THE WEATHER S:7N0Wl'FLaU-RIK TODAY r I4t I AA I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I ., t. 1J Y iV Jj £ TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMEER 29, 1924 TWELVE PAGES PRTCE. FIVE c PRCFII_ fiNE BRITISH, TWO SYRIAN PHYSICIANS KILLED AT KNARTUM seni( >r Engineers Go Through Unus Horrors Of Vulcan Initiation d veary the n h t 1xodf+71IN ual Lighting To FeatureE Revived Publications DanceI Tired an pounded the hours in a to prove th I N ,'p y e time-worn anvil for two n ever-changing cadence, heir worthiness to belong TWO ITN'DRElD ST' DA 'f&SE MIAT[NY AGAINST f EGYPTIANS LOYAL to the realm of the forge-god. Guided in their labors by the more favored of the gods, the noise of their work reverberated throughout the campus. Trembling with fright, shivering from the cold, raw wind they were led 'into the depths of the infornal regions beneath the strongholds of man. The nine burned, scorched, brok- en men that emerged at the other! enan were f;u1IUEu LRIUUIUi IIL Unique lighting effects, made pos- Mills' 10 p ce or1hesra o Flint, one At d a ofqetls nt the Unrge. . sible by completely new equipment, of the three wi Chi played for thr J- At a banquet last night in the Union rII 'N .. i will be featured at the revived an- Ho last year. Members of the or- these men were shown the mysteries A L I nual Publications dance, to be given iichestra will present novelty numbers of the aneidnt order of Vul~eans; Friday, Dec. 5, at the New Masonic throughout the evening, and if possi- Prof. I. C. Anderson gave the prin- MORE THAN 265 COUPLES ATTEND Temple under the direction of Pi Del- 1 ble, the :onmittee will secure other cipal address of the evening. William SECOND AN%AL WOMEN'S ta Epsilon, national honorary jour- special entertainment. Kerr welcomed the new men while nalistic fraternity. Other novelties The dance is intended primarily as planned for. the evening are special a gatheriug for students engaged in ivors. numbers by the orchestra, favors for ' work on student publizations, but the The men who successfully passed GIVEN FOR LEAGUE loth ladies and gentlemen, and the few remaining tickets will be on sale throug the requirediordeals were: programs, which will be replicas of at the Press building starting at 10 ,, VHE.arey, . A. Hiss, F. 3. GoK eane Briggs, '25 and Don Hedrick, The Daily, printed in miniature. o'clock today. The capacity of the nracE.n, WWatnedy, R. . Moody, C. K. 2831, Lead Grand Marich; Houle The specially designed electrical Temple hall is restricted to 225 cou- Mc .aken, .a t EBreakfasts Follow } apparatus at the Temple allows a va- ples, and students working or publi- L riety of lighting combinations hither- cations are given preference. Banks of yellow and white chry- to unobtainable in the city, according The dance will e formal, although santhemums tied with streamers of to the committee in charge of the the cominittee announces, in accord- dance, and wlil be used extensively. 3 ance with .other University dances, blue tulle arranged around the walls This dance will mark the first use that corsages will be prohibited. of Grangers dancing academy and of this hall for a private dance. Dancing will .ontinue from 9 unt l 1 , smilax covering the colored lights Music will be furnished by Billy o'clock. The price of tickets is $3.50. 3MANY PAPERS PRESENTE] FORE PIIY'ICISTh MIEE IJERt Urge ppose Present Government, Non-Cooperation; Re- main on Strike Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 29. (By A. P.)-_ is understood here that the Egyptiani oops in the Sudan are giving no ouble to the British, and that the Butiny at Khartum today in which ne British and two Syrian physicians lr n e.'m C A I I GRADUATES RETURN hull and Williams To Present Facts Concerning Discoveries WJth Electrons Intentions of the University to fost- er and encourage physical research were voiced last night by Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary college, at a banquet given at the Union in honor of the American Physical So- ciety which is holding its 129th meet- ing here this week-end. "Physics is a gasic science," said Dean Effinger, "and we believe that it should be e re killed was limited to about 200 n of the eleventh Sudanese regi- nt, among whom there were severe sualties when British troops fired on them. The remainder of the danese battalionr aided the British overpowering the mutiners. No undue alarm, it is said, need be t regarding the situation at Khar- n; but it is not known just what exact status there is as the tele- %ph lines are crt. 'he students' committee today pub-, hed a manifesto declaring its op- sition to the present Egyptian gov- inent and calling the attention of classes of the people to a rumor .t efforts are being made to form new party "which will recognize acts of the aggressors." The stu- its urge that the entire nation pur- a policy of non-cooperation. Theyl pmselves have decided to remain on Ike. t is reported that airplane re- inoiters have been made over the in of Mineh, on the Nile 150 miles. thwest of Cairo and Beni Suef, important port on Nile, 6; jniles ithwest of Cairo. At both places noliee are nrotecting the banks the European establishments. RH TS N F I LIIUJI .U. , IIILL Berengaria Answers Signal and Goes to Assistance of Distressed V4ssel 1500 MILES AT SEA New York, Nov. 28. (By A. P.)