THE WEATHER RAIN OR SNOW; IOLDER TODAY :L fr AF 4 AdV MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I - - - VCL. XXXV. No. 56 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ThURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1921 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE _. PHYSICL SOCIETY TO OPEN TWO DAY mELIEEFIA Carlyle Discusses Conditions Of British Political Parties Spoeaking on "The British Labor Government" before an audience that1 practically filled the auditorium of N ewterry ball yesterday afternoon, Dr. MEM1BERS TO PRESENT 44 PAPERS Alexander James Carlyle, chaplain (100VERIN(;TANY FIELDS and lecturer in political science at OF RESEARCH Universitycollege, Oxford, dealt with the origin and developement from the point of view of the historian, not NOTED MEN TO COME! only of the Labor party but also of Ithe other two main political parties Plan Inspection of Physics Building; in Engiand, the Liberal and the Con- Guests to Attend Banquet servative. atu nion "Primarily, the Labor party is a Fpolitical party," declared Dr. Carlyle Convening tomorrow morning at 10 in explaining the first of what he o'clock in the west lecture room of termed "the two antecedents of the the old Physics laboratory, the 192nd Labor party, first, the political, and meeting of the American Physical so- second, the economic." He went on ciety will be held. Forty-four papers, to state that the present Labor party covering numerous fields of physical represents nothing more than the de- coveing fl a crvaf rim~nrti- i "The aristocratic party in England is not the Conservative party," ex- plained the lecturer, "but the old Whig party, now known as Liberal. In fact, the Conservatives are consid- ered a bit vulgar and uneducated by the Liberals; as well meaning people who have never been very well edu- cated." He went on to show how the Liberals, consisting of the great barons of England, were really the ones who eventually broke th-e power of the Crown in the seventeenth century. "The Tories, now known as the FOSTER TO SPEAK FOR THANKSGIVING NOTED EDUCATOR AND LECTURER WILL TALK ON "G ATHEI UNG LIGHTS" STARTS AT 10:30 Service Is Fourlh In Un versity Series Of Current Year; Rhodes, '2l, To Preside research, will be presented, by mem- veientLov a geatUemocratic bers of the society, including some of movement which started as early as the furemost physicists of the country. the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- These abstracts will deal with prac- tunes in Great Britain. tically every phase of physics of in- terest to the scientific world today. Accoding to Prof. A: W. Smith, of the physics department, who has ch'arge of the accommodations ar-. rangements for the meeting, more than one hundred scientists are ex- pected to attend. All of the available I rooms in the Union have been obtain- ed to accomodate the members as well IHope, To Shift Prohibition Unit From as rooms about the campus. Treasury To Department Of I Wisconsin Man to Speak Justice Included in the program for the con- vention will be a dinner to be given ASK IMMEDIATE CHANGE at the Union tomorrow night. Prof. i__ C. E. Mendenhall of the physics de- Washington, Nov. 26. (By A. P.)- parmen o the Univest f Wis - partmentoftheUniversityof -1Bodily transfer of the prohibition unit consin, president of .the society, will from the Treasury department to the speak in behalf of the organizationTesrdpatntoth and Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit- department of Justice, is among the crary department will address the recommendations adopted by the banquet for the faculty. It is also judicial conference of senior circuit probable that Dean Alfred H. Lloyd judges, it became known today when of the graduate school will speak. Chief Justice Taft, as chairman of After the meetings tomorrow after- i noonanturmdatyngtmorrgfter-ew the conference addressed a letter to noon and Saturday morning the new physics building and its' laboratories Attorney General Stone transmitting will be open for inspection by the a request that he embody the proposal guests of the University. It was for ! in his annual report to Congress. this reason that the meeting is to be The senior circuit judges familiar held here this year. In former years [with court conditions and reflecting the meeting was held at Chicago but the opinion of federal district judges inasmuch as the physics building s take the position that the transfer completed it was decided' to shift the should be made 4t once.Basing their. m'ieting to Ann Arbor. The labora- recommendations, on abundant exper- tories provided for research in "infra- ience with prosecution arising under, red spectroscopy" will be of special [the law, the judges with Chief Justice interest to the society as members of Taft concurring, declared that such the physics faculty believe that facil- a transfer would make much for ef- ities provided for this form of re- fectiveness in enforcing the law. ' search here are the best in the world. In the statement which they ask, Many