THE WEATHER PROBABLY IWAIIME.I TODAY ItA11 ti Sect Or ._._. ______ p VOL. XXXV. Nro. ,58 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARELOR, MICIIIGAN,, SU'NDAY, NO V EMBER 30, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, F _,_.._.... .... ..g . ARMY, NOTRE fl9MElForeign Student' InrFian W IN F IN9A1I S M ES iI or rgan years to come European v ritlnt i1t lepe)nd to a great extent FOOTBLL oi? ohm to gtfinacial help) to eal 9I teint gtan educationde"ae ______Pr. Arnold Wolfers, Swiss economist, PIL~IIENTCOQIDO AN) CoW! follow ing his lecture last night in PRESIDENT 8000, G '1pCRW Lane hall. "As I any continually tell- BA.1TTLE ingt my people, neutrals who have not gone through the World war will have !ocontinue to help these young seek- DEADLOCK BROKEN ; ers after knowledge." ______Dr. Wolfers stated that ;even today Captafn. Garbish Stars In Last G~~m many students in Germany are living of Career b~y iekin ,r Four I on from seven to eight doll'arsa Field oal month, which sum covers all of their ______exlpenses. Since the large masses of ,students come from the middle classes, Baltimore, NVov." 29.-(By A. P.)-A including the children of p~rofessional barrage of drop kicks;, fired from the men, educators, and business men, they magic too of Captain Edward W. Gar- are unable to get enough money from bish, broke down the Navy's fighting ;their parents to put them through. defense today and gave .Army, a spec- Because of el this, they are dependent on tacular victory over tier ancient service th hep o tes foe. Rising to super heights in the climax of his long and brilliant gridiron ca- reer, xarbish kickol four field goals that represented the entire margin of I Army's 12-0 triumph in a thrilling, desperately fought struggle played be- for~e President Coolidge and a_thtrong of 78,000 in Baltimore stadium. LINCOLN'S ADDRESS FORMED WITH CARE rrhere, before this colorfland fl( llinois Profw:sor (laimns Gettysbunrg able outpouring, the greatest that has ,peecli was Written out and ever marked the annual service gamne,j Memorized Garbish covered himself with immlortal.____ gridron glory with an exhibition of il-S E FE TSPA E dividual skill and dyinmic leadership t seldomn, if ever, equalled in this classic oe gridiron classici, ,g Urbania, 'Ill., Nov. 29. (fly, A. P.)- Garbish, by kicking four field goals,, Contrary to any general belief that not only performed a' feat that has noLicl' Getsugadss/ s parallel in Army-Navy- history, but Licl'Eetsug adesa throughout the game was an outstand-either unprepared or a hastily pre- ing figure both on attack and defense,! pared effort, it was a result of, care- in a triumph that broke 'a two Year ful thoug ht -nd much work, accord-' deadlock in the service; rivalry and ing to 'Prof. Daniel 'Kilham Dodge of gave the cadets the lead in the seri-s the U'niversity of Illinois. He .is conl- that was inangurated in 1890. As a vifnced1, after years of research, that result Army now has 13 victories to, Lincoln's success "in writing and her credit and the Navy 12, while two' speaking was the result of constapt battles resulted in. ties. effort andl that standard English to The cadets, by the decisiveness of Ith~e Civil War president was .anl ac- their vicaory, fulfilled the prediction ouired dialect. that made them favorites, but they, "It has often been assumed thatI were forced to a terrific! fight to take Lncoln, like Goldsmn)ith,' was a nmaster th~e maesure of the midshipmen, who of E nglish st~yle by the grace, of GodI came from the depths of a previously and withjout special effort conil s part."' disastrous campaign to puat a brillauit ;P1rofessor Dodge ue aClarf d. "Notingl defensive battle that thwvarted everycudL ate ro h~tuh o attemptLeof!the Armyr to scortrattoufh- attmptoftheAriy o cor atouh-we have abundant evidonce, both in= down, and might have produce ] an- ternal and external, that Lincoln's other scoreless deadlock sitch as was Isucsinwtng nspanasn waged a year ago only for the un- te craticn ofithegaw, wpasintheare- stopable performances 'of Carbaish. h Patc fthlw a h e sui of constant effort. 