THE MICT-IIGAN DATLY W 1" 1,;, -N E s 1). ";", N, 10V il-, it i .21 E R 2 0, THE MICHICAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NO~VEMBER 26, Jill OeZ BROWN TO CA PTAI N'''Be'Retains LeadIn Scoring 1825 GRID SQUD OnEastern Teams __enkert, the sensational halfback First, Contr To Be Chosen Captan of the Rutgers eleven, retained his Of a Michagan TeamIn 3any I lead over the leading scorers in the Years eastern intercollegiate football camps, by scoring a touchdown in the game TWO LETTER MAN Saturday with the Bucknell team which broughit his total to an even 100 points. Robert Brown, who was elected to j Benkert's :;cord is two points more captain Michigan's 1,925 Varsity foot- than George Pfann of Cornell, who ball squad, yesterday has one of the led the scorers in the East last year. most unique records of any member He has the sixteen touchdowns- to his of the Wolverine grid team. credit, and has crossed the goal lines He has more minutes of play to his of his opponents more times than any record this year than any other mem- player in the eastern section of the ber of the Varsity. {country. Captain Brown has the distinction McBride of Syracuse has kicked the of being the first center to be chosen most field goals and Hazel of Rutgers captain of the team in years. Every has scored the most points after other psition on the line has been touchdowns. filled by a captain in the last seven I Eddie Tryon of the Colgate team years. Goetz, captain in 1919 and 1920, failed to add to his total last Satur- was a tackle, Dunne, leader of the day against Syracuse, but still holds 1921 squad was a guard, and Coebel, second place in the scoring column, captain in 1922 was an end. with 89 points to his credit. The new Michigan captain has an- enviable record. Regarded as nothing Plan M eets For more than a second string substitute at the beginning of last season,, he Frosh Wrestlers. got his chance at a regular birth when Jack' Blott, an all-American Coacli Botchen, freshman wrest- selection had his ankle broken in the ling coach has been working his Wisconsin game. Since that time squad of 25 mat candidates tree Brown has been one of the main-; sa f23ti canatesthe stays in the Michigan line and is re- times a week i xreparatio f the garded as one of the best centers who leets that are expected to be sched- played in the Western Conference this' uled this winter. year. In past years the only meets that Brown played through the Wiscon- the freshmen took part in were those sin and Minnesota games last year scheduled by the intramural depart- and hy the end of the season had ment. Coach Botchen is planning on shown- the coaches that he had the giving his men actual experience nbility to become a true successor to with outside teams. It is planned to Schultz, Vick, and Blott, formerly schedule meets with somne Detroit all-American centers at Michigan. teams and possibly with the Michi- With his reputation firmly established gan Aggie freshmen. this year there is every reason to Material in the lighter weights is expect that in another year lie will abundant but there is ,a scarcity of make a great bid for all-American men in the 158 pound class and the honors. I light-heavyweight division. Doster, is In every dgame this season Brown the only candidate in the 115 pound las displayed brilliant football. His ciass, and Solomon is the lone can- last two games brought him up against didate in the 125 pound division. The Tee Young and Bobby Watts, both ,a indth 15 punddivsin.cahe of Ohio, and Griffen of Iowa. In spite .pound weight is well taken care of their reputations none of the three of in Wincher, Watson, Ratner, and wore able to hold the Michigan center Brummett. Brand and Efner are the who opened up' hole after hole for only 145 pound candidates. Restelli the plunges of his teammate Marion and Hills now weigh 155 pounds, but on the offense and stemmed the at- when in condition will enter in the tacks of the rival backs. Michigan's 145 pound class. Coach Botchen has center of the line has been its strong- two good prospects in the heavy- ost department this year and togeth- weight division in George and Pres- er with Slaughter and Selk, Brown cott. Prescott is a 205 pounder, while must be given a large share of the j George tops the scales with 195 credit. pouu(s. , Coach Botchen makes an urgent is E 1 FRESHRN COURT SflhIAfl flu'T 10' CROSS COUNTRY NOTICE I The Intramural All-Campus cross country run will- be held this afternoon. The race O PE 10 REB'lD Many Feature Games On Grid iNKFA'K1R Programs In Souh And E as U UI will startyatV4:1 o'clock from lii 1111L d Although the final curtain was low- ranking position west of the Missi- i Coach Fisher ES poots sketbli~lI Waterman gymnasium. All men t Oieiriit Survey Ilanto ced on football in the Western Con- ssipPi. 