Easterners Attend to have transmitted to Congress, the Those who are to attend this con- I judges asserted that "all the appro- vention come from all parts of the priations for such enforcement should country, although most of the guests be expended under the direction of the, wil be from the middle west. Prof. Attorney General." In that way, they K. T. Compton, of Princeton; Prof. said "the attempted prosecution of Theodore Lyman, director of the Jef- trivial, frutal and unimportant cases, ferson physical laboratory; and Prof. which now crowd the dockets through C. D. Child of Colgate are among the agents, can be avoided and onlyprohibition men Geho will come from the east. cases taken up and judged which will The General Electric Co., the Edison really deteer the principal offenders1 iaap Works, the Westinghouse Elec- and in the preparation of which dis- trict attorneys will have a personal and several other large manufactur- responsibility. ing concerns will have representa- _ tives. Besides these men other mem-; bers will represent practically every unvriyin the niddle west. CIAGANT !A The American Physical Society holds four-meetings each year east of BE REnnnUR the Rocky mountains, for the purpose EFVl LOA IU ' of advancing work in physics and ob- taining a general knowledge of re- J. W. Griest, manager of the Re- search work being done throughout tail Merchants Institute of Chicagoj the country. It also serves as a uni- will speak before the Ann Arbor re- fying body for men interested in phy- tail merchants next Tuesday noon at sics and gives such men an oppor- the Chamber of Commerce luncheon tunity to exchange ideas and provide in the Commerce building on the for the advancement of the society. corner of Ann St. and Fourth Avenue. Several men from the University of Mr. Griest is one of the foremost men Conservatives, were not the nobility,; Gatherng Lights" will be the pointed out Dr. Carlyle, "but really topic of the Thanksgiving service to only the small nobility, made up more be held in Hill auditorium at 10:30 of people of the middle classes in this morning. Dr. Allyn K. Foster, England than of the old established secretary of the Baptist board of ed- families. Together with the Church of ucation of America, educator, pastor, England, they formed the very power- i and writer, has been secured to de- ful political group which tended to be [liver the sermon. on the side of the Crown. They were Dr. Foster holds the degree of D. D., (Continued on Page Two) and is a graduate of Johns Hopkins muniversity. He spent several years as superintendent of a boy's college in Connecticut, where he gained fame as an educator. During the war, Dr. Ioster spent five years in France, lecturing to the men in the service. MEET 9AT BAN0U E His work in the foreign field at this time received high praise from Ma- jorGeneral Allen, and also placed him as one of the most popular of Many Nations Represented at Second the men in his branch of service. For International Banquet At the past five years Dr. Foster has Union i been travelling on the American con- tinent, visiting colleges and univer- BLANSHARD SPEAKS sities, at the same time lecturing on the relationship of science to religion. SMichigan's second "International -However, that this morning's sernon M will include such a discussion has not' Banquet" was held last night in the been definitely stated. main dining hall of the Union, at Ti onn' evc stefut which more than 175 foreignstuden This morning's service is the fourth faculty members, local clergymen, and f the University service series of a generous sprinkling of American chairman of the Students Christian students were in attendance. The in-' association committee of University ternational spirit marked the meeting services, will preside at the meeting. as, the rpom was decorated with flags Special music for the service has also from niiny foreign lands, and the I been arranged. program included speakers from Co lumbia, the Philippines, India, China, Japan, and England; besides these 'CC IITF were the Hawaiian musicians Tang IV i FU and Ta'vares, who rendered a few melody numbers, and a piano and vio-[RNflM lin selection from T. Al. Bishop, '5 Greece, .tnd H. H1. Kasabash, '2!1, of I ArmenI. With apoxintely $46,00 raised Th pahes were introduced by ! iharxs ey 4.0 asd .Tl~~~e~epsxvee itrodcedbyIwhen the fi tl reports ere 'turned Perry Hayden, '25, president of theit S. C. A. who acted as toastmaster. The in at 6 o'clock last night, the Co- long program was broken by group tnunity Fund drive closed with a de- singing df Michigan songs, which Miss j ficiency of $3,000. At a meeting of Mary R ss, secretary of the Y. W. C. ! the board officers yesterday it was A. directed. Music during the meal was determined that the full $49,000 must contributed by Connie's Michigan Men. be raised if the Fund association is to The program was arranged as a function next year. Various plans round-the-world in sixty minutes for the completion of the budget were flight, with three minute. stopovers suggested and