924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY LTAVA .............. 4C I I'm IUA-wA : WO WOMEN PPOINTED LUXNAE WHO RECEIVED HO- ORS IN COLLIEGE NOW DIRECTORS Recent house appointments include iat of Miss Luella Galliver '23, to1 ucceer Miss Gertrude Brock, '17,' asj haperone of Alumnae house, and that, f Mrs. Theda Shaw Holen, '20, to! ke the place of Miss Blanche How- 11, '19, as chaperone of Adelia Chee- er house. While in college Miss Galliver was' member of the Mortarboard national onorary society, president of Senior >ciety, a member of the cabinet of he Y. W. C. A., and a resident of artha Cook dormitory during her )urth year. She was chosen to rep- esent the Michigan chapter at the na- onal Mortarboard convention held in warthmore, Pa., in 1923, and was .ibsequently appointed district direc- >r of section two of the national Mor- arboard, which includes the chapters f the University of Michigan, Ohio, 'ittsburg, Miami, and the Carnegie nstitute of Technology. At present 4ss Galiver is working 'for Iher aster's degree with history as a riajor field. Mrs. Holen comes from Liggett's chool in Detroit, where shehas been eaching history for, the past four, ears. She is a member of the Alphal H Delta sorority, and of Delta Sigma .ho, national honorary oratorical so- iety. NROLLMENT OF NURSES APPROXIMATES 220 MARK Aids Davis As Writer OSIGN FOR TENNISTOURNAMENT Entries for the women's tennis tournament will close at 4 o'clock on Monday. During the past few days many new names have been added to r 4 the list of contestants which appears on the tennis poster in Barbour gym- gmnasium according to directors of the games. Women 'who are interested in - and at 4 o'clock Monday and Tuesday No changes may be made in gym- ton, succeeding her husband, J in studio 216, at the School of Music. nasium classes after Monday, Sept. S. Cowan, who died recently. Women may bring their own music. 29. Women whose present classes con- Cowan will be the first woman in N otices 1 fiict with academic subjects should of North Carolina and will serve NsWomen interested in riding should consult with Miss Ethel McCormick unexpired term of her husband, consult Miss Ethel McCormick this on or before Monday. ing June, 1925. Her salary wit morning or Monday morning in Bar- $5,000 a year. Junior women who have been as- bour gymnasium. Second semester Mrs. Catherine Cowan. Wilmington, signed advisees are urgently request- sophomores are given full credit for N. C., 'was chosen by the city com- R ea the W ant A ed to refer to the list posted in Bar- work in riding. missioners to be mayor of Wilming- bour gymnasium. Several changes have been made in the assignments.1 1IIUI[1111{llllitl111111111111111111111111111111111{1{111111111 11111111"|""!""1" A soccer class will be held at 9 o'clock on Monday and Wednesday of -TUDIENTS, SECURE YOUR SUPPLIES FROM each week on Palmer field. The classYOFR is open to 30 women. Full gymnas- iam credit will be given for work li done in this class.c'Women who are S h interested should consult with Miss SU1: Southj Meldon Everett this morning or Mon- Unvriy . 4 dymorning in Barbour gymn u .,, nierit Ave. Ave. Tryouts for University Girls' Glee club will be held at 9 o'clock today Engineer and Architects' Materials, Stationery, Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Books, Typewriting and Pound Papers, V ILCandies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos rM 11 | 11 1 .. Y the sport but who have neglected to sign for entrance in the tournament should do so without further delay in order that the drawing for partners may take place. Results of the drawing will be posted on the bulletin board in Bar- bour gymnasium Tuesday morning. It is emphatic that contestants con- sult the bulletin board as soon as possible because the first round of the tournament must be played off by Friday. Olga Verdelin, '26, is in charge of the tournament. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YET? PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS rrr.rer.rr.r. rrrr~rrrr. or.,ro~. ~rro- r Dining Room Is Open to You. 50c Noon Luncheon, 11:30 A. i. Ida Tarbell, famed woman writer, has enlisted in the John W. Davis presidential campaign forces as a writer of anti-traiff broadsides. to 2 P. M. Salads, Sandwiches and Light At the Sign of THE GOLDEN OAKS INN w When Those Who Favor Us With Their Custom Shall Experience Every Courtesy and Attention Breakfast, 7 to 10 - Lunch, 11 to 1:30 - Dinner, 5 to 8 Afternoon Tea,3 to 5 Corner of Forest and South University r 11 T.T Lunches. 75c Dinner, 5 to 7 P. M. $1.00 Special Dinner, choice of Steak or Chicken, 11:30 A. M. it it 929TA ARRIVAL Genuine Hand Turned S Patent Leather Only Beaded Gore - NEW to 2 P. M.; 5 to 7 P. M. On Sunday we serve from 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. 