, - I ,r N IEt 1'~~~fla 284TJ N E s: nmc ,zt -rfl.Ssn.-au l.ems-m2,a . , .a-fC a lf~lA .-:c.wW4,.:lI *,n.ratwx .'c rs lI r Q .:. ._- -a. . -, An astounding i turiz i i of life' rea1 est 'riddle --W AT Of THEPERAFTER? - - ' A\i3 1jBEU T -.n-Q The Land aof Delightful Entertainment i }Flowersfoir _... f All Occasions -I t 7 .I I 1(eitmFeat~ure "TIHE PFRAIJGUE Fenaring E' VI'HFII REDFIEL1) "OPIER ATI C Q'tl' -F11-H 7wA I> r1 9~i~ Ii m lMack Sennett collledy EcHA SO'il All-IAN1 -VrIV LI nr, -s, ~nn a. I I f1 I I