a temporary course of at severhl countries, followed by a action fixed upon. summar of the journey by Prof. One hundred men have volunteered Brand lanshard of the philosophy to each contribute $10 and to call upC people ad its virtues as well as its 10 ctler men with the request that department. they each give an additional $5 to $10. n ought out' the facts that every It is thought that this plan will prove bqugt ;ut he act tht eerysuccessful and that the necessary skeletons. The skeletons as he pointed suntessf complete the betesill them out, in the American people, are amount to complete the budget will provincialism and conceit. He also' besubscribed. puited to the fact that a people _ is too easily judged by the words of a r'n in rnlm o tirPnsd i n small minority. "The Paris edition IfIjlliJlHIIh of the Chicago Tribune carries above its editorial column a amotto to the effect that it would support its coun- ' lUlu iL.U UUU try, be it right or wrong. This is per- i fectly vile and does not express the American spirit," said the speaker. i Work ofgradig the road leading The virtue, he pointed out are, opti- to the site of the clubhouse for the mism, good humor, and the interna- new Huron hills golf course which is tional mind 'efficiency'! " We Amer- 1 located a mile and a half ecst of the !cans worship the strenuous life," campus between Washtenaw an( he stated. "Schwab, Wanamaker, Ceddes avenues, has nearly reached Hoover, all stand for a peculiarly completion. The gravel will not be American trait." The speaker stated drawn in until next spring. that the only real value of efficiency Favorable weather conditions has was to gain an end worth while. He helped the workmen to make rapid requested the foreign student to rec- progress in completing the rough ognize the' possibilities in efficiency work on te reens and fairways. as practiced in America, when it 'Work on four or five of tie greens achieved such ends as the relief of r Belguim, which was directed by Her- has already been finshed. bert Hoover. "We are building up an empire whose only requirement is Truth. Its I ECHNICALT DELAYS citizenship is not American truth, nor German truth, or Japanese truth,! .T TIO n C05 or American truth, but Truth, a truly A international citizen," said Pror. Blan- chard in closing his speech. The foreign students were the c Due to the fact that the city clerk guests of the S. C. A. and the Y. M. could not give clear title to the cars sC. A. who sponsored the event. which were to be sold Tuesday in C._A,__h__sp _sre _h en. front of the City hall ,the auction was called off. The cars, some of thenm !Ybelonging to students, were picked up SIX STR9Y DOGS IA N N by the police and held for fines and other reasons. It is stated that when the necessary red tape has been gone throughat Lansing, the cars will be - -sold as announced. It will doubtless Six dogs were taken yesterday as be a week or so before any action (.Buildings ands Grounds department will be taken. employes began enforcement of the{ campaign against stray dogs of the campus. Cross Back From At present, dogs taken by the de- N M e partment, are penned in quarters in 1 W York eetng the basement of the pharmacology J QUIET PREVAILS IN EGYPT AFTER, RIOT; TROD PSOU IT SUDA BRITISH CABINET CONSIDERS PLAN OF DEALING WTH SITUATION SETTLEMENT SEEN Expect Parliamentary Debate After King's Speech to Protest 'Jingoist' Methods London, Nqv. 2G. (By A. P.)-The Egyptian crisis shows no marked de- velopments today, Cairo and Alexan- dria remains quiet and even the mili- tant students seemed disposed to ac- cept the advice of Zagloul Pasha, for they refained from demonstrations. Viscount Allemby, the British high commissioner is said to content him- self with seeing that the Egyptian units are withdraw from the Sudan and awaiting the next move by the Cairo government. The British cabinet held another council, today to discuss the situation in connection with the preparation of the king's speech at the opening of Parliament which must necessarily deal with Egyptian affairs. The debate on the address will doubtless provoke a protest from the opposition against I whht is characterized in opposition quarters as the government's "jing- oist" methods in dealing with a weak country like Egypt, but, although neither the Liberals nor the Laborites approve of Lord Allemby's method, Ramsey MacDonald, as leader of the opposition can hardly call in question the policy pursued but only the meth- od of its application,.since he himself found it quite impossible to nego- tatiate with Zagioul Pasha, owing to the extremist demands of the former Egyptian premier. Whether, as alleged by the labor extremists in London, Zagloul Pasha, the new Egyptian premier is the crea- ture of the British government, there is a clear belief in official quarters that a satisfactory settlement will be reached between Lord Allemby and the Zwar administration. PLAN IN OPIUM PARLEY; Geneva, Nov. 26. (By A. P.)