1 uch to he Excets Wita report to Coach Sullivan in the Ii Athletieiia re to a t ference last Saturday, and in spite In the south the Alabama-Ceorgia Squad to be Inecased lfith gmnsim.stimate Damage to begmea irigamsoudbara gynsu.iIho ftefc em game at Birmingham should be ara BriidI MenI Repaired of the =fact thatmany teams the battle, each team having suffered on country over have already disbanded one defeat this season. Alaa a feH MANY EXPERIENCED HOCKEY SCHEDULED fir the year, the Thanksgiving Day to Centre 17 to 0, while Yale nosed ____-_bill will contain a numoer or import- out Georgia 7 to 6 in one of the hard- Inspite of a cut of 34 men, Coach -*IOfficials of the Athletic association ant contests, especially in the south est fought contests of the year. Ala- Shave not yet been able to make a de- and east. bama has taken the measure of him nightly at Waterman gymnasium ; afinite yecision egarding the possiblity In the east, the most important at- Georgia Tech 14 to 0, and feels con- for the yearling basketball squad. Thism of repairing Weinberg's Coliseum to traction will be the annual clash be- fident that tomorrow she can establish numr wiyll bswell tomore thns a sufficient exteng to make possible tween Pnnsylvania and Cornell, at a claim to the southern title by' do- number will be swelled to more than ichigan's intramural basketball th carring out othehkey pched- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is one of feating the other Georgia aggregation. a hundred when the freshman foot- season will open Dec. 1 when compe- uhe tais witer, the few teams in the seaboard section Vanderbilt, fresh from its victory tition between all school teams will eoe Little and Coach that has thus far staved off defeat over the supposedly rejuvenated Min- So far this- year the practice ses- commence at Waterman gymnasium. and will be out to keep its record nesota eleven which a week previous sions have been devoted to scrim- Seven leagues including teams repre- have been looking fver the remains spotless; wb;ie Cornell is; put to had sent the fighting Illini down to mages between picked teams, by which esotnting the following units will com-kg revenge itself on the unoffending a 20 to 7 defeat, will clash with method Coach Fisher isenabled tof ti hes fol tnnits, om- of the Coliseum. and they av foundI Pennsylvanians for a season of re- Sewanee at Nashville in a good old mto Coc Fshrienle o Pete: Classes, fraternities, societiesta t vnai o 'separ'ate his material and to get a say e ps p verses. While Penn is favored by the southern battle. Texas and Texas line on the individual members of the statisticians, the frantic desire of the Aggies will meet in their annual groups, and the R. 0. T. C. unit. Man- enough to leave the actual skating Ithica eleven to strengthen its per- struggle at Austin to decide the s'quad. A cut of about '0) men a wreek Ia ers of the various units are request- surface in good enough shape to use will be the regular order until the ae toete ther teas arte ras- stfe dame waspne to tse. centage column by a win in its final athletic supremacy of their respective 'squad has been reduced to aworking t nt tertt e game may add another turnover to instittions. numbe . mural offices. end which was used as a paint shop, the year's list of upsets. Florida vs. Drake at (a.insville and hary hiih school and smaller col- Providing athletic activity forlie anda new roof and rafters may be Second place interest is divided be- "the Louisiana-Tulane game at Baton ege ars are tring out for time team. e: nt number of university students