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December 02, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 12-2-1924

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VOL. XXXV. No. 59





IKURGENTS HLD Applications For
BALAN'.CE OF pHOL M ailed; Crosi
0919NC POW E R A pplications for the Sophomore
Prom were mailed out last night, and
tickets will be sold within the next
AS C b ull kiiLS O P E N S e :~~ i b
few clays, it was announced by Rob-
~~~- ~~eft Y. Keegan, chairman of the ticket'
PRESIDENT 'O GI ANNUiATJ comiittee, last night. The annual
TOMORROW event, which will be led by Willard .
, Crosby, will be held in the Union ball
CALENDER FULL , , Deember 12.
Favors will be in the form of grey
leather cai d cases for the men and
Adjourn Quickly Out Of Respect For c ombination card cases and change l
Members -Who Have Died Since pockets for the women. The CharlesE
Last Session .-. Elliott company, which is making.
the favors, is the same concern which
Washington, Dec. 1. (By A.P.)-With has made the programs for the J-Hops
an outward calm viewed generally as of the last three or four years. Pro-
goamns will be given out at the Uion
only the forerunner of storms that are desk Wednesday, December 10.
to come, the 68th congress reconvened The Stromberg-Vokoun orchestra,
today for its final session. It must which has been engaged for the dance,

give way on next March 4 to the new
congress, elected last month.
The openng was brief and perfunc-
tory. The senate was in session ex-
actly 20, and the House just 55 min-
utes. The only departure from the
usual opening routine was the adop-
tion by the House of a resolution for
Congressional memorial services for
Woodrow Wilson on December 15.
Each House adjourned until noon
tomorrow, out of respect to the mem-
ory of members who have died recently
after it adopted resolutions of regret.-
Before that, new members were sworn
in and a joint committee was named
to advise President Coolidge that Con-
gress was in session. This the com-
mittee did later in the day.
.The executive informed the commit-
tee that tomorrow he would transmitf
the annual Budget message and on,
Wednesday would send in his annual
message on the State of the Union.
This will not be delivered in person,
thus removing the necessity for a
joint session.
Facing the necessity of passing more
than a dozen annual appropriation
bills in three months, Congress will
get .down to business tomorrow. The
House will receive the Interior depart-
ment's supply measure and begin its
consideration on Wedensday. Senator
Weslay Jones of Washington was
'slcted by Senator Curtis as party!
As a result of elections to fill vacan-
cies, the Democrats made a net gain
of one in the House, a Democrat suc-
ceeding to the vacant Republican seat
in Maryland. A Republican, however,
tookt over one seat in the Senate that
h'ad been held by a Democrat.
With one vacant Republican seat in
the 'Senate lineup, there now stand:



Number of Series to be Given
by Honorary Medical

Doctors George F. and Gladys H.
Dick of the McCormick Institute for
Infections diseases, of Chicago, will
lecture here 'at 8 o'cloc '.Thursday
night at the Natural Science auditor-
ium as the first number of a series
of lectures to be given throughout the
school year under the auspices of
Alpha Omega Alpha, national honor-
ary medical fraternity. The Dicks,
who have earned an international rep-
utation for their work in scarlet fever,
will present the results of their re-
Isearch on this disease. They haveI
been engaged in this field since 1916.
Dr. Dick and Mrs. Dick have iso-
lated a certain strain of hemolytic
streptococcus and have experimental-
ly produced scarlet fever in the hu-
man individual. They have perfected
a skin test for susceptibility to the
disese, now known as Lhe "D ics
Test," which promises to assume al
large degree of importance in the
field of scarlet fever.
Recently they produced an anti-
toxin with which it is possible to com-1
bat the disease once it is established,.
and perfected a method for causing
artificial immunity in those who have,
not yet suffered from the disease.
