THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUINDAY, NOVEMBER 30, apers were presented by - o nsIe of the University of Miehi ElectrnS u d er Ths nf wllbereorehis inforn1111I111111111tlllllnlllx1111iiilllllbel1111recorded111ii11: iiTT .rateliy .nrdtiled under an index :,,t,=, t 2.4I sy. czt i: nthe c, '"ireof the bureau. :: eek BIegiiiihu,'G A R H\ IDt,)Oz o 2 h;1 dILI pcil ot i trb m :eoffurther Trrow eMatinees FautEneriw ihstudnts ubedib- tlie eomiy Eo it i ngB11d. and iSat. t; .v i, we,,. Data < r ~odel xviiii h e -L% ,O $.i Facuty itervewswithstudntsin the placing of -canddae in suita-=_ vho are enrolled with the bureau of ble positions. E 01 l appointments for teaching position; II2jOL during the coming year have been E mil.F recommended by the faculty advisory! AIV f l 9_LIfi K- ~- committee and are being organized by 'J11 1W I~ VL B U Miss Margaret Cameron, secretary of Ij C 9__i the bureau. It is intended that the in- } 5 terviews thus obtained will furnish ILIII§UIUUIL4 ~the committee with more impartial AND HIS information than that to be had from Wamington, Nov. 20.--(? .ctiozs ini- -im~ recommendations and will give the 1ovn rpsl orieth lv 1K 15E Istudents some experience in being in-lii i ir n u w r, terviexvecl for -poosoitionsa.trygus f -nm ° posiion. ler of the older American battle- ; Conferences with committees, each l .Sj 9. O . lA D W D j fwihwill be composed of twoI ships < re expctod to arrive in con- SU . N O .,T ES ND'D professors, are being arranged1. Names! mittee cibraicn7 at the comning : 3S A DN E .TA I E ! of the commiittee members andl datei short session <,, Congress, but it ap -lVE ANtW D and hour' of appointments are beingl peared probable that fth session wil ~sent to applicants, and a personalin be confined to the wri so of inaking H E . IKA fl &, formation blank to be gigven to the in- tieepniue11c sr o h terviewers is enclosed in the letters.'! work, and will not be complicated by- Interviewing xvil begin on Tuesday, any suggestions that the change'=T U . R . N A .E E December 2, and shzould be finished' would be in violation of the Waishing S TU DA by December amsAimiatioTtratyAAN MATINEE Itnam liiaintet,Estimates of the candidates',ability (Recoli inendations mado by Admiral and previous training together withj Elberte, chnief of naval operations, in "'P NFR professional attitude wii be fornu- hi annual rprthath guso I ~ L I& r^cl, a h u s o ' ated 'by professors, during 10 m inute , 1, ships be cele .atc"..1 ,aev 'erved to _ conversations he ppicnts withth ttthet applicantot.s,#1111#f1l1bring111 11th11illiue0111tion11111to1 thef11l1front.1111111l sEavors Armny, Air, Increase;1 )ffleers Number Only 807o of Peace 'Needs Apparatus icuh .was used in th'c studying of the Schrot effect and with AN LONG PROGRA'M 'which Prof. N. H1 Williams of the physics department heard the noise shington, Nov. 29. (By A. P.)_- made by electrons as they made im-; tions in the United.. State army; pact with a plate in a vacuum tube. reached the stage where ". Lovier insert: Professor Williams. iand continuing policy with re- °" i-sr: PDr. A. W. Hull, of ti'e to its necessities must be, ser- = ~' rccopnwoxa considered by the legislative e <<' cist who worked on the tmnent of our government," a- ' 'o h on feetos g to the annual report of See- Weeks to President Coolidge, g ri r public here today. ljIIl II 4 114 recited in detil tale retre'nch- Alexanidropol, :Armeniia, ;Nov. 29.- tts m ade by the Arm y - in the last (By A .P.)