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November 30, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 11-30-1924

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Mr. Ake.ley Discourses on th~e Junge

U niversity Teaching In Holland


cter in the material point of view,
re~iprofessors and foreign stu-
rents becoming much more rare than
hey used to be. But it remains the
pride of these universities to lose
othing of their international charac-
tr in the intellectual way, preserving
,e Netherlands worthy to lie regard-
d as a permanent sending and receiv-
ig station of the great waves of in-
ternational feeling comning from
icross the ovean and the Continent.

By Kenneth C. Kellar! rate of, soed leaving, the ground in, By . anolenhoyen countries and with the teachings of t
lhoelo uer~inadlg nbg graceful bounds, anid he is University of Leyden the great masters abroad.
whih hs srronde Africa for ! topped only by death. Once he Situated 'in the midst of the threei The last war, in these respects, has t
yearY-popular be zefst a h "dark receji itm h ini o most highly civilized nations of exercised a two-fold influence. On a
eoitinent" is a land =of man-eatingj vindictive; he usually maes one"Euz c-iaglant, rance and Ger- 'one hand, it could not but strengthen
liens, pestilence and dense impene- ;swipe with his paw, takes one bite at many-Holland has undergone, from in the Netherlands the wish to think_
trable Jungles -wa ifte d recently! the ahunter, and then leaves, ;al the times of her history; the in tupartially. Holland being in a pos-
fi. citi zens of. Ann, Arbor by Carl The moan-eating lion is more or fluence 'of these great neighbors, tion to read the newspapers and to
.&kiey, noted explorer, sculptr, less of a myth, accordinig to Mr. Ake-1 sometimes alternatively, sometimes get the news from both belligerent
stortsmnan, andi scientist. Mr. Ake- Iey, whlo follows this with the strik- all at the same time, although in sids, never got into the one-sided
ley "lectured here not long ago under; ing assertion that "the mlan-eating varying degrees. These lasting in- view of political things produced by
t e auspices of the Oratorical asso- lion is infinitely rarer than the man- flutences have engendered in the the daily perusal of only one set of
cation.I killing man." Now and then, he said, Duftch mind an aptitude for under-1 war telegrams. Strong though the
In an iterview ftl :.ing his le- an old lion develops a liking for hu- standing and appreciating foreign smpathies of the majority o the na-
tu~r, Mr Akley iscuseda nunHaan flesh, and satisfies his appetite nat ions, which aptitude is not ident- !ton may have been, the exclusive ad-
4.roi thae iprlar beliefs and made by a systematic guerrilla campaign !cal with the fact that the average miration of one party and the exclu-;
3~ el ar that Africa; after all, is no- on the native villager's. but suchi Hollander of some cultivationi spoiks sv'e cndemnation of the opposite
~~~~ x ?ers friiig .paea cases are very rare. He mentioned 1 more r less Englsh, French and ! party never were popular. In the be-
i uuaW ait~.the "M an-eaters of Esavo," two young ermnan, and reads these languages (ginning of 1918 an enterprising groutp
}ullhe. said as tr etby lin h eelpda ,rariaywthut dtFficuty. What is do es mean of men of affairs and of university
.Fa" ing r . t ictnrads ofonns o ua ls n eeis thalt Holland can ners tan d and m en, forseeing the necessity f re-
Ajoty of pe6 on l gogeisirielesmassoie
r kfoes t gowth, i lc ie rcCwot grget lv n ooiesjapeciate the Anglo-Saxoii, the storing international relations as soon
~rrsp~ ta~iy n ~o~ous whceewrigoiaralon - Frenc and the German minds, their as possible after the war, foundedl at
, d~aii~und o ,,.every h incf, e-srcintruh h ugeweegreatriesS and their ideals, their pridesI The Hague an "International Inter-
t d'tr."in f eid ve eta£#oi. As a ma te esdd eetwolon e and thei errrs, It is easy to see mediary Institfte" (a clearing hos
t4 fct t~r ae nc aea__the subect of a kb'to, adi0i t wh Hlandl on this pint ha ad- for informatio n on juridical ad eon-
3t tee a n", waiy lan ds in ths fact £itat Mr. Alley lays the vatages, above the oHer small na- omical matters, favored by the gov-
t: asrteury nd i:i.tue ,htp6piilan' misconiception that man-eat- tois of urope.'he Scandinavian eminment and presided over by the