Their results are recognized as one of

Soph Prom flDAl l2FR MR~N~ATI Canadian Lands'FAENTE A
5y To Lead Event Are Not Worth
is considered the best orchestra in PRA CM NC ICTORY IN OPIU $ ,, 000 Ye UNINV E GUESTS
Cleveland, and is a popular dance or-
ganization throughout the middle lNIapo r es terd y a e tr on si ng th A
West. U ULn ng lands in A1goma Ontario,
Patrons and patronesses are: Pres- ---- which are owned by the University
ident Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Bur- SCORE OF DIFFERENT TYPE THAN DECIHE TO REFER PROBLEM 01' are now worth $10,000,000 were RLING REQUIRES INVITATIONS
ton, President Emeritus Harry B. PAST OPERAS; HAS CHINESE ORIENT TO CONFERENCE branded as "without foundation of TO GUESTS TO BE IN
SETTING COMMISSION fact" by University officials last night. WRITING
Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dean ___TING_ It was declared that there has never- -
Josep~h A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, OPO E'TfT been any report made to the Board D L G T SR T R
Dean J. R. Effinger and Mrs. Effing- HAS LITTLE JAZZ OPPOSED BY INDIA eents, w c to te DELEGATESRETURN
er, Dean H. M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, upon which the $10,000,0000 valuation ~
Dean M. E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, A. B. Whitnlre, of School of usic, Brsits Empire Falls to Vote Solidly; could- have been founded. i Fiske Explais National Concl
Dean W. R. Humphreys and Mrs. ' Di e.ts Orchestra of 16 Canada and Ireland Support The land, which is part of the Gar-. Proceedings At Recent
SHumphreys, Dean G. W. Patterson and pleces American Motion den River Indian reserve, was given Meeting
Mrs. Patterson, Prof. R. M. Wenley eto the University on March 25, 1905,-
and Mrs. Wenley, Prof. ,E S. Reeves M s of the orchestra for Geneva, Dec. 1. (By A. P.)-Rep- by George N. Brady of Detroit and Unamiously voting in favor of a res-
and Mrs. Reeves, Prof. Evans HI- Steven G. Porter, head of the Ameri- Thomas Whittier of Saginaw, who .
brook and Mrs. Holbrook, Prof. Emil "Tickled To Death," the 19th annualca degtintth tratoawressctdwtht atSntr olution submitted by the investigating
borook and Mrs. Holroo, rohF.EIl. can dlegation to the internatonal 'were associated with the late Senator
Lorch and Mrs. Lorch, Coach F. I. Union opera, have been chosen, and Opium conference, succeeded today in Thomas W. Palmer. These men wned i committee of the Interfraternity coun-
Yost and Mrs. Yost, Coach G. I,. Littlelhearsals have been held regularly Influencing the delegates, who in sup- a controlling interest in the land syn- ci, representatives of the majority of
antd Mrs. Little, and lrean Jean am-duringthe past weeks. The orchestra porting the American view, voted that dicate that originally acquired the the fraternities on the campus adopted
ton. !i ibeundr the direction of Mr. An- the American proposal respecting the property and they, seing no prospect a plan for the betterment of conditions
problem of opium eating in India of working the land during their gen- at dances, at a meeting yesterday
thouny B. Whitmire, a member of the properly belongs within the scope of eration, gave it to the University. afternoon in the Union.
POSTPO E NNUAL faculty of the School of Music. Mr. !the conference. The ore is said to have been dis- The plan provides for a written in-
Whitmire has had much experience' Twenty-six states voter in favor of covered by former Governor Charles vitation system whereby only persons
with musical comedy and comic opera referring the proposal to the first S. Osborn, who is also credited with with' invitations will be admitted to
i orhesras an hasbee asocitedcommission, India alone voted against discovering a large part of the ironI the dances. In this way the crowd at
rsit, while nine other states declined ore fields on both the North Amermdan the dances will be limited to the guests
E withthe Opera orchestra in past to vote either for or against, and African continents. Mr. Osborn desired and each member of the house
years. Apart from the felicitations show- was a regent of the University from will be responsible for his guests. A
Prizes ivill be Awarded Best Papers; The score of "Tickled To Death" is ered on the Americans for their vic- 1908 to 1910. similar plan is in use at Leland-Stan-
Journalism Instructors to Act of a decidedly different type this tory, the chief features of the com- Since the time the gift was accepted ford university and at several other
as Judges year than of the past, due to the Chi- ments of the delegates and the public 'in 1905, the Board of Regents have universities, and indications are that
nese setting of this year's produc- after the adjournment, was the way in received regular reports on the prop- it has been successful.