-The East Hampton station of the Inde- pendent Wireless company picked upI S. . S. signals frtm the Italian steamer Castel Porziano snortly after 8 o'clock tonight. The signals were answered by the liner Martha Wash- ington which offered assistance in case no other vessel was closer to the crippled ship. The S. 0. S. call was picked up shortly before 8 o'clock and all local broadcasting stations were ordered to 'stand by for 40 minutes. Dispatches intercepted here a few minutes later indicated that the liner Berengaria was proceeding to her assistance. The position of the Castel Prrizano was estimated at 1,500 miles off the American Atlantic coast almost due east from Norfolk, Virginia. The Cas- ' tel Porziano gave her position as latitude 34.4, longitude 55.8, which is directly on the northern New York- Liverpool steamer route about 1,500, miles out of New York. The crippled steamer is of 5,302 gross tonnage, is 394 feet long, and was built in 1920. It is not known whether she was carrying passengers as well as freight. NOTED ECONOMJST WILL IVLIV !lUI I111LLtIIIU Fraternity Representatives Gather - , to Discuss Student and Orga- nization Problems 200 MEN MEET. Dean of Students Jospeh A. 1urs- ley, John E. Clark, '25, and Thomas E. Fiske, '25, are representing the local interfraternity council at the National Interfraternity conference which met at noon yesterday at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York and is holding its second meeting today. More than 200 delegates, represent- ing 57 fraternities and more than a1 hundred colleges and universities in the United States and Canada are at- tending the conference. w The National Interfraternity confer- ence, to which delegates from all the leading men's fraternities and Amer- ican colleges and universities come annually to discuss educational prob- lems, opened its two-day session with a discussion of the subjects, student, health, social hygiene, fraternity ideals, scholarship, ethics, and frater- nity extension. It was considered advisable that out of the hundred and more local fraternities attending the meeting one and decorating the balcony, formed the setting for the second annualM Pan-Hellenic ball which was given by the inter-sorority association last IInf QUESTOGIE night. The party was given for the benefit of the Women's League. a -orethan 365 couples attended the displayed by the gowns worn by the guests last night assisted in convert- Cast of "Bonds of Interest" To Contain ing the ball room into a vivid display Experienced Canpus Actresses of fashion and color. Spotlights of In Roles all the different shades played around the floor. KENYON DIREC S SHOW Jeane Briggs, '25, chairman of the -_ ball, and Don Hedrick, '28M, led the "Bonds of Interest" the play by grand march which began at 10 o'clock Jacinto Benavente which Masques and ended in the formation of a huge block "M" while the orchestra played will present as their annual produc- the "Victors." Granger's regular or- tion at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday night chestra with a total of 10 pieces fur- in Hill auditorium will have a cast1 nished the music for the dancing. Miss which contains practically some of the1 Briggs was followed in the line of best acting material among the wo- march by the members of the Pan-m Hellenic 1.11 committees and dele- Te la the art gates from the various sororities on The lead, the part of Crispin, will campus.,I be played by June Knisley Simpson, Unique cigarette cases made of '25, who has taken part in many pro- brown leather with the Michigan seal ductions on the campus as a member. imprinted in yellow were given as of the Comedy club and the Play favors at the ball. Spotlight and fea- Production classes. Mary Van Buren, ture dances, serpentine and confetti 'roucion lasse Mary Va Lenr were used in the expression of the ? 26, will play the part of Leander. gay spirit which prevailedthrough- Miss Van Buren although rather new out the evenirng.. in campus. dramatics has been much The list of patrons and patronesses praised for her work in play produc- I for the ball included: Pres. Marion tion and Comedy club presentations. FOSTER SPEAKS O N .R a SDebate Northiwester'n Jlannary On 0 ubject of Phllppine ludlependence GIVE INTENSE ST'UDY& 16 or more new national fraternities be formed. This expansion system was inaugurated last year and was so successful that expainsion in this manner is now considered favorable. The meetinp's are being presided over by A. Bruce Bielaski, lawyer of international reputation. Henry R. Johnston, banker, is acting as secre- a L. Burton and John R. Effinger Dean Joseph