sin senator),in Democrats, 15 amr ---."
t Laborites, three, and Socialists, two. M U I
__________________- On the face of the figures the situationEDsI
ished every morning except Monday seems secure against any opposition 1 I
the Universit year by teBadi liI
01 of Student pubBoardons.n of the Progressives which might be / AND Be
aroused by their exclusion from active NiEST-CE PAST T R M e
nbers of Western Conference Editorial participation in Republican activities
Associated Press ~is exclusively en- factorotosbetoastarintohconoideration:THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Re-
to the use for republication of all news fFrencho e taenfinofconiddon'tn
ches credited to it or not otherwise though the' regular Republicans have Eim o hl. Yctla T 'lc nHi uioim
ed in tniis papter and the local news pub.amjrtto'he nth eaeoe think it's a good idea tell others; if iIM: TeMrcl ftl
therein. amjrt ftrei h eaeoe OIH:"h lrceo h
the combined forces of the Democrats,,you do, tell us. 1Cr yPdieCl t73 slc
ered at the postofice at Ann Arbor, Farmer-Laborites, and the insurgents, ITeoeaoei n ftehnis o~ yPdicCin t73 'l~
igan, as second class matter, Special rite Teoeaoei n o h adetii he Presbyterian church.
stage granted by Third Assistant Post- there is included in the list of those in h u1 u e antstn
r General. aI rgulatRepblicnsgag, btecan'ot stand,
scription by carrier, $.5o; by mail,I designated asrglr eulcn "TICKLED TO DEATHI" PROMISES'
i suh mn a SentorPorh ofIdao, it ourself. The reason we cntsad OB ETO PRS
ces: Ann Arbor Press, Building, May- uhmna eaorBrho;dhTOB ETO PRS
Street. SntrJhsnofClfriadit is because it's the first idiom ginches 1"The complete rehearsal whichxwas ns dtra,21 ad16Mbs-lan hnte-aeFec-i hthl etra atrona h ie
960. ~~~~Senators Norbeck and McMaster oflerwhntytaerncin ht
gso. South Dakota, all of whom have radi-r the School of Education grandly calls ( theatre proved the prophecy of the'
EDITORIAL STAFF cal inclinations. None of these men TheSeodrScol.A sonapouesfrtishwsmrepe-
Telephones 2414 and 176.31 can be counted on to back 'President the ginches learn this trick of speech, I did and better by far than any at-1
Coiginaciithey bind a Place for it in their con-,tmedbMisbfo.Thcat
P~ ?M. WAGNERItwudsesaetcnldehn versation2. "We'll go to the movies, epe yMmsbfr.Tecs
PHNINMOt ouEsemDaeITORcldeten'and choruses were thoroughly (drilled
--.........on .Ga-ngos that the action of the Senate Republi- netc a? in theirpatndualitkean
g Frltor ... .......Robrt G. Ramsay Cans was undiplomatic, and likely to _ u vubfr te'eland iirregularities, common in final. re-'
.dto.......... Manning Ilouseworth cause trouble in either or both of the l they use it in their Correspondence., hearsals, were completely absent. j
Night Editors {Tis erMcia a odr
gW.Dvs ardA.Moe next two sessions of Congress. The Ths:IherMihgaasawodr- "he comedy (if the pr'oduc~tion is
pias P. ;Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. fact that President Cocolidge was opu- ta, 'stc as^ndtente
