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November 29, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 11-29-1924

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HOIS .T DBAECarlyle Lauds U. . "HandrOff" 5Jarty[ODECAIScKate
Po I c n C i s l to lfhUcraed," one offchiast
Al I D I RAV r pL Enquiries. "Several ofi
The AmericDanIL' plicy of 'hands;inadg her to bxcomie more stale, IVI~yB ED P~I r~ e gtt
Form Adjustmuent dcae r lxne ae ali,?aeuis
Comtee______inpltca cenea 1i "loEgpin ,titanzxepb hCItion tuC otos day or two in advance
ARGUED JAST SESSION Ar bor yesterda~y afternoon after do~i (a~rile, iy( (I(tion)rio iai. oeew
AR U DL SIESO ive lit, two Ilectris in ewblerry azlopmn in C reit 1ri. ian tin revaldnto 'UN S U AV ILA LE ouldbtunise ot
'- hall ''uesday anfd Wediiedryatr h ca cnf ci; er:~. "Jlowever, tay. andofth*. at inoul
Washington, Nov. 23. (By A P.)- I nvoons of this week on "Medieval do not see v'by it houkld rot be a Chicago, Nov. 2.-Hope expresed uvy'nd thuat has btci
Disposal of the much debated Howell- ;Politics" andf"T he British Labor (Gov-'ma urnotil the10 b isubjci b maytadohansthtbheente
Biarkley bill is one of the first tasks! ernment." ° ogl adsyt atcl11o c =ca f i ':iz :.Aslgypt! States weather bureau wuldbe h ogabadlyseatc
that will confront the House when it According; to the tycotchr stuidcnt or-]hs beu rvd her independence, !to forecast raido reception conditions "The bureau has noc
conyones next Monday.( political science, the future welfare; 1 see no reas;11on . y sie should be I Is it does thre wethe,'p' be gvn n.ivstgtinoft
this measure, which wouhld ablish 'of China depends very much up)on the dec~pri ved of it'e Hr-lt to refer he:r in- ! new impetus by indica-tions from bur- !Ical.rh ifclyi
th Railroad Labor Board andl set up United States whose attitudeC toyev(Ir ternaienal trcizublc ;to themlnbers eau officials that such predictions may no lnds hichz can be
a series of regional adjustment boards,i the great ea tern republic he praised. °of the League of INtions" oratcbeIprvdn ofailis
was one. of. the most controversial l73clled attention to the work of the Dr. Caar ll lePfoPr ~rfrdl, (>mn. hs fiil on uiovvr ) h o~nto h
ipi ces, of legislation taken up by the !Amercan missionaries in particular iye sterday fa~ti;nt7C'_ \. 1' ta te ethrbueu asnt=ae hreariolayla
H ou l st es io , a d t ndi at d s b in t e g ea es se x~ e V m kehis lI adq', c viin e s hile ont n- a y official investigations d ine to t e that it w ould require c a .
t ~ pt the fight will be continu~ed with Ame ea has rendered to China. In ! uing i tvrosesenfc hti a ofnsaalbega fcletn n
r(iee vigor this winter, this work, dlue to her proximity 'to ('ollegsaduieste nldn opoietefcltes and th efr sros td
When Representative Barkley, of China, Dr. Carlyle was o' the opinion i Smithz and Ainher~t. )lie is also plan- Isoode te fccoulsdad he me-!beoe a roideo
Sentucky, ranking Democrat onl the that much that ca n he done for" China' fing to attend thle Anric an Pistorical 'sne ol emd.
<House, Conmnerce committee intro-.--------------------Associat~on ovention ait Itichmond, The weather bureau hxas recivedi
'duced the bill it was referred to' that, r MEC Virginia, diigteCrsna oi many requests and suggestions from rlhi, Nov. 2&.-Th're n
.committee. Later its friends chargedfl . or days. lrn h h~tis~ radio enthusiasts urging that it -m- empoy ed, reeiving pove
thtfnltemt asbinjmdet }d . dertake to forecast static conditions. are dcreasing
kill it in committee, and' circulated a mu-r inr i'in
petition to bring it before the House;10~iiURI ___________
by discharge: of the committee, which IYIU13Ul
~ is done. This action placed the bill.LS
oh the supnintaedrhn ae With the surplus of the money corn- TM
tin order, under edr the rules, on thdeI t btdIyteAnAbrbsns
first and third Mondays of each T -A
month. ;men to s'end the Michigan !;and to I-.a
In the closing weeks of the last ses- io's, a large bass horn of the type r,
slon, each :day that. the bill w as in - known as the sousaphone has been
order, friends of the -measure sought; purch1asedI by the Chamber of Corn
desperately to bring it over the liar- mnere and, will be presented to the
1ianentary highway to where a vote band next week.
migtht be secured. This effort was op 1oetA amblte.ue o O V P . ~N
:posed with equal vigor, andl each time the University and manager of the
the session was carried late into theC bands, states that as soon as the
alight. name of' the donor of the instrument
As Congress convenes the first Ilon-{ has been engraved upon it, the horn
day in December, it is pointed out the'wlbeptoexiton
dbll would be in rdr immediately : Mr. Campbell says that thre new'
.. ter the fall of the gavel. ]-Tweve,honion oftebsmae le
House will adjourn, according to c su. h r s ne asf th roughs t e ac-H
toni, , o tofres ect toc teo n ems to f t e C a b r o o m r e i
who have died cduing theC stni mer re- Iutingfthe Cabe ofillioisrceando
cc ls. Should this be dlone, the .bill snigtebn oIlniadnw Lf
would "be in order on the third M'~on-i tegift of this new instru ment is A
flay.1 fully appreciaed by the band and byj.;":.
_____________h_1le University. "Nothin g can work'PDCTO
n i toward better feeling in this con-
munity more than the strong bond of.1MI
nr rnrry students and the business men
i' GIYEN °Ei t CLtINIC of Ann Arbhor.The gift o this horn
K W IN 19111.1 I is but one of the nmany manifestationsST R I G UN AYI E
Iof this feelng.
Arrangements are being made lay
the local luncheon clubs doctors,; PR:iSENTING x H1 I ' rr1 ' V 'III11UlL
nurses, and medical clubs o the coni
ty' to,"provide for the crippled children CONTINUE: COMMUNITY 1
of Washtenaw county a free cliniqD.m HN
whichl will open In Ann Arbor a.I
SOC. 9. U r I
At a: banquet in the Union on Dec. __
g+ lans for the clinic will be com- Arrangements tor the telephone
xpleted.,-hose needing help wvill be campaign wh ichi is to be carried onl
icared for free of charge and every by the Conmmunity IFundl associatioii
effort will be made to cure th esea have been completed but still will nota
~iippled children. bq~le put t operation until tomorrow
tr'Dc. 6 there 'w1ll be an all day li
institute of Washitenxaw county teach- . i atdv st oss f11
ers in the Jones school to train them pikdmnwowiledj rt
in givng theCpiiity andvillaeschoo 1 icachi 100 Ann Arbor citizens andse-
giigtecut n ilg col ict anr increase in their "contribu-'
physical examinations which have
been authorized by the county super- ions to the fund. Each of the 100s
'visors. nien has' agreed to subs cribe an extra- '
A number Of canvassers who were
.Scott Ldeaves f"rr to have turned in their final reports{
St. Lo isIIeetin2 last Wednes'day have not as yet check- s
i ed in Their reports are expected to
raise the total figures over the 46,000'
Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric (d- mr btthe'esil e is IfNtKH 7 E P
hartmeut and Mrs. Scott, left Thurs- 'of 3 00() w hich' mxust be raisedcicc- E l H TNK
da y for St. Louis to attend the annual
metn o h NtoalCuci fcording to fund officials if the Cor- T AnV il~M~
meutiityf thundtaoalociatilionis xtoH c nY-NO V
English Teachers. tiwueto uncion
Professor Scott will deliver two I ____________is__i____________ l lift jr.iandls rikingly
addresses, one at the general session on i" x ( -E. t a!.
( l*,"Improving the English of America,"; JItroit, Nov. 28.--More tha~isixy- yJ'to themt)
and another before the college sectioiis five milion christn-'s rlutmei.(tlosis,
on "The Origin of the Colloquial seals went on sale to'lIa;' all over ra-X 2 t::.,i~itaies iv Imen .f nires te hnagni~.
Nasals." flciyn I~'-~d i imXmn tePe)