-China made a determined stand at the In- ternational Opium conference today on the question of extra-territoriality, as related to opium and finally in- duced the business committee to place China's proposal in the conference again. The proposal is in effect that for-1 e'gn courts in China, which do not follow Chinese law on opium suppres- sion shall have a law as drastic as that of China and will agree to apply the same drastic punishments to for- eigners including deportation on con- viction of infringement ofthe law. Another point is that the Chinese government shall be permitted to have Chinese assessors sit in the foreign court when foreigners are tried. India today actively combat attempts to bring in so called new questions which India and some other countries feel do not fall within the scope of the agenda. If the Indian movement proves successful it would have the effect of shutting out two or three features of the American proposal, including the one stipulating that opium smok- ing should come to an end in the far I east within ten years. Todays debate touching on the com- petency of the present conference oc- curred at a private meeting of the business committee of the conference which was so lengthy owing to the difficulty of reaching an accord that the schedule of the plenary session of the conference had to be altogether abandoned. Stephen G. Porter, the !American representative got into ac- tion immediately when the Indian plenipotentiary of justice to some of the American proposals. Mr. Porter reserved the right to bring them up at the plenary conference. ;ESIAN1 ENDS DRIVE FOR SENIOR PICTURES Senior Woman To Lead A nnual Pan-Hellenic .Ball UNIVERSITY WOMEN HODPAN HELLENIC BALL1 FRIDAY NIGHIT Jeane E. Briggs Jeane E. Briggs, '25, who will lead the grand march at the second annual Pan-Hellenic ball which will be given tomorrow night in Granger's acadfmy. Don I. Fedrick, '28M, will lead the march with Miss Briggs. OPERA TICKETS GO ON LSAA5TURDAY1 Sell Tickets to University Women December 1, and to Public on December 4 REPORT HEAVY DEMAND Box office sale of tickets for "Tick- led To Death," the 19th annual Union Opera will open at the side desk at the Union at 10 o'clock Saturday morning and continue until 12 noon,I and from 2 to 5 that day and froil 10 to 12 on Monday. This sale will be for yearly mnembers of the Union,' as life members have beau sent appli- cation blanks by mail. Many of the applications sent life members have not been returned, ac- cording to Homer heath, general manager of the Union, and those who have not returned the blanks are urged to do so, as the tickets will I be distributed in the order in which the applications are received, and those whose blanks are not in before the general sale will not benefit by their opportunity to get better seats. Many students have complained that they are participating members and that they have received no applica- tion blanks by mail. In order to ans- wer- them Mr. Heath stated that ap- plications were sent only to those par- ticipating member- v:ho had laid up to date. Women ' of the University will be given an opportini ty to purchasef seats on Monday, Dleember 1st at the box office sala at Hill auditarium,. The sale will be fronm 2 to 5 in the afternoon. The general public will not be given a (-hance to 'procure tickets until Thursday, Dec~enber 4, when the box office will open in the Whitney theatre. The Opera will run for the week of December Sth at the Whi'ney, starting Monday nigjht and playing every nght that week with a mnatinee Saturday. The price of the seats are as fol- lows: Entir- orchestra $2.56; first 4 rows of balcony, $2.00; next 4 rows, 1$1.50; and the remaining seats $1.00. The demand for seats has been un- usually large this year. Fraternity Takes Ten New Members Phi Lambda Upsilon initiated ten " new members at a banquet at 6 I o'clock Mcnday night in room 319-21 Union. Aim honorary membership Vas -onferred on Prof. Moses Gomberg, of the Chemistry department. Tmose taken imto active membership were: Harvey A. Trimble, Grad.; George B Watkins, Grad.; Herbert R. Poland f '25E; John Paul Jones, .'25; James D Lindsay, Grad.; Karl H. Hachmuth '25E; Alvin J. Herzig, '26E; Harold y R. Bowers, '26E; Arthur J. Good r Grad.; Richard E. Townsend, Grad Prof. Ermine C. Case, of the geology o department ,spoke on "The Relation - ship Between Chemistry and Paleon tology." Ile demonstrated the possi bility of learning the livimg habitE - of pre-historic animals by chemica - analysis of their fossil remains. s Prof. Edwin M. Baker, of the Chem GRANGER'S 10 PIECE. ORCHESTRA WILL PRO'VIDE '1NIC AT RANCCE To START AT 9:30 Jeane E. Riggs, '25, Committee Head, To Lead Grand March With .D. W. Ifendrik, 'SMf Decorations carried out in a color scheme of maize and blue will make up the background for the second annual Pan-Hellenic ball which the Michigan women will hold tomorrow 'evening in Granger's dancing aca- demy; Jeane E. Briggs, '25, general chair- man of the ball will lead the grand march with Don W. Hendrick, '28M, and will be followed in the line of procession by the chairman of the various