QehC Keller Norman R. £hal }s pontane~ous and refreshing, and next'
LaEdtr....WllamH Soemnposed to the actiont indicates that lie add, rather whimsically, Yeti pa. to the comflCdy, prub lily the dancing
ay Editor.......Robert S. Mansfield fears a renew-al of the tyraniny of thej By Tuesday we hope to have re- of tesho deserves seond m non
? n' Edior.........Verea, oran, ths caleda moe amacalledm-poaibmoreackamiable atcidiom-po, th "'Ln-
is and Drama.Robert B. Henderson LaFollette bloc., Witliout this public Bakdb h cy msc h Ln
graph E'ditor...William J. Waithour denunciation of the dissenting Sena-! a trifle more recherche, too. . . j[terns of the Night" number stanids outj
Baly AssistantsS.ama tosthReulcncodsowybt*
.e S.arleynet Marie Rmsatosrelyhe RemovdcanthemldfromwpsyTHEbEETtNTas the most artisticaLlly beautiful num-'
ion arlo Regna Richann HE PNETRNTher in the first act. In this larve
:h Cady r. Edmiarie Schraudr tdo IS of influence with little acco-(plge to Edna St. Vincent Millay) 11dly a finished perfection that
ard B, Lrosby Frederick H. Shillito (ApologieslIys
ntreL aisC rthur Stevens payn atgoim Dplac i- I had. a Weeping Sinew, ain atgosmI shows long trailnng and natural tal-1
s W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet. iloay i s
ph 0. Gartner Herman Wise stead of stage play _should govern the i ihni edn hah ent. "Behind a ane r Fan" is an- iP
'nin~g Houseworth Eugene 11. G.tekunst next move of the Republians towrd1 made a wine of iodine$ other first class numtber which ranks
abeth L ieber~ema.nn ne .Stanley C. Cricohton their insurgents if President Coolidge g And plunged them both beneath ieqalin1wtywthhefrtaed
field H. Line Leonard C. Hall IAd Ltl iewe, dIh; eqallysin bay wi~eittheVamrsnaed
E. Omahr Thomas V. Koykka i o esuccessful in his contemplated + "n o.Frlaac.PtesnL SsK Wge ln o ute a euto n inewweepth, Vamay MaydCom,(,o>,VampsnM
jam 2. Pt~esoa illa~ K Waner lan forfurher ax 'e~lctin a~ "Ad, LttleShethxraysodao G" isa rhiarete' pice ungecye box Fo
fr leilto.die, I Charles Livingston which iN distinctly etly until i
RBUSINESS STAFFM1 And I upon the bed willli _ I satisfying and quietly humorous., into an el
din Your Christ mas Shopping Now
R oth Enids of the Diagonal. Wa 7k
many years he worked qutl-
the cigar-box device cianged,
-lectrical instrument of ther
Telephtone 96~0 iTH ' id.#;w d ~t'zi imvawbilC grit my teethr!" "Then thne character parts have a utmost delicacy. "And,:' says Thomas!
- SNSSMNGE i f 'icaorQ~' '~til'ihd touch tat is quite 'novel in"
IAJ. D RESSR hii'hhesb('~i1)e~le I1 ' (A~t : ~;si~c .IaS bir weeks of drainring- an amateur performance. Charles!Wlrd Toa ife hne
t .L.'i). mattereda quitecauedthegratebit!r ,Livingston as Marceline is without wt tfo ru netrit}.... .. L. Finne1Q a se h raetsi But in that wine of iodine doboeo ~emotpretfml humble priest before an atar upon
A vetisig................. A. Marks o recent years in intestate litigation, It finally idouitbimeronaoftiosevmrc erfcludemal whe nwbauyi jen br.