H aLursley, Dean *W Mrs. Humphireys ton. Mrs. Amy -Io Richards. Breakfasts wer ber of thre soror homes and at so binal tryouts for the Varsity de- bating team which is to opposeH Northwestern resulted in the follow- ing temporary selections for the Dr. Arnold Wolfers, for the past team: affirmative, George H. Baker,! several years a close student of Ger- '25, W. A. Dah'lberg, '25, and Elmer mndi economic and political questions, Salzman, '25; negative, W C. Dixon, and who was a member of 0. Sher- '25, Dalton J. Pilcher, '26, and A. M. wood Eddy's world fellowship tour, Stern, '26L, The following four men will address the Cosmopolitan club, have been chosen as alternates: at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane hall audi- Gwyn M. Hughes, '26, R. S. Miller,( torium. Dr. Wolfers is visiting Ann '26, J. J. Rosenthal, '25, and Charles Arbor while touring this country to' F. White, '26 study economic conditions, and at the same time lecturing upon present The six men composing the pros- situations in Germany and Europe. pective team will debate Northwest-sthtosn ersapa nthe. ern under the auspices of the Central The speaker's capacity on the world eage n the subspResolvhed Centhat fellowship tour, which included many League on the subjle, "Resolved that tsadgAmrcswstaof theFhiil~ins soul begien hei 'outstanding Americans, was that of the Philippines should be given them' interpreter and guide. On this trip he complete and- immediate indepen- met Prof. W. W. Denton of the en- dence." The three men composing the gineering college, whose efforts have affirmative team will debate at Michi- resulted in securing Dr. Wolfers to gan, and the three men on the nega- speak here. tive side will debate at Northwestern. There will be no admission charge The debate is scheduled for Friday, Ito the meeting, which is open to the Jan. 16. public. This is the first time that members! of the debating team have been hos-' en exclusively from the debating class and according to G. E. Densmore, head of the Varsity debating class, the ten men working under his sup- ervision are an exceptional group. The entire class has studied the I_ i ., Ly. around the campi. The damcing en the breakfasts be GARGOY~L u IRr TWO iin order to make to finish at 2:30 3houses who ser CGamma. Delta, Ch IAlphaCollege Gargoyle, campus humor publica- a, ety tion, is offering two cups for the best ipha Theta, Betsy contributions to the Girls' Number McClinton house. which will appear in January. One cup will be given for the best draw- ing, and another for the best editorialC matter submitted by girls. Members of the Gargoyle staff are not eligible Iy TI for competition. All matter to be submitted must be in the Gargoyle! office by Dec. 12, instead of Dec. 1, Lansing, Nov. as previously announced. st-ate adnministrat The Girls' Number of last year was 'ring the sale of the most popular issue of the mag- cense plates unt azine. Rosemary Lawrence, '24, won have no effect or the art cup and Muriel Wilson, Vas- surance policiesc sar, '24, won the editorial cup. ed informally toi Mrs. l3urton, Dean r and Mrs. Effinger, . Bursley and Mrs. . R. Humphreys and Dean Jean Hamil- obart, and Miss Grace re served by a num- rity houses at their ime of the tea rooms us, following the ball. ided at 2 o'clock but egan at 1:30 o'clock it possible for them o'clock. Among the ved breakfast were: Delta Delta, Alpha hi Omega, Theta Phi Sorosis, Kappa Al- y Barbour house and LICEINSE SALE 28.-Action of the Live board in defer- 1925 automobile li- il February 1, will n the validity of in- on cars, it was stat- day in the attorney Kathryn Clarke, '26, will essay the role of Silvia, the beautiful heroine, and Margaret K. Effinger, '26, will have the part of Dona Sereno. Both have had previous experience in dramatic work. Miss Effinger having played a somewhat similar part in the Comedy club production of "Cap- tain Applejack" la'st spring. Harlequin and Columbine will be played by Frieda Banks, '27, and Vir- ginia Mac Laren, '25, respectively, while Margaret Ainsworth, '26, will be Senor Polichinelle and Maude j Corey, '25Ed, will assume the charac- r of Senora Polichinelle. The Inn- keeper will be played by Ruth. Kahn, '27, and Pantallon will be done by Minna Miller, '27, both have had much experience in amateur work. Miss Miller has scored in several Comedy j club plays this season and Miss Kahn has worked with Masques in a num- I ber of productions. Other parts will I be taken by Elizabeth Strauss, '26; Betty Hays, '25, and Eleanor Crooks, '25. The play has been rehearsed for the past weeks by Prof. Herbert A. Ken- yon, who is directing the organization this year during the absence of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson who has directed Masques for the past nunbers of years. The scenery is said to be equally as elaborate as it has been in the past seasons. It is being made by Davis and Cornell, of Detroit, who have done the scenic work for the past Masques presentations. The tgeneral ticket sale for "Bonds of Interest" will be held Tuesday and Wednesday in the Box office of Hill auditorium. The seats range from, f$1.50 to 50 cents. The only reserved seats however will be $1.50. 