r Books and W riters - -r - -- -- -" ~~ dreamy speculation of his mind, as to - shell ing who had taught the peopleE which would be of a "moon-lit color". Lite here isi how to grow colored cotton." +effects of too I enin' half-light, with all the varia- . Verisimilitude adds to the lure-aath. 1 dn6 aetons et affords. ,This is not to imply FayTasSuhA e a in lived "where Brail and Argen isln Ta complete unreality. Why are things 1 tile meet;" the people in 'the valley AMONG TH ---- ----seen in moonlight or at dusk, or by.. where was the Laguna Viedma talk- 1 a Slir the lover of subtleties, delicacy require of the reader virtues less he-j the uncertain pallid flame of candles edr in.F ge.SepYr- yuanish;acetanfatmas o oof TEFURhHidt nirayale ae Be grace of language, scarcely any roic perhaps than many wish to pos- any ,less truly seen than by the clear Dlh bleday. Figerad. Ne .w Y >k'.1 or "youcayseredrotheindnyooks,"THoF OUerRhnsdrd'rth n iesay be nae cumy e, now using written could have secssbut, rarer, more elusive, and in dcold, light of reason or of day . W e Mr. Fie r P e r e eagedel ih rt- au se; e d o maenuid ,ho l t de Pe red by theF r h wg ll ernt e ofm er appealrthan the work of Wa- the end more to be desired. One who grow used it daylight; our vision is ' ae rmte nin fSuhthe tale that cost a dollar rolled a early this winter. Houghton Mifflin SCRIBNER e la Mare. That. charm is im-I reads The Memoirs of a Midget withj adjusted to it. How if we become ac- America; fidtls and th en wroteInis them Sin ai.igaret before telling the story that announces, coincidentally, the repub- brochure on Cate for a large audience but it is real pleasure must be sympathetic,I customred to twilght, shadow? One maner which justifie the dedication i fie children "had beard . .. as oft- lication of Curtis Hidden Page's i the subtitle" II Is charm, and it is somewhat introspective to sone degree, and would not quarrel with Corot because to Carl S andhunrg. The illustrations-o n as you' have heard the story of Cranlations of this poet which were ro haws" vi , q to regard him, chiefly as a subtly responsive to. chianges in at- he represented trees as blurs of gray-; woodcuts by Paul Honors (ronoun - 1inderla." A modern touch.. . ., first published in cifywr a limited edition 'n Interested or -f verse called simply "slight", mosphere, sensitive to slight grada- green; to his myopic vision they wreed Ilonoray)--would be fascinting IThe names--Hunapu, El Anano, ttwenty years ago. u 11~iae n f rs hc stoso elnadaaeo h irsn vntems a-ihe tro o h notnt ~'or at",akdes rosnohchcomplaintfe of, ad whrisftheeprs,,an een heIostfa-sihte varni, BalartnquertnatNataliaaa n, aFnlu, NtaTAPS,-.~-~arTe tre nd; upon as fine-spun stuff, too shiftings of mood which si inevitably lnksn o~lit fhsrpee-ing o' unlovely yellow, green, and cilla, airu--are melodious. Bin- HAVERLOCK ELLIS propounds'of Carl Sand our. to interest. the masculine accompany action of whMtever kind. t !ation. So, too, de la Mare, with di- lue. ger writes musical passages; his ad- the following -esthetic of morality In .B. Mofnson in 1,tevgru nelc.To sayI this makes it all seem very feeret sight, presents a world whrich1 The book is, Of Bourse, primarily jeoves 'are pictorial; occasionally he his third series of Impressions ;and,"Carl Sadbu Is interesting to see however slight, very paltry, but in reality it is 'is not the world of most of us, but for (,-iliren; bunt: if those who eire' evidences keen perception. Wvitness: omments. (Houghton Nllfflin): ihf-ly esteen thtamiain foh r ereflection of aspects o'ataiyw aynt jc tonta con.supposedly bcyoid adolescence can'~ "Sr,eauty, one can literature wl Leen- reading that story ofde la lns ared yncnetinwt oversight, as the more obvious ones; it "; tagic to u., ut ter ly unimoaginahv ik ae e hnth tr a vnceaebat.Tenmero