all that is necessary to put the burn- tween the Penn State-Pittsburg clash[ Rouge are headliners to their resie- Ma rs real for the center and forward mI involved in a single sport, intramural ed section back into repair. The sur at Pittsburgh and the Columbia-Syra- tive followers below 'he Mason Dixon positions is abundant. baitus, a Al-tbsketball will find even a greater vey -of the nlant has been going on cuse battle in New York city. Both line. sta e nmn from Suencer, Ia., who'number of entries this year according for several days, and a dlecision may of these games are annual battles and,- plaedmaomthenerI.,fwoato ,dvance inlications. Practice ses- be reached by te end of the week. of immense importance to the follow- Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 25.-Twen- fresdan tea n is trying out for the a ns for all teams have been as- Inasmuch as the weather will soon ers of the conflicting aggregations. !ty-two members of the 1924 Univer- pIvot position. Janura an Kelley, edon Monday. Tuesday, Wednes- be cold enough to form ice,-it is ne- The Brown-Colgate ganie at Provi- sity of Minnesota football squad were xperiencedmen from the Chicago ay. and 'Thu sday night from 6 cessary that quick acticn be taken dence and the vashington and Jeffer- reconmended for the "M" award for pr no'clock until 10 o'clock, the schedule if ichi an is to be represented with son-West Virginia struggle at Morgan- w kr, during hgscolcourts; Kern, a freshman I if ihca stobE~wt their vor on the grdiron duin on the eampus, played four years in to start Dcc. 1. Play will commence! a squad on the ice. In case the pro- town will vie with each other for the the past season, high school and two seasons at Kal-iafter Christmas vacation. Treams de- ject of repairing the Coliseum fails place next in importance among the gh hK ring court space for practice mustto mnaterializ, it is possible that some -Thanksgiving Day games of the east. amazoo; Martin and Fishbech gained irn scrtsa for pra must other arrangement may be mde ly nthe middle west the Kansas- 5 oIfINO NOTICE their preliminary experience at the Imnakae reservations at the Intramural oteIragmnnvy mmtceb WMIGNTC College of the Ctiy of Detroit. Cush- office. the Athletic association ocils, bt Missouri cotest at Columbia will inga Riggs, of nn Arb reno definite plan has been settled upon draw a record breaking crowd for the Iancy diving candidates for e as et. issouri Valley conference. This game Fotalhso regarded as likely candidates. d i esting I ast year's team was one of the 'is another one of the annual Turkey I reuearsit swimmingteaocc .For the guard positions mere ae: To y srth maday or entr two best in the Conference, and the day grid games and should prove a. e datose kato'clock I Lagerborn, an All-county man at it the lnterfratrnity - Wrestling prospects for this while not ip and tuck battle from start t a (c ths aller t the Corning, N. Y.; Shutts, of Cleveland; tournament. phenomenal, are goo. last year's finish." The Nebraska-Oregon Aggies i u a cu the g at he Hertzler, of Harrisburg, Pa., and j Each fraternity must enter three team was green in several spots, yet battle at Lincoln will be another im- northes e of t oe Coates, who is a freshman on the 'wen. The weights are 135, 160 and it came through- in line style nd portant clash in that section.r Tulers arc urged to try ot ! campus, having played football and -ver. Three pounds overweight will started to establish for Michigan a re-q Nearer home there is the uniue Or i even basketball at Lawrence college. be allowed when the contestantsk University of Detroit-McGill Univer- Molenda and Oosterbaan, both All- weigh in the night of their first 1ey name i the field of ice hik- ity of Canada contest, one half of American basketball men, will report match. The tournent is conducted year A of 0th the game being decided under Can- -_!