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November 27, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-27-1924

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.- .


Publiished every. morning except Monday
tluring the l r uversity year by the Board in
Control of Student, ub'.ications.
embe rs of Western Conference Editorial
Toe Associated Press is exclusively en-
rtt:ed to the use for republication of all news I
disp t che, credited' to it or not otherw~ise
reditedt in this paper and the local news pub-
l E n t. .ere inyo n Y , t th e p o s to ffic e a t A n n A rb o r ,
iciaas second class matter. Special rate
el pocst:^e granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.k
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
4Offices- Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi.
'iess, 96o.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M


SHAVE AND A HAIRCUT- might have cause to be thankful.
I3 HECh:: However, if Thanksgiving' Day is to
Chimes appeared, the other day, in accomplish its real purpose in any U1JS IC
a cover designed to voice as questio, adequate:.way, it should be more' thanI AND
which has long been in thec minds- a single day of thanks. In fact, it ~RA A.
of men, both young and old. Is it right should be put a reminder to all D I.NI.
that women shall invade that last Americans that there is a place for p___
sanctum of the persecuted sex-the giving thanks as well as a supreme
barber shop? Is it fair that they should being to which to, offer those thank- -
appropriate that one meeting place { offerings every day of the year. When -OORW NIGIIT Thle I'la3
which, for years, has been of thel it shall have meant this to America, Produetloniasl~<;es present "Shavings"
very essence of 'masculinity?1 Thanksgiving Day may be said to have !,'t 8 r 'clfld keinii 1ersit11"1111.
The qiuestion ig a hard one to solve;: hben truily successful. I "

Beginl Your Christlaus 3Sh(
jk5 i , nw CsJiur~,s u~a S a




and The Daily does not feel that in _____________ 11IAMAMQU P4 I CION?
its position as Michigan's organ of The. question as to what to give your Sm year ,,ago, say six oz Sen
opinion it dares venfure to mould fredsfrCrsmshsbe atyor eight, a dsr antic organization was
tuettogtoa usoN s cly Iformed and 'christened 'Masques. Their
stuentthogh ona qe .tln s obv-solved by the internal revenue bureau;
ously partisan, on a question which, in; its. most. recent action limiting first producttion Was a program in,
has long been smnouldering hin the! tax-exempt gifts to "only $50,000." collabjrrati9±lFrith the u~nivers>itym
brat'ft~ nue e n ihSuch a relief!E Girl's Glee club consisting, 'along
b esso th inue nina d ig ,Iif the proper spark were set to it,___________ other things, of a forty-miinut skit
break into a consuming flame. Never- Movie admirers of Rudy Valentino, I about a vweoly man, a gentlemanf ac-
the less, there can b), no harm in must be getting anxious to see if he tually made of knitted yarn who
calling attention to a few of the more1 has lost any of hip enchantment by travelled through;l the various ps:ychic-
obvious arguments both in favor of hiding behind his recently acquired al complexes, of a Guitry comedly rn-
and opposing, the invasion. rnhm oo. til he was, finally completely Yin-
Time has seen a steady advance in_______________ ravelled: at any late, the perfe'nVJ iV:cc

oli; End' of ii

IA 9I'

re Diagonal Walk


i. - aatai,*.at,,wfl~sK +'. i. .3. '- T ~ Wr,' .nd ;e'm~r ..ms~fa,,a.,'nmm.&..,.,n.,,.o IhYan~sfa.'-,.s~ tu aL M. __ .

__ .


Editor... ....... «..... John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor ........... .Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
,ccrge 4,V,)avis Harold A. Moore
Tfhomnas P. lienry Fredk. Y_. Sparrow, jr;'
Kenneth C. Kelle' Norman R. Thal
, ports dt.... Wila H. Stoneman'
^onda) Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Woir' n's Editor.......... ,. Verena Moran
:Mu ,sii and i 'rama......obert B. Henderson
t cles-raph editor., ...William J. Walthour
A ssistants
Louise LHarley Winfield H. Line
S arrion IBatow Carl E. Ohlmacher
lie l S. ienrxeh, William C. Patterson
sth E.ady)r.. ilelen S. Ramsay
v llard B. Crosby Regina Reichmannl
Valentine L. Davies Marie Reed
f; res WV. F ernamberg Edmarie Schrauder
f ose;ph 0. Gartner Frederick H. Shillito
Mtanning iouse wortb C. Arthur Stevens
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Herman J. Wise
Telephone 860
'Advertising.... ..... "........E. L. Dunne
Advertising..3. """ «... ""Finn
Adver tising i...... «... «...... .....A. Marks
"" .......... . ."....II, M. Rockwell
:Accounts........ ".......Byron Parker
Cicuaton ........... R.C. Winter
'.Pulcaio: . .........John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold .' W L. Mullins
W. V. Ardussi' IK F. Mast
Gordon Burris 11. L. Newmfannf
F. Mentz> Thomas Olmstead
1,hilip .leitz 3 D. Ryan
David Foy N. Rosenzweig
i orinan seeehlipig Margaret Sandburg
W. E,~ Hamaker F. X. Schioenfeld
F. Ti hn-,son S. H. Sinclair
L. fl. Kramer; F. Taylor
Louis W. K ramer