'sNeed Aid: JC[ ~jN Kelsey Will Return To .Romle ces, Says Wolfcrs CNrEC['-" Following Brief Visit Here ES' st;their, ability to make thir .'rbf. Francis W'. Kelsey of the and a notable collct ion of prapyri wtlvnDr. Wolfers said that this is iII o ~ nMiI[ atin department returned to Ann Ar- comprii1Slf i emus. dnext'to impossible, due to the prevail- [O!IIIJ/f U hr yesterdr~y morning after being in 'One of the (iieerl( >i~niiscrpt' 1: Iu o unemploymentjl Asia Minor for nearly a year. His .5ri( i tC re( throughout the whole of Europe. Al-, !1 et amhuchen~ ther is knon Us( TeIT.S~PIER RS - thuhteuepomnwiutoni EO ) SSIN ( ETN stay here will he brief as he expet 'at its worst in E ngland, where nearly' TEIWIiv iot rtr t oeinaot ek Ldder of Sa ~in Ihn linmako." Ile' iw SCIENTS1b1'r hTS ¢uw1r"11,1 etwo million men are out of work,1)EE~l(+1 & NSor ten d(ays. cwa amonk rwho cvo;ic.rec- ar y debating fraternity, will act as jests to the smothering of individual-'hesuedd in a neww ml periinental work in the treatment of omnlendlatiouu. toastmaster. im, while iuutrnat ial feeling' piro - mont anduu have opened a field syphilis. -- --- - - Although this is the, first public rinot'1s co-operation and works f'o "r earch wich promiises to add in orer todefry theexpeses o ; ispeaking banquet, it is hoped that it world pieace." Dr. Wolfers" l;eligves nworld's> know4ledge of the ell telectures, course tickets are }loina ;j~jlf ~f ~[JfJ will serve to bring together those per- that the League of.Na ionin spiite Thir w 1om k is a check, of thats ( sold for $. While the course of lee- -U sons on the campus who are interested of slow progress, isgingim'uto-fsrMiik.PofsrW Pi ttsburg h, Nov. 29.-(B3y A. P.)-- The p~owerful Notre Danne football) t-eamli battled the Tartans of Carnegie, Tech on P~orbes field gridiron today, wvinning in a wall-a way, 40-19. A per- feet aerial assauilt and abhility to gainl at will through the line gave Notre: Damne the victory, but C ugcTechi fought every inchi of thle 'way(and etu'ly in the gamne threatened to up:>ct ' lie opinion of experts that tllh istr would Winl. Coach Ionckne sn in his entire se onl string', teamil to opien the ganme, bht C'arnegie wa;s too s;trong; for this o(:t-- se t, blockding kicks and rtunnling the ends tfime and l ime ag ain. A'tr Kristoff loced a khic,recovered the Balg n wl 1 y ri;fr(l ie first score, Roc',Ilc e hcidedI it \1ast tune to send in hi,, regulars.tWheui thley started the homue team f'oundl itself1 s1'arrped at0 every tin. REPORT -SHOWS,, UARTU MUTINY KILLEDMN Londjon, Nov. 29.--Add it ionalI inew s of the L~hmartum multiny tra'om flicial reports shows that it was much 'iore, Serious than at first appesare n entailed nmneroums catsaht ies Ainfthe confu'l:edl fighting which follow;ing act- mug Sidar II uddleston's cuaeub ineffectumal, facing ;of Ithe armed nliut- ineer.s and his ittteil lo tr cas:on wim thei Jfore givingf the ordfer to over- power themn. there are still no precise dletals: of the inotive for the mutiny, hutt ihei"r appears to have been no repetition or extension of it. According to the lat- e,8i advices, both Egypt and the ,Sudan ,remain tranquil. The students, how- ever, still threaten, and all efforts by the authorities to pacify them arei fruitless. Official quarters profess no anxiety, that anything serious may'arise in the' Sudan despite the comparative small- ness of the British garrison, because the Sudanese troops are allowed onlyI small supplies of ammunition and could not carry out a serious revolt unless they obtain supplies elsewhere. ~Just as hue madie torough prepara- tion of his law c'ases, studying his ol~ponenat'.,3 side as c'arefully as his own, ne'ver ('ependling upon the in- ,spiration of le moment, so lie be- Unowed infinite pains upon the prep- aration of his speeches, generally writing them out in full and