THE lI,,-?i1I." SATURI The list of papers to be presented today in the order of their presenta- tion i$: 10 od Clack "A short wave-length X-ray spec- trograph and some K series. emission wave-lengths," by J. M. Cork, of the1 University of Michigan'. "Determination of certain oater X- ray energy levels," by KatherineI tChamberlain and George A. Lindsay, of the University of Michigan. "The M series of tungsten," by R. V. Zumstein, of the' University of Iowa. "A search for element number 61b," ~by C. J. Lapp, Rogers,, and Hopkins, of the University of Iowa. "The measurement of beta-rays ex- cited by hard X-ray's," by Alfred' W. SSimon and Arthur H. Compton, of the, U~niversity of Chicago. "The X-ray, analysis of certain al- toys," by W. C., Phebus and F. C . Blke of Ohio State university. "~The alpha-ray track projector," by H. T. Pye, of McGill university. "The formation of alpha-ray tracks by simuple means," by C. T. Knipp and N. E. Sowers, of the' University of Illinois. "Absorption of high frequency sound," by D. L. Rich, of the Univer- sity of Michigan, and W.. H. Piele- meier, of Pennsylvania, State college. "Influence of a branch line. upon acoustic transmission," by G. W. Stewart of the University of Iowa. 'Iuvestigatlon of i coustic double resonators," by F. R. Watson, K. H. Hu~bbard, and F'. E. Hubbard, of ,the University of Illinois. .'A method for the production and measurement of longitudinal' sound "Mexico For Mexicans"Say Ca lies T H.E-----------A---DA IL Y....S...... Mill Bonest during th{ ly 1,500,00 exhibition east stair IScience b several ye Nebraska, these bor Flimpaleontol( work. ion ear ld R inocrosSee Us for the Satir Bones From Nebraska Showni= See Us for the Velv4 ___________See Us for, the Felt - See Us for Veils, Ve of rhinoceroses which lived of rhinoceroses were caught in the i i .. Trimmings e Miocene age, approximate- qunick sand of some river bed, or per- BI-tR 0 years ago, were placed on ished by being driven over a cliff by B F R iyesterday afternoon on the a: prairie fire. The slab was obtained iP uyear way landing of the Natural through the courtesy of MAr. James H. nildin. inc is cllctinGook, the owner of the ranch on frMlieya ruldng Snc tscoletinwhich the deposit was found, who al- 328 So ears ago at Agate Springs, lowed the University to excavate. tiltiIUIIIIItllllllhiIJIIIUIllI the - slab' which contains________ es has been prepared by__j Subscribe for The Mtichilgan Dily H-. Buettner, preparateur in READ THlE 1741 dAi1PAHLY ogy, after three mnonthis r , __ ;n Hat Before Decid et Hat Before Decid t Hat Before Decid eiling, Flowers; Feath( of Every Sort DECIDING' & Hintz Prices That Please oucbh Main ling 1ing ling iers, PHAVE YOU SUBJJSCRIBED YETI 71 jA layer of sandstone at the base' of two small hills is crowded with the skeletons of the Diceratheriumn, a' small two horned rhinoceros. It is' estimatedl that the bones of over 100,-: 000 rhinoceroses along with a. lesserE number of other animals were depos- I ited in this layer. The slab which is' on exhibit here is four by five feet and weighs over a ton. It originally contained ,be bones of six rhinocero- ses, but two of these have been re-, moved.4 it is supposed that a herd or herds phase radio set, and L. W. Cook, 810!1 Gott st., heard Liverpool, Aberdeen, and Paris, on a five tube set.1 Paul Burton, '28E, and Scott Warth-I in, 815 South University Ave., heard Newcastle and Madrid. ( JN 4. V T ; ° -"' r , "Y! Va urevery word justified WE ADVERTISED THAT U E ATa j NOWJ I- Mtexico's new president, Plutarco Calles (right,) is already putting his policy of "Mexico for Mexicans" into effect. He is seen with his prede- cessor, Alvaro Obregon (center,) greeting crowds from the Mexican "White House" after inauguration. 3t f - 4 W HRY FREIHT BY f i 4 * vibr'ations In a ,roda," by W .D. Crozier, _____________________________________ of heUnier2t ofloa. "The heat evaporation of electronsl-rair f lnllI 41MLSI 2"'lck lwv by J. T. Weigle, of the Westinghouse ~ PEIIi iiiii tchlNv1 B "Appar'ent transmission of lwv-rsac aoaoy nvriyo PE locity electrons~ through. alumuinum reerh lbrtrUiest'frrin rA 1regular commercial expo foil," by Henry E. Hartig, f the Uni- Pittsburgh. ITlU f ci unut7Ifreighlt service b air to no varsity' of Minnesota. "Cldeecroi dshagefom V I IiIL zntries is the latest dev "On the independence of the mobil- molybdenum," by R. J. Piersol of the ___ nth s1faipae i~ n aso nin"b er .Westinghouse research laboratory, ; nteueoIipae ik an mEastf PittsburghHnryPa.Berlin, Nov. 29.