Night Editor-F. X. SPARROW, JR.::
As a result of a recent meeting of
the Interfraternity counci, a com-
mittee is now at work investigating
conditions surrounding the giving of
fraternity dances with a view to -rec-
ommnending a plan by 'which the too
numerous outsiders may be kept away.
The fact that recent fraternity parties
have developed into what might be
termed "brawls" in the popular vern-
ticular may be held 'accountable "f6r"
the necessity for this action.
Tl-ere can be little doubt in the
minds of those stud'ents and faculty
i ho- have attended some of the fall
dances that there is a need for a
change. It will be difficult, however,
to carry bout a strenuous reform with-
out curtailing unnecessarily the spit it
of interfraternity hospitality developed
recently. These very dances, while
somre of themr have been made ob-
jectionable by the conduct of out-
siders, have done more to further the
acquaintance of fraternity men and
to encourage cooperation and good
.feeling than any other one agent-
a very necessary thing at Michigan.
But to return to the parties-all
of them have been a huge success'
from the standpoint of the guest. True,
there have been times when the. floor
was too crowded, when there was so
much noise as to drown out the in -'
sic completely, but there has been an
informality, a welcome which every-
one attending has enjoyed. Perhaps.
this feeling is typical of that riotousi
younger generation of which we are,
a part. Perhaps the students partici-
patirig should have been shocked rathi-