- 1n order to assist the A fie r n o d r t f e te o o ie i n sa e a t oii s i h i f sand keep within appropriations} forts to repopulate Arnienia, Aineric- 1 e by Congress, and added that an relief workers, here, who are car- th the funds allowed during tha ing for many thousands of orphans, tfiscal year, however, it has not are encouraging the older boys and ipossible either' to' carry out the girls to marry and establish, homes. mission of the defense forces or, Each girl of marriageable age who ractice true economy." signifies her willingness to take a husa- he sta.temxent to Congress made by band is given a full ouitfit of clotth- sident Coolidge in his first roes- ing, a, pair "of shoes, an outfit of linen ~pointing out that reduction in and $10 in currency as a 'dowry" Army's commrissioned and enlisted from the Americans. ngth had reduced the power to the eorcs of girls and you~ths have ager point" and asserting that ,tiakeni advantage of the Americans' -hen reductions should not be cOrr nd 1have 8asked141 tn5 ,cials of le, was referred to by the Secre- the Near East relief,' who are in'i , who declared that the chief ex- charge of the orphanages, to find them five's words now composed " an snitale lire partners.! erstatement of the necessities of TFcr somec time east the Armenian case." gnv~rnrnent authorities have beens h~e Secretary advanced the opinion .ai arned at the ranid decrease, not! the time had come when the only in the population of Armenia pro- ntr shuldloo frthr ito heper, but in the number of Armeniansf itryshold ookfurter ntothescattered throughout the world. Ac- ie when considering Army prob-' i, ad te yar-o-yer mtho ofcording to a, recent census the present s, ad te yar-o-yer mtho ofinhabitants of Armenia, wThich is now ,ns such questions should give under Bolshevist rule, number only to a continued policy, of, relief 1,100.000. Increased provision for the three The world population of Armen- ponents of the military service- ians, including those in the United Regular Army, the National Guard, q;:toqe, is estimadted at 3,0 ),000. Dur- the Organized Reserves.I ins the last 15 rears, it is stated by fter pointing to. defects in the !o rumrient officials, im-ore .lit: r mil- ty establishment, caused bay short- 'Pon Arenisns perished at th.i hands of officers and enlisted men, and ,f the Tiks and as a result of the M putting himself on record in World War. it of increasing their numbers re-! While the government is confident tively from 12,000 to 13,000 and that the natural tendency of the Ar- S125,000 to 150,000, Secretary menians to multiply will be sufficient ks said: ,to offset the great losses in the race ur entire effort since 1920 has 'caused by massacres, war and famine, tto apply the principles and pro- it entertains serious dou,)ts regarding )s of the national defense act the capacity of the country' to supp~ort a way that we shall have± more people than now live within its e than a mere paper army, more narrow borders. Not only is the. coun- theimainay oganzatonsup-try arid and unproductive, but some of which the United States has al- the most valuable areas, notably the .y sh ed maor e ars, Van, and Igdyr districts, have prevousl depndedfor ts eben taken from Armenia and given to , y hu ao mergencies arise."j wayof'ilusrain soe 1~ For this reason the government, 1 Aterious effects of our period of t hus far, has found it impossible to ordinary economy," the Secre-, find abodes for the "65,000 Armenian cited a shortage of com'missioned! refugees now living in Greece. A onnel which, he said, had reduced s place outside' Armeinia, probably in '"quota. of officers, on duty with gome sparsely-settled section of Rus- iof all components to less than sI. is lilkely,, therefore, to be allot-? re cent of peace requirements." ted to them by the central govern-,I of funds, he added, also made it, ment at Moscow. msary to issue clothing to enlist- -- ten from war stocks, giving com-- Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 29.-Trees at'. s on unrnlitary appearance, or the rate of 20,000 a day have been eling soldiers to expend large planted by farmers of western Canada ortions of their personal funds in the last 20 years, according to aj ep up proper appearance in pub- report of the Department of Agricul-j I