New 'Vork, Nov. 28.-A gift of $25,- -°r i ~vl~~~ocd e i~i chd
000 was made yesterday by MortllrIm r a h XA rit t Ad^'1 z ? tinre lhb,:u t 3t- --M! }° ,+t i ' li
L. Schiff to the j'ewish Theological t..A. (cm eem m-!
Seminary. fr
aid c p rud tu resci.t :t afte c. JC.,S
7LeLORSI]E][M SHOILjE Io bekig
-~ rr.s 't ~ N. 'V. Riajto's
T H type of men M'a r.imii
T wh o wear Flor- (ai yXw
sheim Shoes speaks ""t,
more for the shoes than - t etimc :00.:30--35ci
anything we could say. fts7:)-:-ic
They wear Florshein '
Shoes as a matter of -1TAR TIN(GSIUNJAY
good tste.rn N i Citelt Portrayal of
The Statdiumieee
r. ' j11

that. such, fore- Offer$5,0 0 Fo LondIon, Nov. 2S.- Experts are ex-
anld well re- p rc: tc dto) "-ta zp next xweek the ques-
Lil in reply to, Thesis O1n WageS t' of the 13ri'tish attitude toward the
our people in-__ meicnllan for payment of w~ar
ps onrali r- For the best oirgnal treatise on the1 ames
wveather coni-'"Theory ofWae" a conunittee
ry reports and brought together by I-lart SI fner ' R adAd
obelieve that1 andc Marx is offering a cash prize of, hevan
for at least a $5,400. The committee in c harge,
may be prac- composedl of Pmrof. J. 12, La ughllin, oil
feel that it. the University of Chicago, c1111 ir i ;
Atcenpt a newj Prof. J. B. Clark, of Columbi' 3nh.e,
not be begunciyPrfEdiP.GyofY H university; T. 1L, Burton, a mem~lber of Y A GT f
n ;studied thor°-- congress; anid Prof. W. C'. Mitchell, of
Il.IColumbia niiversity. _______R
of under takenIy Sm urd: ay ad (Sundayi1
eproblem of-!-~ I
sthat we hiave I- -_____- I
appilied to tme A XIC" 1 uICAL SHO
anal personnel 1. ItC P NA I I1S -
invest iga tion,. ____________
etore involved - B;IEE BEN L 11
extensive p ro-'110 FRiSZl,;;.
omifgdaaL.earnIo dance. 11ow, Open AYRELE
ounplingdai ly, l 1.roi.0 . ;in Adult 'class
f prol)ei eery zMonay and Y-rhAv. Fifteen BigBeauty Chorus
- -horJsons, for $5.00. Frnroll now..I (m~g f rga al
-v f f Pr g a um ber of un a a : .F7 , s _ e n r p c u e r ,
ernmnent doles .° J- eDANda. A D10
'22 Wu'ierthz Arcade Phone 241-R'
Wo"' }. 2 00-3:30
more omedytoanr Mnhadld.



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