a ' wfld. beats ai , d retiles a~u n ers are cbfumrao. He placteshe pro- States are too far out of the way: present Chief Justice of the Penman-
ii Btt oi t~ thr and te ~lio i of m*Xit'eatig horn to th they stand aloof, lack ing a central nt out of Inter ationial Just ie at
fat ,parao tion .of SIirn deIin, frica odnr efetn a~t oglp. tioni amidst ttl great national The, Hague, Dr . Loden. On the other
b oi t a ti iie t6 h 6 pop lan c ~ at on li n i fi e f ii hof ; c vll~ at o n 61 tir W e t. eIi"n is , h an d , h ow ever, th e w ar h ap p ily o en -
M ,un~:~hf uge~oidb:a The buffalo s dangerous ai game Aad often was, to mucht gravitating ed eyes and ars to the fact that in
.' ". + f , rs wodlt. ost chiefly hc6:as6 of his irritating habit ecisivey toward Fance: Switer- the last fifty years German science
t#isnot a tFugleof vines, ofch g. wihot re;cti ,,utland lacks the sea, and, a a aeonse- ihad suceee-i Hlandasel
tez't? r anlrazii n!(fergrotih; rv: tI of the bisl. Fixrtherduoi'e, tie bufalo' qucnce, the close co'ntact. with the iwhere-in laying a disproportonate
u r 4 vo~t area of: 6Pen °plain lan'il, canrnot be stopped aor trned in is Anglo-Saxon world. I owever rode- stress on university methods: F+renchi
a,,; .,uo.inle o s-called chrge; be int be iti'fed or serfoisly pde 't as' a tate,. and howe ' v' a- and Englsh books for sudy have ,1 13a I .udn~e f o. ,, 't.zd c
6h ed-id ad eed dlabIed. The Afrz nk br ai, ikfe nirable for its olitcaacievements, since then regained in olland, in
61,lw~yn bugheb I haV6 nev rall mefbiers of thle cattle family, is ( is divided, cltrally, between te many departments of university l earn-
atfi~vindictiveato aMd pee wliecr in a'rg ermhan .influence, and the rench. ing at least, the place they never
re O ~ges ei~ ht~0ne Bunter remained in a tree for {Ay id of cauvinsmn is alien to the should have lost.
c 61" si iref red two hoiu thehile an en a.. u.. I uch mind, as is also the case w:I I Unnecessary to add that the new
Wit te roi'ssbull trampied lis conliParion literallyj the Swiss and; the Scandinavians Academy for International Law in the
=r. Ake e tits 3 e . azitier a thifit o th trenInHoland have, from the very i n the Fbegfining hof 914, strongly
l '1~4fI."Afr a a;with a nor= "Th'e bz l'bl6n the 6ther~ hafi," he first show the same caracteristic, suported by the Carnegie Edow-
., Y r"v sfd"Wo eassaki, "is not a"t to':be fan geouf1s to 6f, I rnatlonall~zf. Even before the nctatWsintn htnt-pn
fiu ferate, n$:wE'llordere iie. 'man if lirnng~ft intor contact with faim founadtiozn of Leyden University ;before the month of July, 1923, en-
1 t Ut1e ~id t ii vettaning; for the firsttimen. 6 O'n (n ie ocasion (l1", l5 WePbred younzg gentemen :tiely> complies with what law sti
..r .I~iie1i~d nAfric'. Oe Izeitere'da herd oft eVeal hiurhdm c made theh~z uniersity studis both in~ dents' in Holland ar accustouind tol
~ eiiot tpie{v ten t m'elIhfs fs of°themwho Q had nreven s1Te&4 Wite the ;French and the German spere oz look for The international mind
c, ntis tifeesitiel a.1 lizir£6""r befare. I fll&Vweed the heid culiture-one migh peaielt quote the example peoie by so manny Americ'ns of:
' p ae ,. b lf rbeArable, .feveer- foit th2e greater part of a day ani of the fai~rouz statesmnan, Johan Van high standing and guaranteed in the
't' ., iWri ~~te t jftit, it tin kled 2z bullheri A.sunxdo~vnzin goP4i f lnarnvet (b'o1547)-but, even teaching of this young Academy both
~4~~u IXr~ h ~la(O onr- ota~ tree '*aS in~ sig 21andjaftc~xwarcls, Leydenl students often by the international character of its
L" ; ,t t fet eii f lescape., sZiitld it khavfe t&e nv .cs- wzen abroad to give themselves else- ?bard of surveyors and by the inter-
a tM.{Ir 0 fc " ive t.e ;sea:aone nt- I sry, as frIosibt>e. The' saina erdelwhere a finishiing ftoch: Iugo Grtus national choice of its poesri
cs ~ 7 Eri~~6 thettne t daycl several da ty iate'r a wary, and r-=(orfi 583) defended a thesis in the exactly vhat the Dtch law student
y"~ t, 1 z ani tear °icf l7 n4 versed fthe ftratfofi.1by' hiitfng frUntfiio'rsi yof Oreans, Johan d Witt has learned to think necessary for
izv > ig . Theve ar, o c*t5(, lme . I (br125gt his degree at Ar flonI2)gtnger, scietfic inquiries which deserve thir,
rrfts ri hare fina thty, 'elepat I r. Aieey ,cosis si GSi'ert Karel aiHogendorp (born mnes.