'UNION OPRI TICET PLCED ON SALE TODAY Box office sale of seats for the an- naul Union Opera, "Ticded To Death" will start this morning at the Union. It will be held from 10 to 12 o'clock and from a to 5 o'clock today, and from 10 to 2 o'clock on Monday. This sale will be for yearly I members of the Union, as life and participating members have received their application blanks by mail. The sale for women of the Univer- sity will be held at the box office in, s Hill auditorium from 2 to 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. This will be the Dean Effinger outlined the growth of the physics department since he says We Are In An Age of UnCertainty'has been connected with the institu- Due To Discoverles In the tion, stating that when he first came D elofceen the here the top floor of University, hall _____ ehoused the physics laboratories, A short time after the physics building DENIES CONFLICT which has just been outgrown was built at a cost of $45,000. This was Dealing with the relationship of considered the best facility to be had science to religion, Dr. Allyn K. Fost- for the science. At the present time a new bilding has been erected, er, secretary of the Bapist board of wnich is only half of what is planned, I education of America, spoke on the at the cost of nearly a half a million subject, "Gathering Lights,". at the dollars. special Thanksgiving serv ce held in "Physical research will be promoted speil hanksgrivingTervia hdin here," said Dean Effinger, "and- I hope Hill auditorium Thursday morning. Ithat in the work that is to come in "Religion and the Bible have a the future the University of Michigan greater place in the world today than may do its share." ie closed his ad- ever before," declared Dr. Foster, af- dress of welcome by saying that ev- ter calling attention to the prevaling erything possible would be dpne to uncertainty in every line of activity "budge the budget" here in order to today. He characterized the present as bring about the 5ompletion of the an "age of uncertainty," pointing to physics building." the great advances and discoveries Praise Fac2lities which are continually being made in Prof. C. E. Mendenhall of the physics the field of science as well as relig- department of tthe University of Wis- ion. consin, president of the society, acted "There is r( ,coalist, there never ts toastmaster u the % nqu t. In an- has been any conflict between relig- swer to Dean. Effinger's speech Pro- ion and science," he insisted. "If the fessor Mendenhall said, "We cannot church instead of criticizing science go through a scientific laboratory would utilize the findings of it, re- Isuch as there is here without think- ligion would advance by leaps and ing that many new physicists will bounds. While we are indebted to soon be produced in it. It is a great natural science for opening up the stimulus to see the encouragement field of life, even the natural scien- the University of .Michigan gives too, tist recognizes that he has not touched the science." the spiritual realm at all." 'Twenty three papers were present- "Our great universities are not now ed at the sessions of the society yes- considering human life as much as I terday. Three of these were delivered the departmentalization of know, by Michigan men. Prof. W. . Colby ledge," he continued. "The real teach- of the physics department Introduced er of any subject must see it in con- a paper on "The Molecular Struc- nection with the whole of life. The ture of Methane;" Prof.. H. M. Randall man who teaches chemistry, and introduced a paper "On Molecular chemistry alone, without connecting Rotation;" and Prof. R. A. Sawyer it up with 'life, is not capable of; and Ei. . Martin offered one on "The teaching chemistry at all." Vacuum Spark Spetrum., Lambda Terming all of these tendencies for 2200-Lambda 6600." advancement in the allying of science Many men who have been connect- and religion, as "gathering lights," ed with the University either in the Dr. Foster concluded with the state- capacity of students or faculty mem- ment that "For the world at large, hers were present at the meetings. Jesus Christ is still the light of the Among those ,present were: W. N. world. Organized religion broke down St. Peter who received his PhD., her9 in the face of the World war, but the last year and who is now in the pyhs- Savior still lives. I wonder if the ics department of ,the University of present-day cont roversialists, arguing Pittsburgh, W..H. Lielemeir, '16, who about modernism, radicalism, and allI is now at Pennsylvania State college, that, have not missed the point. We L. F. Miller, '99, now at the Univer- cannot expect our missioiares to sity of Minnesota, Harry Hammond, teach the Christian creed but rather ,'45, now at the University