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November 27, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 11-27-1924

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To Head League
in En'couraging
Regard Flor L aw

Notices to appear in this column must
be left in thcebhoc at the Daly office
provied for thfat purpose before 4
o&ciockl preceeding the day of issue.

T hat Michian's football team is

Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice t. all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. 1V-eident until
3:30 p.m. (11:30 a.in. Saturdaya
Vonrate i TIIURSI)AY, INOVE.I1ER 207. 12 Nuber 53
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and te Arts:
It is requested that all mid-semester reports be made on or before Mon-
day, December 1st. IV. R.Hultmphreys.
Pan-Hellenic Ball:
All Independent women may obtain their program and favors for the Pan-E
Helleuic lll on presenting their ticket to me on Friday, November 28, from
3 to 5 o'clock in the corridor of Barbour Gymnasium.
Elizabeth M. eake, Chairman Program Comitee.
Zoology 31, Organic Evolution:
'Mid-semester quiz Tuesday, Dec. 2, at nine o'clock, Natural Science Audi-
toriuin. Newman pp. 57-163 and lectures to and including classification.
Grades attained in quizzes are used in determining final grades.
i Jacob Reighard.
(osnmopolitan Club:
Dr. Arnold Wolfems speaks on "Hopeful Signs in Europe" at 3 p. m., Sat-
~urday, November 29, in the Auditorium of Lane Flan. Dr. Wolfers, a citizenI
of Switzerland, has travelled widely in Europe. Ile acted as interpreter for
the Sherwood -Eddy party this past summer in Berlin. The public is invited.
Rensis Likert, President.
31asques Tryouts:
Girls interested in property work for the annual play "Bands of Interest"
lease meet in the parlors of Barbour Gymnasium at 4 p. in.. Friday, No.
vember 28. Minna Mill1er.
"Shavings" Three-act Comedy:
Friday evening at 8 o'clock i. niversity Bal a damatization of Joseph
(': Lincoln's novel "Shavings" will be produced as the second number in the
Play Production Playa series. A nominal admission will be charged. The
audience is requested to be seated by & o'clock. It . . .Hollister.
Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Attention is called to the mid-semester report cards which are being dis
tr$buted through the Dean's messenger boxes. All members of the faculty
are asked to report cases of students whose work so far has been unsatis-
factory. Such reports, in order to e of any service to the student concerned,
should be made promptly. W. R. Humphreys.
Political Science 31-a, American Government
As9signment for w~eek ending Thursday, December 4, Ogg & Ray, Chapter
XxV'. J. I,. ayden.
Notice Respecfing Parking of Cars in Campus Drie~way :
Parking of cars anywhere in the driveway between Nrti University Ave-
nue and the parking space east of Mason Hall not only causes inconvenience
to" all using the driveway for proper purposes, but is a positive source of
danger to other automobiles and to persons. This is particularly the case
when cars are so parked at night. Such diregard of the rights and safety
of others may be expected, hereafter, to result in cancellation of the Campus
parking permit. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary
Ntiotice, Bicycle Riding on the Campus :
Bi1cycle-riding on walks of the Campus of the University of Michigan is
strictly prohibited at all times, day or night, by legislation of the Regents.
The miost'frequent violators of this rule are young bo~s and girls. Pedes-
t rianis have recently been knocked down, and they are daily endangered.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned, and especially to parents of chil-
dren who own bicycles, that University police have been instructed to take
charge of any bicycles being ridden on the Campus walks, and to hold same
for redemption by owners (in case of minors, by parents or guardians) on
furnishing, satisfactory indication that the act will not be repeated. The
alternative, or the action in case of repeated violation of the rule, will be
prosecution under Michigani Public Act No. 90, of 1905, as amended by Pub-
lic Act No. 302 of 1907.
T"he rule 'against bicycle riding, and enforcement thereof, are necessary
for the safety of users of the Campus walks, and the cooperation of all, es-
pecially of parents, is respectfully urged.
Superintendent of Buiild ings and Grouns.
Notice to 'Owners of Dogs:
Heireafter dogs that become nuisances upon the Campus, in so far as
possible, will be taken in charge by authorized employs of the University,
and held for their owners for a period not exceeding tn days. During!
such period dogs may be redeemed on proof of ownership anl payment
for care at rate of fifty cents per day or fraction of a dlay. By authority.
Superintendentt of Bildings and Grounds.
A Sermon on Reconstruction in Religion
Music by Male Quartette
Next Sunday at 10:30 at
Huron at StateI

Edw:n iP. M~orrow, Iformer governor
of l entt;2cky, is g(e-neral chatirrman of
the board Ofdir('cl. rs of. 1 he 'Watch -
men of the Ropubli '," a new org;aniiza-
tion fors med "to promote uncferstand-
ing anad regard for the Con stitut ion,'
laws and peoples, and to eradicate
cla ss, rc e and ro li gious p~rejudiice.
London, -Nov. 26.---A I enter dispatch
!'ran Rtga says the lbhird1internation-