Adv~rtisng ........H. M. Rockwell i destinied to take on an international yddqit___mpeoatin__veinluedn__whch__nwbauy___bengb _r._
rculon,,,........... ..RonC Parer siificnenx week when repre-(I My little Sinew failed to weep, !Uio Oer . l oceo hIsae
iu~rcation................R . C Wnter sentatives of the United States andsI My little Sheath I' ceased to keep-, is soft and meldious4, and his crriage
Assistants LT aeM olIcudntsep (uel n infe.;tTG
. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins Canada are to meet in Washington to Tosv;ysu ol o le uel n infe.iNTC
W. VrAroud BuF.nMatH. ecaueNofwoy oain,.considerrd developmentnus hiofortheBuSt. 1Law-Newmnr cnsidr devlopmnt oTheeSt.nLi-anThwill glaillgyareceivee
V:li Beits TbomasOlmstead rence waterway-to-the-sea proposition. S II good work of last year in one of the, aypcuejaknti alo
Dvid Fox TAT Rosenzweig Substantiated by the action of the S upI got with pleasure, leading male roles, and Richard ~lliot; campus scenes, initiations, fall- I'
Norman irreehling Mar ret Sandbrg And took' a cloth I had, asamds iteCinsIatv a-
W. E. .Hamaker £,. . Schioenfeld United -States ini carrying" the case And put a bandage on my hand of{hepr tgefetonaitomeest. anyotepens inre
V: H Jo rason S. 1,Tcar against the Sanitary 1istrict of Ch- Thatf hepadidn'te lookilon;'
Loui . Kramer FgoTintortheTsupreme'tcourttCanada.rink lplays his part with a naive' l will be met with-
Loui, W.Krsmrepaoted toesube cringing aa etIAnd,. "One thing there's no getting';shyness that brought laughter and ap-I____
~I that the federalgoen ntak - byiIplause from the limited audience 'that
g o e n e t t k i -" 'emed iate a ctio n on th e d iv ersio n ofsa e a d o t r b l , s d I; w n s ed is p f r m c ., ,
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1924 wtrArmLaeMchgnthog "'esave ddctorl ," adI;wtesewisrprfomane.0 11 13 1E., 1 94
water from La"ndeasiitididn'lkill me, why, "The plot itself is cleverly workediS M T W T F S
Nih dtrNRA ...A. h hcaodang anl idns I might as well be glad!" j out, being much more in evidence than S M T N ' F S
_____________ ofthe CLiakeCarines'asat.ining th1 * * . . . .
of th Lak Carrers'assocatio in te'( in any opera in recent years. Jack 2 3 4 5 G 7 8
REULICAN STAGE-PLAYT' case show that it would be impossible 4 Ler af roF H, oughtn, an Ameri!can tourist, while I 3 I10 11 12 13 14 15
to mkettsucessof terS.tLarene!Itravelling in China, falls in love with I1lti 17 i 4 19 20 21 22
The arbitrary action taken Friday lIowaewaysuIfesmorethn 1,000awrcfeet .Dear 'Jason: (unpardonable familiarityNyaTo. hesbqunupad 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 {
,by the Republican organization of the in such a lettr-,I C.),.n ;.o~ his romance, inc=itwife(I 0 . . .
Senate in meting out punishment toI of water _a second, or one tenth of the yVo and my 'social secretary, Dek- IWt hs fhspry omtebss-
te insurgent group of LaFollette sup- prsn fw i ietdthog h off, who Is always kidding me in the, of the story which holds the ade:'ce;
prters will be hailed by many as a ptodrainagttiii te canal.a ear or the teeth, are both pie-eyed.1 fairly breathless.otc
just treatment of the persons who UptIh rsn ietecs a The part of a sentence you quoted is "Not the least of the attractions of _____________________
o loed hei ow covicion tothebeenoneof hicgo gaist he om-from a review that bears the signature the opera are the costunes. They are' W la n elc asadcp
etent of leaving the ranks of their bnto ft~ ttso nin, of A. 73. I have come to expect these arriving i n rbrtf. " 1in udoitPIIT Yuwllpreae
Mihigan, Minnesota, New York, OhioCiaglittle inaccuracies from .my minion jwith Lester, ol'cfthigo. Wh i (oin- aigyrhtdoevrinace
party that they might support what lPennsylvania,1Wisconsiniland the Lake
Peneyan a bW isevontoiea p ogres ive c use.e D nglel of w ho can't even read proof str icte d and designed all the gow ns l tnd a nitau r y a ne ,fer om aodoan
LoerJuttepnsmnimutCarriers' association. In the face of adhwvrjs h uihet tms accurately on his own articles (wit- for this yars show. Cer~ain era- Y maneit orhead.o oo