-A weekly nmdl ;freight service has actually of te Uivesit ofMine- ________________ Zeppelin service between the Unitedc over the line between Stockl sots. States and Europe soon will be start- Helsingfors, Finland, and V "Non-oscillatory abnormal low volt- fiii AlT UUIIIT1ed. Dr. Hugo Eckener, director of thlw' ments the air traffic betwe age arcs with' reversed' electric fields LJIINU i1l ld ILIIIIII Zeppelin Co., who had charge of tlv, two countries, which has caused by ion diffusion," by Carl Eck- ZR-3's trans-Atlantic flight, said to ;1been limited to passengers a: art,' of the Edison Lamp, Works, and fU l it (llfl LAI day. The distance to Helsingfors K(. T. Compton of Princeton unlver- 1 UI i fLII ~l The Zeppelin-Gooadyearz combination = 240 miles across the Baltic city.I does not intend to establish a pa,- good day's run for a small "The low voltage arc in oxygen," by Los Angeles, Nov. 28.-Another pre- seinger service for the present he in-; The peculiar utility of air L. L. Lo6ckrow, of the Linde Air' historic 'inhabitant of Southern Cal- dicated, but believes one Zopplcin I! was demonstrated by thet Products company, and 0. S. Duf fen- ifornia yielded the secret of his lastI each wa y weekly carrying a half mil the fi i'.t c 4rgo carried half lack, of the University of Michigan. resting place recently when R. E. lion letters at 25 cents per letter medical supplies which were 1would be a business success. i esnfr he or "Low voltage arcs inphsor ' Fisher, exploring the Santa Monica would________ taken on board here. vapor," by 0. S. Duffendack and H. hills near here, stumbled across the Fan It has been announcedt Huthsteiner, research laboratory, remnants of the animal's spinal col- Radio F nsGet spring express and freights General Electric company. umnn.I will be carriedl to Copenhr "Doubly ionized atoms In mercury Fisher found several vrere Foreig Z~Os Hamburg direct., with air car vapor," by C. D. Child, of Colgate ranging' in diameter from 10 to 18 j --I for Berlin, Paris and Lozdc university'. inches, and some smaller fragments F oreign radio broadcasting stations - -- "Determination of E from measure- of bones imbedded in limestone thatI heard in this., city Thursday night in- ILi A)ofl, Nov. 28.--The11No meats of Schrot-ef fect in high' fre- apparently had been.; fused by" vol- eluded Liverpool, Newcastle, Aber- guese. governm~ent, in its do quency cireuits,"~ by A. W. Hull and canic heat. Scientists partially identi-- 'ieen, Madrid, and Paris. C. R. Braun, of policy, savys its intentioni N. H. Williams, of the General Elec- fled the bones 'as those of a prehis- f' 307 Westwood ave., heard Newcastle, j ser've Portug.a ,., age-lont; tric company.. toric whale, or possibly a dinosaur. England, at 400 meters on a syncro- with Great B'ritain. A. P)--- ress andl Igh boring velopment here. The ly startedI holm andi thusau- ,en those hitherto 'dmalls. .s is about c Sea, aj Isteamner. shiPping fact that a ton of delivered atcr being that next Thipm, ents mgen ant nnection s oll. In is Shipload of Funi 66TH E NAVIGAT'41OR" Would rake our Audiences Hlowl Every Second Wel.- -IT DlD! Jost ask, Anyone Then Come! Riders of the ' ' Hans fHanke£ Purple Cow ______i lh"ls A MACK SENNETTShsDal COMEIIDY _~2 :00.3 :0 0-7 :00-8 :19 K I TIA tS I atinee .2ic.35c ?Nighty, 355-,')c 19 . lig ~claration is to pre.- ' l i ~anco OLAI NEGRI(;Nt"Forbidden Paradise" A)0. L zi w1JOt, ROD IJA IjOQTE, Pl LNE STARE m L~ NUNN Fill Ammmb BOX A, wap AM 0 trice sale ummmmmmwd FOR'r. MI T H E '! I M 0 p E s I, The 19th nxxnu I roduction of Dines of the IYChigarx Vnlonix A E Which plays in Ann Arbor the December 8th week of D I F F E R E N T S T AA tdeS4ins r~rn10 t 11, . and 2to5P wM S H 0 This S ale is for Union Mm esOl wY UNION PREFERENCE TICKET'S I FOR UNI VERSITY WOMEN'--