tion. Because of this the orchestra which the British empire votes were erty, including the condition of the This action was taken following the
TO MEET IN FEBRUARY will he of different construction cast. An examination of the vote title, taxes, and the advisability of i statement of Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
than has been the custom, and require proved interesting because fears have working the land. At their last meet- dean of students, that some plan must
The fourth annual Michigan Inter- more skilled musicians than before. I been expressed in the past in some ing, they accepted the report of Re- be formed speedily before it would
scholastic Press conference, planned There is very little jazz and an un- countries that on any important ques- gent Ralph Stone, president of the Ile- become necessary for the University to
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of usual number of songs of the comic tion confronting the League, the Brit- troit Trust company, who was ap- take a hand in the situation. Further
this week by Sigma Delta Chi, nation- opera type. ish empire, with its 6 votes in the pointed to investigate the condition details of the plan will be completed
al professional journalistic fraternity, There are also several pieces of (Is- f assembly, would be certain to stand of the land. The report said in part: by the committee this week and will
has been postponed until a later date. tinctly Chinese flavor. "Lanterns of I solidly together. "On examination of the papers on be submitted at the meeting of the
due to the fact that many of the high the Night" and "Hymn to the Sun God" Those who insist that there is no file and from what Mr. Osborn told council next Monday.
schools were unable to send repre- are of this variety. There are also danger of British domination point to me personally, it appears that the ore Members of the investigating com-
sentatives. a larger number of songs of the ballad the fact that in today's balloting the is magnetite of low grade which is not mittee are Harry W. McCobb, '25,
In view of the fact that the Central type, among them "Sir Gallahad" and British empire lined up three different available for commercial use at this chairman, Rawson, 0. Marsh, '26L,
Interscholastic Press association met ! "Behind a Fan." ways, Australia and England ab- time, but which may become valuable Harry C. Lawrence, '25, Robert C. Mor-
last week-eud at Madison for their In addition, the opera calls for an stained from voting, India voted in the for use in later years through a pro-, rey, '25, and Irwin F. Deister, '25.
annual session, many of the school unusual quantity of solos, which re- negative, and Canada and Ireland vot- cess of concentration and reduction. John E. Clark, '25, and Thomas E.
papers in the state could not send quire a well trained orchestra, as well j ed to support the American motion. The report further stated that the Fiske '25 who, together with Dean
delegates here this week, The con- as quite a bit of incidental music; University's title to the land, although Brsley, represented the University at
ference will probably be held the sec- something practically new to Mimes not altogether clear, can he made so the National Undergraduate Interfra-
ond week in February, it was an- productions. THEIS, flY IIN TflAY at any time, and that up to the pres- ternity council which met at New
nounced yesterday by Carl E. Ohl- The personnel of the orchestra fol- ,aent time there have been no taxes on York, returned to Ann Arbor yester-
nacher, '25, who is in charge of the lows: First violins: Rex Moule, '25E, he property, as the Department ofi lday. In connection with the meeting,
gathering for Sigma Delta Chi. J. W. Neuss, '26, Harold Ehrlick, '26, U Mines of Canada has xled that Indian: Fiske said, "The National Undergrd-
Starting in 1922, the fraternity has and Ceorge Weitzel, '27L. Second. lands are not taxanle.Nen theless ate council is altogether distinct from
'held annual meetings at the Union for violin:Alfrtd Hard, Spec: Viola: ier- he Regents suggested that Secretary
the state high school editors and fac- Iman Wise, '25. French hornt: Ford W4ahIngtonge . T^easi Y plans Shirley W. Smith keep in touch withteNwich me in e r t te