the 'cause of Feminism. Year by'°year Wentceta ayodjithol was ratther teriblei.
women seem to be advancing-slowly, iIs still' "Dumb as a Fox" in spite of Tescedn erIr.J aeg
buh osr~yto: ' strong-, the fact that he has gone to ChicgoNelson took c('i argo of th2 group, and
holds. There wa s a ti' A^ Lhn wo- 'with s only tcoeciar'acteristic fervor, '
man's place ters d 9d-" 11~ the 'H"-ogs Depressed by record run "- ilsstins-sadad
home, when to 'entn' e c -t alone ed nte hcgoTiun.Po -began to move toward a goal rapid-
me~ant certain suicide to hci er rcpt t- niggie ! lyanroaig erfect?"ahine-W .
tio. Tosewer tie dys henit ________________ Iprofessionlalism,. The first production
was almost a criminal offense for the Even the American Federation of undJer his (ireeCe:n was I mere's ,"Tha
demhure young thing to speak before Labor favors the World Court. Amazons," rrhich did much to raise
being spoken to, and ,when it was i ____________________ asques in the osihmiat. en o. their,
::. ocially impossible for her to go ini]Ipatrons and' c edit. , d4espito, the
swimming in -.nythin ~less than three CMPUS P[NiONpay biostwd enietaim
I Idi~egade. Te nmesofcomuni ITrre'sn"ulty trheee,bro ught
or four' bathing suits and, a overq A ex i'inous ;communications will be Th 'ter. owvbout
coat or twio. Those dsdaydd Te aes, cmmo-ne cannotuliy tee"wi.l uc.
help noticing, have passed. 1 confidential upon request. a success ghat Vtwo additional per-
Then came women's suffrage, with I forniances wxere aidled to the original
the attendant enfranchlisemient of mil-A FAIR DEFEAT one: qluite a., eat at the time fur aniy-
lions of womsen all over the world. To the Editor: 1 btterpr.Th eun
This all seemed reasonable, too. Why -{ oewt neettecminfa iet okuo hspo
shouldn't the 'wonlen vote? No one'Inoewtineettecmuca. uto Ar. 2izsnotat-
could find any reason sufficient to tion, written by one Mr. Richardson i quato, charing work; suzrely he hat:
stop them. Now we are faced with1 making the claim that Michigan really never outdista n edr Ike ictorian
the prospect of two women 'gover- won the game with Iowa Saturday in del}i~cac of i '>tMoshr el.i1 tmad-
nors-in Texas and W yoming. PeopleIie of the fact that the visitors shhsi~eifi(,M.Nle s
are curious to see how thinig,, will mittelvy is at a loss-and lbe him:;eif
- were leading 9-2 when the game end- r ealiz es this best. of all--but in certain
work; out in the two states; neverthe-
lessthe arn'tcurius nouh t beed. Perhaps this is no true -criterion fantastic whimscy, iroical only an oc-
alarmed: they know full well that the of ,.tle merit of. the two teams, brit it casion, his, directionl comes very near
'overnment will be run just as well, is generally accepted in sporting cir- to a positive genuis.
if not better, than it was by the men. ces, and has, in the past, been en- Afte~r "Qualty St.reet" c,, e Je'orrF'
Dut the question of women's hail-tr- l satisfactory. If the author of Jeromen's "Fannay and the Sirrcali
cuts in men's barber snops- treY Problem,' and then fcling larger than
There seems to be more opposition the opinion that Michigan "won tilef Sarah Crwswell Angell hall the organ-
:ariingove ths laestinrad hanreal 'laurels" were given support, the, ization ire°se~ntd "The Importance of
that which rose over the question of football world would be in a sad Being E ax nest" in the Wthitney th(e,,t-
the suffrage. Men don't mind having unar.IIteeisayhigm rc. At the outset; such a play with an
wromen mix in politics. But to have deiietaI irc ls ewe all-girl cast could be but a half-suc_~
them mix in antigs nesl e-cO55, but the, set fings were bea'etiful
sonar; s frighrtfullly and revealinglytw teams which vie for certain l10on- and for tho- first time _'asques found
masulneas a shave,. a haircut, or a os the world at large is in the dark themiselves' with a sinling f'und.
shampoo, seems just a bit too 'much. regarding what it may be. But this: '- - -
A corrospondent of this journal re- is beside the point.Ix u
cently wrote that the 'last time he The fact is, Mr. Richardson's opin- IY
sI was in a barber shop hie had planned iohns reflect a spirit which is to b,,)
to purchase a clay facial massage, ilt decried on the Michigan campus, .or <f:
that the presence of four younig'wo- any campus. Mr. Richardson intimates
'Inen 's"embarrassed him that 'he went ,that his views are those of the styl '
without. 'Thus, it may be0 seen, a dents in general-"the forty fi,' e thou- I
dulloswseffected:, first, the ;dul-osws sand Jo'yal Michig an rooters." This is
barber was cheated out of his due I not a fact. Most of the students are
wage; adscnth orsont l- to acetthe fact that Iowa. ~
I had to go wihou his pea ch- bloss .om defeatedwiht3U Michigan cleanly and (1-
complexion. csiey.Ter:wsnoqesio bot ''.
.;The fact is that woman's presence it. Perhaps Iowa made no "sensational ' --':-?-----'--
entirely altersth atope faI plays," but ask- anyone who knows.
barber shop. It has an irritatingly; football which he would rather sup-
cleansing influence (most mlen seem port-a team which makes "sensation-
to enjoy a bit of dirt) and effectively -al plays" occasionally, or one which 4
puts a stop) to that fr-eedom from {1ilays a'steady, consistent game. Mich-
restraint which was always the mostI igahn -may he proud of a team which;
CEnticing feature of barber shops in does ,both, but it happens that Iowa.
the good old dlays. :was a trifle too strong on the de-1
_But, after all, students here at M1ich- fense for Michigan. "Every time Fried- IP-,.J aeg Nlo
'igan have little cause for complaint. i man,;' completed a pass" wasJ not I '"J.Rlig4h -Nelson
If they don't care for the feminine- enough. The winning team had the--___
element, they are perfectly free to Mioh'igan pass attack spotted, and IObvziou:, levelopllzeit Nwas at a
trot over to the Union barber shop broke it up beautifully. Their work I stendlstil1; th y had gone as far as
"which stands, and 'Will continue to was excellent in this respect. Further- I possilble in the d rewing-room comnedy,
stand, waiting with open arms for the more, I for one failed to notice the and their next rz.ove \was to dill audi-
- mrale,. but impossible of access by the Hawkeyes "grovel in the dirt and root torinn andl the <spl a cula.r pageant.
f emale. :: their way inch by inch over the goal First. citino "The Yellow Jacket," then
- line." Due to the fact that the rules 1 Beauniount and Fletcher's Elizabethan
fBDAY BY DAY-- of. football demand that a team makeI burlesque "The Knight of the B-zring
'For about three hundred years, ten yards in four downs or lose the I Pestle," amid last year Percy M'vackayo's
since that first and probably mosti ball, I 'hardly think the contention - colorless b~ut colorf'ul "A Thousanid
significant Trhanksgiv~ing Day ceore- holds good when one considers that Years Ago."
'orated by the Pilgrim fathers,- the; the H'awkeyes carried the ball from This year i. Nelsen is on a leave
..-.=---.,- ,,.- , 4-1' l "' A- ion 'cfry A l io o !of 'c vn "a - - i =--n

dr, ppeti to the floor, Iliket, t. o
hlis ane s rI. rf T 1U22; f i-st'theyrs(emtn
funnmy, theni quaintly pathetic, bult
finally very true arid si1liie.
In June, 1.925, .he?-will bits diato
his patrons aid returnl to lhis vila ill.
Rione, M''to dreamInan ol' iman . di' am,"}
he says. Something _ arare auc-
then, his fa rewell :IA: I ? Ivace (;?must
not be mlissed: a r;(enri s is fL'ading, aridf
its, imrah luatu', glow imu>t inot be lost.