be admitted. nevertheless, that the ac- th rtet fths obiain t a ess: "Fraternity Mock Invta-! tions, the like ofl which has only been
ion was not wise. nothing of the individual action taken ; tions). But you, Jason (unpardonable usel i two professional prodtion, FACTORY fHAT STORE
By resolution tsenators Robert M. Ib oi ftesaeCiaoadt here, too-J. C.), deniurge of our cirit-! are the feature of this phase of "the 417 Pkard St. Phone 17:I
Lat.I,.illette, ~Sanitary District tooks the intolerant Iia oms aebe eeooe n hw
llah)etSmith 'W. Brookhart, Ed- psto htla oms av enhrtfradso.(vhee D U. R. Stows at State)
win lV. Ladd, and Lynn J. Frazier were poiinta.t aiayneso should~ be, infallible. '"Llama thread forms the bais ofI
deprived of membership in tlhe Re- Chicago and vicinity were paramount, '. * oegrou gw.'TeeechaI
publican organization of the Senate, and could not be subordinated to water e ;* never before been tued in an Americani
txcludled from appointment to con- power developments in other statesI Sorry. Awfully sorry. If I had a; podctio. One gowi (if printed (lv-
witeevaanies ad ened utrealngsie the ea nLaerte." fotsof Chimes here though, I'd quote part ofi eteen is a moel of richness. Other
recognition as Republicans generally. 'nsieo h oietdefrso Your frt sentence. creations, in a bewildering array of ik
While these men deserved nothing s aysaegvrmnsa ela beauty, will be displayedI at the theu-ognzain opivt n
less and could hardly have expected to vaiu raiain fpiaei- here follows a piece of verse whose atre tonight. I s
beteae dfernl, h qetinIdividuals in the comm ronwrealthChi- only title is a Michigan letter head "M.LseIncmetigo Ih
bes beY"Mrraised n c mmwhigetherl. orconinot o thisp rox maely tniversity of !Michigan 1837 costumes for "Tickled To Det" 'hasj
action will alienate them further than I1,0 ui ee e 'cidfrcm Lk
MI, saidl that never beore has an amateur[
~vrfrom the Republican plce and (Michigan trroiugh the drainage canal. Ohwasoadstuleer, podcinttntelnyigsoab
cause them to adopt a policy of blind Evnthe e nntijntino .h My love! oate in costuining, and very few pro-
opposition to any legislation 'which Oheea oenen rhbtn h what so melancholy I 'ssional shows could c oe near to
hias What they would call :the taint ofithdaa fnoeta ,6 ui As sighing Tuna fish equaling it. The year's show -will far
Republicanism and Wall street. Morefetprscnwasemglinod I Who love! outdistance last ,ea'spodution in l
than probably they would have adopt- whniIa icvrdta nte A too loquacious polly, otuiui r elvcniud'
tatc[nwy upre sIneighborhood of 10,000 cubic feet per l 1r~
'd such in their second was still being diverted.Ahwasorrascbgeps, Tthewolngfrheodod
hey are by the voters i hi con-1 it was pinted out by Chicago du- Aiwa orr scbaepe, T hs h ogfrtego-l
tituenicies, but the extreme action o 'igth otovrytatn.rviin O My ear! days when local publicists did not e-
he Republican organization'will serveso what so unconvincing it ate before the grand nn~~ter, here is
ha oagetand crystallize the ha been made by any' of the munici-! As scrambled peacocr's eggs a sample repriited from ~he ~ichiganA
'mly to aug'rnent I~ palities for the disposal of the sewageAnber niyfrlcee~3,12-wth'o
einmaeeietIthlatSSby incineration or other artificial,
ion of Congress.' eansadfrhr(elrltau- Unwonted dreams evincing! f corse, the nc (s ry substitution of ST
This opposition will be felt most in ,adfr t '
.der the laws' of Illinois, sufficient 30.ot.taeSre
he coming short session of 'Congress. . fr(n nw Ali what so quaint as dumpy doors, Chat the satirnnts, for all their fam--
[Ti, the Sixty-eighth Congress, hasncetho of disposal could not be raised' Myalbyniet uiiarsertvsI
opposed nearly every effort of Presi-'I Or what so terrifyfulj discounted, very eary true of this
det ooide ndhi aheens tfor many years to conme. Yet in spite As, while I'm In the bath,j year's prodction--a sicre sucess ifI
'let Colige nd is dheent atof all thie agiation against tae present'
constructive legislation. The Mellon ou all, prelminary ear-narloks ileannthin -
plan of tax revision, admittedly an ad- iuto uigteps oren AndY I present an eyeful! at all.