ulty advisors on the student publi- Dames, Grad. Clarinet: Franklin Ev- If or the cenber 15 financing are Canadian officials in regard to taxa- sae tih Te latter body, wh
cations, who gather to discuss prob- erett, '25E. Flute, John Miner, '25E. approaching completion and an an- tion of the tract. same tiste. The latter body, which
lems of common interest as well as ITrumpets: Robert Bowers, '27, Ray nouncement may be expected within a The Regents also requested that the has existed for some time, is composed
to be adressed by state and student - Comb, '26E. Piano Joseph Ellis, '26A. bfew days disclsing whether it will technical staff of the University keep entirely of the national officers of the
journalists. 'Cello: Frederick Lewis, S. of M. Bass offer a long term bond isue at that them advised of any progress made ini various fraternities, who i nearly
In addition to the conference, con- Viol: Wilfred Wilson, S. of M. Drums: time. the development of reduction prOces5- every case are graduates, while the
tests are held among the different Maurice Callaghan, '26. Speculative reports have insisted in es that may bring the lower grades of council we attended is a new oarganiza-
classes of papers, weekly, hi-weekly, This list is not complete, as several the last few days that no short term ore into commercial use, the value of tion, composed of undergraduate rep-
Imonthly, and annual. These are instruments are to be added to the issue would be floated in the Decem- the land depending, it was pointed oat, resentatives from the various local
judged by members of the journalism group before the initial performance her operation, but Secretary Mellonamsyp
department as to front pages, features, land final selections have- not beeni declined today to deny -or affirm them. ofmsome such process. . of the country.
editorials, sports departments, head- made. The orchestra will number 161 He did say, however, that a definite Regent Stone suggested, in his re- "Before this, the council was never
lines, and make-ups. pieces. policy soon would be worked out. port, that when the time does come definitely organized; now its purpose
More than 100 state journalists Rehearsals of the musicians with Maturities in excess of $550,000,000 when such a process makes the work- is to discuss problems which arise be-
are expected to attend the annual the cast and chorus have been started are faced by the treasury within the ing of the University's land worth- tween fraternities, to exchange ideas,
gathering here. David Bramble, '25, and will continue this week. The or- next two months, in addition to its while, that the University sell the to promote co-operation, and finally
is president of Sigma Delta Chi and chestra promises to be equal to any regular cash requirements. An issue land instead of attempting to handle to advise the local Interfraternity
is in charge of the convention with of the past, according to E. M. Shuter, of certificates of indebtedness ex- it itself. councils as to policies and measures.
Ohlmacher. director of the Mimes roduction. ceeding $407,000,000 falls due Decem- The executive committee, which con-
aThe score of t his year's opera is the ;ber 15, about $25,000,000 in savings;l sists of the chairman, vice-chairman,
R ecord Indicatework of Donald E. Snyder, '25, who i certificates must be met January ti Victim Of W reck secretary, and treasurer, and the rep-
Rec rd In 7c'eis also the author of the book. Addi- i and circulations bonds of 1925 must Is ut Danger resentatives of four universities, has
ddtle Wes t In tional music was written by Joseph be retired February 2 in the anount Of acharge of the national program, This
d lIioEllis, '26, and F. A. Eastwood, '25, { of $118,000,000. year Stevens college, Georgia Tech,
Cold W ave's Grip each of whom contributed several Within the next three years the Alec Whitly, a student at time De- Leland Stanford, and Michigan are
numbers. ,treasury must be prepared to, meet troit City college, the driver of the represented on the executive com-
The music was arranged and or- i or refund more than fouk and a half automobile containing six Michigan -nittee.