committees and the delegates to - Pan-Hellenic from the sorority houses. The grand march is scheduled to begin at 9:30 o'clock. Granger's regular orchestra with the addition of two extra pieces, mak- ing a total of 10 pieces, will play for the dancing which will last until 2 o'clock. Breakfasts will be held at' many of the sorority house and tea rooms on compus following the ball, These breakfasts will begin at 1:30 o'clock and will terminate one hour ater. Announcement has been made by ! the chairman that every sorority rep- resentative for the Pan-Hellenic ball will be held responsiblepfor distri- butingtime favors and programs to the . women in her particular house who will attend the ball. Independent women may obtain their programs and favors by presenting their tickets to Betty Drack, '25, between 3 and 5 1 o'clock tomorrow in the corridor of Barbour gymnasium. The list of patrons and patronesses for the Pan-Hellenic ball include: President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton, Dean John R. Effinger and i Mrs. Effinger, Dean Joseph I. Bursley and Mrs., Bursley, Dean W. R. Hump- 'hreys and Mrs. Humphreys, Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Amy Hobart and Miss Grace Richards. LDNGOTH OUTLINES LEGISLATIVEPROGRAM4 Washington, Nov. 26. (By A. P.)-A tentative legislative program for the House for the first four days of the approaching short session of Con- gress was outlined today by Repre- sentative Longworth of Ohio, the Re- 'ublican floor leader. lHe said the House, after convening I next Monday probably would author- ize the speaker to appoint a commit- tee to serve with a similar Senate comnmittee to notify tie president that Congress was ready to transact bus- iness, and then adjourn out of re- 'pect to members who have died since the last session. Tuesday, the House expects to re- tceive the annual message from the President which this year is to be read to both houses in joint session, i and also any other messages that may ' be sent from the White House. Wednesday he said will be set aside for the consideration of bills on { the calendar. The Naval committee, he added plans to bring up a measure providing for numerous changes in the administration of the navy. The Interior appropriation bill, he announced, is scheduled to be taken up Thursday. Other bills which have been report- ed from committees and are awaiting house action he said are the Howell- 3amrkle bill to abolish the Railroad Labor board, the Haugen bill to amend the Packers act in a way de- signed to prevent discrimination against co-operative marketing agen- cies; and the White radio measure wvhich would give the Department of Commerce broader power in the reg- ulation of radio transmission. Nurses TO Occupy HoMe In Jan uary Y Though the new nurses' home will - be ready by Christmas as planned, it - will probably not be until after the -, first of the new year that nurses will s j move into the structure. Furniture I for the building will not be ready until that time. I Michigan will present the society, concerning, accomplishments of t carried on here. They car Klein; Prof. R. A. J. M. Cork, Prof. Geor Prof. D. L. Rich, Prof lack, Prof. N. H. Wilhi Dennison, and E. J. Ma 't Crl [a papers before in his field. He has recently com- the nature and pleted a speaking tour through New he work being York and other eastern states, and are: Prof. Os- he comes to Ann Arbor with a mes- Sawyer, Prof.; sage for every business man. Mr. ge A. Lindsay, j Griest has chosen as his subject for 0. S. Duffen- next Tuesday, "The Need of Practical ams, Dr. David Training in Business." xrtin. j1 I f 1 i 7 - The program for the meeting will Union o H ld consist of the presentation of papers Friday morning, an' informal lun- Matinee Dance cheon at the Union Friday noon, and ._ a resumption of the addresses in the I There will be a matinee dance this! afternoon and an inspection of the afternoon in the ball room of the physics laboratory followed by an in- Union for those who remain in town forumal dinner Friday evening. On today, open to general membership.' Saturday the same schedule will be R The regular Union orchestra will play (Continued on Page Two.) and dancing will be from 2:30 o'clock, to 5:30 o'clock. Tickets. may be had at the main desk at the regular price' THANKSGIVING of $.75. The collegians at the U. of M. Name Director For ha"ve lots to be thankful for. The Biological Station splendid democratic government ! f th hautiful campus. i r P rof.P-q- Wleh of the zooloy-vde- u Subscriptions for senior pictures in the Michiganensian were made by more than 70 members of the senior class yesterday. There are now only a few seniors who have neglected to fill out the subscription blanks pro- vided at the 'Ensian office in the Press building. Yesterday was set by the Yearbook staff as the last pos- sible date for seniors to make appli- cation for their 'Ensian pictures, as th Oseet co-eds, the inepicure the swcet co-eds, the fine picture artnt. . has eenappintedUacting partment has been appointed acting