1Y. No. 929. Black or Brown Calfskin Genuine Barboor Storm Welt $498 No. 16039. Patent Leather Dull Kid Trim $4.98 Go R. KINNEY, Inc. ..Phone 3361-W Miss Sussy Watson, a graduate of Mt. Holyoke college and Columbia un- I l1111111{illllli 1 ili 1iif IIif 1111I I1 11llll111'lll;h iversity, is the educational director P of the school for nurses this year. l lllllllllllilll lllIllllll lllllillIll li 1 ii 1I111111111111111U1111111111i Miss Watson is a woman of unusual d - experience in this line of work, hav- ing held the position of educationaX I PREKETE'S. director at the Barns School of Nurs- ing in St. Louis and at the Central school in Rochester, N. Y., where four of the leading hospitals of the city combine their preliminary courses. - Enrollnent in the school for nurses numbers 78, of which one is a Chinese is 220 at present. The freshman class girl who will arrive here in a few We use only the very richest cream in days to take up her studies. The work- in this school is conducted on theE Our delicious ice cream-only the best p eight hour plan, and the girls have -:c n is a vacation of three weeks each year O ngredients in our candes The school provides a soia1 directoi for the girls, they have their own Y W. C. A. association and a student The Finest Place in Town volunteer band. Separate also from the University publications are the Try Our ExcellentLunches "Scalpel", a paper published three times a year and their year book.- Try Our Excellent Luncheons The new nurses home which is now under construction will be completed= by Oct. 15, and the girls who are liv- lng in 12 houses near the hospital at present will move into it not later than Jan. 1. (s Read the Want Ads r SUGAR BOWL 109 South.Main Street SHORTHAND ~________mmIm n__uNmmmmmmmmummmmmumm~ TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING I ARCADE 1 SECRTARIAL Starting To-morrow Classes Now Forming I s -L a HAIMIT ON TRUINE$SS COLL~EG~E State and Williams aI We had to be convinced I that P. N. Practical Front Corsets were all that was claimed for them. Our corset experts thoroughly investigated the merits of these corsets before "The ea n Florist" they received their stamp of approval. __ Atitle which is merited after thirty- PN eractie arolen -seith six years of perfected workmanship that we are now featuring them. So Practical, so Different, they and conscientious service. will win your approval as they did ours. We want to show you this corset that has rev- olutionized front - lacing ideas. They are so constructed that the front steel is centrally placed 3 and not to one side below the bust as in the usual front-lace corsets; making them the only corset with a completely closed $1.00 Dinner Only 'hove 173 31a S. State St. 117 South Main Strc 117 South Main Street F4 i °,r " "'. r-'u!r .r ° 'a+ " I°+tr r , /'.r'" .rr ./"a ll 1.I~,/ :I"./111.11 '!.0lJ../JlJiciM, ./.~~./ 'l,/tJ«/l«/.Y..Y.v"../"1 ll1ll./.7!~Y./XJ.dYli. 0d..l 1~ .. ---- i , . C ti i " , O 0 Q O a O //1 T An Enameled Bas- ket for Order's Sake These enameled baskets in ivory, bronze,, grey, rose and blue will add to the coziness of the room as well as prove neat-keeping! They are specially priced $1.00. Laundry Bag and Shoe Pockets, Too! Laundry bags of tan, blue or fig ured linine may be matched with shoe pockets for 6, 8 and 12 pairs of shoes. The bags are priced 85c to $1.75, while the shoe pockets are priced $1.00 to $2.00. { 'I Make YOu Room Cozy and Convenient for Studying Now that you have chosen your room for the entire year you will want to make that room home-like, cheerful and convenient so that your college year will be a pleasant one to remember. Here are sug gestions that will help you in achieving that result. F Colorful Cushions Make a Room Homey THE DOUBLE DECK BED is pop- ular among students and our Englander beds with sagless springs and sturdy frame will insure comfortable sleeping. Priced only $20. THE CHIFFONIER is most conven- ient for use in student rooms, especially when the room is rather small, for it furnishes an adequate mirror and plenty of drawer space. As pictured, $22.00. THE DESK, to provide a comfortable place for studying, must be flat topped and should have plenty of drawer space for studying materials. The one pictured is of fumed oak and costs only $22. THE DESK CHAIR should be just the right height for the desk and should be leather seated for comfort and of fumed oak to match the other furniture chosen for your room. Priced, $4.50. THE EASY CHAIR should be roomy and comfortable. One with fumed oak frarne will harmonize best with other stu- dent furnishings. Priced $8.00 or with leather seat as pictured, $12.00. THE BOOK RACK will help you to keep your books in order, and your room neat. You will never wonder where your book is if you have one of these fumed oak racks for your room. Priced, $4.75. $2.25 to $10 The surest way of making your room coey and cheerful is by add- ing a bountiful supply of pillovi -for some rooms there are sill ones' ink dainty color or black witi striking trimming of brighter shades, while for othertroomc there. are velour and tapestry pil- lows. They vary in price fron $2.25 to $10. THE QUESTION OF PROPER LIGHT for studying is an important one you will surely want to add a study lamp, adjustable and very convenient, priced only $4.50. Or perhaps girls will want the mahogany finished candle style with silk shade, priced $2.50 and up. (Mack's Third Floor), and and stick Table Runners Add Beauty to a Room $3.50 to $8.00 For the study room, if you hav mi.Nff nj +nI-,ln -,nnarr of +onaatrv