t sevtoryshw tat he lesty t- chestrated by George S. Hurst, of ( billion dollars in maturities. i students which was wrecked on the "The council after it was organized,
i servatory show that the lowest tem- rooklyn, N. Y., who does the arrang- way to the Ohio State game, is re- discussed exhaustingly such questions
f winter was reached the night before ing for all of Jerome Kern's musical ported to be out of danger and on the as general f'aternity relations, rushing
shos. re lidthesame work for last i EftEI.COOUT radt rcvey acodngt Ca
f last, when the thermometer droppedng shows. e did the stokngs. E A[ road to recovery, according to Clay- and pledging, ethics, and ideals. The
. iato 9.3. he maximummtemrared year's opera, "Cotton Stockings." ij U IJton Purdy, '26L, who was one of the general concensus of opinion at the
to .3. The maximum tenmperatuie *students in the car. council seemed to be in favor of de-
:yesterday was 25.3, which was regis-fI.ui'i IIIILI
etered in the afternoon. IrWhitly was unconscious for 13 days, ferred rushing, inorder to give both
t This is sheverl n' d e land until recently was not able to the fraterpity and the man a fair
This is several degrees lower thand I EOI IILI 1trecognize his friends. Doctors on the chance. Fair play anid friendly rela-
Sthe corresponding times last year and Washington, Dec. 1,-Conduc t of our case declare that his complete re- tions were advocated among the chap-
Is part of a cold, wave that has swept JT fLLnational political campaigns-complete- cover' is now certain, and he will be ters. But since, at most, the national
Sthe entire middle West. indications lytthe expense of and under the con- taken home to Det'oit tomorrow. council can only advise and guide the
point to warmer weather, and snow, trol of the federal government was None of the Michigan men in -the local councils, no definite measures

today. Sale of tickets for the All-Campus proposed today by Senator Crwy ,
Caaa'cash were seriously hurt.. were adopted.
Public Speaking banquet to be held Arkanses, a Democrat member of the ;
Thursday at the Union will continue special senate committee which in-I
Graduate History through today and tomorrow. W. C. vestigated campaign expenditures dur-Som e Tickets Still Left For
Club/Established' Dixon, '25, is in charge of the sale I ingthe recentcampaign.i-
Club Established land will be in the Oratorical associa- Senator Caraway said he would offer P llc atiO nS D ance F nday
tion office between 2:00 and 5:30 his proposal for consideration by theas
Assembling for the purpoes of or- o'clock. The charge per plate is $1.50 Senate as part 'of the committee's ie-
ganizing a graduate history club, nine Speakers on the program include port. Chairman Borah announced to- I
I ebr ftegaut cole-Charles B. Warren, '91L, Prof T. C. dyta ewudcl h Announcement was mate last night good floor. Specially designed electrical
mebr. ftegrdaesho e-dyta e ol altecommittee-i apaauIntetnil losavn
pean ere sted in e study of his- Trueblood, head of the public speaking together in a few days to draw up its ithat a limited supply of tickets nay apparatuhi tnhe iteniallowslaaria
tory met last night in the Union. A department, and Regent JuniusE r t, and the Arkansas member t still be obtained ionhthe"All-Campus the lighting, securing effects which
I formal organization was affected and Beal, who will introduce Mr. Warren, plans to procede with his suggestion at Publications Dance," to be held Fr- tile lgtn er ine ich
an omte m hreo r-guest of honor and principal speaker that time. PulctosDne, ob edF ihvbenitrouotaalente
and a committee i charge of pro- gsday night in the new Masonic temple. city, according to the committee in
grams and publicity was elected. of the evening. Ray L. Alexander, These tickets may be secured from the charge.
The club will meet every two weeks '27L, will act as toastmaster. mahsgickets a bse ss mtearges
s probably in the Michigan Union, and! All persons interested In hearing gIo01f managing editors or business man- Billy Mill's 10 piece orchestra from
Is;will take up the discussion of his- these speakers are invited to attend IVLLU N II JUJtJLINfll gers of any student publication, or Flint, one of the three . which provid-
Stoical and current problems, with s the banquet.rs areninviteRdNCtnD from the office of the Board in Con- ed music for the J-Hop last year, will
t. tor tat each fe n g froms, wmeih - u iai n i h u ns h m scf rt ednJe . Al m mbttearol of Student Publications i the furnish the music for the dance. Tme
report aeahmeeting frma mem-UU U IIIIUII ULUI Pr'ess building. Icommittee has made -arrangemtents to
her. All members of the graduate Wffinger "Writes -While thedance is primarily for have him play several feature num-
I torical field are eligible to become /a-azine Article Washington, Dec. 1, Conferences be- students who work on publications, hers, and several short acts will be
members. g g tween Ambassador Jusserand and See- the tickets have been placed on general given between dances.