mirable measure, was so slaughiered;1 eer, Chicago and the state of Illinos D E L S.
byth Clli'r a: ad ' [t epuhrbican {;4 (l' 2 t ~0 ii~iitf * * * CORRECT'IOIN
hisur('(it tis1,I1i'0I 'I n '0the balance'4!of dI r 1!a t with is and tat, the h?;'y Due to an error the article on De
I e l n! ~ i ri ., 1 =.l n t S ! ., o v er, lth at 1 yei t fl[()5 o( it s 5 p (c ti'ca -,0 ' ih lk 8 j t t .as fair en ou gh ,' P achm an n an n ou n ced h is D etroit con -A S u n d a
p 11ic' !flL' i.It.t wa .t bougf>ht by - ' as :Days of Thanks go. 'We have no cert for Thursday, December 4. In
itical obrservero that the overwheh r- l rmntt tpinotecs classes on Thursday anyway, of course,r reality, the pearls will drip Tuesday,
ig vicory of the Republicans in the Iadlgsaeaantte ad~a and that 'slowed up our gratitudeI Decemher 2.
ast election would tend to curb the perngtoso e of theee in e somewhat-but taken all in all, by and! ' * d fo rwx a rd
opparingontotidisposefthofLthelesewag rg, indconsidering that we didn't' A11NOTE ON THOMAS WILFRED
pBl sin acieso the Lain hotsesoletesoe thrwyteymgtnwb have to get out a column, anyhow, i, Thomas Wilfred, the inventor of te
fo os. in lthest cdomaings ort essobuth prepared for the change.I was Pret-ty fair. color organ, whoe s to present his pro-
hSeatestepuniplatinoebyte I is tobehopedthatohesco I1 But that isn't the sort of thoughts gamt in Hill auditorium TuesdayJan- I
heml to renewed action. Luckily the offifersncewigitheCanaiob eschian that go to make up humor columns full teary 13, is a native of Denmark. At
dminitratin is nt conemplainginernationl giicanc pobemthatchia- of pep and go and ginger andilash anl early age two desires had already
le passage of any legislation of a cone- and verve. Too personal.I developed ii his meid: one was to an d re m i
roversial nature until the gixt-wilth btps o h rcesoaentimriusdie Mr. Jason Cowles. write poetry, the other to putSiy-nhj the me-
ongress assembles in December, 1925, iversion of water from Lake MchiYrgcaiclanaleticlaciveetso
n ererring to leave____the__formatiocganofIalEven the news that a New YorkthecaIowr o h raino
______________________-ucay to4ork fr thecreatone01
Cold mornings bring
no discomfort when
there' s an electric
heater handy .
Others pr iced. to $10.50
The Detro'it 'Edison
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Telephone 2300
1 t S.
{ b !
'i ne
To mnake Your Christmas gift.
selections. For a number of
clever, suggestions, come to
Arnold 'S.
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y dinner to look
mnating variety
arkable service.,
usual low prices!