,r _ , atmrtnzw'sa ., ' Kr.. :: x.,,. - Y,, i+ t:

,.. ,. l~R'tv1X81X'SS~R1'.

S^- -" r....,..o urauamaraaiau ae:uasa .s.:n+t u,: rry:.


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er than delighted. The fact that they people oi the United States have been iabout icneia sLorL.y yara l ineuLO
Were not would seem to indicate that; offering 'prayers of thanks in recogi- - touchdown in some seven plays. Thef
there is something worth preserving L- ion of the blessings bestowed upon I unfortunate situation which seemed!;
in the custom of inviting the world .them by the "giver of every good ad to have given Mr. Richardson such:,
toOn the other hand there is the fra,- th.istclbrto, the day was m ace tack of real power, and one which{
triY involved. Often the crowds an official holiday, taking its place was consistently adhered to, with suc-,
are greater in numbers than the mom- along with other national days gen- cess. It may be a degl'ading spectacle
hers, and in the majority of cases ' orally observed by American people.1 to see a man plunge the line, but,
the large part of the mob was never- In its original meaning, Thanks-j it is undeniably good football. If a;
extended: an invitation to attend. The-' giving Day was a time for the official, team is to be ridiculed for plugging;
sound of music is their "open recognition of the importance, of; the I away at an attack that is gaining=
sesame"--=they need no more. This guiding hand of an all-seeing powrer ! yards and victory, the game of foot-!,
creates an embarassing situation for in the successful completion of, a sum- ball is in a bad state. And certainly,;
time hosts. They cannot evict anyone ,mer' s labors in the open fields result- Scantlebury's feat of going through
'without the risk of being 'considered? ing in a bountiful harvest. In some Michigan's line six out of seven times -
inhospitable, yet their "guests" often recent years it has come to mean the Hawkeyes carried the ball on theimr
conduct themselves in a manner little more than a day of "vacation," march to a touchdown is sensational
wvhichi is reprehensible to the extreme, 1"a lay-off," and an excuse for whole- f enough for the most blase.
involving the good name of the house sale 'gluttony.' Needless to say, the} Everything in Mr. Richardson's
on the campus. Drunks are too 'prone people strayed far, from ,original communication might be overlookedi
to drop around and annoy everyone meaning of the day. - in its absurdity, except the allusion I
with any sense of decency and lead Yet, in spite of this tendency on to the "Santa Claus" referee. Thisj
people to the inference that the fra- the part of too many people to dose- , is an unexcusable bit of poor sports- j
teernity in question is _eouraging' crate the real purpose of Thanks- manship. To insinuate that an official<
promiscuous drinking. ,giving Day, it is entirely possible to threw a game to another team is one t
A workable remedy is hard too find, mnake it a national day of thank of-1 of the worst possible things that cani
The committee of the Interfraternity ferings. There are almost innumer- be used as an alibi, even if true. And
council will search in vain for a com-# able things for which the students of it pis--worse to think that a Michiganj
pltely successful plan for retaining' this university, the people in the man, with Michigan's reputation for;N
thie good features and eliminating the homes which they represent, the pol-II sportsmanship, could even hint that
undo-lira";le practices. The remedy, itical and religious leaders of theI the referee was partial to the winners.
it i' apparent, must come from a state and nation-in fact almost every ,In the first place it is not true, andI
cefinite stand on the matter by the ,citizen of the United States-may be in the second place it is a low accusa- I

Kenyon is prescnting Benavente's
Spanish fantasy "The Bonds of Inter--
est" next Wednesday evening- in M-ill
auditorium.. Following the established
tradition this play also leads to the
extravagant anil brilliant, lut with an
added literary distinction hardly pres-
ent in the other produc-tions. It will
attract a, Jage audience and deserve'
There is still a final chapter: next
year on Mr. Nelson's return the plan
is to present" Maeterlinck's "The Blue
Bird." After this Masques must make
still a further departure,, for there
is no spectacle beyond Maeterlinck.
The little ofdhnan who makes Chop--
in drip like pearls, Vladimir De Pach-
manna, who gently boasts that he is
a little crazy, is on his farewell tour,
and the statement must be taken seri-
ously since lie admits an age of seven-
ty-five. He i t-'o appear at 8:30 o'clock
in Orchestra-- hall, Detroit, next
Thursday evening, the little old raan
who makes Chopin dIrip like pearls,
who boasts tha t he is a little crazy...-
Years ago he was forced to retire
due to a mnental collapse, and now on
his return so many years latter lie
may not be entirely cured. About his i



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