es iie, c s The Return-one of the most tesbtnil-olmr fniswe find everyday in the routine of and .hn,-alblof b.1gc1laiedrnby ,rrep." oints at which one has been able t osmr bynooneto wt nd . eer.tulnee hneditsom'hsee cet bat. h ubeofn r ille, thefor itskspiiits ose, orgitsspun by a fanciful brain; 'Toe o'Bed- 1 tneiia efi t icr ~oiso oril ge n mi- Ihave often wondered wiry chi..d hs sth sasr o. e'ss- nrfr tsprt t rsr t a sutd ncrrbrtnheecome aware of them for our- i m en n, uie, , tr are not more brutal than they cess in living." ,s01IETINt ,ry-and something of the moon- lamvisqusteroin coryoborauion:nhpmobein ta:lorIre' fordthe Silver lands ie osdrn ta he rwu dfrves ~~~~~oulsor ftsha esmadteralwod W hofhIartcommurouandivision and gives us a small kinship venefuel s in h trso h in the atmosphere of the lore of "THERE ARE those who cn take dial'""T r N solsotht h mteia wrd heeo Iamcmmndr ..vita bats, moles, and other dwellers .eu i° , th e cd too]--the cruel enchantmnent and ghastly won- their F. P. A. or leave it alone," re- Joseph Collin spun into threads of the finest and de la Mare beecores merely a is akis.Adnta w id o mrea ya "w-hae od-h e.I seems that to read of the sharks Doubleday, Page's publcty er.Col beid-ih te old ee2ife ihwoda .cdn sation, no movement in such books k t'; aaahmai u det-rowning of the hungry old witb, -man rgarding the S. Aams' new the blt pass al ka moepany si .1ta notuaef a LseL jtt as> these is proof again that we re- binding of the bird forever, the melt- look "Too Much V ;t;hett~ f d n usly teautiful texture, filmy and fltig they sold, were reduced to! in fact, the books are filled with dr°ank d es :nof ON' lit~le river, and thenI with lava, ipacna who was turned lay his weakness," and emphasze o the origin y caotoed'; which first makes its the' manufacture of "a kind of ludic- mnovemnet, with change, and valor, by force of 010 steam exploded into a to stone, the wild man of Roraima stories, like that of the Lazy People. 1 34 oterae. The words rous doll's merchandise--utterly beau- ,ny sta ude oeet huadpee;Ckx h it who sank in the Shaking Mud wouldI Fantasies are used even as a reward " SUPO islvs av cmpllngcar, ifl itl ifiesmlsinfariswhich is an undercurrent of all life, whose armas lonthenad like elatic, gmye a child a t t o lod u, .or prompt retiring. Te knd, god, der ng Cud's ubtle music one cannot easily worth a hundred times their weight runn o ubiqutously along with whose f:ngez";r : iaced over the :1 s uppo~se all this is explained as f ecntle, lving folk always cinquer ol-digging, .p.Ltri h aebokTei uis"-it that the rhythm lulls us into for- rr- -.and went feling like five bulnd divine retribution- the evil, wicked, vengeful monsters. Andes, seals rn -is mentioned again: "I read But it is not that de la Mare fails1 getfulness and we are incredulous ofi snakes," and who starved to death, it is *shamefuli that fairy, stories Someday I shall write about hor'- anything and with absorbed attention. I did to see the -sordidness of life or that Its existence linteruhrfT e binase, "with the hick o sspiclor e morals. To feed unsuispcting le ogres and merciless giants who es J. hj nger hear the 'tdripping on the roof he, wilfully shuts squalor out; ti Memoirs of a Midget presents it. WeI of all giantls." he hd allowedtehirnsgrcaed pills is coward- neveryedt h oe fgobtbfr il the patter-patter of the drops rather that he sees rno much more reject it with the contempt we have liero twins to pull his teeth and re - Well-meaning parents, no doubt eirist in foul black magic. him that he a the ceiling, nor the beating of :clearly those ethrer aspects which for the familiar; we refuse to see the( plac dthem with co n gains; the storm against" the glass.' My people have come to look rgors often kcharn- which the moment, no matter Gentle Folk, who could turn C