7pf :4-'h urchi of C'hrilst students' hide
starts from corner of Jefferson and conference is shown by comparing the
State streets. crowds drawn by :Michigan and those
IO() :-'fli uk sg iving Vlniv'ersity Ser- drawn by other schools in the -Con-
vice at Hill auditorium.
-0:0--i inksgifing pairty at the Pres. fei'ence.
byte rian church. Michigan played to crowds totaling
--- 344,000 for the eight games on their
FRIDA.Y i schedule which is a total larger than
1{; :P.O--Flrst meeting of the Anterican ! any of the other Conference teams,E
PhNysical society in west lecture and is exceedled, in the opinion of
raom, Physics building. i [-arry A. Tillotson, business manager
I ':tail - ec Ynd ncetfng, American Pihy-I of the Athletic association, only by the
sisal society, west lecture room,} record crowds drawn by Harvard and
1'1vsics building. olytmeatemamoh0.S
4 :dp- Masque , tryouts for girls in- The ol ie h amt .S
teres ted in property work on annual j IU. stadium has been completely filled
'play., Barbour gymnasium.I are th e two times Michigan has play-
I :O1-linner of Physical society,17n- ed there, and the same is true of the
ion. Illinois stadium with one exception.
S:Qi& - Yduixr igs," lvy Play Production On the two occasions this year
e?, s in University Hall. when the Michigan stadium was com-j
pletely filled, for the Iowa and Avis-
SATURDAY cousin games, if all ticket demands I
(:fl(r---Phiysicti1 society meets in -west !tad been filled the stands would have
I ecture room,, Physics building. h ad to sea:t approximately twice that
1 nube .7n1I.! tartsfrontnumber of people.

D U w en d cu m cu s co me from ll p riJvatc
EGYPT PROTESTSassociati onls such as the eDuc Cross or
EGYP PR TESS HMAN the Pariam1enlt union a list is usual-
[Ally mall ofI tem and each nmember
O IIOLIIIIU IN R I I 1 of th~e council is given a copy of the.
E ; list so that he may ask for the ori-
Geneva, .Nov. 26. (By A. P'.)-Thle ginal document if he so desires.
Egyptian chamber of deputies has ad- Wthether this course will be followed
dressed a protest to the League ofI in the Egyptian affair does not seem
to be clear as yet.
Nations against the British demands,_____________
bearing on the .assassination of Sir
Lee Stack, sirdar of the Egyptian Brodie Reports
army. This protest was taken under!
con sideration today, and after an G m o dto
hours meeting of the department Ca pC ndto
chiefs of the secretariat, under the i Prof. Hugh Prodtie, of the surveying
chairmanship of Sir Eric Drummond, depallnft, visited Camp Davis last
it was decided not to distribute to the'
members of the League the Egyptian vc frte)ulo filsctltl
protest. gtnneral condition of th.e camp. He r::-
The decision was based on the con- norti; that the buildings and thne sitr-
stitutional procedure of the secretar- rounding gr ountls are in per ect c on-
l at which Is not to circulate docu- dition and are well cared for. About
Iments which do not emanate from four inches of snow ha d fallen ju~st
governments. One precedent noted was previous to his arrival.
the decision not to distribute a com-
munication receivedl from a man who Loii 1cn, Nov. 26.-Prohibition will
claimed to represent the Siume par- not promote temperance, said Lieut-
I iament. Col. L. 0. Amery, secretary of the col-
The League officials explained that onies, today.
Come to the Student Supply Store for your many needs.
I You are sure to be satisfied.

Cong;reg ational elmurch.
21:01!--pltysical so ceiey meets ill westl
lecture room, Physics building.
S :0--Cosinaopolitallit ciii)meets 1ii1
}Lane hall. Dr. W olfers will speak,
Leaves Hospital

Moscow, Nov. 2G.--The Soviet gov-
erment has received a note from the
British government asserting the au-
thenticity of the Zinoviev letter. The
nte is alleged to he couched in sharp!
-Workers in paper mills of Silesia
are p)aid eight cents an hour.

I1 111 South University Ave.

Phone 1 160-R

i -- -_ -

at r III,. \1U S(I)W LIII ! V'r zri:tn~I 44,,.in°rt inr


comrade gp ai 3 Bla "j Re! rrA tu . al h a lf~lllilIkililiiil~1i~Il11111i1lltlltiksllin ligyltland1tthefSudan''ilRigiftrallArthur 0-.!{3all, who has{Ii1ii
ur-,img the~m to c'ontinue (e.heir <,ru-bleen confined to the University hos-o q
;le caiiistaf "the, ininperialistV." 'litul forismetime, has removed to- iTIME'S FLYING-
.is his home on Oakland avenue. 14riends
Fiiussels, Nov. 2s.- The, cost of liv- wishing to call are requaested to do so ORDER NOW!
Ing here hs leached iis highest level between 2 and i; 'clock in the after-K
Shistory, 45 ' Icr rc nt Ii iher than ir fn. -"h i tm s G ee irga d
the, 1914 cost., The increase for the - -Cr s ta e i , © lc e t jtVj O tB CtIt D Y T =
couYntry s42 crcnt T l YUS-S«-E VT
Please you with a freshly barbecued meat BO O K ST O R
'randlwich. After you've tried one-you'l1l
surely want anothter.
411 oth Slae Sreet-- Phone 2948-YHT WAIo r la tye r' v r
i I1 -- coat will loo like new





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