li °i a 11c zid iion Its to+{e,of ainyI dang~eru5 bhcuse ,of his intozgen ce, 762) visited the young reprubic at I emthrfrtobo
coew~, Fit~ ea~~ o Mchianand his charactritfc of eha~irgmri the dthei~ side of the ocean, repeatedly Itsmteref htofte,twhe notama
atditliois were re. rded au +p'i til~vu- ithout provOcatioti. It is iPOl ible, ieetlng Jefferson and being a gest of unbiased views ad of aipmta
ht;l reas.' houeer, to top A elephat moun'en 4 at Mount Vrnon. f he u niversitis ofmidamnfreochtvisi
siren cuestloned upon the much t~iy rt uif lffo hs .rOteLo onr~ evrfl sae needed in internaational' affairs of our
dsctwsed controvcersy as to the p'ost as he charges, by the use ahayt rwfnuosPoesr rmth asapplo heDthuieste
4angerou6 African bi game aiimal, caibe rfe,,d ni~parts' of urope, and up tll3 is called upon. Not to speak of Cief
60' oted file aws i~i'~ u I ase t ui~a o tea- far into the eighite&fihcentury Angl- IJustice Ldn o fisacso
dii~~~~~~ ccehnr ew~e he-teJn, ivsability of going to' Afrca with ddy iaxonu, Fr eict and German studentsi the past, one mnigt qote r. Zimm'ae-
tio idbufao ad heelpan alihtbrehi~Wv~ociy if~,~. wrefrqenin uivritlctreian, charged by the League of Na-
Aflo~ hes thee re angrou bi I kely referred to' "f l fild Czn-!and tartaking of, university life in':ions to 1be its igh Commssoe
tr habts are different, aan'ri 1u t 's ningiame, a f'ranfi6, African sorts-'lflandl, as mnay be seen from . 1.. at Vienna; Mr4 Van Rees, mebe of1
{,. 'l o opr te sgatieman who in reply to a siinmlar ciry Itevnsons noel"Kidnapped." DutchteLau'eomisoifrMn
Tian hunting of" each of the three in- ,said, "the lean whit". 1tnes to 4rifea stdents and DutCh university iib- dts r ugr iaca die
vtles a technique entirely differnit' with only a light bore rifle ;is witing ares are al the time Using nglish, of Albany, apointed by tie Teagie;
Pr~tta floe nhiinttug the.isAon wil." A o ortined: Fec n ma n sientific book
(r'f ta oloe.n:h isonwil", ~~hG~r~nand several Dutch members of inter-;
oetl4*rs. The genersl. belief is Of ~"I have used the AG 6 Maftilicer a Kqcute asiich as Dutcht bookts, if not ntda dioy cmits ~.
11 +n i are the fiercest of the Three, light bre gun) on. elephiants When I even moibre, andthereby, also un~in- r Vissering, Dr. B3rins. S ai o
- ."1r eea tb ifMr. Akeley is to, be b elieaved, have been in sxols a"" Isifir° and so tefruptedly peep in touch w*ith thethsgelme haepsdacii
tiey rarely make. unp ovokedl close that I could pace miy sht x- great trenids of learning in foreign1 service ca eer in the Netherlands Eat
cfitrge; ii fct, a ionwill rarely acthy where I wnale4 to, fiifo a'nis(ihtei"ffymlin
charge unless he has ben g ~cdinto direct; charge such~a rifle l isie6 untfing trips, is not one which may' iuh~ns (withctheer fftyhillios of
i . Occsonally, a lioness wvith cubs tive; I prefer a rifle tfhat will stop ' be indulged in w~ith any freedom by tends toward lifting its mn hmers
wil attack 'a hunter when aihe has turn the charging, elepi~fit, a rifle Ithie proetaiat, Mr. Aeleyr admnitted,1 above thle conflicing interests of the
beet mlesedor hentheyoug ae sch s te .75'Eiifi~i Gidie. esiecafly sice £te war, wiich raised: Colonial poplatiols and toward rn-
in# danger; anid when persistently fol- "I am not loyal ,to American rifles' ,LJne ice of big gamie hnting. along Idring them disposed to ,learn equally
lowed and annoyed by the hunter, probably because N' heftI first went to i 'I eve tyhing else. He places the1 fromn Anglo-Saxon, French arid Ger-
niale ,lions will often charge; but in Africa, European spo 'ing rifles were cst of a year's so1orn in Africa, In~an eapes of colonial policy.
thle great' majority of 0aaeof a lion distinctly superior to Americlan made traveling. ecnoically, at approxi-i Since the abolition of Latn as the
will turn~ and flee at the approach of rifles. I atn nowt hAving two' ight mately $3,000. Buit thi§ fie xplaine, language of university teaching -and
a~~~~~~~~~.~~~e hua en.We ne inbr ilsmd o ieon sprecil s a mnatter which must be goerei~earning, the utch universities have
clharges, however, he is extremely order in Cleveland."iy the inividual purse,otmc fter nentoa hr
dangerous. . He harges at ,a terifflc The pleasure :of going to.fria on 'Z
h. ' __,



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