of Missouri, to preach Christ." R. F. Paton, '15, now at the Univer- -- I Csity of Illinois, O. J. Babbitt, who re- W d Var'ety Of ceived his PhD., here in 1922, and is now with the Western Electric com- Topics Fill First pany at Chicago Jacob Kunz, for= merly a faculty member; now at the Issue Of T chnic { University of Illinois, . H. Sheldon forme'rly an instructor, now at New York university, and David Duncan Marked by a series of unusually in- who did work here last year, now at teresting articles the Michigan Tech- Pennsylvania State college. nic, quarterly engineering publica- The American Physical Society tion, appeared on sale in the halls of holds four meetings every year east of the engineering buildings Wednesday. the Rocky mountains for the purpose Among the writers contributing to this of promoting research and of giving a issue are several of the prominent en- general knowlege of the work being gineering professors. - carried on by physicists in different "The Social Significance of Aero- parts of the country. nautics" by Prof. W. F. Gerhardt of !fThe meeting, was called here to con- the aeronautical engineering depart- memorate the opening of the physic ment, presents the air machine in all laboratories. considered to be among of its phases; tracing its develop- the finest in the country. After every ment from the ancient Diedelus down session the new building has been open through the ages to the modern air- for inspection, and the members of plane, dirigible and helicopter. Pro- i the staff have been in their rooms to fess Gerhardt gives an interesting ac- demonstrate and explain the particu- count of his speculations as to the lar line of research which he is car- effect of aeronautics on world politics. rying on. and universalization. Dr. A. W. Hull of the research lab- J. N. Hatch, '92E, chief engineer of oratory of the General Electric com- the Chicago Engineering Associate, pany will tell this afternoon of ex- discusses every possible angle, from periments by which scientists have the sub-foundation to the smoke been able to listen to the movement of stacks in building a power house. electrons which are the smallest par- Prof. H. E. Keller of the mechanical tiles in all matter. This is made pos- 1 1 DECEMBER 19SIS BAST ',DAY FR REDUCED RAE! Philippine question since the begin- ning of the semester and the alter- nates as - well as the team are well versed in the subject. Prof. T. C. Trueblood, Prof. L. M. Eich, G. E. Densmore, and C. G. Mrandt, members of tha public speak- ing faculty, were judges of the - try- outs. NOTICE The Ensian will glady receive I any pictures taken this fall of campus scenes, initiations, fall- ! games, and other events of in- 1 terest. Any expenses incurred I will be met with. HORRORS! One of our fair correspondents Representing the University at the! Michigan Older Boys' cvonference in! Muskegon is week, 25 students left' t Opportunity to obtain the 19251 yesterday to conduct discussion groups Opportuni t the 1925 among the 1,500 high school boys who $ i inne redu ce er will attend the annual convention. $5.50 will be offered until December Other universities and colleges are 19, at which time the price will auto- also sending representatives to par- matically advance to $6.00. The cir- ticipate in the discussion groups. culation manager of the 'Ensian will The purpose of the convention is send a circular letter to the presi-I to aid in the formation of character dents of all fraternities calling their and to discuss the problems confront- attention to this privilege. ing high school boys over the state - No extra books are being orderedI in addition to general discussion, this year and those who do not sign prominent speakers are secured to up before the Christmas vacation will address the meetings. run the risk of being unable to secure an 'Ensian later. The slogan of the , y Tstaff that "The 1925 'Ensian will be I den LeterT different," has been carried out in al- Be Read Tonight most every ,detail. The cover is changed, pictures in tle Senior sec- L f TMc tion arranged differently, women's Letters from Thomas M. Iden, con- section enlarged, fraternity pages fol- ductor of the Student Christian as- low a new plan, and recognition isj general's office. There has been conjecture as to whether the insurance companies would honor claims from owners who op~erated their cars after January 1 on 19024 plates which is a technical violation of the motor vehicle laws. According to the opinion today, a violation of the law affects the in- surance policy only when an accident is cause by the violation. The heads of several insurance companies here agreed that the postponement of the sale of plates would have no effect upon valid policies. MGC LAUG HLIN TO SPEAK A9I CATHOLIC SMOKER All Catholic students on the campus will gather for a smoker at 7:30 o'clock next Thursday evening in thej assembly hall of the Union. The pro- gram will consist of several short, talks and musical features.