PAGE EIGHT "I'H MICHIGAN DAILY ----------- D1AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructi've notice tt, all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. P-esident until 3:40 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday. Volume 6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1924 Number 54 Library Measures Fluctuc tions Ofx Student Ambition! Construction On New Air Tunnel Nears Completion i I -. - ----- , ____ THANKSGIVING DAY PROCLAMATION By the Governor: Thanksgiving Day this year should mean much to the American people. We are blessed with a reasonable degree of prosperity and the outlook for the future is encouraging. In spite of the many handicaps under which our governmental operations are carried on, our people, as a whole, are making steady advances in the cause of good government. The progressive spirit which they repeatedly manifest in relation to the public service, demonstrates their faith in Amer- ican institutions and the stability of constitutional government. For these great blessings and the many good things that are ours, it is most fitting that we should render united thanks to Almighty God, the giver of all that is good. Therefore, in pursuance Hof our time honored custom and in accordance with the proclamation issued by the President of the United States and by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of Michigan, I hereby desig- nate Thursday, November 27, 1924, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. Given tnder my hand and the Great Seal of the State this thirteenth day of Novemiber, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty- four, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-eighth. Alex. J. Groesbeck, Governor. Facuity of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Attention is called to the mid-semester report cards which are being dis- tributed through the Dean's messenger boxes. All members of the faculty are asked to report cases of students whose work so far has been unsatis- factory. Such reports, in order to be of any service to the student concerned, should be made promptly. W. I. Hnmphreys. Geological and Geographical Journal Clubs: There will be a combined meeting of the Geological and Geographical Journal Clubs in Room G436, Natural Science Building, at 7:30 p. in., on Wednesday November 26th. Program: "The Wheat Situation" By Professor McMurry. All interested are cordially invited to attend. R. L. Belknap, yecretary. Twilight Organ Recital (Postponed:) The usual organ recital will be omitted today; instead Mr. Christian will give a special concert Sunday, November 30, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public is invited except that children under ten years of age, forobvious reasons, will not be admitted. Chailes A. Sink, Secretary. Notice to All Naval-Reservists: The regular weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wednesday, November 26, at 7:30 p. m., in the R. O. T. C. Drill Bail. Lt. L. C. Leever, Commanding. Political Science 31-a, American Government: Assignment for week ending Thursday, December 4, Ogg & Ray, Chapter XXV. J. J% Hayden. Foreign Students: Foreign Students who entered the'College of Engineering and Architecture this semester will see me in my office, Room 28 East Hall, 4 to 6 p. in., Wed- nesday or Friday to discuss with me the reports on their work sent me by their instructors. J. Raleigh Nelson. Alpha Nu: On account of the holiday tomorrow, the regular meeting of Alpha Nu Will be postponed until next week. James J. Dunn. University of Michigan Band: Regular rehearsal tonight at seven o'clock at the band hall. Arthur 3f. Smith, Manager. Notice Respecting Parking of Cars in Campus Driveway: Parking of cars anywhere in the driveway between North University Ave- nue and the parking space east of Mason Hall not only causes inconvenience to all using the driveway for proper purposes, but is a positive source of danger to other automobiles and to persons. This is particularly the case when cars are so parked at night. Such disregard of the rights and safety of others may be expected, hereafter, to result in cancellation of the Campus parking permit. Shirley .W. Smihi, Secretary Now that football season is over Michganstuent ar agin xpCted After two years of work, the air Michigan students are again expecte tunnel for the testing of airplane pro- tontion toemjr ato their atiIC,~to yellers. which is being built in the te cha t phe tu d codigto East Engineering building, is nearing the chart kept by the University;cmlto.Tetunlbigbit library indicating average study hall;cmlto.Tetne en ul here is one of the few in the country. attendance. For years a graph n11 Hli- . C. Sadler, professor of naval brary use has served as a remark- architecture and marine engineering, ably accurate reflecticn of thr amnount and F. W. Pawvlowski, professor of of time students spend on their work aeronautical engineering, who were and this graph shows that more chiefly instrumental in designing the books are in circulation toward the tunnel, have incorporated in it the end of November than at alnost any best features of similar tunnels in other period of the year. all parts of the world. A fairly high average in book use is In many phases of its construction always maintained until January, !tile tunnel, which is being built bf when the cramming for finals causes telect woods, requires as much skill a great increase, as that of violin making. Besides mid-semesters and finals, The air rotates through three hori- the weather is an important factor in Iontal tunnels more than 50 feet long determining circulation and the num- and of diameter slightly greater than ber of people in the study halls." In an airplane propeller. Place is pro- winter the library becomes a popular vided for mounting the propeller in place for students to spend their the air current of the central tunnel. spae ftie but with spr eng, attend- Air locks are provided at the en- ance falls. rtrance doors. The roomshousing the anc fals.tunnel are entirely, air tight. In en- Alaphs show a slight rise beore tering the room when the tunnel is spring vacation and from then on a in use, the person enters the air lock, slow decline. Even the June finals the air pressure is changed to corres- fail to draw students to the study- pond 'with that in the tunnel, and hals.dthen he enters the room. During the last five years the graphs have revealed, besides the Evanston, Ill., Nov. 25.