_T in another month. ya are back, and with C apt. Dan - -a ue ndteohrhlfudr r . l 'hA F ___n_____n______h________m___nth-______ on straight elimination basis. IFouts Petermansta defense, tledules and the other half under VA Y FIAC will be three minutes long. The meet .et~ta redefe ret ntolat American. Both teams have been in- ------- ! starts December first. sextA, the team should work to as corporating the other's style of play All candidates for Varsity Fraagr good, if not bletter form than that of F T i should make certain that their frater- ayrd, int ethere is sni pro- and tactics into their practices for track will be assigned lockers FREaAN TRK etaroIn case there is some Pro-the last two weeks, and each will at- staritig this afternoon at the y s rvision made to provide the players , tempt to show up its opponent at its ield house Tryouts for the freshman iith aplace to play. own game. It should prove a novel A. V. HNRRICK, track squad will report this af- I Swinuuning attraction. Manager. ternoon at Waterman gymnas- All entries for the interfraternity Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 25.--Ohio No games of intersectional interest um. CHAIRLES lIoYT, swimming meet should be handed in Sto Will not miet Cornell on the cr inters ,heolastic rivalry are cardeq_ Coach. at the Intramural office as soon as gridiron in 1925, it was announced: for the west; the Denver-Colorado E______(Continued on Page Seven) . here today by athletic officials. Aggies contest at Denver holding the Pay for your Subscription today. No= W"R en an =a U= wnma =m am W== WU m ae ~. a ea aa= --: It C osts Less to 3uy Good Clothing:: II 1 II" RPI I Overcoats The combination of the best in Material Lacking On Boxing Squad With only a few new men and four ol last year's squad boxing regularly at Waterman gymnasium, "Ted" Sul- liv i, boxing instructor at Waterman gymnasiui; wishes to emphasize the fact that more men are wanted. If he is able to build up a strong team, Coach Sullivan feels that it might become a recognized sport in i he future and more men is the way to do it. Now that football has pass- ed from the horizon any men -who like- to box are welcome to report at the gym and workout. There is always a scarcity of heavy' eights and Coach Sullivan would like to see more of them training. Smyser and McKecknie, two of the best men last year, are back again although a heavy schedule has kept the latter from working out often. Gerry Richardson and Ramdy Dick-, inson are also last year's men andI both have great possiblities. This year the squad will box the same schools that it did last year and I any additional ones that they are able' to schedule. The boxing show will also be held as usual in March.. j ':--ppeal for canididates, so that, the iresht en will be represented in their full itrength in the proposedmeets. Ralph Smith Goes To Grand Rapids Rapl, Smith, '24, of Grand Rapids, who has been active in journalistic work n the Michigan campus for the last three years will take up repor- torial duties with the Grand Rapids Press Monday, Dec. 1. Smith is a rmember of Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic fraternity. For the last year, Smith has been the Ann Arbor representative of the Detroit Free Press. Previous to that time, he was with the Ann Arbor Times News. He received his B. A. degree from Michigan last June. Champaign, Ill., Nov. 25.-Harold Grange, the 1924 football sensation, was elected to captain the Illinois team in 1925 grid campaign. Chicago, Ill., Nov. 2.-Fred Hend- erson, of Butte, Mont., will captain the Chicago Maroons in 1925, as a re- suilt of the elections held here yes- terday. ' r p '. -; , r> ; ;, , t Rf 'y l Res Yu1 :' I' c t i i 5 E Imported Leather Bl1ack anrad Tan Scotch grain in soft toe models. $10 'Q WLAGN&COP IY Jfor ften c Srnce 1&4& Kodaks Story Thanksgiving Recess -Gathers the Family. Kodak Keeps the Story Take home a Kodak this Vacation for Pictures of the Folks. Kodaks, All Styles $6.50 Up Calkins-F'elcher Drug Co. Sodas I A ,_...- . Ii r I . I !i I II }, I .j fft - m i . { . I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Bats in Wide Pullovers New Patterns in Medium Weight Wool $7.00 to $20.00 the way of materials, workman- ship and style make these coats desirable. $48 to $78 $1.50 Neckw- ear Stripes S A 9 n 0 0 s e 0 s t i I i I I ii CI r v I Alexander Shoes are built to with- stand the bad winter weather. ALEXANDER Inc. Fnntlhear fnr Men I I 1 I I If The fians Shop GREENWOOD AND KILGORE I I Stnte- .Street fiv I I _