mT U et Se.c retary Mellon on the French debt sit- sale in order to sell the limit of 225 Programs will be exact replicas of
ed "The University System at Mich- uation have pointed the way, it was which was set. Any one on the cam- The Daily in miniture, and will be in
ay: W esterners' Club igan"is the subject of an article, indicated tonight at the treasury, to pus may secure a ticket. The price is the form of a burlesque. Other spec
sc Tom11/ln. Td/4,a, v ~,,, written by Dean J. R. Effinger, of the the basis for a tentive proposal for $3.50 ial features are being planned by the
- ,T_... _ .T_: n__n..... . . - - - . . . ... , - - -- a d ]A ",TiRCPc no nmmt aaFP

Republicans 61, Democrats 42, and the epoch making achievements ofJ
Farm Labor 2. modern scientific medicine.
When Representative Allem takes Dr. Frederick Grant Ranting of the
his seat, the House lineup will be: University of Toronto. the discoverer
Republican 224, Democrats 208, Farm of Insulin, will speak here on Janu-
Labor 1, Socialists 1, and Independent ary 13, and Dr. Richard Cabot of
1. Harvard university and Dr. Wade'
. This leaves the Republican insur- Brown of the Rockefeller institute
gents still holding the balance of power will lecture later in the year.
in each House. Course tickets for the series are
- being sold for $1. The lectures are
To S ho v Electric '"" " "'i"arily for un'dergraduatemedical
students, but a limited number of tick-
Railroad Pictures ets are available to the public. Lou
D,. Becker, '25M, is in charge of the
Two reels of motion pictures of the .---- --
fastest electric railroad in the country New York, Dec. 1. -- Fear that
will be shown by the student branch through prohibition the Filipinos may
of the American Institute of Electrical become reckless drinkers is express-
Engineers in the Natural Science audi- ed by Martin H. Ittner, chairman of
torium at 4 o'clock tomorrow. The the committee on industrial alcohol
films are being shown through the -
courtesy of the Chicago, North Shore,
and Milwaukee railroad. I OPERA SEAT SALE
They will show graphically the oper-
ation and- maintainance of this line, } Final ticket sale for seats for
which is now considered one of the "Tickled To Death," the 19th
most efficiently built and operated elec- I Mimes production, for yearly
tric railroads in the country. j members of the Union will be held
from 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon!
London, Nov. 29.-The sale in Great ; at the side desk in the Union.
Britain of the English translation of This will be the last chance for
Ibanez's new book "Alfonso XIII; l Union members to avail them-
Military Terror in Spain," has been selves of any preference as gen-
discouraged, if not prohibited, be re- '1eral sale for public will begin
presentatives from some mysterious 1 Thursday.
high quarter.
J-Hop Sub-Committees Named;
Plans Being Made Rapidly
Sub-committees for the J-Hop were mas holidays. All bids for the pr
'announced by Charles Oakman, '26, grams and ideas for the decoration
should be in this week. Program bids
general chairman, at the meeting of so inhis eergram Hl
yestrdaygo to Richard Freybeng 1331 Hill St
the committee at the Union yesterday phone 33; ideas for decorating th
afternoon. The appointments are as two gymnasiums should be sent toJ
follows: D. Darling, 1317 Ferdon road, phon
Ticketr committee: Harry B. Koenig,! 595. Saturday night has been seta
'26, chatrman; Hurbert Goebel, '26E; the deadline for both.
Ralph flubbard, '26M. Orchestras have not yet been decid
Deco'rations Committee: J. D. Dar- upon but negotiations are under wa
ling, '26A, chairman; George Hacker, with several well-known organization
.- - - nr '1,1. *PBrton - and th nat standard of J-Iion mus

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