-"Scrawl" monthly use of the library, the fact is the name just given to the new that the average circulation for the campus literary magazine which re- whole year has increased far more cently made its appearance at North- than the increase inlstud(enlts.i western university. According to William Warner Bish- -esternuniversty. op, 'librarian, this is probably due in Munich, Nov. 25.-German beer is to part to additional required reading have more kick after Jan. 1 when for in more advanced courses, to better the first time since the war all re-, facilities for service in the study strictions on brewers will be re- halls, qnd to a higher enrollment in moved. the graduate school, where the courses demand more research work. Your Subscription is payable now. I+ I WUATPS GOING ON Notices to appear in this column must e left in the box at the Daly office provided for tnat purpose before . I o'lockprecceding the day of issue. WEDNESDAY 12:15--Mathemnatical club luncheon in Michigan Union. 7:00- Band rehearsal in Band 1:11ll. 7:30-University Naval Reserve unit! meets in R. 0. T. C. drill hall. :730 - Geological and Geographical Journal club meets in room G-436, Natural Science building. THURSDAY 7:00-Church of Christ students' hike starts from corner of Jefferson and State streets. 10:30-Thanksgiving University Ser- vice at Hill auditorium. b :00-Thanksgiving party at the Pres- byterian church. GARRICK MATINEES Thanksgtv.n (Thurs Nights 60o to S2.50 and Sat. 60c to $1.60 SIMON CALLEDI PETER A DARING PLAY It Calls a Spade a Spade Thanks giving Dinner MENU Soup Willets Best Celery Olives Wafers * * * Roast Young Turkey Chestnut Dressing 'Tenderloin of Beef Mushroom Sauce Hubbard Squash Mashed Potatoes Cranberry Sherbet Rolls * * * Dessert Home Made Mince or Pumpkin Pie New England Fruit Pudding with Vanilla Sauce Brick Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk * * * 12 to 2 P. M. Price, $1.00 Tables Reserved WILLITS Phone 173 315. South State Tours to Europe-Summer of 1925 FOR STUDENTS, TEACHERS, ARTISTS ETC. 30 Day Tour-All $30a d Up LONDON, BRUSSELS Expenses Included AND PARIS SAILINGS END OF JUNE AND EARLY JULY 11 I 4tu.UULU!Ju. 2 ~ \~ I <~1/ IA 71- / rl Other Tours Include In Charge of Competent Directors Thor- Italy, Switzerland at oughly Experienced in European Moderate Cost. Travel. WALTER H. WOODS CO. BOSTON 80 BOYLSTON STREET MASS r °a 2741 Mandy, Make Up Your Mind Eliza Oriole Orchestra 2747 Tea For Two The Blues Have Got Me Marion Harris 2738 Tell Me, Dreamy Eyes Land O' Lingo Blues Isham Jones and His Orchestra S 1=F LE K STOFFLET .Te Sign of Jusical Prestige { g { PHONOGRAPHS ANOD RECODS You Should 'p, I ear The SMARTLY dressed men in the style centers of the world know there is no substitute for a Stetson. qTETSONT T-TT ig Ictor 7 '1 Pa Hellenic Ball Permissions Each group desiring to have permission to entertain guests from the Pan Hellenic Ball at Breakfast must apply directly to the office of the Dean ofSr Women, by Wednesday, November 26. This permission will last only until 2:30 a. in., instead of until 3:30 as previously announced. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. More Directories Itltllat: lttt1tmt1mtmmmmmmmmmm lm m limmmm 1mmmm llmmm m ttmmttm tltt" To Be-Sold Today TIME'S FLYING- Announcement was made yesterday ORDER NOW! that 40 copies of the 1924-25 student directory will be placed on sale to-hC day at the Publications office in the Christmas Greetng Cards Press Building. These copies were kept ou t for sale to the business men iE V S M L O K T Y U E V C of the"townand as all of theni ere NEW SAMPLE BOOKS AT YOUR SERVICE not sold they will be offered to the, students today. 95 R S IT Y Paris, Nov. 25.-Minister of Corn- B O O K S T 0 R E merce Raynaldy has introduced in the chamber his bill for revising the cus- I toms tariff. G: Nl lll lll ll llllill lltlli ]lIII M IIIIIifillI llill 11110 tl ttlltlltt itt it - .. lWflflMU fl .U,aawaEnU ,*lUla Mras, Iwm . U f l. 6 ET p p till Rec, IF ord Pits I EXTAT ROUSERS, F of this week, with every Suit Order WE WILL GIVE AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS ABSOLUTELY FREE. reserved. This means that you have the selection of our entire stock of Domestic and Imported Woolens Thanksgiving! HOW that word is freighted with mean- ing! How it takes us back to our boyhood days and what Thanksgiving meant to us then. And today-how thankful we canl be for living in a prosperous, peaceful country, our people well-fed, happyv and contented. For this we are grateful and we trust that America and Americans may always have abundant cause- to celebrate this Thanksgiving season. #XT/dPL n ASK FOR VICTOR RECORD No. 19484 It Is the Feature Number for the Week Everything Musical University Music House Starting the first No materials, arei BETTER GET IN ON THIS The earlier you place your order the more you are assured of securing your suit in time for vacation. This means a saving to you of from Ten to Twenty Dollars on your suit and extra trousers. T NKER & COMPANY .--l , .- . -: . Tew 0.Q r 1 IFs m1II IlHI