commit- ting them to memory. Flee summed up Is l)ma(ti('e as a lawyer in these words of adviee to a law student: 'Work, wvory, workc, that is the main thing.' *-Wheni he didl s, ),-k withotut prep- arat ion, os w~th 1 ieo slort speeches oil the( jour'ney to Wasihing toll in 1861 or. thle u-espfote to a serenade the evecnin'e rfore t ho delivery of the, (2et ysburg addcress , the result was anything'buit sae'cestual. Unlike Sew- i : rit lie hadl not thle toigue of a ready turns is pr imarily for uind]ergradunatq medical ,tudents, a limited numbelr of ricekets ; are available to the p~ublic. The I ticket s.ale is in tlmech 'arge of Iw us D. Becker, '25M. YPSI IR DESTROYS 3OLD MASONIC liPLE in oratory and- pulhic speaking, and ASKS FOR TRANSLATOR -bcm nanulafi. Ivttos"have been extended- to all rgaizatonsandstudents inter- Plyvniunlih emnmt Nov. M.~-- f',l. es'tedl in public §peakcing and repre- -1(111 C'. Coolidg,-, t at lici of the lt 1esi- isentatives from nearby schools iare' dent, is lookinigtor' some one familiar;also expectedl to lie present. lity and priestige t' i carrying onl the work in ,after thue lecture, Dr. Wolfr-s an- ph'ysics laboratorie~s here. sweered questions concserning l Fi -I "A s~mc for elenmenit 1n -pean economic contit ions whlich weIwa (thebitle ofa paer oft .not torchled u pwa in the l ecture. Prof,. C. J1. Lapp of1'ht'l niv( The speaker, who was a nuemiber of ,' 1ii~ni is. withi time(, (;,-rman language and with ('ermua mm so'il IA. hen lihe received in the' r:wi todany a letter fr'om some- whIer-e iinC ;'nauy, lit'souugh t iatrans- lator, but could find none either in William C. Dixon, '25, is in charge ofI the sale of tielrets, which may be ob- tained between 2:00 and 5:30 o'clIockI t at the Oratorical association office in7 Room 3211 of the Literary bulldIng. Sherwood Ed(Ys ietwsuptor, i- at pre seut travellintg iniimeica t h t o study economfic condlitio.ns i ore amito deliver- led tires cn th(' situaticn int Europe. Unive rsity of Illiniois. In Hte In th ar;"iw'tra whiich v r aiea mnw inde was fouund~ sI owe a ave'-length very t at of the estimnation of Coern snvaiaer and witih characteristic self-__:_____thmis v~e'erinug 0' ilLdlowx, th imrest'i he chairge per plate wllI be 1.50 1 g' £amVr onent nunmber 7. It isest c'i. T L e aie c a'c rsi a rlttiiicishi he realized this defect him Ypsilanti, Nov. 29-Fire of unde-i town. 'fw s o lni 'm-ed tat Uib fJun the intetnsity that if sl.T i thiv C a at rsi a e mi e rgn t ri v in t e na rs umadcmbtedlv (duie in pmrtrto the fact of tie lodge romdestroyed the Mat- it was impsible to t elI fron u 'at. ("Y ESrT 900 ISS ji atprcontiness.em st num that standlard English was an acqutit'-sonic temple here tonuightwith an-ies- city the ele c'aniodned1oe couild L1I L Gt-U I R L[91dI }Lo'patin2009r]es led ie nowitliy ntsefr m isc te dis overed4 t00'cloc iphrte aeo. tect, swi- nin ir nr 'IIItEffots were male to bringo Ia~~ h ,otne~ nisueo.The fire, dsoee t 'lc, teni, sript inside. h U Ciir IIICl a1 t c, o 2. linemore stronigly, but only ° atue tol the manner born, spread quickly to other parts of' the'' IURJnUelse 'mI d beIobtainedt, i al' iuI Iii "ut 1this defect talso hathits ad- building and despite eftorts of u lie n nVn E. T Ws( Ie Sih Is i,O 1i cale ii) on I eea pae. tIo.' xanlrgestandlitisatoa great extent lclfr eatensaddiyrsrv IO l~ i iI~l~l!I j . i.Kelsey of Toledo, president of tie senae al('idi' \edneaKy iit j esevea lnI s orf a sad responsible for his later complete firemen, caused' the almost complete IIUIUIInhI AfUIflUI91, the International socety for (,rippled :probably will be rm'efermel ack to the hsr-esaeo scn v riastem'y of the spoken word. It con- destruction of the building A call' ~ m£fn Children, wll speak at the mass meeot-t Senate Agri'icmmuri (otfnlittee, it was rdner of, somte ftth ateleue tributes to inaking Linc~on a progres- was sent to the Ann Arbor department. !f mI~l jbg of clinic advocats which is to le; said last night.. Adunstration lead live artist, advancinig step by step whichm responded, lbmt reached the' L I II IUI !hld at the Union on lDeceuuber 8.1 ors are kniown to favor suc(h dr ourise new{ly tie etimated wave-en from the c'rude 'Comnmunicaton' of scene too late to be of any great assist-- - Followinig a dinmner in the Union, tie rud ame'ewlling; to act ode to enandstuieemnsmasItpsb 1832, thurough themather sophomoric ance. Insufficient water pressur'e added ,New Y ou-,Nv. 2.