ower~~~~~~-~ ~~ ~-~- P H N E"***** "''"' ******* ies blew in the draught, and as counterfeits of actualities, mere how brief and usual, surely may hold. into bright-colored bird,;; CabrakanH IE lows crossed and recrossed the pleasant, and untruthful, representa We will have earthquakes and ty- th o aot, as acialow f) s, D elicio s tender- Det. 4 Do you remember' the books Lions of reality. Dah diseaso, cruel- phioons, shocks and hurricanes, and {bris "h ~rgre 'hSa 19 ing words? *K * ty, horror,-all these are to be found scorn a sound as trivial and customi- . otf steaks for )ace, likre Lawford in the dark- in' his books but so touched l Y hisl ary as that of the "multitudinous nificance for the old roan in The Re- a a t Widderstone, he glanced up 'essentially conteplative attitude, the ran-drops" which had so sharp a sig- turn noddin~ quetly in his chair. y o u r S u n d a y3 reply across the lamplight at his Poojih s pp r t tnUky to rSp1sa hUtsma drical 'shadowy comrpnpng t u p r e heard the steady surge of multi v tnous -randrop ," like the roar ;of =4 ¢IALITYr, the habit of comn e's winged chariot hurrying near,- a he too, with specta}es awry, 4fn' I n ere and bed on in his chair, a weiary old v'1 i '""1a f tinel on the outskirts of his friend's a jS d ST will al1ways beD O3NLY BENZOL CL uded battlefield. ibEAVES NO STIC 'Shadowy compaion,' 'multitudin- stsi d ~. A E rain-drops,' 'a weary bid sentinel', TO ATTRACT NEW I friend's denuded battlefield,'***- words echoed like little muffled s in my brain, and it was, I sup- d0at , to their chimiing that I fell into f ranless sleep."~(f his moon-.it immateriality is a-T DRY CLEANING - I lity not merely superficial, a trick-'.y amei ite n manner, but one which is basedyougmet eih,.Ii ntially upon an attitude of th'e Do You>XGaaShopinnEar A pecuiarly the possession of", lei'sattitude toward hiscusrldths The many items to select from-Electric Irons, Cuding Irons, j M iuently anything but an illuminat-; Toasters, Percolators Armstrong stoves, l liU process and it seldom, as courses Wafflle Irons, Grills, Heaters iterature amply testify, increases, u oln nscndfori ed o Iseto.C F TE I reader' appreciation, but with de- fare appreciation seems to stand Cu Tylado eod lo sray fr ipet fall with an understanding of his t of view. Any reader will agree, JI.. . F SvH'E VCf. 08 E a t W il am ' repose, that he does not see things i O UALITY- O. U# r.\58Es ila t -euulfashion. Daareetmain i:ar Wat h ngton Washeng-on near MtainI 8 e6b ]~4 as wlftr dn atterit if made to I v!4 Where the Best Food Is W s ezlEe to reconrcile the interpretations S y e+served iften difficult. a A y arsu o see the world as de la Mare does--.-.-- - " TE OERA BO OFI SEIMES R DIFFEENT" SHO indicate the deplorable much poker on its [OSE now visiting these . Bel thLowndes, sster rrent, we believe) and tery stories S have got out a neat Arthur Train hearig Dan of Letters and Dnn, ch they will send to any soundd ovt' the cord' burg's verse 1)v Gorha the last Ddpbe Dealer rg is a' poet who a edtl a few yearsago WhO wants to pwn a one shelf 61! the wrd's best ['be intereste in Srib auttoraphed.and com- of Hl. O."Wells., .. NEATin te way of 3from the November s the t f ,. rto a3 §: In his earlier v61 lns'.set himself to Culng iages In modern letter ng thtem with a certa n ty; thu's, readers could for these nuclei withot W the less efiient pagem als. . . yE I was a kind of wa fool--trying sailorinr treasure hunting in the in fisher, Indian. trader everything," says Char of the adventurous year m Maron Redy tol could write. .EANING Y .FILM DIRT., .s washing Benzol or uJSIVely EATEST° f TI EDT DATH" The Nineteenth Annual Product'Ion of --- --Mimes of the Mis igan Union For UniversityWhich Plays in Ann Arbor the Week of December 8thFrGee Woen Publ TW L M,. fMONDAY. DECEMBER FvIRSTGeraBoOf al