---JlsJse' oa 011ccnylnhonov~ ilIo ouicrmdhtr atatm hii ewed lement-ha ralm-ber 1 -efforts of thelate Cthrties and early wo the difficulties of the firemen. amnd, 1henchu ambiassador to the Unied (begin the free clinic for all cr1 pled' Ue filed for 1lie ciamil tee In epocrtcx'rc . .en-nmbr6 forties and the mnore restrained The new plant of the Detroit Edison States, who will reliaqumrisim his WVasht- children in Washtenaw county. Thel since the adlioum-ument of Cogrssdiscosvred will be one of he' -" iai oay l Ecag lb atJum h uce~w~~~elements on this- panet, it is spechs f hefifties, to the mamkcompany, an adjoininug buildinug, wasi - nglon post early iin thenew year af- iKians Rtay-ad YesterdaylstJueth comeShal ita-#pltd a w oif huigh literary 'distincetioni of the for a time serioumsly threatened. The ter' 22 yar's as chtief of th:e Frenchu dip- of tie city as wvel as nurses and doct- I tion has becoummc conupicat ed by th estra oee iCooprer Instfituition Address, the two Masonic temple was erected in 1909, lounatic mission, was tonight the guest j ors will contribute to the clinic.{ withldiaal o' Henry la'rd's ofer'. session held lure to comme inigrals and the Gettysburg Ad- amid was insured. " 01' homor' t a haiiquet given biy thureeI Mr. Kelsey huas been interested in the prepai'ali of Ii new irooals, 'atoping.oBetwee w physics drs - W cn('lm- Anmer'icanm organizationms, the crippled chlildren and ifn obtaining re- and revision of dome oth'em'Uis. __________________________ ~hrsnt-hm-Amuerica society, the Fedeu'a-i,:ef for them throuighi the variotus civic, Senator iUnderwod, lDeuoct, Ala-;'i~ h e bidn a e CD lion f French alliances and the Amer- clubs for some tne andl it is thoght baua, who led the fight for' thea- for the inspection of the m 0 9TOR W~~ll KNOWN C[IPO III ui ocity of the French Legion ot' that his talk will br'ing out tie need cptance cif Ford's bi, will introduce ,-tno he-nvrit tf flhllflhfCURT(lfhiIIII (om.,fr on such clinic here. Mor e than hi ne hll wlidi h as ,Spor tu in mmther roonms todeonstr; CH OS SNAOR CU TIoWLLKN WN COaOnld tributes, Ambassador1 psoro is for ngvrmn wesi ASREPU8LICDN M IRI___E Fd~tm ellu~Itm evie n ihr rpiae lour meetings are hld ev _ Brussls, Nov. 29.-It~y's lpremier; bs exper'ience in the United States in rff ~UH f~J -olernt~iom othIle prope ty for the po- b hy the Amercan Physual soc. .i Washington, Nov. 29.--Republican. operatic composer, Giacomo Tucctn, during live presidential adniumstra I. p WILL ( ductioum of nt~ogenfor fetiizer and1: the purpose of promoting r organisation of thme Senate in prepara -,died here today. He came to Bruussels Lions to illut lue Ithe undanmental rea iUIIIIN WI L hl xplosives. 'ad of giviuug a general kinowl V tioni for opening time new session Mon- a short time ago to umndergo radium sons fomrfthe progress of IFrench Ainei- ) T' fllflll ann1time work being carried on by 1 day, was comipleted today by the unan- treatment fou' a malignant gurowth in canun 'nity iU TO ISflf1flhI IVI OL901 ists i all parts of' the county :1 imotus election of Senator Curtis of the throat, but his strengthm gratdually j 3UIIUIIM ~IL CU t d.ixlkeiurn, 'next n:eetimug of the society ,.Knaathme partyledr and of gave out and his heart was unable to - helf Dnrds'of~ ~lcd inW'ashington, .'C, dum .1sen-ator W atson of Indiana, as assist- bear the burden put upon it by the [atIN[re .Dun roesr f n a r n'CIrsta eao. - ~4, ,, . ~.dinfectionffi B I1 TI R LM 9S IT1 mihitary science, wth speak 1t the 0 A total of forty-six papers w